Unit 8 Lesson 3
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 第一课时 教学设计
本文主题语境是关于人与自然,语篇类似是科幻小说。本课是第八单元的第三课阅读语篇,语篇是科幻小说《海底两万里》的节选,主要描述了主人公“我”,一个教授,从船上掉入海中后,意外被水中一艘看似海中巨大怪物的潜水艇救下、带走的一个留有悬念的故事。 《海底两万里》是儒勒·凡尔纳的一部科幻小说。故事发生在1866年,海洋中出现了一种不知名的怪物,阿龙纳克斯教授作为一名海洋动物的专家,随远征队去剿灭怪物,不料却掉入海中,被怪物一艘名为“鹦鹉螺"号的潜艇所救。于是,他和神奇的尼摩船长开始了一段惊险、神奇的海底旅行。他们登上从未有人到达过的南极;目睹了海底火山喷发的壮观景象及凄惨的海底沉船;领略了美丽而又充满危险的海底世界本课节选内容:我(教授)从被撞击的船上掉进海里,为了服侍我,忠心耿耿的仆人康赛尔也跳入海中,用自己的胳膊抻住我,在两人都要精疲力竭之时,同样落水的船员加拿大人奈德在不远处回应了两人的呼救,他被不明物从水中承托出海面得救,随后不明物也将我托起海面,最终几人都被不明物——潜水船里的人带入船内。
本节课授课对象为高二11班的学生,学生基础一般,部分学生对《海底两万里》中文版的内容也略知一二, 但直接阅读一部具有年代感的科幻小说的节选,且在语境上的铺垫和线索有缺失的情况下,可能会比较困难且容易读不懂。因此教师先提前将按照文中的故事发展情节进行大致划分,让学生对文章框架有整体把握,再进行深入阅读,同时了解文章细节,分析主要人物特征,学习文章的一些好词好句以及一些短语的使用。
准确朗读与拼写Unit8 Lesson3的词汇;
Steps Activities Intention Time
Step 1 Review some words and share background information Guess the Chinese meaning of the words. Then check the answer of exercise. Introduce some background information about 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. To review the words and get prepared for some background knowledge. 6 mins
Step 2 Read for details Read lines 1-6. How did "I" describe the situation when we were trapped in danger And fill in the blanks. Read lines 1-6 aloud. phrases: (P36 L1) have no clear recollection of (P36 L2) fall from (p36 L6) be/get lost Through a series of tasks, students will understand the situation when they were trapped in danger. To develop the habit of reading aloud and understand the meanings of newly taught phrases. 9 mins
Read lines 7-24. How did"I" behave before "I" was saved Analyse the character traits of Conseil. Language focus:feel + 宾语 + 过去分词 phrases: (P36 L6) in desperation (P36 L10) fill with (P36 L11)struggle against (P36L12)feel myself drawn (P36 L15)hold on sth. (P36 L15)grab one's arm (P36 L20)in one’s service (P36 L23)depend on To explore the article in detail through a series of tasks. To analyze Conseil's personality traits. Students need to state the basis of the text when analyzing the character traits. To learn past participle as object complement. To understand the meanings of newly taught phrases. 11 mins
Read lines 25-32. What happened when Conseil cried for help in the passage Their fingers and mouth became numb from the cold water. The strange animal they were thinking of attacked them. “I” became unconscious and sank underwater. A human voice responded to them. phrases: (P36 L26) respond to____________ (P36 L27) come into one’s head___________ (P37 L31) raise one’s head_____________ Understand some details when encountering a dangerous situation again and being saved. Master phrases that describe these details in these scenarios when experiencing them again and being saved. 6 mins
Step 3 Consolidation and summary Review the text. The violent crash threw the professor into the sea. He__________________________ (不清楚地记得) the falling, but he saw his boat disappearing in the east. So he___________________(绝望地朝船游去), only to sink deeper. Suddenly he _______________________(觉得自己很快被拉出) up to the surface of the sea. He____(抓住) Conseil’s shoulder. However, deep into the night the professor was terribly tired from the long time swimming. Conseil had to keep him up and their preservation __________(依靠) Conseil alone. Conseil cried for help and surprisingly a human voice______________ (回应) his cry. The professor know not why, the thought of the strange, terrible animal _____________________ (出现在他的脑海)for the first time! Apply what they have learned. Review and recall what they have learned in this lesson. 7 mins
Homework Copy the phrases in both Chinese and English twice. Go over the content that you have learned and preview the upcoming paragraphs. To further consolidate what have been learnt and prepare for the upcoming learning. 1 min
Lesson 3
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea