Unit 5 Happy birthday! 教案


名称 Unit 5 Happy birthday! 教案
格式 zip
文件大小 9.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(刘兆义主编)
科目 英语
更新时间 2014-10-21 09:34:32



Unit5 (Part10 )

(三)年级( 上 )册 (英语 )学科集体备课表
备课时间 主 备 人 主 备 人所在单位 城内小学
课 题 Unit 5 Happy birthday! Part 10 课 型 歌曲
课时分配 1 第 1 课时
项 目 内 容 修改栏
教 学 目 标 知 识能 力 1.Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in the song.2.Get Ss to know more about Christmas Day and New Year’s Day3.Develop student’s teamwork spirit and enable Ss to know more about festivals and love their life.
过 程方 法 Help Ss to feel and understand the song using the pictures. At last let Ss sing the song.
情 感态 度价值观 1.使学生了解西方节日,拓宽视野。2.让学生了解在新年到来之时可以通过向亲友表示问候,或与亲友互赠贺卡等形式表示对人的一种关怀和爱,以增加人与人之间的感情。
教学重点 Word: Christmas 以及与此相关的短语Christmas Day, Christmas card, Christmas tree and New Year’s Day
教学难点 How to use the new words and drills to talk about the customs of Chinese and western festivals.
教学、教具(课件)准 备 Some pictures of Christmas Tree…A Tape recorder
教 学 流 程 评论或修改
教 学 环 节 教 师 活 动 预设学生活动
Step I.Warm-upSing the song <>together.(英语歌曲或书名不用书名号,要么是斜体,要么就是引号。The birthday song)And listen to another song 《Happy New Year》Step II.Presentation(1)Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Guess, It’s a Western holiday. On a holiday. People don’t work, Children don’t go to school. It’s on December 25th.What’s this T:板书Christmas Christmas is special,Do you know why (2)教师向学生出示一本2013年的挂历,并说It’s new .引出并教学单词new.翻开挂历的第一页问学生,这是一个什么日子?教学New Year这个词。T:What do people usually say to others on that day 引导学生说出Happy New Year.StepIII.Listen and sing the song <>1. T:Turn to Page 41,Help them feel and understand it using pictures. 2. Listen to the song. 3.With the help of pictures and calendars on the test,Teach Christmas Day and New year’s Day. 4. Using many forms,Such as T and Ss sing,boys and girls sing,sing in groups etc .You’d better do some simple actions. 5.T sets an example Using Teacher’s Day.Lead Ss make another song. 6.Teach greeting words about festivals.T drill the other songs like Mother’s Day ,Children’s Day with the students.7.T choose the students of 2 or 3 groups and act out in the front Homework:Sing the song <>to your parents after class. 歌曲导入,激发学生学习兴趣 Ss:It’s Christmas S1:Because we have Christmas trees. 教师引导的很好,步步递进,可以再多注重一下读,或者可以小组活动一下 课堂组织的很好 Ss listen to the song. Ss listen again,Look at the pictures and mime,follow the tape. Ss sing the song once more. 歌曲导入时候我选的歌曲是Jingle bells,和圣诞节的联系更紧密些吧。方法得当,流程流畅,有参考价值!
板 书 设 计 Christmas New Year Christmas Day New Year’s Day Christmas tree Happy New Year Christmas card 和学生强调圣诞节快乐和新年快乐的区别。一个是merry,一个是happy