北京版五上 Unit 4 Revision Lesson 13 整体教学设计+课件


名称 北京版五上 Unit 4 Revision Lesson 13 整体教学设计+课件
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 北京版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-25 15:08:17


Unit 4 Revision
Lesson 13
Do you remember what we learned in the first three units Let’s review.
Let’s review
Chicken or fish, which do you like better
I like fish better.
It’s yummy.
Let’s review
I like English best. I do best in English.
Which class do you like best
Let’s review
I like reading, but I like drawing better.
Let’s review
Sorry I can’t. I must stay at home.
Would you like to come to my house
Let’s review
Sorry. I need to finish my homework first.
Can I use your computer
Let’s review
Yes, let’s.
The windows are dirty. Shall we clean them this afternoon
Let’s review
It’s on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar.
When is the Mid-Autumn Festival
Let’s review
We eat Chongyang cake on that day.
Let’s review
Can you tell me more about Halloween
Children dress up at night and knock on doors for candy.
What are they talking about Let’s listen!
Listen and number
Listen and check
1.I like winter best because I love snow.
2. The little girl borrows fairy tales from the library every week.
3.Shall we make jiaozi together
4.May I use your computer
What do you like Let’s talk.
Let’s talk
I like singing better.
I sing a lot of songs.
Let’s talk
I like drawing pictures better.
I draw a lot of pictures.
Let’s talk
I like reading books better.
I read a lot of books.
Which … do you like better Why Let’s write.
Let’s write
I like maths because maths is useful.
Let’s write
I like English because English is interesting.
Let’s write
I like moon cakes because moon cakes are yummy.
Do you like tangyuan Do you know how to make them Let’s do.
Let’s do
We need:
1) sticky rice flour(糯米粉)
2) filling: sesame, red bean paste, and Chinese date paste
Let’s do
1) Add water into the sticky rice flour and make a dough(面团).
2) Cut the dough into small pieces and flatten them.
3) Put a bit of the filling on a piece of dough and close it up. Make the whole thing into a ball.
4) When you finish all the tangyuan balls, cook them in boiling water.
Ask and answer
Write a few sentences to tell about tangyuan.
Which kinds of filling do you like
Which kinds of filling do you like better
What do they taste like
At which festival do we eat them
Can you tell more about this festival
I like red bean filling.
I like Chinese date filling better.
They taste sweet.
At Lantern Festival.
Family get together and have a big dinner. We enjoy the lanterns and guess lantern riddles.
Do you know any poems about festivals Let’s read and write.
Let’s read
The noise of firecrackers sends away the old year,
The spring breeze brings warmth into cottages.
The bright rosy sun glows over thousands of houses,
New peach wood charms replace the old ones for good luck.
Let’s read
As a lonely stranger in a strange land,
At every holiday my homesickness increases.
Far away, I know my brothers have reached the peak,
They are planting flowers, but one is not present.
Let’s match
poem 1
poem 2
the Mid-Autumn Festival
the Dragon Boat Festival
the Double Ninth Festival
the Spring Festival
Tomb-sweeping Day
Let’s pair
For Christmas Day.
Through sheaves and
leaves everywhere.
May you have a happy New Year, too.
At this nice, joyful time of year.
Nice things, new things to remember.
The greatest time of the year,
Sing hey! Sing hey!
May all your dreams come true;
Tonight is the night
when pumpkins stare,
N for neighbours and November,
Must do:
1. Read the poems.
2. Get the key points of the poems.
Choose to do:
1.Talk about festivals with your friends.
Unit 4单元整体教学设计
单元课题 五年级上册 教材页码 P26-33
单元主题 意义 本单元复习前面三个单元的不同话题:用比较级描述自己更喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提请求;向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息。复习的知识点有:比较级的用法;如何礼貌地向他人提出要求、中西方节日的相关内容。
教学内容分析 1.来源&内容: 本课出自北京版小学英语五年级上册第四单元。本单元的主题为复习Unit1-Unit 3三个单元关于用比较级描述自己更喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提请求;向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息等内容。 2.纵向知识关联: 功能:询问并回答,介绍,描述。 话题:巩固复习Unit1-Unit 3三个单元话题内容。 语言知识: 2(下)Unit 3 Welcome to my houseWould you like to come to my room Yes, we’d love to.3(上)Unit 7 When is Thanksgiving Can you tell me some of your holidays, Sara When is Thanksgiving It’s in November.3(上)Unit 5 It’s a nice autumn day.I like autumn. I love snowy days.3(上)Unit 7 When is Thanksgiving Can you tell me some of your holidays, Sara When is Thanksgiving It’s in November.3(下)Unit 3 I like jiaozi best.I like jiaozi best.3(下)Unit 5 Children’s DayTomorrow is Children’s Day.4(上)Unit 2 May I speak to Mike May I speak to Mike Speaking.4(上)Unit 5 Which kind would you like Which kind would you like What would you like to eat 4(下)Unit 1 Do you like music I like pop song best.4(下)Unit 3 Can you tell me the way Unit 6 Where can I fly the kite — Can you tell me the way to the gas station — Please drive on, and then turn left at the first corner. — Can I skate here — I’m afraid not. You may fall into the water.4(下)Unit 5 Is May Day a holiday In China, we also call it Labour Day. It’s on May 1st. But in the U.S.A., Labour Day is the first Monday of September.
3.横向知识关联: 本单元作为复习单元,主要复习Unit1-Unit 3三个单元的话题内容。复习关于用比较级描述自己更喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提请求;向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息等内容。 4.单元探究设计:
学情分析 1.年龄特征: 五年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是四年级的衍生又是六年级的铺垫。我们的学生虽然已有四年的英语学习经验,但还有以下一些问题需要解决。部分学生学习兴趣不是很高,个别的学生甚至对学习有厌恶感,同时,许多学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题,回家不会学习,无正确的学习方法,不知如何看书,学习态度谈不上十分端正,回家以后巩固时间很少,且缺乏有效的巩固手段,练的机会明显不足。部分学生学习的目的性不是很强,导致学习习惯不好,学习无明确的计划,有作业就写,无作业就玩。老师布置的作业不能按时完成,回家看书也只是应付家长,作业不能很好完成。 2.知识储备: 通过对前三个单元的学习,学生已经掌握用比较级描述自己更喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提请求;向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息等内容。 3.能力水平: 五年级的学生已具备能够准确从对话当中提炼主要信息的能力;能在语境当中用合适的日常用语表达意愿、建议和邀请;能掌握情态动词的一般用法。
单元目标 在本单元教学结束之际,学生能: 1.能够尝试归纳梳理关于描述自己喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提请求;向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息等核心词汇与句型,并能在相应情境中正确运用; 2.能够进一步巩固Unit1-Unit3单元所学的核心知识和关键话语,能够结合具体话题和情景进行恰当地表达;
Which do you like better
Can I use your …
Can you tell me more about the …
1. 能够借助听、说、读、写等不同的活动综合复习并强化1-3个单元的核心语言知识,并能够在训练中提高梳理归纳、捕捉关键信息、提炼概括等策略和能力。
2. 结合三个单元的综合练习活动,培养学生的听说和阅读技能。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
学习理解 在看、听、说的活动中,获取和梳理对话信息,尝试归纳梳理关于描述自己喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提请求;向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息等不同话题的核心词汇与句型,并能在相应情境中正确运用。 1.Lead in 通过前面三个单元的学习,你掌握怎样询问和回答喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提出请求,向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息了吗?我们一起来梳理回忆下前面三个单元的内容吧。 2. Let’s review 出示前三个单元教材图片,组织学生根据图片,回忆其对话内容,考查学生对前三单元的内容的理解和掌握程度: Chicken or fish, which do you like better I like fish better. It’s yummy. Which class do you like best I like English best. I do best in English. I like reading, but I like drawing better. Would you like to come to my house Sorry I can’t. I must stay at home. Can I use your computer Sorry. I need to finish my homework first. The windows are dirty. Shall we clean them this afternoon Yes, let’s. When is the Mid-Autumn Festival It’s on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. We eat Chongyang cake on that day. Can you tell me more about Halloween Children dress up at night and knock on doors for candy. 3. Listen and number 出示图片,播放音频,组织学生根据音频内容,把图片进行排序,考查学生对前三单元的内容的理解和掌握程度的同时,锻炼学生的听力能力。 1.I like winter best because I love snow. 2. The little girl borrows fairy tales from the library every week. 3.Shall we make jiaozi together 4.May I use your computer 4. Let’s talk 出示人物图片,组织学生根据图片中人物的动作、行为,用I like … better. I … a lot of ….完成对图片的描述。考查学生对描述自己喜欢的事物的理解和掌握程度的同时,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。 I like singing better. I sing a lot of songs. I like drawing pictures better. I draw a lot of pictures. I like reading books better. I read a lot of books. 5. Let’s write 出示图片,组织学生根据所给图片,练习描述自己喜欢的事物及喜欢的原因的表达:I like … because …. 考查学生对描述自己喜欢的事物及其原因的同时,锻炼学生的书面表达和口语表达能力: I like maths because maths is useful. I like English because English is interesting. I like moon cakes because moon cakes are yummy. 创设情景,让学生在具体情景中学习话题相关内容,引导学生积极参与互动和交流,学生能主动分享个人对该主题已有的知识、经验,教师根据需要调整提问方式进行追问或予以鼓励,预热学生提取关键信息的能力。 教师主动引导,观察学生的分步阅读任务的有效度、获取关键信息的能力。 教师主动引导,观察学生的分步阅读任务的有效度、获取关键信息的能力。 教师观察学生能否对核心语言进行有效应用。 教师观察学生能否对核心语言进行有效应用。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
应用实践 在教师和同伴的帮助下,分角色表演对话,演绎对话场景,呈现核心语言在真实语境中的运用,并会对其中的语言、行为以及同伴的表现进行多角度评价 1. Let’s do 你喜欢吃汤圆吗?你知道汤圆是怎么做的吗? 出示图片和文字,组织学生阅读文字,了解汤圆制作的过程,鼓励学生在家时与父母一起动手制作汤圆。然后回答问题。 We need: 1) sticky rice flour(糯米粉) 2) filling: sesame, red bean paste, and Chinese date paste Steps: 1) Add water into the sticky rice flour and make a dough(面团). 2) Cut the dough into small pieces and flatten them. 3) Put a bit of the filling on a piece of dough and close it up. Make the whole thing into a ball. 4) When you finish all the tangyuan balls, cook them in boiling water. 2. Ask and answer 出示问题,组织学生根据自己的实际情况回答问题。 Which kinds of filling do you like Which kinds of filling do you like better What do they taste like At which festival do we eat them Can you tell more about this festival 教师观察学生能否对核心语言进行有效应用。 教师观察学生在语境中运用核心语言进行问答和交流的情况,根据学生表现予以指导和反馈,学生会对核心语言进行有效应用和实时创新。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
迁移创新 在小组内进行真实语境的创设,尝试归纳梳理关于描述自己喜欢的事物;礼貌地向他人提请求;向他人询问并回答更多关于节日的相关信息等不同话题的核心词汇与句型,并能在相应情境中正确运用 1. Let’s read and write 你知道哪些古诗与节日相关吗?接下来我们要学习两首与节日相关的古诗。 组织学生朗读课文内容,然后回答问题。 The noise of firecrackers sends away the old year, The spring breeze brings warmth into cottages. The bright rosy sun glows over thousands of houses, New peach wood charms replace the old ones for good luck. As a lonely stranger in a strange land, At every holiday my homesickness increases. Far away, I know my brothers have reached the peak, They are planting flowers, but one is not present. 2.Let’s match 通过朗读古诗内容,你知道两首古诗分别是关于哪个节日的吗?想一想,连一连吧。考查学生对课文的理解和掌握程度的同时,锻炼学生的阅读理解和逻辑分析能力。 3. Let’s pair 通过对两首古诗的阅读,你能体会到古诗的押韵规则吗?阅读下面所给的句子,根据诗文的押韵规则,试着把左右两边的句子进行连线。 4. Homework Must do: 1. Read the poems. 2. Get the key points of the poems. Choose to do: 1.Talk about festivals with your friends. 教师主动引导,观察学生的分步阅读任务的有效度、获取关键信息的能力。 教师观察学生能否对核心语言进行有效应用。 教师主动引导,观察学生的分步阅读任务的有效度、获取关键信息的能力。 教师鼓励学生积极参与创意作业的完成并进行自评。