Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Section A Listening ans Speaking教材预习与重难点全解课件 新人教版必修二


名称 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Section A Listening ans Speaking教材预习与重难点全解课件 新人教版必修二
格式 pptx
文件大小 22.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-04 09:52:28



section A
Listening ans Speaking
(高中英语)新人教 必修二
5. do a project _____ cultural heritage protection 做一个关于文化遗产保护的项目;
6. international youth project_________;
7. create/make an app about Mount Tai__________;
8. __________正如你所知道的;
9. _____and _____ their culturalheritage 保护和推广他们的文化遗产;
1. pass on __________ 传递给;
pass on to future generations_______
2. World Heritage Centre__________;
protect cultural heritage________;
world cultural heritage sites________;
3. a news report __________一篇关于······的新闻报道;
4. ____ 参与(某事);参加(某活动)
17. clues __________ 的提示;
18. the reason __________ ……的原因;
plete the news report __________ what you hear 根据你听到的内容完成新闻报道;
20. introduce it __________ young people 把它介绍给年轻人;
21. in a fun and easy way_________;
10. give an example of __________;
11. __________有机会做;
12. __________做······感到自豪;
13. _______( =that is to say)也就是说;
14. that sounds great __________;
15. old photos of the _____ palace 以前宫殿的旧照片;
16. look exactly like... __________;
22. take photos of… __________;
23. in order to ____________;
24.Could you think of more ways to protect... __________;
25. refer _______ the guidebook 查阅旅游指南;
26. __________ 端午节;
1. _____vt.爬上;骑上vi.爬;登上→n.山峰
2. _____ n.线索;提示→vt.为······提供线索;给······提供最新信息
3. _____ vt.保存;保护;维持→n.保护区
1. _____ vt.创造,创作,创建;造成→adj.创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的→crea-tively adv.创造性地;有创造力地→ _____ n.创造性,创造力
2. _____ adj.以前的;(两者中)前者的→_____ adv.以前;从前
3. _____vt.保存;保护;维持→_____n.保护;维护;保存;保持;保养的程度
4. _____ vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级→promoter n.主办者,承办者→_____ n.提升,晋升;推销,促销;促进→promotional adj.广告宣传的;推销的
5. _____ v.申请;涂,敷;应用→ _____ n.申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序)→ _____ n.申请人→applied adj.应用的;实用的
application n.应用程序;应用软件→ _____ n.应用程序;应用软件
1. to;传之后世;2. 世界遗产中心;保护文化遗产;世界文化遗产;3. about;
4. take part in;5. on;6. 国际青年项目;
7. 开发/制作一个关于泰山的应用软件;
8. as you know; 9. preserve;promote;10. 举个……的例子;11. have a chance to do; 12. feel/be prond to do; 13. that is;
14. 那听起来不错;15. former;16. 看起来跟……完全一样;17. to;18. why;
19. based on; 20. to; 21. 通过轻松有趣的方式;22.给……拍照;23. 为了;24. 你能想出更多的方法来保护……吗?25. to;
26. Dragon Boath Festival
(1)1.mount;2.clue; 3. perserve;
(2) 1. create; creative; creativity; 2. former,
formerly; 3. perserve; perservation;
4. promote; promotion; 5. apply; application; applicant
(3) app
02 重难点全解
02 重难点全解
1.Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.在中国做一个关于文化遗产保护的项目是有趣和令人兴奋的。
句中单个动名词短语doing...in China作主语,谓语动词用单数形式(is)
eg:Mastering a foreign language takes lots of time and efforts.
02 重难点全解
1.Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.在中国做一个关于文化遗产保护的项目是有趣和令人兴奋的。
It is no good doing sth.做某事没有好处
It is no use doing sth.做某事没用。
It is no pleasure doing sth.做某事无乐趣可言。
It is a waste of time doing sth.做某事是浪费时间。
It is useless/worthwhile doing sth. (It is worthwhile to do sth.也可)做某事是没有用的/是值得的。
eg:It is no good learning without practice.只学习而不实践没有好处。
eg:As the saying goes, it's no use crying over spilt milk.常言道,覆水难收。
02 重难点全解
1.Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.在中国做一个关于文化遗产保护的项目是有趣和令人兴奋的。
一般来说,动名词(短语)作主语表示比较抽象的行为或者强调做某件事持续的状态;而to do作主语表示具体的某一次的行为。
eg:Smoking so much is not good for you.抽这么多烟对你不好。
eg:To finish the task will take a long time.完成这项任务要花费很长的时间。
1. _____ (know) basic first-aid skills will help people respond effectively to emergencies.
2. _____ (take) an active part in sports is of great help to build up our body and enrich our school life.
02 重难点全解
1.Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.在中国做一个关于文化遗产保护的项目是有趣和令人兴奋的。
3. Planning so far ahead _____ (make) no sense-so many things will be changed.
4. Going outdoors and playing team games with your friends as physical exercise _____ (be) an effec-tive way to get rid of anger.
5. Listening to English radio programs every day _____ (help) me get used to how fast native speakers talk.
6. It is no use _____ (complain) about the failure of our experiment; what we should do now is to make the best of a bad bargain and get ready to start a new.
02 重难点全解
1.Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.在中国做一个关于文化遗产保护的项目是有趣和令人兴奋的。
7. It is no pleasure _____ (play) video games all day long at home. Go out and get close to nature!
① Knowing; ② Taking; ③makes ④ is 动名词短语Goingoutdoors and playing...虽有and连接,但表示同一件事,故谓语动词用单数形式。
⑤ helps;⑥ complaining;
⑦ playing
02 重难点全解
2.By studying old photos of the former palace..通过研究以前宫殿的旧照片……
(1)adj.以前的;(两者中)前者的 latter adj.后者的;较晚时候的
the former world champion前世界冠军
my former boss/colleague/wife 我的前老板/同事/妻
eg:An idea occurred to me that I should turn to my former teacher for help.我突然想起来,我应该向我以前的老师求助。
【搭配】the former 前者;the former...,the latter...前者·····,后者······
eg:He introduced the two men to her. The former was an engineer and the latter was a doctor.他把这两个人介绍给她。前者是一位工程师,后者是一位医生。
eg:Studies and play are both necessary to us. The former gives us knowledge, and the latter givesus rest.学业和娱乐对我们来说都是必要的。前者赋予我们知识,后者让我们获得休息。
02 重难点全解
2.By studying old photos of the former palace..通过研究以前宫殿的旧照片……
1. Lucy is __________(我以前的同学),but I haven'tseen her for nearly three years.
2. They prefer the keyboard to the pen now, for __________(前者)is fast,convenient and clear.
3. Tears and sweat are similar, but _____ (前者)areonly in exchange for sympathy, while _____(后者)can win success for you.
1. my former classmate;
2. the former;
3. the former, the latter
02 重难点全解
3....it's a great example of how people preserve their cultural heritage.……这是人们如何保护自己的文化遗产的好典范。(听力材料)
【搭配】preserve...from...保护······免受be well preserved 保存完好;
preserve the traditional customs
eg:We should take measures to preserve the environment from pollution.我们应该采取措施保护环境免受污染。
eg:These 17th-century paintings are so well preserved that the visitors are greatly amazed.这些17世纪的绘画保存得如此完好,令参观者叹为观止。
eg:It is suggested that these traditional customs ( should) be preserved and handed down one generation after another.建议把这些传统习俗保存下来,并一代一代地传承下去。
in the preserve 在保护区内
a nature preserve 自然保护区
02 重难点全解
3....it's a great example of how people preserve their cultural heritage.……这是人们如何保护自己的文化遗产的好典范。(听力材料)
In order to preserve endangered animals, the local government has built a nature preserve where wildlife are well preserved.为了保护濒危动物,当地政府已建立了一个自然保护区,在这个自然保护区中,野生动物被保护得很好。
① The organization was set up to preserve endangered species _____ dying out.
② It is well known that Shennongjia is one of the beautiful nature _____ (preserve),attracting thousands of visitors every day.
02 重难点全解
3....it's a great example of how people preserve their cultural heritage.……这是人们如何保护自己的文化遗产的好典范。(听力材料)
③ Many other countries are now following Peru's example and using eco-tourism _____ (preserve) the environment for the future generations.
④ Xi'an ancient walls date from the Ming Dynasty and re the best _____ (preserve) in the world.
⑤ What especially impressed us was how paper contributed to the _____ (preserve)and the spread of human civilization.
⑥ The ancient temple and other cultural relics __________(保存完好).
02 重难点全解
3....it's a great example of how people preserve their cultural heritage.……这是人们如何保护自己的文化遗产的好典范。(听力材料)
⑥ The ancient temple and other cultural relics __________(保存完好).
① from;
② preserves;
③ to preserve;
④ preserved;
⑤ preservation;
⑥ are well preserved
02 重难点全解
4. We want to promote Mount Tai..我们想要提升大家对泰山的认识……(听力材料)
eg:We should not only promote economic growth but also protect the environment.我们不仅应该促进经济增长,还应该保护环境。
eg:At the meeting, our chairman called for efforts to promote peace, mutual benefits and win-win results.在会上,我们的主席呼吁努力促进和平,互利互赢。
eg:He is promoting his new book.他正在宣传他的新书。
eg:The company is promoting their new products on television.这家公司正在电视上宣传他们的新产品。
02 重难点全解
4. We want to promote Mount Tai..我们想要提升大家对泰山的认识……(听力材料)
【搭配】be/get promoted得到提升promote sb.to a position 把某人提升到某个职位上
eg:He was/got promoted from a worker to a manager last week.上周他从一名工人晋升为经理。
eg:They were promoted to the First Division last season.上个赛季他们晋升为甲级队。
① Experts at the conference agreed that such a product with environ-mentally friendly technology is worth _____ (promote).
② The UN's role in _____ (promote) peace is increasingly the focus of international attention.
③[2022·全国甲卷]Cao and Wu also collected garbage along the road, in order _____ (promote) environmental protection.
02 重难点全解
4. We want to promote Mount Tai..我们想要提升大家对泰山的认识……(听力材料)
④ Peter got _____ (promote) last week,which made him very happy.
⑤ Gerry was named as a lifetime member for the efforts he made for the _____ (promote) of wheelchair basketball.
⑥ Beijing Opera is being introduced to school students _____ (promote) the traditional art to the younger generation in our country.
① promoting;
② promoting;
③ to promote;
④ promoted;
⑤ promotion;
⑥ to promote;
02 重难点全解
5.International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App国际青年营成员创建泰山应用程序
fill in an application form 填写申请表
hundreds of job applications 数百封求职信
written application 书面申请
make an application to sb. for sth.向某人申请······
eg:I'd appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.如果您能考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。
eg:I'm writing to make an application for the job.我写信是为了申请这份工作。
eg:Due to the application of this medical technology, some diseases can be treated at an early stage.由于这项医疗技术的运用,一些疾病在早期可以得到治疗。
02 重难点全解
5.International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App国际青年营成员创建泰山应用程序
(1)apply v.申请;应用
【搭配】apply sth.to 把······应用到·······; apply to适用于·····;向······申请搭配;
apply oneself to...致力于······,集中精力于······ apply for 申请/请求·····.;
apply to sb./sth.for sth.
(2)applied adj.应用的;实用的applicant n.申请人
The applicant applied himself to applying for a post for teaching applied chemistry, saying that he would apply what he had learnt to his teaching.这位申请人专心于申请一个教应用化学的职位,并且说他会把他所学到的应用到他的教学中去。
02 重难点全解
5.International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App国际青年营成员创建泰山应用程序
① If you are interested in the position, you can fill in the __________ (apply) online.
② The __________ (apply) of bamboo in science and technology is thrilling.
③ All __________ (applicant) will have to complete a NASA physical examination to test their fitness for long-term spaceflight.
④Being very interested in the Chinese painting exhibition,I'm writing to apply __________ the position as a volunteer.
⑤This rule applies __________ the students in high schools.
⑥ Later I decided to __________(把我以前的经验运用到)learninghow to read and write.
⑦ Accepting the task, Tu Youyou __________(致力于寻找)the cure for malaria.
⑧ In this way they can better __________(把理论运用于实践中).
02 重难点全解
5.International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App国际青年营成员创建泰山应用程序
① application;
② application;
③ applicants;
④ for;
⑤ to;
⑥ apply my former experience to;
⑦ applied herself to searching for;
⑧ apply theory to practice
02 重难点全解
6. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群正在泰山参加国际青年营的高中生正在开发……
take part in
参与(某事);参加(某活动)(某事);参加(某活动)同义短语:participate in 参与
eg:Last weekend, my classmates and I took part in a farm picking activity.上周末,我和我的同学参加了一个农场采摘活动。
eg:Many athletes are dreaming of taking part in the Olympic Games and winning gold medals for their homeland.许多运动员梦想着参加奥运会,为他们的祖国赢得金牌。
(1)take part(参加)后面不接宾语时,不用加介词in。
(2)take part in是固定短语,part前一般不用冠词,但是当part前有形容词active修饰时,active前要用不定冠词,构成搭配 take an active part in(积极参加·······)。
eg:Any student who is interested in this activity is welcome to take part.欢迎任何对这项活动感兴趣的学生参加。
eg:Nowadays women are taking an active part in social activities.女性现在正积极参加社会活动。
02 重难点全解
6. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群正在泰山参加国际青年营的高中生正在开发……
【词语辨析】take part in,join in,join 与 attend
易混词(组) 辨析 举例
take part in 参加群众性活动,并发挥一定的作用 take part in sports meeting参加运动会
join in 参加正在进行的活动,可与 takepart in 互换 join in the conversation/discussion参与交谈/讨论
join 加入某团体或组织,成为其中的一员,也可指加入某人的行列 join the army/the Party参军/入党join us in the game和我们一起做游戏
attend 参加会议、婚礼、葬礼或上课、上学等 attend a meeting/ceremony/lecture参加会议/参加典礼/听讲座attend class/college上课/上大学
02 重难点全解
6. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群正在泰山参加国际青年营的高中生正在开发……
My brother attended a law school after he left middle school.Yesterday he attended the meeting held in his class. He joined in the discussion whether they would join a theater club. At last, most students signed up for it, including my brother.我的哥哥中学毕业后上了一所法律学校。昨天,他参加了在他班里举行的会议。他参与了他们是否应该加入一个戏剧俱乐部的讨论。最后,大多数学生报名参加了,包括我哥哥。
02 重难点全解
6. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群正在泰山参加国际青年营的高中生正在开发……
① Gu Ailing took part __________ the 2022 Olympic Winter Games and won two gold medals and a sliver medal.
② Experts make a suggestion that teenagers should take __________ active part in school activities, which contributes to improving their creativity.
③ Over the past three years I __________ (take) part in many social activities in which I performed
02 重难点全解
6. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群正在泰山参加国际青年营的高中生正在开发……
【用attend,join,join in 与take part in的适当形式填空】
④ I'm writing to invite you to go back to our senior school __________ her 100thanniversary celebration.
⑤ It is the most inspiring lecture that I __________ since Icame to this university.
⑥ We are having a discussion on wildlife protection. Would you like to __________ our discussion
⑦ It has been three years since his bother __________ the army.
⑧[2022·新高考全国I卷]He seemedto be a little bit surprised but he thought for a while and accepted my advice to __________ the run.
02 重难点全解
6. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群正在泰山参加国际青年营的高中生正在开发……
① in;
② an;
③ have taken;
④ to take part in;
⑤ have attended;
⑥ join in;
⑦ joined;
⑧ take part in
03 课后强化训练
03 课后强化训练
1.[2021·新高考全国II卷]I've started a project __________ (promote) the teaching of the arts in our schools.
2.[2021·浙江一考]I think I am much stronger for having taken part __________ the project.
3.[2022·新高考全国I卷]I'm enjoying the __________ (create) activities, and it feels great to have done something useful.
4.[2015·广东卷]That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because __________ former is warmer.
03 课后强化训练
5.[2019·江苏卷]His music deserved __________(preserve)in the family.
6.[2014·安徽卷]While waiting for the opportunity to get __________ (promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.
7.[2019·天津二考]However,technology is also the __________ (apply )of scientific knowledge to solve a problem,touching lives in countless ways.
8.[2018·全国III卷]Some of us were confident and eager to take part __________ the class activity;others were nervous and anxious.
03 课后强化训练
9.[2022·全国乙卷]As a main __________ (promote) of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of teaand the largest tea-producing country,China has a responsibility to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry.
10.[2018·北京卷]Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture,I suggest you apply __________ Peking University, one of the best universities in China.
03 课后强化训练
体裁:新闻报道 话题:扶余国遗址
Archaeologists in northeast China's Jilin Province __1__ (discover) several ruins of the ancient Fuyu Kingdom in the Yong'an Site in the city of Jilin so far,according __2__ the provincial cultural relics and archaeology research institute.
The Yong'an Site __3__ (locate) in Fengman District of Jilin City. Archaeologists first found the site in 2018. So far,1,000 square meters of the site have been excavated(挖掘).Archaeologists lso found decorative bricks, tiles and other architectural components as well as te __4__ (remain )of two houses and a well __5__ (belong) to different ancient periods in the site.
The discovery of the well proves that the ancient people living in the area had __6__ history of drilling and using wells no later than the period of the Bohai Kingdom (698AD-926AD). Through the excavation of the well, archaeologists restored the well drilling technology in this historical period. __7__ (unbelievable),the excavated well is 7 meters deep.
03 课后强化训练
体裁:新闻报道 话题:扶余国遗址
It is rare __8__ (find) house ruins of Fuyu Kingdom, __9__ is an ethnic power in northeast China from the 2nd century BC to AD 494. It indicates that Yong'an Site is a residential ruin of the Fuyu Kingdom. It also provides new materials for __10__ (far) recovering the living scenes of Fuyu people and studying the surrounding ruins of the same period.
03 课后强化训练
主题:人与自我(做人与做事)体裁:记叙文 话题:尊重他人
A teacher gave hisstudents a test. Most of the students finished all the questions without much effort __1__ they all read the last one which was“What is the first name of the woman who __2__ the school ”.
All of the students thought that this question was some kind of __3__ .They had all seen thecleaning woman many times during each day at school. It was __4__ that she was tall and old, buthow would they know her __5__
1. A.while B.until C.since D.after
2. A.cleans B.manages C.supports D.guards
3. A.pity B.risk C.story D.joke
4. A.natural B.clear C.possible D.unusual
5.A.address B.family C.name D.age
03 课后强化训练
主题:人与自我(做人与做事)体裁:记叙文 话题:尊重他人
So they all __6__ their test paper,leaving the last question __7__ .Just before the class ended, one of the students asked if the last question would count toward the results of the __8__
“__9__,"said the teacher.
He went on to say,“In your lives and careers,you will __10__ many people and they are __11__ individual,so they each are worth your __12__ and care, even if all you do is __13__ and say“hello”.
6. A.left behind B.lifted up C.put away D.handed in
7.A.unanswered B.open C.out D.unprepared
8.A.exercise B. experiment C.test D.match
9.A.Possibly B.No C.Sure D.Never
10.A.love B.help C.respec D.meet
11.A.important B.unique C. intelligent D.honest
12.A. consideration B.attention C. discussion D.protection
13.A.look B.smile C.listen D.play
03 课后强化训练
主题:人与自我(做人与做事)体裁:记叙文 话题:尊重他人
Over the following days each of the students __14__ the importance of finding out the name of the cleaner and introduced themselves. They all learned that cleaner's name was Dorothy and they never forgot the __15__ that everyone is important.
14.A.remembered B.proved C.explained D.realized
15.A.lesson B. opinion C. promise D.argument
03 课后强化训练
1.to promote 此处用不定式短语作目的状语。句意:我已经启动了一个项目,以促进我们学校的艺术教学。
2.in take partin参与(某事);参加(某活动)。句意:我认为我参加了这个项目后,变得更强壮了。
3.creative 空格处作定语,修饰activities,用create的形容词形式。句意:我喜欢创造性的活动,做一些有用的事情的感觉很好。
4.the the former 意为“前者”。句意:那就是鱼相对于深水更喜欢浅水的原因,因为前者更暖和。
5. preserving/to be preserved deserve doing done,意为“值得被做”。句意:他的音乐值得在家庭中保存。
6.promoted get promoted 意为“获得晋升”。句意:在等待机会被提拔期间,亨利尽最大的努力履行好自己的职责。
7.application 位于冠词后、介词前,要用名词形式。句意:然而,技术也是应用科学知识来解决问题,通过无数的方式触及生活。
03 课后强化训练
8.in take part in 意为“参加”。句意:我们中的一些人很自信,渴望参加课堂活动;另一些人则感到紧张和焦虑。
9.promoter 句意:作为“国际茶日”设立的主要推动者、茶的发源地和最大的产茶国,中国有责任与其他国家共同促进茶产业的健康发展。空格处作介词as的宾语,用名词形式,根据语境可知,此处表示“推动者”,故用promoter。
10.for apply for意为“申请”。句意:了解到你对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣,我建议你申请北京大学,它是中国最好的大学之一。。
1.have discovered 考查时态。时间标志词so far(到目前为止)与现在完成时连用,主语Archaeologists(考古学家)是复数,和谓语动词discover(发现)二者之间是主动关系,故填have discovered。
2.to 考查固定搭配。according to是固定搭配,表示“根据”。
03 课后强化训练
3.is located 考查时态和固定搭配。be located in是固定搭配,表示“位于”,且句子描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语是The Yong'an Site(永安遗址),为第三人称单数,故填is located。
4.remains 考查名词复数。此处应用名词remain作 found(找到)的宾语,且remain表示“遗迹,剩余物”时,要用复数,故填remains。
5.belonging 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处是非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰名词短语 the remainsof two houses and a well(两座房屋和一口井的遗迹),名词短语和动词belong(属于)二者之间是主动关系,应用belong的现在分词形式 belonging。
6.a 考查冠词。have a history of是固定搭配,表示“有····..的历史”。
7.Unbelievably 考查副词。此处应用副词 unbelievably修饰整个句子,表示“难以置信地”,作状语,单词位于句首,首字母要大写,故填Unbelievably。
8.to find 考查非谓语动词。 “It be+形形容词+to do sth.”是固定句型,表示“做······是······的”,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth.,故填to find。
03 课后强化训练
9.which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,is an ethnic power in northeast China from the 2nd century BC to AD 494是非限制性定语从句,先行词是FuyuKingdom(扶余国),指物,且在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导。
10.further 考查副词比较级。此处表示“进一步”,应用副词far的比较级 further,修饰动词recovering(恢复),farther也是far的比较级,但是意为“较远地”,不符合语境,故填further。
1.B 学生们没太费劲就完成了所有问题直到他们读到最后一个问题。until“直到······为止”。
2.A 根据第二段中的the cleaning woman可知,这里指的是学校的保洁阿姨。
3.D 这句话指的是所有的学生都认为这个问题有点儿可笑。joke“笑话,荒唐”。
03 课后强化训练
4.B 很显然大家都知道保洁阿姨个子高、年龄大。It wasclear that...“显然·····,明显·····.”。
5.C 根据前文 read the last one which was“What is the first name of the woman who the school?”可知,学生们又怎么会知道她的名字呢?
6.D 句首提到了“A teacher gave his students a test.”,因为是考试,所以最终学生都交卷了。hand in上交;leavebehind遗留;lift up举起;put away收起;放好。
7.A 因为不知道保洁阿姨的名字,所以学生们都上交了试卷,最后一道题未答。unanswered“未回答的”。
8.C 有一位学生问最后一道题是否会计入考试成绩。
9.C 老师回答:“当然会的。”sure“当然,一定会”。
10.D 在你的生活和职业生涯中你会遇到很多人。meet“遇到,碰到”。
11.A 根据文章最后一句话everyone is important可知,他们都是重要的人。
03 课后强化训练
12.B 根据空后的and care与前面的信息可判断,他们每一个人都值得你的关注和关心。attention“关注,注意”。
13.B 由后文的say“hello”可知,即使你所做的只是微笑和问候,他们也值得你的关注。
14.D 每一名学生都认识到了了解保洁阿姨名字的重要性。realize“认识到,意识到”。
15.A 学生们永远也不会忘记每个人都很重要这一教训(lesson)。