《高中英语(上外版) 》必修第一册 Unit 4 Customs and Traditions 课时:第 2 课时 课题:Growing Worldwide
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第 2 课时,核心目标为引导学生识别说明文语篇的微观组织 结构, 进一步理解成人礼的文化传统和文化背景;通过比较成人礼风俗传统的 异同,联系自身探讨 这些风俗传统对文化认同、文化传承的价值和意义。
2. 设计思路
导入部分,通过让学生回忆文本的主要内容,复习文本宏观结构,并引出对 于平行段落中文本细节的分析。
第二部分,通过课后练习,找出不同国家与地区对于成人的不同期待,借助 分析被动语态、同义替代等微观结构,深入理解文本内容,正确把握作者意图; 通过提问,引导学生思考隐藏在不同庆祝方式背后的文化价值观;通过对不同期 待的排序,学会尊重和包容文化多样性,做出正确的价值判断。
第三部分,通过课后练习,灵活运用文本内学到的不同国家地区对于年轻人 的不同期待,判断不同价值观的年轻会对哪些应用软件(App)感兴趣,并联 系 自身,思考作为中国年轻人,哪些应用软件更吸引自己及原因,引发学生比较 中外文化的异同,激发学生对中国传统习俗的思考,为 speaking, writing 板 块作 内容上的准备。
重点难点 通过微观结构分析,理解不同文化对青年人的不同期待;比较不 同成人礼的 庆祝方式,挖掘其背后不同的文化价值观,并做出正确的价值判 断。
Lesson Plan
At the end of this period, students will be able to:
1. further understand the different cultural expectations of the coming-of-age ceremonies through the text analysis;
2. compare different ways of celebrating and figure out different cultural values;
3. reflect on the responsibilities of adulthood in the light of personal experience and learn to respect different cultures and make own judgments.
I Getting started
*Teachers: initiate a brief review of the structure of the text.
Interactive task 1: recall the key structure of the text
Guided questions:
1. What are the ceremonies mentioned in the text
2. How are they celebrated
3. In which paragraphs do you find the details
II. Digging in
*Teachers: guide the students to figure out the expectations related to coming-of-age ceremonies in different cultures. *Students: figure out the expectations related to coming-of-age ceremonies in different cultures. Purpose: to further understand the text and get ready to figure out different cultural values behind different ways of celebration.
Interactive task 2: fill the table
1. What responsibilities are the young citizens expected to shoulder worldwide
2. Can you find the author's attitude towards German coming-of-age ceremony
3. Why does the author make such a conclusion about “Jugendfeier”
4. How about “acquiring a multicultural perspective”
5. How has “Quinceanera”changed over time Why
6. What are the two births that a human being experiences in Indian tradition
7. Which birth is considered more important in their culture Why
8. What determines Indian way of celebration
III. Further thinking
*Teachers: to ask students to rank the expectation in terms of importance and explain their decision. *Students: to rank the expectation in terms of importance and explain their decision. Purpose: to compare different social values behind various cultures and to learn to respect them and make their own judgment.
Interactive task 3:Ranking &Q&A
Guided questions:
1. What determines the specific rituals, ceremonies, and traditions to symbolize or celebrate one's transition from childhood to adulthood in every society
*Teachers: to ask students to finish the exercise in the text book P54/III *Students: to finish the exercise in the text book P54/III
Purpose: to apply what has been learned to practice and associate themselves with the apps ; to think about the values in Chinese culture
Interactive task 4: Matching&Reasoning
Guided questions:
1. What kind of information do you think people can find on the these apps and why
2. As a young man in China, which Apps attract you most why
*Students: recall what they have learned in the last period. Purpose: to activate students' previous knowledge and get ready to dig deeper.
IV. Assignments:
1. Exercise II in the workbook on page 51-52
2. What do we Chinese value in our culture Think about it after class and find some examples in our customs and traditions to illustrate your idea (eg: festivals, birth traditions, coming-of-age ceremonies etc.).