《高中英语(上外版)》必修第一册 Unit 1 School Life
课时:第 4 课时 课题:How to Have a Great First Year & A High School Starter
课型:Listening and Viewing
1. 教学目标
本课为本单元的第 4 课时,核心目标为帮助学生获取多模态资源所传达的语篇信息,帮助 学生更好地适应高中生活,并培养跨文化意识。
2. 设计思路
首先,通过教材中的 4 张图片引起学生共鸣,让学生进行初高中生活的对比。之后,基于 听力材料,通过提问、填表和探究思考等活动,对涉及到的建议进行梳理,从而使学生更好地 理解语篇的大意和细节。接着,教师调查学生对高中生活最大的担忧以及入学第一天的感受, 从而引出视听环节。通过预测及回答问题,帮助学生掌握多模态资源所传达的关键信息,同时 引导学生对父亲的建议进行思考。本课作业为学生选取课堂中提到的一个建议谈谈看法。
3. 重点及难点
能培养良好的视听习惯,如预测、听中记等,从而更好地获取语篇的重要信息;能理解并 运用建议,更好地适应高中生活。
Lesson Plan
At the end of the period, students will be able to:
1. grasp the main idea and details from multimodal resources concerning tips for senior high school life;
2. better adapt to the new life of senior high school by sorting out the tips from senior students and Lizzie’s father;
3. raise cross-cultural awareness by knowing the first week of high schools in different countries.
I. Warm-up
Interactive task 1: initiate the topic
今 T: Ask students to look at the pictures and talk about what’s new about senior high school life. 今 Ss: View the pictures carefully and share the differences they have found. Purpose: To prepare students for the topic and arouse students’ interest.
Guided questions/Instructions:
What’s new about your senior high school life
II. Listening
Interactive task 2: listen for the main idea
今 T: Ask students to listen to the audio clip and choose the answers to the question. 今 Ss: Listen carefully and answer the questions. Purpose: To help students grasp the basic information of the listening material.
Guided questions/Instructions:
1. Which tips are given to the first-year students
2. What two phrases show that they are the most important tips
Interactive task 3: listen for the details & dig in
今 T: Have students listen to each tip again. Ask them to answer the questions and fill in the blanks. Remind students to pay attention to the details and take notes if necessary. 今 Ss: Listen carefully and take notes. Answer the questions and fill in the blanks. Purpose: To let students get relevant tips, examples and reasons; to help students understand the information conveyed by the listening material.
Guided questions/Instructions:
1. Why is joining clubs a great way to meet new friends
2. What’s the most important thing for the third student
3. Besides joining clubs, what else can we do
4. Why does the speaker strongly recommend us to ‘try something new’
III. Viewing
Interactive task 4: initiate another topic
今 T: Do a survey and investigate students’ biggest concern about senior high school life and their feelings on the first day. 今 Ss: Interact with the teacher. Purpose: To prepare students for the topic.
Guided questions/Instructions:
1. What is your biggest concern about senior high school life
2. How did you feel on the first day of senior high school
Interactive task 5: view for the general idea
今 T: Ask students to look at the picture in the textbook and guess Lizzie’s feelings about senior high school. Have students watch the video. 今 Ss: Discuss Lizzie’s feelings. And then watch the video and check their guess. Purpose: To introduce the listening strategy of prediction; to help students grasp the general idea.
Guided questions/Instructions:
1. How does Lizzie feel according to the picture
2. How many characters are there in the video Who are they
Interactive task 6: view for the details & dig in
今 T: Play the video again and ask students to finish Exercise III on Page 11.
Remind students to take down notes if necessary. 今 Ss: Take down relevant notes and finish the exercise. 今 T: Ask several questions related to the details while checking the answers. 今 Ss: Think over the questions and share their ideas. Purpose: To motivate students to think deeply; to help students understand the tip from Lizzie’s father.
Guided questions/Instructions:
1. What verb did Lizzie’s father use to describe ‘he was thrown into the dustbin’
2. Why did Lizzie’s father recall his own embarrassing experiences
3. What’s the result of Lizzie’s every try
4. What can we learn from Father’s advice
Interactive task 7: further discussion
今 T: Remind students to pay attention to Lizzie’s alter ego and have them discuss how Lizzie’s alter ego would respond to father’s advice. 今 Ss: Think critically and share their versions. 今 T: Introduce the culture link section to students. Purpose: To help students comprehend the viewing material; to have students think critically; to raise students’ cross-cultural awareness.
Guided questions/Instructions:
1. How would Lizzie’s alter ego respond to dad’s advice
2. You can refer to the culture link section for more information.
IV. Homework:
Choose one tip and say something about it. Share your recording in the Wechat