

名称 广东省深圳市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试题讲评课件(共43张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 19.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-06 11:24:08



高一年级 第二学期期末
第一部分 基础知识(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 单项选择
1. Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve was ____ in 2000 and is the highest nature reservein China. 三江源国家级自然保护区在2000年被____,是中国海拔最高的自然保护区。
A. targeted目标 B. established建立 C. removed 废除 D. destroyed破坏
2. Don’ t worry. This dress is just ______ more expensive than you expect.
别担心! 这条裙子只是_______比你想象的要贵。
A. incredibly非常地 B. absolutely极其 C. significantly显著地 D. slightly稍微
3. —I plan to take a day off from school to see The Revenge of Prince Zidan.
—Have you got the teacher’s ______
A. permission同意 B. comment评论 C. concern担忧 D. impression印象
4. Widely ___, Diwali is India’s most important festival — a time to celebrate the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. 被广泛地___的排灯节是印度最重要的节日= 一个庆祝光明战胜黑暗,善良战胜邪恶的时刻。
A. considered考虑 B. inspired激励 C. observed庆祝 D. selected挑选
5. Although AI is ___ popular, no one knows what it might bring to us in the future. A. typically一般 B. currently现在 C. completely完全 D. partly部分地
6. Sadly, the population of monarch butterflies has ___ dramatically over the recent years.可悲的是,近年来帝王蝶的数量急剧_____。
A. exploded爆炸 B. crashed暴跌 C. risen升高 D. spread扩散
7. Recent ____ in medical science bring hope to tens of thousands of patients.最近的____医学科学给成千上万的病人带来了希望。
A. requirements要求B. differences不同
C. advances进步 D. arguments争论
8. Nowadays, we can see each other’s faces by using smart phones, ___ the distance. 如今,我们可以通过智能手机看到彼此的脸,___距离。
A.except for除了 B. regardless of且无论
C. according to根据 D. apart from除了
9. Each tourist will be given a ____, from which they can learn more about the famous scenic spots in Shenzhen. 每位游客将获得一个____,从中他们可以了解更多关于深圳著名景点的信息。
A. novel小说 B. textbook课本 C. poem诗歌 D. brochure小册子
10.One advantage of this store is that it ____ goods to you within 24 hours. 本店的一个优点是24小时内____货到。
A. delivers运送 B. donates捐献 C. applies申请 D. introduces介绍
11. On the day of her promotion, she took out the bottle of wine that she had saved for a special_____.在她升职的那天,她拿出了她为一个特别的____而保存的那瓶酒。A. treatment对待 B. location地址 C. occasion场合 D. movement运动
12. Let’s join the Debate Club and argue about the week’s hottest topics with the school’s ____ minds !让我们加入辩论俱乐部,与学校的____讨论本周最热门的话题!
A. sharpest最聪明的 B. funniest最有趣的C. shallowest最肤浅的 D. oddest最奇怪的
13. —We shouldn’t buy this house since its wallpaper is ugly. —No need to ____. It can still be a lovely home if we make some changes.
A. hold your horses别急 B. kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕
C. brave the elements冒着风雨D. throw the baby out with the bathwater过于激进
14.Nowadays, the leak (泄露) of personal information ______ cause serious problems.如今,个人信息的泄露______造成了严重的问题。A. need需要 B. can可以,能够 C. should应该 D. must必须
15. At first, Ryan’s plan was just to build a single well somewhere in Africa and he didn’t expect that he ______ such a great difference to people’s lives.
起初,瑞恩的计划只是在非洲的某个地方打一口井,他没有想到他会____ 给人们的生活带来这么大的改变。A. made过去式 B. has made 现在完成时
C. would make过去将来时 D. had made过去将来时
16.___ at that café before, Angela didn’t want to have another bite of its awful food.安吉拉之前在那家咖啡馆_____吃饭,不想再吃它那难吃的食物了。
A. Eating主动进行 B. To eat将来目的
C. To have eaten将来完成 D. Having eaten主动完成
17. Jin Yong’s well-received novel The Legend of The Condor Heroes ___ into at least 7 TV programs so far.金庸广受欢迎的小说《射雕英雄传》到目前为止______至少7部电视剧。A. has been adapted已经被改编过 B. had been adapted在...之前被改编过
C. was adapted被改编了 D. would be adapted将会被改编
18. Many of us find peace in winter, a season ______ we appreciate an atmosphere of calmness and self-reflection.我们中的许多人在冬天找到了平静,一个我们欣赏平静和自我反省的气氛的季节。A. that主宾表 B. which主宾表 C. where地点 D. when时间
19. Zhang Guimei is the first Chinese educator ____ free high school education to girls in the mountainous regions in southwest China.A. to offer B. to be offered C. offering D. being offered
20. Most high schools now provide students with art courses specially ______ to develop their ability to appreciate art.现在大多数高中为学生提供特别_____安排的艺术课程,以培养他们欣赏艺术的能力。
A. arranging主动B. to arrange目的 C. arranged被动D. being arranged正在被
1. 考查学生理解词汇、语篇及理解语篇中具体信息的能力。核心价值在于引导学生拓展视野,积极参与课外活动,激发学生对太空探索的兴趣。
2. 考查学生对语篇细节、主旨的理解能力,以及深入思考语篇内涵的能力。核心价值在于引导学生树立认真做事的态度,以及辩证地看待失败,学会从失误中吸取教训,收获成长进步。
3. 考查学生对语篇细节信息的理解能力和基于信息进行推理判断及归纳段落主旨的能力。核心价值在于引导学生关注科技发展,提升学生的创新能力。
4. 考查学生理解具体信息、在语篇中基于信息进行推断和对语篇整体结构的把握能力和主旨归纳的能力。核心价值在于引导学生培养健康心态,关注健康情感、健全人格,运用辩证思维看待问题。
1. Instant Expert: Wonders of Space
2. Who should attend
Anyone interested in the mysteries of space任何对太空之谜感兴趣的人, whatever your age or background. Whether you’re a scientist, a student or simply an attracted human being, our event offers the chance to learn directly from the experts at our one-day masterclass.
21. Who is the event intended for为......而设计
A. Science students. B. Space fans.
C. Leading scientists. D. Research experts.
Benefits of attending:·Open your mind and be inspired.·Talk with like-minded people through informal set-up.·Meet our six speakers and ask your burning questions.What’s included in your ticket:·In-depth and interesting talks from six leading scientists.
·Buffet lunch, plus morning and afternoon drinks and snacks.·An Instant Expert certificate provided by event organizers.
22. What can participants expect from the event
A. Free meals throughout the day.
B. Certificates from famous schools.
C. Gatherings with event organizers.
D. Face-to-face meetings with scientists.
Booking information: We will email you your ticket immediately after purchase. Please remember to bring your ticket with you as you’ll need it to gain entry. We can scan (扫描) tickets from a printout, or off the screen of a phone. A limited number of discounted early bird tickets priced at 129 will be offered, saving 20.优惠价为129英镑的早鸟票数量有限,可节省20英镑。 These tickets can be bought by clicking the following green “Buy” button if still available.
23. What should people do if they want to save money
A. Buy tickets quickly.快点买票
B. Choose digital tickets.选择电子票。
C. Reserve tickets online. 网上订票。
D. Print tickets in advance.提前打印门票。
B ① Tom was pleased to get a role in the school play. It wasn’t a major role and he had only four or five lines. However, he worked hard at perfecting the lines, repeating them in front of a mirror over and over again, as his drama teacher had suggested. 他努力完善台词,按照戏剧老师的建议,对着镜子一遍又一遍地重复。He had great fun rehearsing ( 排练) with the older students. Then finally the big night came.
24. What do we know about Tom before the big night
A. He was sad about his limited lines. 他为自己的台词有限而难过。
B. He expected a major role in the play.他期望在剧中扮演一个重要角色
C. He worked hard to prepare for the play. 他努力为这出戏做准备。
D. He was confident of the play’s success.他对这出戏的成功充满信心。
②Suddenly, things felt different. The theater was full of audience. He looked around at those experienced actors and saw the confidence they’d shown at rehearsal seemed to have disappeared. Everyone was on edge. When Tom got on stage, he couldn’t help hurrying into the words he had repeated so many times before. He tried to slow down but, thinking about doing that, he suddenly realized he had missed a sentence. With no time to think it over, he carried on. When he stepped off the stage, his hands felt sweaty and his heart was racing. He didn’t think about what he had achieved. Instead, he was beating himself up for the mistake that he had made.他为自己所犯的错误自责不已。
25. How did Tom feel when he finished the performance
A. Regretful. 后悔的,遗憾的
B. Relieved.放心的,宽慰的
C. Hopeful. 满怀希望的
D. Confused.困惑的
The audience, of course, didn’t know he had missed a sentence. In fact, no one noticed it except his drama teacher. “Well done,” she said. “Acting is like learning to ride a bike. You may fall off a few times, yet each time you get back on, you do it better. Your performance may not have been perfect but, for your first time, it was great. ”表演就像学骑自行车。你可能会摔几次,但每次你重新爬上去,你都会做得更好。你的表现可能并不完美,但作为你的第一次,你的表现非常棒。 The drama teacher’s words put Tom’s mind at ease戏剧老师的话使汤姆宽心了. He caught the look of his face in a mirror, which was smiling back at him. Without knowing it, he raised two hands with his thumbs (拇指) up.
26. Why did Tom raise his hands with thumbs up in the end
A. He got his teacher’s forgiveness. 他得到了老师的原谅
B. He made peace with his imperfection.他接受了自己的不完美。
C. He decided to correct his mistakes.他决定改正他的错误。
D. He admired his own face in the mirror.他欣赏着镜子里自己的脸。
27. What message does the author seem to convey in the text
作者在文章中似乎传达了什么信息 A. Well begun, half done.好的开始是成功的一半
B. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。
C. Practice makes perfect. 勤能补拙
D. Let your fault make you better, not bitter.
C ①Robots have learned to drive on Mars, carry out brain operation and defeat master chess players. But when it comes to baking, making tasty desserts is far from a piece of cake.但说到烘焙,制作美味的甜点远非小菜一碟。 After many failed attempts, US researchers have successfully 3D printed a cherry cheesecake, although the outcome is unlikely to trouble the world’s dessert masters.
28. Why does the author mention robots in paragraph 1
A. To show the disadvantages of 3D printing.展示3D打印的缺点。
B. To introduce the popularity of using robots.介绍使用机器人的普及程度。
C. To stress the difficulty of 3D printing desserts.强调3D打印甜品的难度。
D. To explain the function of robots in different areas.
②In the latest experiment, researchers tried various cheesecake designs. In early attempts, which involved simply adding ingredients one by one, the team found that the cake quickly turned into a mixture. Through trial and error, they discovered that a more architectural建筑的 solution was needed.通过试验和错误,他们发现需要一个更加架构化的解决方案。 Walls of biscuit base were required throughout the cake to hold the softer ingredients, while triangular (三角的) biscuit supports on the inside were necessary to keep the cake from falling apart. “To print the cake successfully, we need to put the ingredients together in a careful way,”为了成功打印蛋糕,我们需要小心翼翼地把原料放在一起,” said the team leader Cooper.
29. What is the key to the success成功的关键 of the 3D printed cheesecake
A. The thickness of biscuit walls. 饼干壁的厚度。
B. The flexibility of inside support.内部支撑的灵活性。
C. The unique taste of ingredients. 食材的独特味道。
D. The structural design of the cake.饼的结构设计。
③ Although much work is still needed to collect data and improve the designs, scientists are hopeful that once mastered, 3D printing could replace traditional cooking, allowing food to be adapted to different nutritional (营养) needs. “We have a huge problem with the low nutrition of processed foods,” said Cooper. “3D food printing will still produce processed foods,3D食品打印仍将生产加工食品 but perhaps the silver lining闪光点 will be, for some people, a better control of nutrition based on personalized needs.根据个性化需求更好地控制营养”
30. What do the underlined words “the silver lining” in paragraph 3 mean
A. The side effect. 副作用
B. The main reason.主要原因
C. The positive aspect. 积极方面
D. The best solution.最好的方案
④The team said 3D printing could also allow chefs to create entirely new food experiences, with flavours and textures ( 质 地 ) placed very precisely. “It is particularly practical特别实用 for the plant-based meat market, where texture and flavour need to be carefully designed to taste like real meats,” said Cooper. And, with more concern about food safety, food prepared with less human handling could lower the risk of food-related illness and the spread of disease. 较少人工处理的食物可以降低与食物有关的疾病和疾病传播的风险。According to Cooper, this seems like a win-win solution for all of us.
31. What is the last paragraph mainly about concerning关于 3D printed food
A. Promising markets.有前景的市场
B. Additional benefits.附加的优势
C. Practical concerns. 现实的担忧
D. Technical challenges.技术挑战
D ②Historically, the pain that comes with rejection has been a useful tool. For our ancestors, being kept away from a group would have been a death sentence, since it was difficult to survive alone. Thus, the brain likely developed an alarming system to warn us when we were at risk of being rejected. Those who experienced rejection as more painful gained an advantage since they were more likely to adjust their behavior to remain in the group.那些经历过更痛苦的拒绝的人获得了优势,因为他们更有可能调整自己的行为以留在群体中。
32. How did the pain of rejection help our ancestors survive
被拒绝的痛苦 是如何帮助我们的 祖先 生存下来的?
A. By increasing the safety of living alone.
B. By showing the consequence of teamwork.
C. By reminding them to change their behavior.
D. By warning them to keep away from danger.
③Being rejected has far smaller consequences now than it did thousands of years ago. Still, we read it as a threat to our health. The reason why it hurts is the same reason why we experience pain when we step on a sharp object. Research / which compared brain activity of /people /who had experienced rejection with that of people who had experienced physical pain showed that many of the same regions of the brain lit up.被拒绝所产生的痛和身体的痛能引起大脑内部同一片区域的反应。The pain is a warning that something is damaging our health.
33. What does the research suggest(表明,暗示) about rejection and physical pain
A. They are both a cause of brain damage.
B. They are both a warning to our survival.
C. They recall the same suffering in the past.
D. They produce the same response in our brain.
④Concern with rejection is perfectly normal, but being overly worried can affect the quality of our life. If you take rejection personally, your self-worth will suffer; but if you blame it on the general injustice of the world, it will make you angry and bitter. Therefore, it is necessary to do a realistic analysis on what the problem is.因此,有必要对问题所在进行现实的分析。 If someone doesn’t call you back, don’t jump to the conclusion that they don’t want to talk to you. They might be sick or busy.
34. What does the author advise us to do about rejection
A. Analyze it reasonably.合理分析
B. Doubt it bravely.大胆怀疑
C. Ignore it immediately. 立即忽略
D. Take it personally.对号入座
①Rejection ( 拒绝) is a universal experience, but the pain of it can feel so individual. No matter how many times you have experienced it, being told you didn’t get the job or that a date doesn’t want to see you again is always hurtful.
If someone doesn’t call you back, don’t jump to the conclusion that they don’t want to talk to you. They might be sick or busy.
35. What can be a suitable title for the passage A. Rejection: Whose Fault Is It
B. Rejection: A Shame or Not C. How Can We Avoid Rejection
D. Why Does Rejection Hurt So Much
A. It shows the importance of reading.
B. A common celebration is doing some reading.
C. That’s why World Book Day is a well-deserved holiday.
D. Doing some reading helps you understand the world better.
E. It’s especially meant to encourage a love of reading in children.
F. Additionally, varied understanding of a book allows heated discussions.
G. You will find books are more than simple pieces of paper with words on them.
Some people like to read the biographies (传记) of influential people in history, like Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi, while others prefer the classics, like Pride and Prejudice or the Old Man and the Sea. Preferences may vary, but a common truth is obvious: life couldn’t be lived without books. 有些人喜欢读历史上有影响力的人物的传记(传记),比如马丁 小路德·金或圣雄甘地,而其他人更喜欢经典作品,如骄傲和偏见或 老人和海。人们偏好可能会有所不同,但一个共同的事实是显而易见的:生活不能没有书。 36
A. It shows the importance of reading.
B. A common celebration is doing some reading.
C. That’s why World Book Day is a well-deserved holiday.
D. Doing some reading helps you understand the world better.
E. It’s especially meant to encourage a love of reading in children.
F. Additionally, varied understanding of a book allows heated discussions.
G. You will find books are more than simple pieces of paper with words on them.
C 过渡句
Created on April 23rd, 1995, by the United Nations, the day is all about celebrating the wonderful power of books and the joy of reading. 37 However, people of all ages can celebrate it in their own ways. 1995年4月23日,由联合国创建,这一天都是关于庆祝书籍的奇妙力量和阅读的乐趣。_______然而,所有年龄段的人都可以用他们自己的方式来庆祝它。
A. It shows the importance of reading.
B. A common celebration is doing some reading.
D. Doing some reading helps you understand the world better.
E. It’s especially meant to encourage a love of reading in children.
F. Additionally, varied understanding of a book allows heated discussions.
G. You will find books are more than simple pieces of paper with words on them.
38 Do you have a book you just can’t get around to finish Why not curl up on the couch and enjoy every last page If you have children, pick a topic they’re interested in and explore the magical world of literature together. It is the perfect day to teach them the joy of reading._____你有一本你读不完的书吗?为什么不蜷缩在沙发,享受每一页?如果你有孩子,选择一个他们感兴趣的话题和一起探索文学的魔法世界。这是完美的一天来教他们阅读的快乐。
A. It shows the importance of reading.
B. A common celebration is doing some reading.
D. Doing some reading helps you understand the world better.
F. Additionally, varied understanding of a book allows heated discussions.
G. You will find books are more than simple pieces of paper with words on them.
B 总分关系
Yet it is also a good choice to get together with some friends and share the same book you all love. Hearing someone read aloud sentences you have only ever murmured to yourself could cause you to see them in a whole new way. 然而,和一些朋友聚在一起,和你分享同一本书也是一个不错的选择 所有的爱。听到别人大声朗读你只对自己说过的句子就可以了 让你以一种全新的方式来看待他们。 39
A. It shows the importance of reading.
D. Doing some reading helps you understand the world better.
F. Additionally, varied understanding of a book allows heated discussions.
G. You will find books are more than simple pieces of paper with words on them.
F 因果并列关系
Whichever way you choose to celebrate World Book Day, it’s an educational experience. 40 They are a door into another world, full of fiction and imagination or facts that teach you incredible new things. 无论你选择哪种方式来庆祝世界图书日,这都是一种教育体验。40 它们是通往另一个世界的门,充满了虚构和想象或事实,教给你不可思议的新事物。
A. It shows the importance of reading.
D. Doing some reading helps you understand the world better.
G. You will find books are more than simple pieces of paper with words on them.
G 递进
41. A. 踌躇的 В.感激的 C. 激动的 D. 耐心的 42. A. 缺乏 B. 意味 C. 证明 D. 变化 43. A. 自由 В.想象力 C. 练习 D. 快乐 44. A. 击打 B. 吻 C. 咬 D. 撕 45. A. 勇敢的 В.紧张的 C. 骄傲的 D. 热切的 46. A. 即使 В.以防 C. 似乎 D. 为了 47. A. 多云的 В.雨天的 C. 多风的 D. 阳光的 48. A. 致力于 B. 放好 C. 捡起 D. 分发 49. A. 谈话 B. 画画 C. 跳舞 D. 阅读 50. A. 高光,最精彩的部分 B. 安排 C. 传统 D. 优势 51. A. 保护 В.隐藏 C. 坐下 D. 穿衣 52. A. 故事 B. 谎言 C. 笑话 D. 秘密 53. A.最终 B.确切地 C. 幸运地 D. 显然地 54. A. 筋疲力尽的 В.沉默的 C. 醒着的 D. 困倦的 55. A. 存在 B. 接近 C. 持续 D. 结束
学校的最后一天,当铃响时,苏珊娜和她的同学们欢呼起来。 学校已经结束了,夏天也开始了!
有些学生 41 去参加夏令营,而其他人只是很高兴地留下来 在家休息。然而,苏珊娜的夏天 42 只有一件事:小屋。 在阳光明媚的日子里,小屋里有那么多 43 !阳光照下了,这个湖 像钻石一样发光。温和的风 44 树上的叶子,听起来像是瀑布。苏珊娜是 45 和父母一起去清澈的湖上游泳 最热的日子。她还喜欢在桨板上划船(浆板), 46 她经常摔倒 。
在 47 的日子里,全家人都会呆在室内,看电影或看电影 ,48 具有挑战性的拼图。在晚上,他们会做一些事情, 49 ,拥抱文学的奇迹, 听着屋顶上的声音,
苏珊娜很喜欢她全家在那里度过这个夏天的方式。然而, 50 是她堂兄弟们的来访。他们会在晚上点燃篝火,随着音乐唱歌和跳舞 在户外。一旦进入室内, 51 苏珊娜和她的表兄弟们会在毯子下,说 52, 笑出眼泪,直到大人找到他们并告诉他们要安静。 53 他们会一个接一个地睡着,直到只有苏珊娜保持 54 . 她会听着精疲力尽的孩子们发出温柔的鼾声睡着,希望那个夏天永远不会55 。
【语法填空答案与解析】56. where 【分析】本题考查定语从句的连接词。先行词为zoo, 在定语从句中充当地点状语。故此空应填where。57. earlier 【分析】本题考查形容词的比较级。译为“这个月早些时候”。故此空应填earlier。58. to learn【分析】本题考查非谓语的不定式。inspire sb. to do sth.为固定结构。故此空应填to learn。59. have grown【分析】本题考查谓语动词的时态。根据空后的“in the past two decades”可知,本空应该使用现在完成时,且主语为复数。故此空应填have grown。60. traveled/ travelled【分析】本题考查谓语动词的时态。根据空前的“In 2003”可知,本空应该使用一般过去时。故此空应填traveled/ travelled。
61. building【分析】本题考查非谓语的-ing分词。固定结构为spend time doing sth.。故此空应填building。62. traditional【分析】本题考查形容词。根据句意,本空应为elements的定语。故此空应填traditional。63. an【分析】本题考查冠词。根据句意,丫丫在大熊猫研究领域扮演着一个很重要的角色,且important以元音开头。故此空应填an。64. contribution 【分析】本题考查名词。空前的a positive均修饰名词,且应是单数。故此空应填contribution。65. as【分析】本题考查介词。根据句意,丫丫serves充当了中美交流的桥梁。故此空应填as。
66. ended/wound up
67. fill in/out
68. broke/burst into
69. recover from 70. mistake/take…for
71. leave…behind
72. refer to
73. After all 74. in harmony
75. social media
评分标准:1. 本节共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分。2. 每小题按空给分,若两空完全正确,给分2分;任意一空正确,给分1分;无一空正确,给分0分。3. 答案不符、拼写错误、语法错误、书写不规范以致无法辨认,或大小写错误,均不给分,如66题ended up的ended以及68题broke/burst out的broke没有写过去时的,此空不给分;73题After all的After没有大写的,此空不给分。特别提醒:1. 66题 ended up=wound up都给满分。2. 符合语境且语法正确的同义或近义短语均可接受,如67题,fill in或fill out均为正确答案;68题broke into或burst into均为正确答案;70题mistake…for或take…for均为正确答案。3. 75题的social media不需要大写,考生若大写这两个单词,均不给分。
第四部分 写作评分标准:A. 评分原则1. 本节满分 20 分,按 5 个档次给分,精确到 1 分。2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其档次,然后以该档次要求衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。词数少于 50 的,从总分中减去 1 分。多于 110、但都是有效表达,不扣分。3. 评分时应关注内容要点的合理性、应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性、准确性及上下文的连贯性。4. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。5. 如书写较差以至影响交际,将其分数降低一个档次。B. 内容要点1. 简述运动会概况:基础性,略写 (可写点:时间地点、参加人员、赛事项目、反响等);2. 难忘的瞬间:详写、拓展部分;1) 发生了什么(who did what);2) 难忘的原因 (why)。3. 你的感想:略写(可写点:体育精神、团结拼搏、毅力坚持、挑战自我等)。说明:内容要点可用不同方式表达;内容可适当拓展,但应紧扣主题。
A. 各档给分范围与要求1. 快速确定评分档次
档次 给分 比例 评分标准
第五档 17-20 20% 语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达清楚,有亮点表达
第四档 13-16 50% 语言有少量错误,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚
第三档 9-12 24% 语言有一些错误,尚能表达
第二档 5-8 5% 语言错误较多,影响表达
第一档 1-4 1% 只能写出与要求内容有关的一些单词
0 分:未能传达给读者任何信息,内容太少,无法评判;所写内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。
评分建议:6 问题:1. 段落结构不合理; 2. 书写较差; 3. 字数不达要求; 4. 语言错误很多,严重影响正确表达。
评分建议:7.5-8问题:1. 书写较差;2. 第二段对难忘时刻没有足够的拓展;3. 语言表达较单一。
评分建议:10优点:1.结构合理; 2.有尽量覆盖要点。缺点:1. 缺少对难忘时刻的适当拓展; 2. 语言较简单。
整体卷面美观,段落分布合理,要点齐全。首段概况清晰明了,简洁准确。整篇行文句式高级且句式丰富多样,包括倒装、强调、状语从句等。文中偶有出现语法错误,如首段with复合结构等。 【建议评分:18.5】