2 Food I like
一. 背景分析
2. 教材分析:
本课选取的教学内容是《牛津英语1B M2U2 Food I like》一课。本课的教学主题是food ,在此之前,学生已经学习了一些可以食用的食物,这节课在此基础上学习小点心类的甜食名词,以此来描述自己所看见或喜欢的食物。
二. 学习目标分析
知识目标:词汇:认识属于甜食的名词jelly, ice cream, sweet, biscuit
能力目标 能正确认读本节课所学的四个点心甜食单词。
目标:通过学习和交流,使学生知道甜食很好吃,但吃多了也会对自己的牙等等有害处。 三.教学过程分析
在while-task中,通过歌曲sell the …儿歌揭示本节课的主题,自然引出新授的第一个单词jelly,并通过不同的方式引出其它 三个单词为避免单词操练的枯燥、乏味, 通过儿歌、歌曲、动作的模仿,表演等各种方式进行机械性操练,老师在教授单词的过程中有目的的把以前学过的形容词、颜色、动词等能描述动物的单词穿插在句子中,为post-task的语言输出作铺垫,同时通过游戏猜猜这是什么,用媒体打出某一食物的局部,猜猜是什么,并用学过的形容词,动词、颜色等简单表述原因,解释理由。由机械性操练过渡到意义性操练。整个过程充满悬念,激发孩子们强烈的好奇心,表现欲。在post-task 中,通过故事,复习巩固并单词,并用问答的方式让学生进行发散性思维,引出少食零食的主题
1、WORDS(LETTERS) ice cream sweet biscuit jelly
Using nouns to identify food Using the verb “like” to indicate preferences.
AIDS: pictures cassette recorder
Pre-task preparation 1.Rhymes 2.Song 3.Words pizza cake pie hamburger hot dog egg rice noodles Ps 1.Read together 2.Guessing game 3.Passing game P-T: A&Q 用唱歌的形式活跃课堂气氛。 用不同方式复习单词,让学生始终保持新鲜感。
While-task Procedure Can I help you I like soup. Here you are . Thank you. 1 jelly 2 ice cream biscuit biscuits sweet sweets 3.Review these new words jelly, ice-cream, biscuit sweet I like … (不可数名词) 4. I like….(可数名词) Look and learn Pictures T-Ps (Look and say) Pa-Pb-Pn Hamburger, pizza, rice ,noodles are food. T: (Point to jelly on the screen and take out water) It is jelly. Feel it. It’s soft. Taste it, it’s sweet. I like I like jelly. Ps: follow T. “Jelly, jelly” (all→little train) Ps: Read and spell it. Ps:Jelly, jelly, I like jelly. (All→Bs/Gs) T: (Point to the ice-cream) Is it jelly What is it P1: It is ice cream. Ps:Read. “ice cream” (All→2 by 2) Ps: Spell it. T: How is the ice-cream The ice-cream is… P1,2: Try to say “The ice-cream is sweet” “The ice-cream is cold” T: Do you like ice-cream If you like it, Wave your hands! Ps: Wave the hand and say: “ice-cream, ice-cream, I like ice-cream. Yummy! Yummy! T:(Point to the biscuit) Look, What is this P: biscuit T: biscuit Ps: Follow. Ps: Spell it. Big biscuit, small biscuit, One and two. Big biscuit, small biscuit, I can see. T: How many biscuits Ps: _____ biscuits. T: Look, here is a …! (Point to the sweet ) Ps: sweet Ps: Spell it. T: How many sweets Ps:_____ sweets T:Many children like sweets. Do you like sweets You can stand up! Ps: sweets, sweets, I like sweets. Yummy, Yummy! (All→Groups) P are very tasty. 1)Ps:Read twice and clap three. 2) Game: Yes/ no. 3) Make some rhymes. T:I can choose one food, and make a rhyme. eg: “jelly, jelly, I can see. Jelly, jelly, I like jelly.” P1,2…: Make a rhyme. Ps: Pair work. T: Next I will choose two things to make a rhyme, listen! Eg: I like milk. I like cake. Cake and milk. Yummy, yummy! P3,4: … T: Can you make other rhymes by yourself, just like rhymes we have learnt. Think it over. P5,6: Try to make 新授单词。 通过教师的语言和肢体动作让学生初步感受句型I like…的含义。 纠正学生/e/的发音。 学生跟读、机械操练。 纠正学生的发音,/m/的发音不应漏掉。 拼读单词。在这里教师可引导学生将语句表达完整。 在简短的儿歌中既操练了单词又操练了句子。通过简单的游戏对新授单词进行操练和巩固。 低年级的孩子对琅琅上口的儿歌很感兴趣,于是将新授单词的操练放在3组层层递进的儿歌中进行,同时句型I like…(后接不课数名词)这个句型也得到了操练。 在不做提示的情况下,请学生根据平时所学的课内外儿歌进行改编! 模仿。 正音。 听录音,让学生通过模仿来进一步正音。
Post-task activity Match. Play a game Guess the words Make a dialogue with the new words. The dessert cave T: Play the cassette. Ps: Say after the tape. Read them by themselves. On the left side of the board put up the word cards for all the new words and on the right their picture cards, but in a different order… Pa: Draw a line… Between the right pairs. Ps Pa-Pb-Pn Ps I like desserts, but I can’t eat too much. 图词配对,让学生加强识记 常规游戏,是机械性操练不可缺少的方法 用新的单词让学生在对话中运用,提高实际运用语言的能力
Assignment Listen and read the new words, try to spell and recite .
教学反思: 在这节课上,我教的语言点是学会使用四个零食的单词,并学会可数名词和不可数名词如何用I like… 句型来表示。难点是不可数名词不加S,复数名词加s。 课前通过来复习pizza等儿歌来引出食物。紧接着通过一个听,看,并记忆的游戏来引出jelly, ice cream sweet biscuit。点出这些食物是甜点,来帮助学生区分和rice等主食的不同。然后我通过各种各样的机械操练方式来帮助同学朗读并掌握知识点。使这些枯燥的词组变的生动起来。在接下去的组句操练的游戏中,同学们通过听,判断,说这三个步骤来反馈刚刚所学得的内容和可数,不可数名词的变化。这些从机械到意义性过度的内容难度设置有坡度,对同学们的要求逐步提高。最后的操练中,同学们通过看图配对话的游戏,反馈了本节课的教学目标,最后同学们在看了图中乱吃零食的后果后,一起想出了爱护牙的最好方法是在吃完零食后多刷牙,体现了如何培养良好卫生习惯的情感目标。这一节课上,老师强调了同学们听说能力以及一些课堂习惯的培养,比如在课上,我要求学生们将双手变成小耳朵做出倾听状,用直观的动作来提示此时应做的事情——听清老师的发音,帮助学生养成倾听的习惯,有效提高学生对语言的模仿能力。但在最后的环节还是有点赶,可以让学生打开糖吃两颗更能有效的提高课堂的情趣。