人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome Unit 单元复习学案(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome Unit 单元复习学案(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 538.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-11 09:01:10


Welcome Unit
Welcome Unit 话题 校园生活
词汇 exchange,lecture,formal ,senior ,outgoing,concentrate,experiment ,awkward junior ,explore ,forward,flash ,goal ,partner ,company ,style
短语 at last,make an impression,what if,concentrate on,leave...alone,look forward to take notes
句型 1.what if 2.find+n.+adj. 3.feel+比较级 4.either...or... 5.while doing sth 6.no matter+疑问词
语法 基本句子结构
写作 个人简介
考点1 .exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
[教材原句] I’m an exchange student from the UK.我是来自英国的一名交换生。
(1)in exchange for交换
(2)exchange sth for sth 用……来交换……
exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物
①We students should often exchange ideas with our parents, who are rich in experience.
②I’d like to exchange some pounds for dollars.
③He would like to work in the restaurant in exchange a meal for free.
Meanwhile, they exchange ideas and feelings with each other, through which they probably acquire more knowledge.
考点12.lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥
[教材原句] in the lecture hall在演讲大厅
①I know I should stop smoking—don’t give me a lecture about it.
②She lectures in Russian literature.
③He’s always lecturing me about the way I dress.
Last Friday morning we spoke one by one in the lecture hall.At the end of my speech many students gave me loud applause.(2020·北京卷书面表达)
考点13.design n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计;筹划
(1)be designed for sb/sth 为……所设计
be designed to do sth 被设计用于做……
(2)by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地
(3)designer n. 设计者
①The programme is designed (help)people who have been out of work for a long time.
②We must make it clear whether it happened by accident or design.
1.And third, tiger sharks have teeth perfectly designed for cutting their food, so it is certain that the damage will be disastrous.(2020·北京卷)
2.The GPNP ___40___ (design)to reflect the guiding principle of “protecting the authenticity and integrity(完整性)of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones, and leaving behind precious natural assets(资产)for future generations”.(2021·新高考1卷)
考点4.annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的
(1)be annoyed at/with sb 对某人生气
be annoyed by/about sth 因某事而生气
(2)annoy vt. 使恼怒;打扰
annoying adj. 令人恼怒的;令人烦恼的
①We should keep a cool head and put ourselves in others’ shoes rather than get (annoy).
②What is really (annoy) is that we made the same mistake last time.
When I hear that someone says,“My friend falls,I laugh; my phone falls, I cry.” I feel rather annoyed and surprised.
考点5.anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的
[教材原句]I’m not outgoing so I’m a little anxious right now.我性格并不外向,所以现在感觉有点焦虑。
(1)be anxious about 为……担心/担忧
be anxious for 渴望……
be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事
(2)anxiety n. 担心;焦虑;渴望
anxiously adv. 焦虑地
①I was really anxious you.You shouldn’t have left home without a word.
②He was to leave and he could not hide his .(anxious)
③We waited (anxious) for the news of her safe arrival.
We are really concerned and anxious (learn) about your updates.(2020·浙江)
【答案】to learn
考点6.impression n.印象;感想
[教材原句] I want to make a good first impression.我想给别人留下良好的第一印象。
(1)make/have/leave a(n)...impression on sb 给某人留下一个……的印象
(2)impress vt. 使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象vi. 留下印象;引人注目
impress sth on/upon sb=impress sb with sth 使某人牢记某事
be impressed by/at/with 对……印象深刻
(3)impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的;感人的
①My father impressed the value of hard work me.
→My father impressed me the value of hard work.
②She was very (impress) in the interview, which made it possible for her to get the job.
A few characters are used to create a single growing out of the theme.(2020·浙江卷)
考点7.frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的
[教材原句] I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all.我一点也不觉得尴尬或害怕。
(1)be frightened to do sth 害怕做某事
be frightened at... 对……感到惊恐
(2)frighten vt. 使惊吓;使惊恐;吓唬
frightening adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的
①On hearing the story, the girl was so (frighten)that she closed her eyes.
②A sudden stop can be a very (frighten)experience,especially if you are travelling at high speed.
Like humans, polar bears can feel pain, have emotions and can be frightened.(2020·浙江卷写作)
考点8.confident adj.自信的;有把握的
[教材原句]I feel much more confident than I felt this morning.我感觉比今天早晨更加自信。
(1)be confident
(2)confidence n. 信心
①Compared with them, we’re more confident t success.
②Tom was highly thought of in the company.The manager had (confident) of his ability.
1.Mr Mills’s encouraging remark gave Vinnie (confident) to make her request of President Lincoln.(2020·天津)
2.I have been helping the panda keepers at the zoo to feel more comfortable and ___37___ (confidence) speaking English.(2023·新课标Ⅱ卷)
考点9.concentrate on集中精力于
[教材原句]I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment.我没法专心做实验。
concentrate one’s mind/attention on 集中注意力于;致力于;专心于
concentration n. 集中;专心
①If you concentrate your mind English, you will master the language.
② (concentrate) on your studies will result in good grades.
When I woke up, I found my father concentrating on his work.当我醒来时,我发现父亲在专心工作。
[教材原句] I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!我真想对他说:请安静,别打扰我!
leave aside 搁置一边
leave for... 动身到……
leave out 省略;遗漏;忽略
①When do you plan to leave Canada
②We’ll leave the difficult problems until next week.
③Don’t worry! We Chinese are friendly and you won’t feel left .
I wish everyone would stop bothering me and just leave me alone.我希望大家别来打扰我,就让我一个人待着。
考点11. goal n.目标;球门;射门;进球
[教材原句] I have learning goals and make plans for my English studies.我有学习目标并为我的英语学习制定了计划。
achieve one’s goal 实现目标
learning goals 学习目标
①His goal is to get a good job and support his family.
②The footballer scored three goals and his team finally won the match.
③He headed the ball into an open goal.
My teacher always reminds me that I should not give up my learning goals once I set them.我的老师总是提醒我,一旦设定了学习目标,就不应该放弃。
考点12.improve vi.&vt.改进;改善
[教材原句] What is the best way for you to improve your reading skills 对你来说,提高阅读能力的最好方法是什么?
improve on/upon sth改进;做出比……更好的成绩
improvement n. 改进;改善;提高
①We’ve certainly improved last year’s figures.
②We expect to see further (improve) over the coming year.
I would appreciate it if you could give us some advice on how to improve our robots.如果您能就如何改进我们的机器人给我们一些建议,我将不胜感激。
考点13. curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的
[教材原句] I’m curious about everything.我对一切都很好奇。
(1)be curious about sth 对某事感到好奇
be curious to do sth 极想做某事
(2)curiosity n. 好奇心
(3)curiously adv. 好奇地
①I’m curious (know) how many satellites have been sent into space up to now.
②As we all know, children are full of (curious) about everything around them.
③The people looked at the strange boy (curious).
Like Galileo,all the great names in history were curious and asked in discontent,“Why?Why?Why?” (2020·天津卷)
Chinese students are curious about the school life of American students.中国学生对美国学生的校园生活感到好奇。
考点14. look forward to盼望;期待(to为介词)
[教材原句] Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student.汤姆正盼望着迎接这名新的交换生。
look into 往……里看;调查
look out for 注意察看;留心
look back (on) 回忆;回顾
look down on/upon 俯视;轻视;看不起
①As I saw the old photo, I always looked back the scene where we had met.
②Now, I want to answer your questions, but remember to look for the red light.
③A good teacher never looks down slow students.
We all miss you and are looking forward to your early recovery.Get plenty of rest and take good care of yourself.(2020·浙江卷写作)
考点15.I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.我发现我的大多数同学和老师都很友好并且乐于助人。
[句型公式] find+sb/sth+adj.(宾补)
find+宾语(n./pron.)+宾语补足语,意思是“发现……处于……状态”。句中“most of my classmates and teachers”为宾语,“friendly and helpful”为宾语补足语。常用下列形式:
①You won’t paper cutting if you keep practising it.如果你坚持练习,你就会发现剪纸不难。
②When we see from the top of the hill,we can find the city more (beauty).
③When he arrived, he found all the work (finish).当他到达的时候,他发现所有的工作都已做完了。
When I arrived home,I found my mother watching TV.当我到家时,我发现妈妈正在看电视。
考点16.If I’m not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab.
[句型公式] either...or...或者……或者……
·neither...nor... 既不……也不……
·not only...but also... 不但……而且……
·not...but... 不是……而是……
①Sightseeing is best done by tour bus by bicycle.
②Either you or one of your students (be) to attend the meeting.
③Kunming is a beautiful city, where it’s too hot too cold all the year around.
④In my opinion, neither my friend nor my classmates (be) as positive as Tom.
I often go to either the English Corner__or the gym as my after-class activities.课外活动时,我通常要么去“英语角”,要么去体育馆。
TV news often gives us lots of information.(名词)
Something is wrong with my computer.(代词)
Seven-tenths of the earth surface is covered with water.
To see is to believe.(动词不定式)
Cycling and boating are my favorite free time interests.
That she was admitted into a key university greatly comforted her parents.(主语从句)
He practises running every morning.(简单谓语)
Great changes have taken place in Shanghai.(复合谓语)
My favorite attraction is the Great Wall.(名词)
—Who is there?(副词)
—It’s me.(代词)
English is both useful and important.(形容词)
The Forbidden City is at the centre of Beijing.(介词短语)
The greatest happiness is to work for the happiness of all.(动词不定式短语)
My hobby is collecting stamps.(动名词短语)
My belief is that our country will become stronger and stronger.(表语从句)
The children are flying kites.(名词)
Call me any time.(代词)
I decide to pick up a new foreign language.(动词不定式短语)
Do you mind passing me the dictionary?(动名词短语)
Your success will largely depend upon what you do and how you do it.(宾语从句)
5.宾语补足语(object complement)
He has proved himself an experienced teacher.(名词)
We have decided to paint the room pink.(形容词)
My mother always keeps everything in good order.(介词短语)
The teacher asked us not to make so much noise.(动词不定式短语)
I heard the telephone ringing.(现在分词)
He was very happy to see the homeless children taken good care of at the orphanage.(过去分词短语)
These are apple trees.(名词)
The men here are always busy working on the farm.(副词)
There is nothing to do today.(不定式)
The smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother.(现在分词、过去分词短语)
I’m very pleased to see you.(副词)
I’ll be back in a while.(介词短语)
When she was 12 years old, she began to live in Dalian.(状语从句)
Having had a quarrel with his wife, he left home in a bad temper.(分词)
①The manager made them work day and night.
②A lot of green lands have been opened to the public.谓
③The best method of keeping slim is to do exercise regularly.
④They lived in the room above.
⑤He gave me a basket full of eggs.
这种句子结构中的谓语动词为不及物动词(短语),故其后不能直接接宾语,也没有被动语态。主谓结构常用来表示主语的动作或状态。 常见的不及物动词(短语)有:rise, matter, begin, come, go, happen, last, appear, work, come true, take place等。
说明:主语“____”;谓语“  ”;宾语“  ”;表语“  ”;宾补  ;状语“[  ]”;定语“(  )”。
The sun is rising.太阳正在升起。
The little boy is crying.小男孩正在哭泣。
2. 主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O)
He is watching TV.他正在看电视。
[Last weekend] our__class held a speech contest.上个周末, 我们班举行了演讲比赛。
Please wake Li Ling up (=wake up Li Ling) at 6:30 in the morning.(√)
Please wake her up at 6:30 in the morning.(√)
Please wake up her at 6:30 in the morning.(×)
3. 主语+(系动词+)表语(S+P)
这种句子结构中的谓语动词为系动词,无被动语态,也无进行时态。常见的系动词有be动词,还有感官系动词(sound, look, smell, taste, feel);变化系动词(become, get, grow, turn, go, fall, run);持续系动词(remain, keep, hold, stay);表象系动词(seem, appear, look)等。表语由名词、形容词、介词短语、分词、不定式或从句充当。
Everything looks different.一切看来都不同了。
Computers are useful [in people’s life].电脑在人们的生活中很有用。
The__problem remains to be settled.问题依然需要被解决。
这种句子结构中的及物动词后跟双宾语,指人的宾语称为间接宾语,指物的宾语称为直接宾语。通常间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后,也可把间接宾语置于直接宾语后,但间接宾语前需用介词for或to。间接宾语之前用介词to的常见动词有:give, tell, teach, write, bring, lend, hand, show, offer, send, pay, order等。间接宾语之前用介词for的常见动词有:buy, fetch, save, choose, sing等。
He bought me a birthday present.=He bought a birthday present for me.他给我买了一份生日礼物。
I showed him my pictures.=I showed my pictures to him.我给他看我的照片。
(1)使役动词:keep, make, let, have, leave, get等;
(2)感官动词或短语:see, watch, notice, observe, find, catch, look at, listen to, hear, feel, smell等;
(3)ask, tell, order, request, permit, persuade 等。
Mike told me not to go [now].迈克告诉我不要现在走。
They painted the door green.他们把门漆成了绿色。
6. 主语+谓语+状语(S+V+A)
They talked [for half an hour].他们谈了半个小时。
The__time passed [quickly].时间很快过去了。
7. 主语+谓语+宾语+状语(S+V+O+A)
I waited for him [at the school gate].我在校门口等他。
8. 存现句(There be...)
There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人,基本结构是There is/are/was/were...+地点状语。谓语动词有时候可用表示存在的其他动词,如live, stand, lie, seem/appear to be (好像有), happen to be (碰巧有), used to be (曾经有) 等。
There is a piano in my study room.在我的书房里有一架钢琴。
There are 56 students in my class.我的班里有56名学生。
①This kind of food tastes terrible.
②He studies hard.
③There are several books on the desks.
④He made me very angry.
⑤I visited many places of interest with my family last week.
⑥Tom will bring me several English books tomorrow.
My name is ________ and I’m a Grade ________ student at ________(学校名称).I look ________(外貌特征).I am a(n) ________ (性格特征) boy/girl.My favourite subject is ________.I ________(学习方法).________ are my hobbies.My dream is to ________.
1.warm-hearted adj. 热心肠的
2.lovely adj. 可爱的
3.easy-going adj. 随和的
4.clever adj. 聪明的
5.creative adj. 富有创造性(力)的
6.friendly adj. 友善的
7.independent adj. 独立的
8.active adj. 主动的,活跃的
9.dream of 梦想
10.be interested in 对……感兴趣
11.be ready to help others 乐于助人
12.get along/on well with... 与……关系良好
1.My name is Li Ming.I am a Senior 3 student of Xinhua Middle School.
2.I have been learning English for nearly six years,so I have a good knowledge of English.
3.I’m Li Hua, an 18-year-old girl student in Class One, Grade Three.I’m open-minded, easy-going and enthusiastic.I think my English is good enough to communicate with foreigners and I like to make friends.
4.I’d like to make full use of free time to take part in sports activities.
5.Last but not least, he is warm-hearted and willing to help others in need.
假设你是李华,是校英语俱乐部的成员。英语俱乐部下次交流的话题是“My Hero”,请你写一篇英语发言稿,介绍你班身残志坚的同学——王跃。内容包括:
I would like to .He is one of my classmates.He is named Wang Yue.
When Wang Yue was born, .It made him unable to walk.
As a result, .
He works hard at his lessons .
His goal is .
Wang Yue is my hero.He never .
His example inspires us to try our best to .
Dear friends
My name is Li Hua.
That’s all.Thank you.
exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 【搭配】 (1)in exchange for交换 我们的英语老师正在校园里与交换生谈话。 (2)exchange sth for sth 用……来交换…… exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物
lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥 (2)exchange sth for sth 用……来交换…… exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物
registration n.登记;注册;挂号 【联想】 register vt.&vi.登记;注册
nationality n.国籍;民族 【联想】 nation n.国家;民族;国民 national adj.国家的,民族的
design n.设计;设计方案vt.设计;筹划 【搭配】 (1)be designed for sb/sth 为……所设计 be designed to do sth 被设计用于做…… (2)by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地 【联想】 designer n.设计者
formal adj.正式的;正规的 【联想】 informal adj.非正式的
anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的 【搭配】 be anxious about  为……担心/担忧 be anxious for 渴望…… be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事 【联想】 anxiety n. 担心;焦虑;渴望 anxiously adv. 焦虑地
annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 【搭配】 be/get annoyed at/with sb对某人生气 be/get annoyed by/about sth 因某事而生气 【联想】 annoy vt. 使恼怒;打扰 annoying adj. 令人恼怒的;令人烦恼的
frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的 be frightened to do...不敢做…… 【联想】 frighten vt. 使吃惊;惊吓 fright n. 恐惧;害怕 frightening adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的
outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 【联想】outworn adj. 用旧的;筋疲力尽的 outstanding adj. 杰出的,优秀的
impression n.印象;感想 【搭配】 make an impression留下好印象 【联想】 impress vt. 使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象vi. 留下印象;引人注目
what if要是……会怎么样呢? What if this problem has to be solved in the next half hour?在接下来的半小时里,要是这个问题必须解决会怎样呢?
concentrate vi.&vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神 【搭配】 concentrate on 集中精力于
explore vt.&vi.探索;勘探 【联想】 exploration n.探测;勘探
confident adj.自信的;有把握的 【搭配】 (1)be confident about... 对……有自信 (2)have confidence in... 对……有自信 【联想】 confidence n. 信心;信任
forward adv.向前;前进adj.向前的;前进的 【搭配】 look forward to 盼望;期待
organise vt.组织;筹备;安排;组建vi.组建;成立 【联想】 organisation n.组织;团体;机构
improve vi.&vt.改进;改善 【联想】 improvement n.改进;改善;提高
curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的 【搭配】 be curious about sth对某事感到好奇 be curious to do sth 极想做某事 【联想】 curiosity n. 好奇心 curiously adv. 好奇地
company n.公司;商行;陪伴 搭配】 in company with 陪伴 keep company with 交往;陪伴
personality n.性格;个性 【联想】 (1)person n. 人 (2)personal adj. 个人的;私人的 (3)personally adv. 亲自地;就个人而言
1.Goals determine what you are going to be.
——Julius Erving
2.Learn young,learn fair.学习趁年少,既学就学好。
3.Youth should be energetic,be aggressive.
——Lu Xun
4.An idle youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
5.It's never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。Welcome Unit
Welcome Unit 话题 校园生活
词汇 exchange,lecture,formal ,senior ,outgoing,concentrate,experiment ,awkward junior ,explore ,forward,flash ,goal ,partner ,company ,style
短语 at last,make an impression,what if,concentrate on,leave...alone,look forward to take notes
句型 1.what if 2.find+n.+adj. 3.feel+比较级 4.either...or... 5.while doing sth 6.no matter+疑问词
语法 基本句子结构
写作 个人简介
考点1 .exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
[教材原句] I’m an exchange student from the UK.我是来自英国的一名交换生。
(1)in exchange for交换
(2)exchange sth for sth 用……来交换……
exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物
①We students should often exchange ideas with our parents, who are rich in experience.
②I’d like to exchange some pounds for dollars.
③He would like to work in the restaurant in exchange a meal for free.
Meanwhile, they exchange ideas and feelings with each other, through which they probably acquire more knowledge.
考点12.lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥
[教材原句] in the lecture hall在演讲大厅
①I know I should stop smoking—don’t give me a lecture about it.
②She lectures in Russian literature.
③He’s always lecturing me about the way I dress.
Last Friday morning we spoke one by one in the lecture hall.At the end of my speech many students gave me loud applause.(2020·北京卷书面表达)
考点13.design n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计;筹划
(1)be designed for sb/sth 为……所设计
be designed to do sth 被设计用于做……
(2)by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地
(3)designer n. 设计者
①The programme is designed (help)people who have been out of work for a long time.
②We must make it clear whether it happened by accident or design.
【答案】1.to help2.by
1.And third, tiger sharks have teeth perfectly designed for cutting their food, so it is certain that the damage will be disastrous.(2020·北京卷)
2.The GPNP ___40___ (design)to reflect the guiding principle of “protecting the authenticity and integrity(完整性)of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones, and leaving behind precious natural assets(资产)for future generations”.(2021·新高考1卷)
【答案】is designed
考点4.annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的
(1)be annoyed at/with sb 对某人生气
be annoyed by/about sth 因某事而生气
(2)annoy vt. 使恼怒;打扰
annoying adj. 令人恼怒的;令人烦恼的
①We should keep a cool head and put ourselves in others’ shoes rather than get (annoy).
②What is really (annoy) is that we made the same mistake last time.
When I hear that someone says,“My friend falls,I laugh; my phone falls, I cry.” I feel rather annoyed and surprised.
考点5.anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的
[教材原句]I’m not outgoing so I’m a little anxious right now.我性格并不外向,所以现在感觉有点焦虑。
(1)be anxious about 为……担心/担忧
be anxious for 渴望……
be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事
(2)anxiety n. 担心;焦虑;渴望
anxiously adv. 焦虑地
①I was really anxious you.You shouldn’t have left home without a word.
②He was to leave and he could not hide his .(anxious)
③We waited (anxious) for the news of her safe arrival.
【答案】1.about 2.anxious ,anxiety3.anxiously
We are really concerned and anxious (learn) about your updates.(2020·浙江)
【答案】to learn
考点6.impression n.印象;感想
[教材原句] I want to make a good first impression.我想给别人留下良好的第一印象。
(1)make/have/leave a(n)...impression on sb 给某人留下一个……的印象
(2)impress vt. 使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象vi. 留下印象;引人注目
impress sth on/upon sb=impress sb with sth 使某人牢记某事
be impressed by/at/with 对……印象深刻
(3)impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的;感人的
①My father impressed the value of hard work me.
→My father impressed me the value of hard work.
②She was very (impress) in the interview, which made it possible for her to get the job.
【答案】1.on/upon2.with 3.impressive
A few characters are used to create a single growing out of the theme.(2020·浙江卷)
考点7.frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的
[教材原句] I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all.我一点也不觉得尴尬或害怕。
(1)be frightened to do sth 害怕做某事
be frightened at... 对……感到惊恐
(2)frighten vt. 使惊吓;使惊恐;吓唬
frightening adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的
①On hearing the story, the girl was so (frighten)that she closed her eyes.
②A sudden stop can be a very (frighten)experience,especially if you are travelling at high speed.
Like humans, polar bears can feel pain, have emotions and can be frightened.(2020·浙江卷写作)
考点8.confident adj.自信的;有把握的
[教材原句]I feel much more confident than I felt this morning.我感觉比今天早晨更加自信。
(1)be confident
(2)confidence n. 信心
①Compared with them, we’re more confident t success.
②Tom was highly thought of in the company.The manager had (confident) of his ability.
1.Mr Mills’s encouraging remark gave Vinnie (confident) to make her request of President Lincoln.(2020·天津)
2.I have been helping the panda keepers at the zoo to feel more comfortable and ___37___ (confidence) speaking English.(2023·新课标Ⅱ卷)
考点9.concentrate on集中精力于
[教材原句]I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment.我没法专心做实验。
concentrate one’s mind/attention on 集中注意力于;致力于;专心于
concentration n. 集中;专心
①If you concentrate your mind English, you will master the language.
② (concentrate) on your studies will result in good grades.
【答案】1.on 2.Concentration
When I woke up, I found my father concentrating on his work.当我醒来时,我发现父亲在专心工作。
[教材原句] I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!我真想对他说:请安静,别打扰我!
leave aside 搁置一边
leave for... 动身到……
leave out 省略;遗漏;忽略
①When do you plan to leave Canada
②We’ll leave the difficult problems until next week.
③Don’t worry! We Chinese are friendly and you won’t feel left .
【答案】1.for 2.aside 3.out
I wish everyone would stop bothering me and just leave me alone.我希望大家别来打扰我,就让我一个人待着。
考点11. goal n.目标;球门;射门;进球
[教材原句] I have learning goals and make plans for my English studies.我有学习目标并为我的英语学习制定了计划。
achieve one’s goal 实现目标
learning goals 学习目标
①His goal is to get a good job and support his family.
②The footballer scored three goals and his team finally won the match.
③He headed the ball into an open goal.
My teacher always reminds me that I should not give up my learning goals once I set them.我的老师总是提醒我,一旦设定了学习目标,就不应该放弃。
考点12.improve vi.&vt.改进;改善
[教材原句] What is the best way for you to improve your reading skills 对你来说,提高阅读能力的最好方法是什么?
improve on/upon sth改进;做出比……更好的成绩
improvement n. 改进;改善;提高
①We’ve certainly improved last year’s figures.
②We expect to see further (improve) over the coming year.
【答案】1.on/upon 2.improvement
I would appreciate it if you could give us some advice on how to improve our robots.如果您能就如何改进我们的机器人给我们一些建议,我将不胜感激。
考点13. curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的
[教材原句] I’m curious about everything.我对一切都很好奇。
(1)be curious about sth 对某事感到好奇
be curious to do sth 极想做某事
(2)curiosity n. 好奇心
(3)curiously adv. 好奇地
①I’m curious (know) how many satellites have been sent into space up to now.
②As we all know, children are full of (curious) about everything around them.
③The people looked at the strange boy (curious).
【答案】1.to know2.curiosity 3.curiously
Like Galileo,all the great names in history were curious and asked in discontent,“Why?Why?Why?” (2020·天津卷)
Chinese students are curious about the school life of American students.中国学生对美国学生的校园生活感到好奇。
考点14. look forward to盼望;期待(to为介词)
[教材原句] Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student.汤姆正盼望着迎接这名新的交换生。
look into 往……里看;调查
look out for 注意察看;留心
look back (on) 回忆;回顾
look down on/upon 俯视;轻视;看不起
①As I saw the old photo, I always looked back the scene where we had met.
②Now, I want to answer your questions, but remember to look for the red light.
③A good teacher never looks down slow students.
【答案】1.on 2.out 3.on/upon
We all miss you and are looking forward to your early recovery.Get plenty of rest and take good care of yourself.(2020·浙江卷写作)
考点15.I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.我发现我的大多数同学和老师都很友好并且乐于助人。
[句型公式] find+sb/sth+adj.(宾补)
find+宾语(n./pron.)+宾语补足语,意思是“发现……处于……状态”。句中“most of my classmates and teachers”为宾语,“friendly and helpful”为宾语补足语。常用下列形式:
①You won’t paper cutting if you keep practising it.如果你坚持练习,你就会发现剪纸不难。
②When we see from the top of the hill,we can find the city more (beauty).
③When he arrived, he found all the work (finish).当他到达的时候,他发现所有的工作都已做完了。
【答案】1.find ,difficult 2.beautiful3.finished
When I arrived home,I found my mother watching TV.当我到家时,我发现妈妈正在看电视。
考点16.If I’m not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab.
[句型公式] either...or...或者……或者……
·neither...nor... 既不……也不……
·not only...but also... 不但……而且……
·not...but... 不是……而是……
①Sightseeing is best done by tour bus by bicycle.
②Either you or one of your students (be) to attend the meeting.
③Kunming is a beautiful city, where it’s too hot too cold all the year around.
④In my opinion, neither my friend nor my classmates (be) as positive as Tom.
【答案】1.either ,or 2.is3.neither ,nor 4.are
I often go to either the English Corner__or the gym as my after-class activities.课外活动时,我通常要么去“英语角”,要么去体育馆。
TV news often gives us lots of information.(名词)
Something is wrong with my computer.(代词)
Seven-tenths of the earth surface is covered with water.
To see is to believe.(动词不定式)
Cycling and boating are my favorite free time interests.
That she was admitted into a key university greatly comforted her parents.(主语从句)
He practises running every morning.(简单谓语)
Great changes have taken place in Shanghai.(复合谓语)
My favorite attraction is the Great Wall.(名词)
—Who is there?(副词)
—It’s me.(代词)
English is both useful and important.(形容词)
The Forbidden City is at the centre of Beijing.(介词短语)
The greatest happiness is to work for the happiness of all.(动词不定式短语)
My hobby is collecting stamps.(动名词短语)
My belief is that our country will become stronger and stronger.(表语从句)
The children are flying kites.(名词)
Call me any time.(代词)
I decide to pick up a new foreign language.(动词不定式短语)
Do you mind passing me the dictionary?(动名词短语)
Your success will largely depend upon what you do and how you do it.(宾语从句)
5.宾语补足语(object complement)
He has proved himself an experienced teacher.(名词)
We have decided to paint the room pink.(形容词)
My mother always keeps everything in good order.(介词短语)
The teacher asked us not to make so much noise.(动词不定式短语)
I heard the telephone ringing.(现在分词)
He was very happy to see the homeless children taken good care of at the orphanage.(过去分词短语)
These are apple trees.(名词)
The men here are always busy working on the farm.(副词)
There is nothing to do today.(不定式)
The smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother.(现在分词、过去分词短语)
I’m very pleased to see you.(副词)
I’ll be back in a while.(介词短语)
When she was 12 years old, she began to live in Dalian.(状语从句)
Having had a quarrel with his wife, he left home in a bad temper.(分词)
①The manager made them work day and night.
②A lot of green lands have been opened to the public.谓
③The best method of keeping slim is to do exercise regularly.
④They lived in the room above.
⑤He gave me a basket full of eggs.
这种句子结构中的谓语动词为不及物动词(短语),故其后不能直接接宾语,也没有被动语态。主谓结构常用来表示主语的动作或状态。 常见的不及物动词(短语)有:rise, matter, begin, come, go, happen, last, appear, work, come true, take place等。
说明:主语“____”;谓语“  ”;宾语“  ”;表语“  ”;宾补  ;状语“[  ]”;定语“(  )”。
The sun is rising.太阳正在升起。
The little boy is crying.小男孩正在哭泣。
2. 主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O)
He is watching TV.他正在看电视。
[Last weekend] our__class held a speech contest.上个周末, 我们班举行了演讲比赛。
Please wake Li Ling up (=wake up Li Ling) at 6:30 in the morning.(√)
Please wake her up at 6:30 in the morning.(√)
Please wake up her at 6:30 in the morning.(×)
3. 主语+(系动词+)表语(S+P)
这种句子结构中的谓语动词为系动词,无被动语态,也无进行时态。常见的系动词有be动词,还有感官系动词(sound, look, smell, taste, feel);变化系动词(become, get, grow, turn, go, fall, run);持续系动词(remain, keep, hold, stay);表象系动词(seem, appear, look)等。表语由名词、形容词、介词短语、分词、不定式或从句充当。
Everything looks different.一切看来都不同了。
Computers are useful [in people’s life].电脑在人们的生活中很有用。
The__problem remains to be settled.问题依然需要被解决。
这种句子结构中的及物动词后跟双宾语,指人的宾语称为间接宾语,指物的宾语称为直接宾语。通常间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后,也可把间接宾语置于直接宾语后,但间接宾语前需用介词for或to。间接宾语之前用介词to的常见动词有:give, tell, teach, write, bring, lend, hand, show, offer, send, pay, order等。间接宾语之前用介词for的常见动词有:buy, fetch, save, choose, sing等。
He bought me a birthday present.=He bought a birthday present for me.他给我买了一份生日礼物。
I showed him my pictures.=I showed my pictures to him.我给他看我的照片。
(1)使役动词:keep, make, let, have, leave, get等;
(2)感官动词或短语:see, watch, notice, observe, find, catch, look at, listen to, hear, feel, smell等;
(3)ask, tell, order, request, permit, persuade 等。
Mike told me not to go [now].迈克告诉我不要现在走。
They painted the door green.他们把门漆成了绿色。
6. 主语+谓语+状语(S+V+A)
They talked [for half an hour].他们谈了半个小时。
The__time passed [quickly].时间很快过去了。
7. 主语+谓语+宾语+状语(S+V+O+A)
I waited for him [at the school gate].我在校门口等他。
8. 存现句(There be...)
There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人,基本结构是There is/are/was/were...+地点状语。谓语动词有时候可用表示存在的其他动词,如live, stand, lie, seem/appear to be (好像有), happen to be (碰巧有), used to be (曾经有) 等。
There is a piano in my study room.在我的书房里有一架钢琴。
There are 56 students in my class.我的班里有56名学生。
①This kind of food tastes terrible.
②He studies hard.
③There are several books on the desks.
④He made me very angry.
⑤I visited many places of interest with my family last week.
⑥Tom will bring me several English books tomorrow.
【答案】1.S+P2.S+V+A3.There be...4.S+V+O+C5.S+V+O+A6.S+V+IO+DO
My name is ________ and I’m a Grade ________ student at ________(学校名称).I look ________(外貌特征).I am a(n) ________ (性格特征) boy/girl.My favourite subject is ________.I ________(学习方法).________ are my hobbies.My dream is to ________.
1.warm-hearted adj. 热心肠的
2.lovely adj. 可爱的
3.easy-going adj. 随和的
4.clever adj. 聪明的
5.creative adj. 富有创造性(力)的
6.friendly adj. 友善的
7.independent adj. 独立的
8.active adj. 主动的,活跃的
9.dream of 梦想
10.be interested in 对……感兴趣
11.be ready to help others 乐于助人
12.get along/on well with... 与……关系良好
1.My name is Li Ming.I am a Senior 3 student of Xinhua Middle School.
2.I have been learning English for nearly six years,so I have a good knowledge of English.
3.I’m Li Hua, an 18-year-old girl student in Class One, Grade Three.I’m open-minded, easy-going and enthusiastic.I think my English is good enough to communicate with foreigners and I like to make friends.
4.I’d like to make full use of free time to take part in sports activities.
5.Last but not least, he is warm-hearted and willing to help others in need.
假设你是李华,是校英语俱乐部的成员。英语俱乐部下次交流的话题是“My Hero”,请你写一篇英语发言稿,介绍你班身残志坚的同学——王跃。内容包括:
I would like to share my hero with you.He is one of my classmates.He is named Wang Yue.
When Wang Yue was born,he suffered from a terrible disease.It made him unable to walk.
As a result,he has to sit in a wheelchair all day.
He works hard at his lessons because he has a big dream.
His goal is to become a scientist when he grows up.
Wang Yue is my hero.He never gives up his dream although he is disabled.
His example inspires us to try our best to make our dreams come true.
I would like to share my hero with you, one of my classmates named Wang Yue.
When Wang Yue was born, he suffered from a terrible disease, which made him unable to walk.
Wang Yue is my hero because he never gives up his dream although he is disabled.
Dear friends
My name is Li Hua. I would like to share my hero with you, one of my classmates named Wang Yue.
When Wang Yue was born, he suffered from a terrible disease, which made him unable to walk.As a result, he has to sit in a wheelchair all day.However, Wang Yue stays positive about life.He works hard at his lessons because he has a big dream.His goal is to become a scientist when he grows up.
Wang Yue is my hero because he never gives up his dream although he is disabled.His example inspires us to try our best to make our dreams come true.
That’s all.Thank you.
exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 【搭配】 (1)in exchange for交换 我们的英语老师正在校园里与交换生谈话。 (2)exchange sth for sth 用……来交换…… exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物
lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥 (2)exchange sth for sth 用……来交换…… exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物
registration n.登记;注册;挂号 【联想】 register vt.&vi.登记;注册
nationality n.国籍;民族 【联想】 nation n.国家;民族;国民 national adj.国家的,民族的
design n.设计;设计方案vt.设计;筹划 【搭配】 (1)be designed for sb/sth 为……所设计 be designed to do sth 被设计用于做…… (2)by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地 【联想】 designer n.设计者
formal adj.正式的;正规的 【联想】 informal adj.非正式的
anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的 【搭配】 be anxious about  为……担心/担忧 be anxious for 渴望…… be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事 【联想】 anxiety n. 担心;焦虑;渴望 anxiously adv. 焦虑地
annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 【搭配】 be/get annoyed at/with sb对某人生气 be/get annoyed by/about sth 因某事而生气 【联想】 annoy vt. 使恼怒;打扰 annoying adj. 令人恼怒的;令人烦恼的
frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的 be frightened to do...不敢做…… 【联想】 frighten vt. 使吃惊;惊吓 fright n. 恐惧;害怕 frightening adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的
outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 【联想】outworn adj. 用旧的;筋疲力尽的 outstanding adj. 杰出的,优秀的
impression n.印象;感想 【搭配】 make an impression留下好印象 【联想】 impress vt. 使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象vi. 留下印象;引人注目
what if要是……会怎么样呢? What if this problem has to be solved in the next half hour?在接下来的半小时里,要是这个问题必须解决会怎样呢?
concentrate vi.&vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神 【搭配】 concentrate on 集中精力于
explore vt.&vi.探索;勘探 【联想】 exploration n.探测;勘探
confident adj.自信的;有把握的 【搭配】 (1)be confident about... 对……有自信 (2)have confidence in... 对……有自信 【联想】 confidence n. 信心;信任
forward adv.向前;前进adj.向前的;前进的 【搭配】 look forward to 盼望;期待
organise vt.组织;筹备;安排;组建vi.组建;成立 【联想】 organisation n.组织;团体;机构
improve vi.&vt.改进;改善 【联想】 improvement n.改进;改善;提高
curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的 【搭配】 be curious about sth对某事感到好奇 be curious to do sth 极想做某事 【联想】 curiosity n. 好奇心 curiously adv. 好奇地
company n.公司;商行;陪伴 搭配】 in company with 陪伴 keep company with 交往;陪伴
personality n.性格;个性 【联想】 (1)person n. 人 (2)personal adj. 个人的;私人的 (3)personally adv. 亲自地;就个人而言
1.Goals determine what you are going to be.
——Julius Erving
2.Learn young,learn fair.学习趁年少,既学就学好。
3.Youth should be energetic,be aggressive.
——Lu Xun
4.An idle youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
5.It's never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.