人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Build up your vocabulary课件(共42张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement Build up your vocabulary课件(共42张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 9.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-11 16:45:04



Unit 1 People of Achievement
Words and Expressions
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
physiology / f zi l d i/ n. 生理学;生理机能
physics n. 物理学
physical adj. 身体的,物理的
physicist n. 物理学家
physician n. 内科医师
2. artemisinin /,ɑ t 'mi s n n/ n. 【药】青蒿素
3. wormwood / w mw d/ n. 蒿;洋艾
4. malaria /m le ri / n. 疟疾
5. crucial /'kru l/ adj. 至关重要的;关键性的
(=very important =vital )
eg: Mastering a foreign language is of cruial importance /crucially important.
同义词: important, essential, significant, crucial, critical, necessary
6.vital adj.必不可少的;极其重要的
(P2)Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.
be vital to/for… 对……很重要
e.g. A good learning environment is vital to/for all of us.
(2) It is vital (for sb.) to do sth.做某事是很重要的
(3) It is vital that sb (should) do sth 某人做某事是十分重要的
It’s vital that we (should )carry out the operation immediately.
(4) (be)of vital importance= (be) vitally important
e.g. As far as I’m concerned, reading is of vital importance in language learning. 就我个人而言,阅读在语言学习中至关重要。
(1)It is vital that we______ __(inform) of all developments.
(2)It is vital ________(protect) wild animals.
(3)Consideration for other people is vital ________ all of us.
(4) It is ______ vital importance that you follow all safety rules.
be informed
to protect
7. commit /k m t/ v. (committed-committed-committing)
commit murder/ a crime/ a mistake
Smoking is committing suicide slowly.
(2) 投入
commit ... to (doing) sth.= be committed to (doing) sth. 尽心尽力做,全心做...
e.g. He commits an hour to reading the newspaper every morning.
e.g. He committed himself to/was committed to the cause of education.
(3) 承诺,保证做某事
commit ... to (doing) sth.= be committed to (doing) sth. 承诺;保证(做某事)
e.g. Both sides committed themselves to settle /settling the conflicts peacefully.
commitment n. 奉献;投入;承诺 make a commitment (to do/doing)作出承诺
committed adj. 尽心尽力的;坚定的 e.g. Zhong Nanshan is a committed scientist.
(1)He has committed himself ________(support) them.
(2)The boy _______(commit) to the care of his aunt yesterday.
(3)What really matters about a leader is their _____ (commit) to getting to the right answer and to doing it in the right way.
to support/
to supporting
was commited
8. academy / k d mi/ n. 研究院;专科院校
Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院
academic / k dem k/ adj. 学业的;学术的 n. 学者
academic research 学术研究
9. objective
(1) n.[C] 目标;目的 (= aim/ goal/ purpose/ intention)
e.g. The Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for COVID-19.
(2) adj. 客观的 [反] subjective
an objective attitude 客观的态度
object n. 物体 v. 反对 object to
10. botanical /b t n k( )l/ adj.植物学的
a botanical garden 植物园
botany / b t( )ni/ n. 植物学 botanist n. 植物学家
11. evaluate vt. 评价;评估
evaluate one’s ability/ the cost 评价某人的能力/评估费用
evaluation n. 评估;评价
value n. 价值 v. 珍惜
12. property / pr p ti / n.
(1) [U] 财产;资产
intellectual property (IP) 知识产权
property rights 产权
(2) [C] (常用pl.)性质;特性
chemical/ physical properties 化学性质/物理性质
medical properties 药性
13. distinct /d st kt/ adj.
(1)清晰的 (clear)
(2)有区别的 (different)
distinction n. 区别;差别
distinguish v. 区分 (~ A from B)
distinguished adj. 卓越的, 杰出的
14. extract / ekstr kt/ n. 提取物;摘录; / k str kt/vt.提取;摘录;
15. boil /b l/ vt. & vi. (使)沸腾;煮开;烧开
boiled water
boiling water
eg: Her rudeness made her boil with anger. (怒不可遏/怒火中烧)
16. liquid / l kw d/ n. 液体 adj. 液体的;液态的
eg: Most matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas.
17. obtain / b te n/ vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得
eg: They then tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria.
“获得” 近义词: acquire, gain , earn,get
18. acknowledge / k n l d / vt.
(1) 承认(属实、权威等)(= admit)
acknowledge (doing) sth. 承认做了某事
acknowledge...as/ to be... 承认... 是...
It is universally/ widely acknowledged that... 普遍认为...
eg: They acknowledge him as/ to be one of the greatest pianists.
e.g. It is universally acknowledged that he is the greatest pianist.
18. acknowledge / k n l d / vt.
(2) 向…打招呼;对…做出反应
e.g. I was standing right next to her, but she didn’t even acknowledge me.
(3) (公开)感谢
eg: Tu Youyou acknowledged all people, who have supported her to do the research.
acknowledgement n. 承认;确认;鸣谢(常用pl.)
19. defeat /d fi t/ ---(反义词 victory)
(1) vt.战胜;打败
defeat sb./ an enemy
(2) n. 失败;挫败
suffer a defeat
acknowledge/ admit/ accept defeat 认输
20. analyse / n la z/ vt. 分析 analysis n. 分析
analyse data/ statistics 分析数据
21. apparently / p r ntli/ adv. 显而易见; 显然
(同义:obviously/ evidently/ clearly )
e.g. Apparently, he doesn’t care about fame and money.
e.g. Bob paused, apparently, lost in thought.
apparent adj. 明显的;显而易见的(obvious)
eg: It was apparent that she was really miserable. (显而易见的是...)
22. substance / s bst ns/ n. 物质;物品;事实根据
a chemical/ radioactive substance
a man/ woman of substance
23. insist / n s st/ vi. 坚持;坚决要求
insist on/ upon (doing) sth.
eg: Tu Youyou and her members even insisted on testing the
medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.
insist + (that) … 坚持要求做... (虚拟语气) sb. (should) do sth
eg: My sister insisted that she was right and that I should make an apology to her.
(1)He insisted ______ walking me to the station to see me off.
(2)The teacher insisted that all the homework ________(hand) in on Monday.
(3)He insisted that the problem _____(discuss) at the meeting.
(4)Though all his friends blamed him, he insisted that he ______(do) nothing wrong.
be handed
be discussed
24. conclusion n. 结论,推论
arrive at/come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论
in conclusion 最后,总之
jump to a conclusion 匆忙下结论
conclude vt. 断定;推断出;得出结论
conclude (sth.) with 用……结束(某事)
25. circumstance n. (常用复数)条件、环境、状况
in/under ... circumstances 在……情况下
in/under no circumstances 决不;无论如何不(放在句首,部分倒装)
e.g. Under no circumstances should we do terrible things to other people.
近义短语 “绝不,任何情况都不”:in no case, in no way, by no means, on no condition, on no account, at no time
26. found v. 创建;建立 (founded-founded-founding )
“建立”近义词:build, set up, establish
founder n. 创办者,奠基者
foundation n. 基础;地基;创立
lay a solid/ firm foundation for... 为...打下坚实的基础
区分: find (寻找)---found---found
(1) ________ (found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art.
(2) One of the most famous theatres in Georgia, the Marjanishvili, _________ (found) in 1928, appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world.
27. consequence n.
(1) [C] 结果;后果
e.g. The consequence of a rising sea level would be widespread flooding.
as a consequence / in consequence 结果;因此 = as a result
as a consequence of / in consequence of 由于..原因= as a result of sth
(1) My father coughs frequently _________________smoking.
(2)She was over the age limit and, _______________, her application was rejected.
as a consequence of
as a consequence
(2) [U]重要(性);( importance )
e.g. Don’t worry. It’s of little consequence.
consequent adj.
consequently adv. 因此,所以
28. encounter vt.偶然碰到;遇到 n.邂适;遭遇
( = come across/ run into )
encounter sb. / problems
have an encounter with... 与...相遇
eg:The more dangers we encounter, the harder should we push forward.
I had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.
29. sum
(1) n. 总数,总和;算术;金额
The sum of two and two is four.
do a sum in one’s head 在脑海中做个加法
a large / small sum of money
(2) vi & vt
sum up 总结;概括
e.g. To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.
summary n.
summarise / summarize vi & vt 总结;概括
—Learning about Language
Build up your vocabulary
Match the word with each definition
1. ________ cook something in very hot water
2. ________ relating to plants
3. ________ qualities or characteristics of something
4. ________ a kind of substance that flows freely, such as water or milk
5. _________ physical material that exists
liquid n. 液体
chemical substance
n. 物质,主旨
How was artemisinin discovered
n. 〖C〗特性,特征
Guess the meaning of the underlined words
1. The two flowers are quite from one another, so it is easy to make a _________ between them.
2. Scientists need to _________ how the new material stands up to wear and tear to prove how it is.
3. A talented scientist well known for his ___________ to his country, Huang Danian __________himself to his research in geophysics.
4. A: Did you come to any
B: Yes, we __________ that by drawing out the extract at a low temperature, we could find the substance that we needed to complete the experiment.
5. She spends a lot of time_________ her patients’ dreams. This is very helpful, explaining their daily behaviour very well.
Word formation ----
to create a new word by using prefixes(前缀) and suffixex(后缀).
Practice --- blank filling
Lu Xun, ___________ as one of the greatest mordern writers in China, was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in 1881. In 1904, he went to Japan and became a medical student, with the ________ of improving people’s health and saving lives. However, he changed his mind when he saw in a photo a Chinese man about to be killed by a Japanese soldier. It struck him that the other Chinese men in the photo _________ did not care about what was happening to their fellow countrymen.
insist, obtain, objective, acknowledge, apparently, crucial
Practice --- blank filling
insist, obtain, objective, acknowledge, apparently, crucial
From this, he concluded that the ______ problem in China was not physical illness, but the spiritual illness of people at that time. Following this, he quit medical school. When he returned to China in 1908, he ________ a teaching job. In 1917, a friend ________ that he help write for a magazine called New Youth. That was how his first famous short story A Madman’s Diary got published.
What was Lu Xun’s original objective
What made him change his mind
If you were him, would you change your mind Why
1.Choose words from the box to make phrases. Some words can be used more than once.
1. a wind 6. facts
2. a supporter 7. achievements
3. a research institute 8. accepted the change
4. a southern accent 9. their contributions
5. an successful career
acknowledge objective gradually
remarkable scientific apparently
distinct committed gentle
2.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
1. Apparently, the two plants have quite similar physical .
2. Professor Stephen Hawking used a special vocal .
3. Afterwards, the company filed a patent for a new chemical .
4. Everyone was amazed at his grandfather’s youthful .
5. The researchers the questionnaires back from the patients.
6. I will try my best and work hard to achieve my of studying economics at a top university.
circumstance objective collection
appearance insist consequence
property device substance
7.If you ______ on doing so, you'll have to suffer the ___________
8.Banks have acknowledged that they need to pay more attention to customers' financial ______________ when evaluating loan applications.
3.Translate the sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
3.她被新上任的总统邀请出任大使。(take up a position, come to power)
4.他在科学研究方面不但有天赋而且很努力,21岁时就已经在学术领域非常有名了。(genius,academic field)
Translate the sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
( obtain, patent)
( evaluate,encounter)
After submitting the application for six months, he finally obtained the invention patent.
When evaluating the research project, they encountered many
difficulties with the data.
3.她被新上任的总统邀请出任大使。(take up a position, come to power)
4.他在科学研究方面不但有天赋而且很努力,21岁时就已经在学术领域非常有名了。( genius, academic field)
5.考虑到非常危险,他坚持认为他们不应该在台风天气冒生命危险外出。( extraordinary、insist)
She was invited by the president, who had just come to power,
to take up a position as an ambassador .
He was not only a genius but also hard working in scientific research,
someone who had already been famous in the academic field since 21.
Considering the extraordinary danger, he insisted they should not
risk their lives by going out during the typhoon.
Thank you