Module 9 Unit 2 I'm going to do the high jump (教学设计)外研版(三起)英语四年级上册
学科 小学英语 年级 四年级 学期 秋季
课题 Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.
教科书 书 名:外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)四年级上册 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期:2013年07月
1.能够听、说、认读单词或词组do the high jump,do the long jump, run the 200 metres, run the 400 metres。 2.能够运用句型What are you going to do 询问对方打算做什么并回答。 3.听懂、理解会话大意,能够朗读并表演课文会话。
教学重点: 1.理解掌握do the high jump,do the long jump, run the 200 metres, run the 400 metres等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。 2.在情景中正确表达和运用所学句型What are you going to do I’m going to…
教学难点: 深入理解和运用将来时,用be going to结构表达和回答将要做的事情。
教学环节 教师活动 设计意图
Step1 Lead-in Greeting Say and do some actions. 做相应动作热身导入,既活跃了课堂氛围,调动学生的学习积极性,又为后面的知识做了准备。
Step2 Presentation and Practice 1.Review the verb phrases: Look and say Show the pictures of the sport athletes. T:They’re going to… Ss: They’re going to run the 200 metres and 400 metres. T:He’s going to… Ss: He’s going to do the high jump/ do the long jump. 2.Review the text. 学生针对教师出示的运动健儿们在进行不同运动比赛的动图,运用上一模块学习的目标语句They’re /He’s going to来引导学生回答,复习相应动词短语:do the high jump,do the long jump, run the 200 metres and 400 metres。
Step3 Practice Task: Now, we ’re going to run the 600 metres(出示闯关跑道)。If you are good, you can run forward. Round 1(run the 200 metres): look, say and write. Show the pictures of four verb phrases:do the high jump,do the long jump, run the 200 metres, run the 400 metres. Then look, say and write. Round 2(run the 400 metres):pair-work. Student A:What are you going to do Student B:I’m going to… Round 3(run the 600 metres): do a survey. Task: Sports day forecast. ① Four students in a group.②Interview your partners. Talk about your plan for sports day. Use “What are you going to do I’m going to…”to ask and answer.③Show time.④Four minutes for you. Play a video.(Demonstration of the task.) Do a survey. Show time. 任务呈现:我交代了接下来的三个练习任务,这样有助于学生带着明确的学习目标进入游戏闯关环节,从而有效的提升学习效果。 第一关(跑200 米):以看图、游戏的方式对活动二新学的动词短语进行练习,加深印象,检测了学生对本课生词的掌握程度。 第二关(跑400 米):同桌互相问答操练句型,让学生综合运用之前的知识,使得知识的运用又上了一个台阶。 第三关(跑600 米):新课标指出,英语课程具有工具性和人文性的双重性质。此环节兼顾了这两重特性。通过完成调查表操练重点句型,达到了让学生用英语做事的目的,实现由知识到技能的转化,体现了“工具性”;让学生“do sports every day”,进行了相应的德育渗透体现了“人文性”。
Step 4 Summary 1.Verb phrases: do the high jump, do the long jump, run the 200 metres, run the 400 metres 2.Sentences: —What are you going to do —I’m going to… 3.Emotional education: Please Do sports every day, and we are going to be stronger and stronger. 先请学生齐读词组和句型,再进行情感升华。
Step 5 Homework Finish the exercise on the worksheet. (1)Listen and read the text in Module9 Unit2 (Page53) nicely. (2)Look, choose and write. (3) Draw, ask and answer. 本课我设计了如下三项作业,一、基础作业:1.听录音,模仿录音中的语音和语调。2.看图选词,并将词语规范抄写在对应的四线格内。二、拓展作业:做“我画你问”游戏。这几项分层作业将有效引导学生及时复习,巩固本课学习成果。