Unit 5 Dinner’s ready A Let’s learn 表格式教案


名称 Unit 5 Dinner’s ready A Let’s learn 表格式教案
格式 docx
文件大小 633.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-15 18:48:27



课题 Dinner’s ready. Let’s learn
教材分析 本次授课内容选自人教版PEP四年级上册Unit 5 Dinner’s ready— Part A Let’s learn部分,本课Let’s learn 通过描述食物,学生在三年级上册已经学过rice, fish, juice, milk, bread词汇,达到了听懂会说的目标。因此,在这个部分重点学习词汇beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables和句型“What would you like I’d like some…,please.”来交流食物喜好的话题。
学情分析 本节课的教学对象是四年级学生,四年级学生大多在9-10岁之间,他们在学了一年英语基础上,依然对英语具有较强的好奇心,他们好模仿、好表现,具有一定的逻辑思维能力。四年级上学年是他们知识、能力、情感价值观形成的关键时期。但是在这个阶段的儿童注意不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所吸引。因此,教师可创设有趣的课堂活动来激发学生的学习兴趣,从而通过课文学习,学会在实际中运用语言,体会学习英语的乐趣。
教学目标 知识目标: 了解和运用词汇beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables和句型“What would you like I’d like some…,please.”表达食物喜好的文字表达方式。 技能目标: 1.能够听、说、认读所学词汇; 2.能够在有意义的语境中抄写所学词汇; 3.能够正确运用新学词汇和句型在情境中运用“What would you like I’d like some…,please.” 交流食物喜好并与他人交流。 文化策略情感目标: 树立学生注意饮食健康的观念,杜绝饮食浪费。
教学重点 能根据单词的声音、意义和形状认识和朗读所学单词在真实语境下表达交流。
教学难点 能够在有意义的语境中表达交流。
教学方法 根据上面的目标和分析,我决定采取情境教学法和游戏教学法进行授课。情境教学法,我将通过创设一个之前学过的对话来进行类真实场景下的角色扮演,以及在类真实环境中学习新知;游戏教学法,我将通过相关的match game, 匹配、我说你指等游戏开展教学,让学生在类真实的环境中学习英语,进而达到教学目标。
课时安排 1课时
教学准备 学生知识准备: 在三年级上册Unit5 Let’s eat已经学过rice, fish, juice, milk, bread词汇,达到了听说会写的基础;在本单元Let’s talk的基础上,也能听懂并会说单词soup, vegetable, 但是只是懂得单词的音、义;同时也掌握了句型What would you like I’d like some…, 能听懂会说。 教师准备: 人教版四上教材、PPT课件、分组奖励卡、四线格贴纸
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动
教学环节一 热身及导入 通过组织、热身、分组活动作为课前热身。 ①Good evening, boys and girls. It’s everyone here Let’s have a roll call. Boys, where are you girls, where are you Now, let’s sing the “Sitting on the carpet” song together. (Sitting on the carpet, one two three. Sitting on the carpet you and me. Boys, stand up. Yeah! Boys sit down. Girls, stand up. Oh! Girl sit down. Everyone is dancing all around the town.) ②Boys and girls, if you do a good job. I’ll give you some food. Let’s see who will get more food in the class. Boys and girls, fighting! ①通过角色扮演来检测旧知掌握情况。 Now, let’s check the last class homework. I need three students come to the front and show to us the role play. Who want to play Lily, Nancy, Jack, please. Let’s begin. Wow, you all did a good job. ②通过对新学内容中出现的三年级上册已经学过的旧词汇进行大致的检查,接着以free talk询问晚餐吃了什么来导入新课内容。 Look at the plate. What’s in it Yes, it’s bread/milk/rice/fish/juice. What do you have for dinner Let’s go on today’s lesson “Dinner’s ready.” 1.点名,唱歌。 2.①根据教师指令进行角色扮演。 ②回答问题。
教学环节二 呈现 1.通过呈现主情境图场景,并询问喜欢的食物来进行初步呈现。 Wow, so many people and delicious food in the canteen. Let’s have a look, what would they like 2. ①-⑤通过已有旧知动物词汇的学习,在类真实情境中点餐并学习新词汇。 ①The zip says What would you like The zoom says I’d like some vegetables, please. vegetables, vegetables, vegetables. ②Look, the zip ask the bear, what would you like The bear says I’d like some beef, please. beef, beef, beef. ③Oh, the dog is coming, zip ask what would you like The dog says I’d like some chicken, please. chicken, chicken, chicken. ④The cat is hungry, let’s see what would you like The cat says I’d like some noodles, please. noodles, noodles, noodles. ⑤Next one, let’s guess who is coming. Oh, it’s duck. The zip says What would you like The duck answer I’d like some soup, please. soup, soup, soup. ①通过动物和食物的一起呈现,并采用不一样的问题提问,来检测学生是否听懂会说新词汇。 Now, look at these animals, what animals are eating beef/chicken/noodles/soup/vegetables Wonderful! Let’s change. What is the duck/cat/pig/bear/dog eating It’s beef/chicken/noodles/soup/vegetables. Excellent! ②通过学生已有对数字的旧知,来询问学生食物的价格,检测学生是否听懂新词并能正确说出食物的价格。 ②But how much is the beef/chicken/noodles/soup/vegetables? It’s twenty/fifteen/eight/two/five yuan. ③The zip ask to the zoom “What would you like ” Let’s listen the tape and get answer. Got it Let’s check. Great! 1.回答问题。 2.学习新词汇,大声朗读并回答相关问题。 3.根据自己是否听懂会说,来回答问题,进行听说活动。
教学环节三 操练 通过将单词和食物放在一起的match game游戏活动让学生根据自然拼读进行词汇连线配对、认读。 Look, there are many words for the food. Do you know which word is for the beef/chicken/noodles/soup/vegetables Bee-f. Which word Is this word Oh, maybe. I’ll match it. Check the answer. Yes, this is beef. Now, who want to match it 2.通过字母学习自然拼读,第一遍教师边读边指单词,第二遍让学生看单词朗读。 Look at the word, let’s read it together. Bee-f.自然拼读Now, you should read it by yourself. 3.通过根据我说数字学生说单词识别词汇。 Now, look at the word. I say the number you say the word. 通过shape游戏来识别词汇,并用新句型表达。 Look at the screen, let’s read the word fast with the sentence. I’ll turn on the start, you should tell me stop. Let’s begin. 1.进行match游戏。 2.根据自然拼读读单词。 3.根据教师读单词声音识别词汇。 4.快速读出单词。
教学环节四 巩固与拓展 通过在类真实语境中点餐来交流喜欢的食物。 Look at the menu, let’s order. What would you like? You can order some food with your desk mate. I’ll give you three minutes. Times up, who want to show it Lily and Sam, please. Great. 2.通过情感升华来引导学生树立健康饮食观念。 Foods are so delicious, but don't eat too much in the evening! We should keep good eating habits. 在教师的指令下做出相应的回应。
教学环节五 小结及作业布置 1.通过教师在四线三格上书写单词来给学生树立正确的书写格式。 Today, we have learn the new world,let’s write down the words. beef,chicken,noodles,soup,vegetables. 2.计算小组得分。 Let’s see who is the winner Boys…Girls… The winner is… Don’t give up! 3. 布置作业 Your homework is to use the sentence and the new word to introduce you favorite food or introduce you ate food in the past week. We will show it in the next class. Let’s say good bye to the zoom. 书写单词,记录作业要求等。
作业与拓展学习设计 1.Use the sentence and the new word to introduce your favorite food or introduce you ate food in the past week. 2. Show it in the nest class.
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