Unit 1 How can we become good learners 单元整体教学设计
单元主题意义 本单元的主题属于“人与自我 ”范畴,教材内容围绕学习本身,讲述了学习障碍及对应的解决方法,对学生有重要的意义。它贴近学生学习生活,所有学生有话可说,表达的欲望强烈,学习兴趣浓厚。本单元以 “学会如何学习”为话题,以谈论如何学习为功能,以紧扣话题的四个对话和两个篇章为载体,在具体情境中谈论学习方法并学会评价他人的学习方法。
单元教学目标 通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 目标a:理解重点句子,掌握学习英语的方法。介词by引导的方式状语的合理运用。 目标b:正确运用动名词谈论学习中的问题。 目标c:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。 目标d:通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操,让学生树立终身学习的道德素养。 与核心素养的关系: 学完本单元后,学生能够运用读懂并讨论学习方法的对话,培养学生语言知识的掌握能力和思考能力,还对学生学习兴趣的激发和学习方法的改进进行引导,学习能力作为核心素养,不仅要求学生具备良好的自主学习能力,同时也需要学生有正确的学习态度。 通过分享活动,解决自身存在的学习问题,提高学习的自信心,形成良好的学习态度。
整体教学思路及教学结构图 1.来源& 内容: 本单元是《新目标英语》系列教材之一Go for it !九年级上册的第一单元。本单元主要通过介绍不同的英语学习方法引出 “学会怎样去学习”这一话题,围绕“如何进行学习”展开各种教学活动,谈论学生对不同学习方法的感受及其带来的效果。然后通过列举一些英语学习中存在的问题,有针对性地提出解决问题的办法。本单元教学内容由浅入深,逐步引导学生用英语表述学习英语的方法和学习中存在的问题以及应对方法,正确理解学习目的,了解不同的学习方法,学会借鉴他人的长处以提高自己的学习效率和解决问题的能力。 2.纵向知识关联: 功能: 谈论如何学习。 话题: 学会如何学习 语言知识: 正确运用how引导的方式状语从句。如:How do you study/learn How can I .. 正确运用于学习主题相关的单词和各种表达学习方法,如learn/study...by.. You can ...by... 学会用 “by+v.-ing”结构来表达方式方法。 3.横向知识关联: (1 )复习七年级上册Unit 9学科学习及学习方法; (2 )本单元出现的一般现在时,现在完成及过去时多次,巩固已学时态。 (3 )本单元也反复强调了by+v.ing结构用法。 教学结构图:
语篇 课型 课时 课时目标 评价任务
Section A 1a-2d 听说课 第一课时 对单元的话题、词汇、结构进行讲解。 通过Pair-work的形式对学习方法谈论,评价学生的对目标句型的认知; 通过可视化思维工具整理重点学习方法短语,评价学生对课堂内容的理解与整合; 通过听力联系,评价学生准确使用本单元功能性语言。
Section A 3a-4c 阅读课 第二课时 结合“怎样可以更好地学习英语”,进行短篇阅读,让听障学生在短篇阅读的过程中,对文章的表意进行了解。 通过读课文找出描述学习方法的句子,评价学生对目标句型的认知; 通过提取描述关于学习障碍的关键信息,并完成问题,评价学生的信息提取和整合能力;在图片和文字提示下,复述课文,评价学生对语言结构和词汇的理解; 通过编写对话和角色表演进行口头输出,评价学生的英语思维和语言表达能力。
Section B 1a-1e 听说课 第三课时 围绕by doing sth这一语法进行学习。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生,评价学生对语篇主题的理解; 通过个人思考和合作交流,评价学生主动参与到学习中的能力。
Section B 2a-2e 阅读课 第四课时 讨论在所学语法过程中出现的问题,并将听障学生所掌握到的理论知识于自身的实际生活相结合,让听障学生通过结合自身,对学习英语时自身存在的问题与解决方法有清晰的认识。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生从整体到具体的认识,并提取关键信息完成思维导图,评价学生对文本第一段的理解和信息提取能力; 通过读文章,定位、获取、整合信息,评价学生对文章第二段的理解和信息整合的能力; 通过对话编写和角色表演进行口头输出,并通过书面表达的形式,评价学生对句型的掌握
Section B 3a-Self check 写作课 第五课时 带领听障学生对学习优秀学习者的学习习惯进行了解。巩固听障学生所学习到的知识,丰富学听障生的词汇量积累,对听障学生的看、听、读、写能力进行练习。 通过书面表达的形式介绍如何学习,,评价学生写作的能力。
第3课时 教学设计
课题 Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section B 1a-1e课
教材(语篇)分析: 【what】 本部分1a-1e是听说课 ,围绕英语学习展开。在Section A谈论英语学习的基础上,丰富与学习相关的话题词汇,将听说能力综合,以听促说。在话题上,从英语的学习困难及解决方案,拓展到优秀学习者的学习习惯。 【why】 1a-1b让学生思考自己英语学习有哪些困难,并写下来。 【how】 1a列举的学习困难也为后面1c-1d的听力谈论的相关的话题进行了预热。1e需要学生结合所听的内容,用对话形式复现听力信息。
学情分析: 自然情况 学生在学习了Section A谈论学习方法是基础上,对用英语表达学习困难及解决方案有了一定的基础。 (二)已有基础 学习内容“如何给学习困难者提出建议”贴近学习生活,难度不大,学生会有表达的欲望,有一定的积极性。 (三)存在问题
对于学生过程中出现的问题和具体的改进措施还不能顺利地表达清楚。 (四)解决措施 教室鼓励学生直面学习困难,不断改进自己的学习方法、提高学习效率,并引导学生逐步养成或者巩固原有的学习习惯。
教学目标: 通过本课学习,学生能够: 在语言上,巩固Section A所学语言结构,丰富与学习相关的话题词汇。 (学习理解) 目标语言:I’m having trouble learning English ./I can’t get the pronunciation right./Sometimes I just don’t understand what people are saying . 训练听说能力,以听促说。 (应用实践) 关注同伴的学习方式,借鉴并用于自身,不断改进自己的学习方法,提高学习效率。 (迁移创新)
教学重难点 重点:学习相关的话题词汇。 难点:学习有效的学习方法。
学习活动设计 教师活动学生活动环节一:Activity 1 教师活动1 Lead-in Introduce the topic by asking students questions : Do you think English is a difficult subject What makes it difficult for you to learn English Which gives you a headache :memorizing words , learning grammar , listening , reading or writing 学生活动1 Answer the questions and discuss 活动意图说明: 通过让学生谈论英语学习困难,导入话题,并打开学生说的通道。 环节二:Activity 2 教师活动2 Presentation Get students to read the sentences in 1a,and check the statements that are true for them , and present the new words while doing it :pronounce , increase , speed , partner Ask the students to finish 1b :write out as many things that are difficult for them as possible . The teacher gives proper advice , and then let students give advice by themselves . The teacher gives proper advice , and then let students give advice by themselves. 学生活动2 Ask the students to read sentences and learn the new words and phrases Finish 1b. Students give some advice 活动意图说明: 教室所给建议尽量使用随后听力活动录音文稿中的教师话语,这样可以让学生预先对听力中的部分语言有所了解,降低听力难度。 环节三:Activity 3 教的活动3 Listening to 1c&1d Before reading Ask students to read the four sentences in 1c and 1d. Students try to guess the proper words , and then share the answers with partners , and the teacher collects the different answers . 学的活动3 Read the sentences aloud . Guess the answers 观察与思考 观察1c中的句子,表达“challenge”时所用的词汇和表达为_____ 和____等。 观察1d中的句子,表达“solutions”时所用的词汇和表达为_____和____ 等。 活动意图说明: 通过浏览信息,为获取信息铺垫、获取准确的听力信息做好准备,引起学生兴趣,形成听力期待,降低听力难度,教师巡视、搜集学生在预估中所填出的不同词汇,引导学生展开交流,可以滚动复习旧词、接触新词,以达到复习、扩充词汇之目的。 环节四:Activity 4 教的活动4 While reading Ask students to listen for the first time and complete the learning challenges Paul talks about . Listen and check the answers . Ask students to listen for the second time and complete the solutions. Check the answers . Get students to listen again and repeat for the pronunciation and intonation, looking at the tapescripts . 学的活动4 Students listen three times and finish the task 学的活动3 1. Ss observe the images and understand the situation. 2. Ss complete the questions and answers using past future tense. 活动意图说明: 通过听的方式输入功能句型,达到知识目标,先听后读,培养学习英语的良好习惯,同时学习正确的语音语调,争取能说一口标准流利的英语。 环节五:Activity 5 教的活动5 Work on 1e Ask students to make conversations in pairs . Ask several pairs to act them out . Let students write out their difficulties in learning English by themselves and share them in groups of six. The others in the whole group help the one who have difficulties , giving him/her advice . Ask students to write a report , talking about the difficulties , the advice and how to improve English . 学的活动5 Ask and answer Write down their difficulties and discuss . make a report 活动意图说明: 让学生提供口语交流平台,引导他们谈论学习中的困难及解决的办法,交流学习英语的经验和方法,提高学习英语的信心。
板书设计 Unit 1 How can we become good learners Period 3 Section B 1a-1e I’m having trouble learning English . I can’t get the pronunciation right . Sometimes I just don’t understand what people are saying . You can always write the new words in your notebook and review them from time to time. You can even study on the subway on the way to school .
分层作业设计 基础巩固: 单词拼写 We should read aloud to practice our ______ . As teachers , we must be p_____ with our students . 设计意图:熟记本课重点单词和短语。 能力提升: 单项选择 Can you tell me ____ to the Bird’s Nest Stadium how to get B. what to get C. to get D. get Why not ______ our sports club take part in B. take part C. join D. join in 设计意图:复习巩固提建议句型及固定短语。 翻译句子: 大声朗读练习发音怎么样? __________________________________________________ 你为什么不听英语歌曲并重复困难的单词? ___________________________________________________ 设计意图:在语境中完成句子,提高学生对目标语言的运用能力。
教学反思与改进 本节课的设计体现了听说课的基本模式,先听后说,最后兼顾简单的写作。同时体现了任务型教学的设计理念,由谈论学习困难到学习方法的分享,逐层递进,逐步完成各个任务,使学生在每一个愉快的学习任务中体验英语的乐趣;对于听力部分,在听之前都作了相关的渗透与铺垫,有利于培养学生学习英语的良好习惯。
Unit 1
How can we become good
Section B 1a-1e
Learning objectives
1. To be able to talk about : “I don’t know how to increase my reading speed .” , “I can’t ...”, “I don’t have ...”, “Maybe you should ..” ,”Why don’t you ... ”, “You can ...”.
2. To learn the words and expressions : make mistakes in , pronounce /pronunciation , spoken , join .
Lead in
1. Do you think English is a difficult subject
2.What makes it difficult to learn English
Difficulties in Learning English
I can’t pronounce some of the words .
I can’t spell some English words .
I can’t understand spoken English .
I dont’ know how to increase my reading speed .
I make mistakes in grapmmar .
Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you Read the list. Check ( ) the statements that are true for you.
I can’t pronounce some of the words.
I can’t understand spoken English.
I don’t know how to increase my reading speed.
I can’t spell some English words.
I often make mistakes in grammar.
v. 发音
n. 速度
What other things are difficult for you Make a list.
1. I don’t know enough words to write well.
2. ____________________________________
I’m nervous when I speak English in class.
I can’t understand every sentence in English movies .
I want to read English books but I don’t know what to do
Sometimes I don’t understand native speakers of English
While reading , I have to look up unknown words in the story and it makes reading boring.
What good learning habits can you think of Make a list and discuss with your partner.
by listening to tapes .
by joining an English club
By writing new works in the notebook
by finding a pen pal
1c Paul finds it difficult to learn English.
Listen and complete the learning challenges
he talks about.
1. He can’t get the______________ right.
2. He___________ a lot of new words.
3. He can’t always__________ when people
talk to him.
4. He doesn’t get much___________ practice.
Listen again. Complete the solutions.
1. ______________________________ can help.
He can always_____________________ in
his notebook and study them at home.
He can________________________
to practice speaking.
He should find a_______ to practice writing.
Listening to English songs
write the new words
join an English language club
pen pal
Listen to the conversatoin again and pay attention to the following sentences .
Why don’t you ...
Why not ..
Maybe you should ...
You can /could ...
What about /How about ....
Role-play conversations using the information in 1c and 1d.
I don’t have a partner to practice English with.
Maybe you should join an
English club.
n. 搭档;同伴
Language points
1. I can’t always understand spoken English .
speak (过去式 ) spoken (过去分词) spoken部分动词的过去分词也可作该词的形容词, 如:
spoken 口语的 broken 坏掉的
written 写作的
2. Maybe you should join an English club .也许你应该加入一个英语俱乐部。
join /jion in / take part in
join =be a member of 参加,指加入某种组织或党派join the army /party 入伍/党join the club 加入俱乐部。
Join in 后常接竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词。
take part in 参加,指加入群体活动
用join in , join 或take par in 的适当形式填空
1. Robert ______ the football club in his school two years ago .
2. Will you _______ us in the basketball match
3. How many countries will t_____the 2020 Olympic Games
4. You’d better _______some activities after school
3. I don’t know how to increase my reading speed .
How to increase my reading speed 是 “疑问词+动词不定式” 结构,在句中作宾语。
eg: Nick doesn’t know what to buy for his mother .
Can you tell me where to find this kind of bike
Write an e-mail to your pen pal, tell him the difficulties in learning English and ask him for help.