Unit 5 Do you like pears A let’s learn 教案


名称 Unit 5 Do you like pears A let’s learn 教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-16 09:32:26



Unit 5 Do you like pears A let’s learn
知识目标单词:在多媒体课件、食物、图片的帮助下,能听懂、会说、会认读本课的 4个水果单词 apple,banana, orange和 pear;并了解其复数形式 apples,bananas, oranges和 pears。句型:能听懂:Do you like ... Yes,I do/No,I don’t.
能力目标能够在图片、食物或情景的帮助下运用句型 Do you like ... Yes,I do/No,I don’t。询问他人的某物的喜好并回应他人的询问。
能够理解对话大意,在语境中运用 Do you like ... Yes,I do/No,I don’t.来询问他人对水果的好恶。
pear中/e /的发音、orange /d / 的发音;yummy、tummy的发音。
Step 1: Warm-up
Greeting. Then,divid Ss into 2 groups.
sing a song: 《Apple tree》
Step 2: Presentation
Present “fruit”.
shows Zoom
Zoom: I’m hungry. I want to eat something.A-ha. Go to the fruit farm. Wow, fruit !
Zip: Welcome to the fruit farm.
Present “an apple/apples”.
T: So many fruit on the fruit farm .Look , What’s that
Ss: It’s an apple .后跟读音频
Ss read “an apple”.
Game:train game
T: Look. How many apples
Ss read “apples”.
Present “Yes, I do ./ I eat ...”.
T: Look, so many apples. Do you like apples Does Zoom likes apples Listen.
Zoom: Yes, I do.
Ss read the sentences “Yes, I do .”
T: Zoom likes apples. Look, he’s eating apples.
Zoom: I eat apples .Mmm...Yummy.
Ss act Zoom.
T:Ss,Zoom likes apples,how about you
We can say:Yes,I do/No,I don’t.(教师问,学生回答练习)
增加:(拓展)An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一天一苹果,医生远离我)
Present “an orange / oranges/ No, I don’t.”
T:Here’s a magic box,who wants to try (让学生从盒子中抽取)
Follow me :orange,orange......(师带读升降调,生跟读);
Game:clap cards.
T:It’s an orange, and they are...oranges.(强调发音)
T:I eat oranges,emm...yummy!(老师品尝橘子)可让学生品尝,并呈现句子。
T: Do you like oranges (让学生品尝,并回答问题)
Ss:Yes,I do/No,I don’t.
T:Boys and girls ,here a chant for you !ready go!
Present “a pear /pears”.
T: Look,this is a ...(学生说出 bear).and now ,here ear sounds /e /,
T:Now letter b is missing,letter P is coming.how to read it
Game:louder and lower
Present “Do you like pears ”.
T: Do you like pears Ss read the sentence.
T: Can you ask Zoom .Zoom, Zoom, do you like pears
Ss ask Zoom one by one .Listen.
Zoom: Yes, I do.
T: Zoom like pears. He’s eating pears.
Ss act Zoom.
Present “a banana / bananas”.T:Here ’ s a riddle.1.it ’ s a kind of fruit.2.It ’ s yellow.3.Monkeys like it.
S:It’s banana
T: Great! Listen and follow.(听录音,并跟读).并对里面三个字母 a 的发音,进行讲解
Game:Ss pass a banana and read the words.
T:It’s a banana .and they are ...
Ss: bananas (后师领读,学生跟读)
T:Do you like bananas
Ss:Yes,I do/No,I don’t.
look and follow
T:what kind of fruit do you see Ss:apple banana ...
Follow the tape and imitate.学生反复跟读
Game time:
sharp eyes.
Spin the wheel and make a dialogue.
Ask and answer in pairs.
Enjoy a story.1).sing a song.T: Zoom likes fruit .He is eating fruit happily.
Listen. He ’s singing now.then get Ss to sing the song.
2)enjoy a story,then get Ss to act it out.
Step4 .Production
T:This is Zoom’s name card ,I’m Zoom. I like...And ,Zoom’s friends are coming ,Can you help them to make their name card
Step 5: Homework.
1.Make word cards.(制作水果单词卡片。)
2.Do a survey.(做调查)Ask your friends”Do you like... ” and share with your parents.