Unit 1 Science Fiction Period 7 Science Fiction Workbook 课件 新人教版选择性必修四


名称 Unit 1 Science Fiction Period 7 Science Fiction Workbook 课件 新人教版选择性必修四
格式 pptx
文件大小 34.3MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-18 15:45:41



选择性必修 第四册
Unit 1 Science Fiction
Using Words and Expressions
1 Change the forms of the words below. Then list more pairs of words that have the same word formation.
n. → adj. n. → adj.
innocence ____________ confidence ____________
wisdom ____________ freedom ____________
flour ____________ health ____________
mud ____________ fog ____________
superiority ____________ inferiority ____________
creation ____________ decoration ____________
2 Complete the passage with the words below to learn about bias-free language.
Like humans, language tends to carry biases, which can lead to discrimination. Academic writing needs to be objective and scientific: neither gender should be preferred. Historically, writing has reflected a bias towards males such as the words _______________ and postman. Now, writers are more careful. Many words that included man have been replaced. For example, police officer is used instead of ___________, ___________ instead of chairman, salesperson _____________, humankind instead of ___________ and postal worker instead of _____________. The title Ms is used for women instead of Miss or Mrs, since it does not show whether a woman is married or not.
chairman mankind policeman chairperson postman salesman
3 Translate these sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
1 最高时速350公里的高铁使北京和上海之间的旅行时间从15 小时缩短到了四个半小时左右。(maximum, high-speed railway)
2 她从皮夹克的口袋里掏出一块手绢擦了擦眼睛。(leather, handkerchief)
3 三个班级被随机挑选出来参加了翻转课堂的实验。(at random, flipped classroom)
4 这种7.9 英寸迷你版的平板电脑一上市就受到了年轻人的喜爱。(inch, version)
4 Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box. Do you believe Hawking’s predictions
Time travel, alien invasions, and artificial intelligence have always been popular themes in science fiction. However, these were never the exclusive domains of sci-fi writers. Some scientists also ________________ explore these themes ____________. Take time travel as an example. Many fascinating stories based on time travel go either ____________ or forwards in time. However, the former is not really an option. World-famous scientist Stephen Hawking once explained that travelling into the past would ____________ the basic rule that cause comes before effect. But it would be possible to travel into the future in a vastly ________________ spaceship approaching the speed of light. In addition to the question of time travel, Hawking also expressed his opinions on alien invasions and AI development. When many scientists and scholars were still arguing about the ______________ of alien existence and AI development, Hawking said he believed aliens would invade Earth, and that humans would eventually ____________ by AI and robots.
pros and cons, take over, on a scientific basis, have an urge to, superior, conflict with, backwards
Using Structures
1 Make sentences with the words in brackets. Pay attention to the voices of the verbs.
I can’t find my wallet anywhere. (steal)
→ It must have been stolen.
1 I didn’t go to the party last night. (invite)
→ I ______________________________________.
2 Li Fei’s parents sent him to stay with his grandparents because they had to work in a big city far away. (bring up, grandparents)
→ Li Fei _________________________________________________________________.
3 That guy has been walking behind us for a while. (we, follow)
→ I think _________________________________________________________________.
4 My mother always tells me what I should do. (don’t like, tell)
→ I ______________________________________________________.
5 We can’t work in the office next month. (redecorate)
→ Our office __________________________________________________________.
2 Complete the announcements with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Then read them aloud.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight SP432 from Beijing to Hong Kong. We are currently third in line for take-off and ____________ to be in the air in about ten minutes. At this time, your portable electronic devices must __________ “flight mode” or __________ until an announcement upon arrival. Smoking ___________ throughout the flight. Thank you for your cooperation. Enjoy your flight!
Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please ___________ your seats and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belts ____________ (securely) and all carry-on luggage ___________ underneath the seats in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you!
prohibit, expect, set to, make sure, fasten, make, stow, switch off
3 Complete the following passage using the Chinese prompts in brackets to help you.
Dune is a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert. It won the Nebula Award in 1965 and shared the Hugo Award in 1966. It ________________ (通常被认为是) one of the best sci-fi novels ever. As the novel opens, each planet ____________ (正受统治) by a Great House. An emperor has control of a planet called Arrakis, where “spice” _________________ (可被开采). This “spice” ____________ (想要得到) by every planet because it gives people amazing abilities. As the emperor fears that he _____________ (会被挑战) by Leto, the ruler of the Atreides House, he plots a war between Atreides and another house. In the end, Paul, Leto’s son, defeats all enemies with the help of a planet called Fremen.
It ______________ (被认为) that Dune reflects our own world. Like the Houses fighting for “spice”, humans also fight for energy and resources. Conflicts and problems of this kind must ___________________ (得到解决) if we are to have a prosperous and harmonious civilisation.
4 List some environmental problems and their causes. Then write down solutions to each problem.
Many animals and plants are endangered due to loss of habitat. To solve the problem, some measures must be taken to protect them. Cuting down trees without permission should not be allowed. Forests should be well looked after …
Reading, Listening, and Acting
1 Before listening to a TV show called The Evos, read the following introduction and then discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Where do you think the meteors came from
2 Why do you think the friends fell asleep
Previously on The Evos: A breaking news report tells of seven meteors hitting each of the seven continents, as revealed by a scientist called Dr Evo. Meanwhile, three friends, Seb, Anie, and Laura are cycling through woods near their homes. After seeing a flash of light, they follow it. They discover a hole with a strange glowing rock inside. The news on Seb’s radio is talking about the meteors, so they realise this must be one of them. Seb says they should take a closer look. As he gets closer, he suddenly falls asleep, and as the others go to help him, they also fall asleep. They awake at dusk to the sounds of men searching for the meteor. They escape and agree to see each other at school the following day, as well as promising not to tell anyone. Some men, dressed in black protective suits, take the meteor away ….
2 Now listen to the start of the new episode and match the abilities to the character.
Seb can move things with his/her mind
Laura can stop time
Arnie can move from one place to another
Dr Evo can make himself/herself disappear
3 Listen to the episode again and write down the words and phrases that have the following meanings and functions.
1 mentioning something they almost didn’t remember to say ___________________
2 wanting to talk about something different quickly ___________________
3 saying the same thing in a different way than before ___________________
4 talking about the most important point ___________________
5 adding another point to something already said ___________________
before I forget\I nearly forgot
just to change the subject for a moment
in other words
first of all\above all
4 In groups, act out a scene from The Evos using the instructions below.
1 Discuss what happens next in the scene. Use the following questions to help you make a script. The scene only needs to be a few minutes long.
What happens to the characters after they meet Dr Evo
Do the men in black also have powers
How do the characters use their powers
2 Decide who will play each character. Choose a narrator to help the audience understand what is happening.
Dr Evo Seb Arnie Laura Narrator
Men in black suits Any other new characters you want to add
3 Rehearse a few times. Then act out the scene in front of the class.
Reading and Writing
1 Look at the picture. What do you think is inside the cave Do some research about our planet to find the answers to the following questions.
How old is the earth
What is the structure of the earth
How deep is the earth’s crust
What is at the centre of the earth
What is the deepest cave ever found
2 Read part of a story about an amazing journey to the centre of the earth by famous writer Jules Verne. Underline the words that describe the unusual environment the explorers discover. What natural environments does it remind you of
What did you see in this video?
During the interview,
What questions would you like to ask them ?
1.At first I could hardly see anything. After so long descending deep into the earth through dark, narrow caves, my eyes were not used to the light. But when I could focus again, I stood amazed.
2."It's a...sea!"I cried.
3.“Yes, Axel,"my uncle replied,"and I shall give it my name,as it was discovered by me!"
4.A vast lake or even an ocean, spread far beyond where the eye could see. The shore(海岸)was lined with shining sand, and was being softly lapped by waves. It was covered with small shells(贝壳) which were once inhabited by the first living beings. Around this sea stood a huge rock wall that was being worn away by the endless action of the waves.
5.I could see far over this great sea because it was being lit up by a strange light. Not sunlight, of course, as we were deep below the surface. No; with its bright, clear whiteness, the light must have been electric. Under the "sky", if it could be called so, being made of rock, were also vast clouds. They were being illuminated by this light, but the light gave no heat, so the place felt rather gloomy. Here we were, shut up inside a cave of a size that could not be estimated. It must have been several miles high.
6.Human words cannot describe the discoveries of those who have been deep into the earth. My imagination was powerless before such wonders. I felt like I was on some distant planet, and was both amazed and rather scared. However, I was energised by the breezy salty air supplying more oxygen to my lungs. After many days in much narrower spaces, it was a great relief.
7."Ready to walk a little now "asked my uncle.
8."Yes, certainly."
9."Well, let us follow the shore then,"he said, and we began to explore.
10.Soon in front of us appeared a tall, dense forest, composed of trees formed like umbrellas. "Mushrooms!" said my uncle. And he was right! There were mushrooms in their thousands, and each at least thirty feet high.
11."Wonderful!"cried my uncle. "A botanist never had such a feast as this! Now look under your feet."
12."Oh yes!" I exclaimed.
13.I hadn't noticed the many bones, which were being crushed under our feet as we walked. Suddenly I thought, if once these monsters lived here, might some still roam through these gloomy forests I anxiously surveyed the landscape, but we were the only living creatures in this subterranean world. Thankfully!
14.Eventually we returned to the cave we had entered from, and I fell asleep with strange thoughts. Where did this underground sea end Where did it lead to
How did they get to the center of the earth
How did they get to the center of the earth
1.At first I could hardly see anything. After so long descending deep into the earth through dark, narrow caves, my eyes were not used to the light. But when I could focus again, I stood amazed.
2."It's a...sea!"I cried.
3.“Yes, Axel,"my uncle replied,"and I shall give it my name,as it was discovered by me!"
4.A vast lake or even an ocean, spread far beyond where the eye could see. The shore(海岸)was lined with shining sand, and was being softly lapped by waves. It was covered with small shells(贝壳) which were once inhabited by the first living beings. Around this sea stood a huge rock wall that was being worn away by the endless action of the waves.
5.I could see far over this great sea because it was being lit up by a strange light. Not sunlight, of course, as we were deep below the surface. No; with its bright, clear whiteness, the light must have been electric. Under the "sky", if it could be called so, being made of rock, were also vast clouds. They were being illuminated by this light, but the light gave no heat, so the place felt rather gloomy. Here we were, shut up inside a cave of a size that could not be estimated. It must have been several miles high.
6.Human words cannot describe the discoveries of those who have been deep into the earth. My imagination was powerless before such wonders. I felt like I was on some distant planet, and was both amazed and rather scared. However, I was energised by the breezy salty air supplying more oxygen to my lungs. After many days in much narrower spaces, it was a great relief.
7."Ready to walk a little now "asked my uncle.
8."Yes, certainly."
9."Well, let us follow the shore then,"he said, and we began to explore.
10.Soon in front of us appeared a tall, dense forest, composed of trees formed like umbrellas. "Mushrooms!" said my uncle. And he was right! There were mushrooms in their thousands, and each at least thirty feet high.
11."Wonderful!"cried my uncle. "A botanist never had such a feast as this! Now look under your feet."
12."Oh yes!" I exclaimed.
13.I hadn't noticed the many bones, which were being crushed under our feet as we walked. Suddenly I thought, if once these monsters lived here, might some still roam through these gloomy forests I anxiously surveyed the landscape, but we were the only living creatures in this subterranean world. Thankfully!
14.Eventually we returned to the cave we had entered from, and I fell asleep with strange thoughts. Where did this underground sea end Where did it lead to
What did they see
1.At first I could hardly see anything. After so long descending deep into the earth through dark, narrow caves, my eyes were not used to the light. But when I could focus again, I stood amazed.
2."It's a...sea!"I cried.
3.“Yes, Axel,"my uncle replied,"and I shall give it my name,as it was discovered by me!"
4.A vast lake or even an ocean, spread far beyond where the eye could see. The shore was lined with shining sand, and was being softly lapped by waves. It was covered with small shells(贝壳) which were once inhabited by the first living beings. Around this sea stood a huge rock wall that was being worn away by the endless action of the waves.
5.I could see far over this great sea because it was being lit up by a strange light. Not sunlight, of course, as we were deep below the surface. No; with its bright, clear whiteness, the light must have been electric. Under the "sky", if it could be called so, being made of rock, were also vast clouds. They were being illuminated by this light, but the light gave no heat, so the place felt rather gloomy. Here we were, shut up inside a cave of a size that could not be estimated. It must have been several miles high.
7."Ready to walk a little now "asked my uncle.
8."Yes, certainly."
9."Well, let us follow the shore then,"he said, and we began to explore.
6.Human words cannot describe the discoveries of those who have been deep into the earth. My imagination was powerless before such wonders. I felt like I was on some distant planet, and was both amazed and rather scared. However, I was energised by the breezy salty air supplying more oxygen to my lungs. After many days in much narrower spaces, it was a great relief.
10.Soon in front of us appeared a tall, dense forest, composed of trees formed like umbrellas. "Mushrooms!" said my uncle. And he was right! There were mushrooms in their thousands, and each at least thirty feet high.
11."Wonderful!"cried my uncle. "A botanist never had such a feast as this! Now look under your feet."
12."Oh yes!" I exclaimed.
13.I hadn't noticed the many bones, which were being crushed under our feet as we walked. Suddenly I thought, if once these monsters lived here, might some still roam through these gloomy forests I anxiously surveyed the landscape, but we were the only living creatures in this subterranean world. Thankfully!
They saw...
They went through the caves to...,
and then went to ...
mushroom forest
What did these things look like
rock wall
What did these things look like
rock wall
What did these things look like
The shore: lined with lined with ________ sand;
covered with ________shells;
rock wall: a _______ rock wall .
light: a _________light
dark narrow
After seeing the sea, how did they feel
What did the they see
What did these things look like
How did they feel
Through the dark, narrow caves to the center of the earth, they saw a vast sea. The shore was lined with shining sand and covered with softly shells. Around the sea stood a huge rock wall . Strange light lit above the sea, illuminating the vast clouds. Seeing so, they felt both amazed and rather scared.
mushroom forest
What did these things look like
vast Sea
What did these things look like
a________mushroom forest
mushroom forest : There were mushrooms __________________; each at least ______________.
bones: _______ bones
tall, dense
in their thousands
thirty feet high
After seeing so, how did they feel
What did the explorers see
What did these things look like
How did they feel
Soon in front of them...
Soon in front of them appeared a tall, dense mushroom forest in their thousands and each at least thirty feet high. They also saw many bones. Seeing so, they felt both wonderful and anxious.
Structure【Audio News Report】
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
introduction(who did what...)
detailed description(what,how...)
Two explorers, Aexl and his uncle, have made a journey to the centre of the earth.
Through the dark, narrow caves to the center of the earth, they saw a vast sea. The shore was lined with shining sand and covered with smile shells. Around the sea stood a huge
rock wall . Strange light lit above the sea, illuminating the vast clouds. Seeing so, they felt both amazed and rather scared. Soon in front of them appeared a tall, dense mushroom forest in their thousands and each at least thirty feet high and underfoot were many bones. Thus, they felt wonderful but anxious as well.
The discoveries were described as amazing and scary. Aexl and his uncle said the thrill of discovering new things can always be a powerful motivator.
Facing challenges can lead to personal growth, the development of new skills, and increased self-confidence.
The thrill of venturing into the unknown and experiencing new things can be a powerful motivator.
Exploration contributes to the collective knowledge of humanity, helping us understand the world and view the universe as a whole.
Why did people take risks to explore
Please prepare a presentation on
“Journey to a wonder of China”
and put it into a written piece.
For more information , you may refer to https://www..au/
3 Read the text again and answer the questions below.
1 Why could the narrator not see anything at first
2 Why was the light in the cave strange
3 Why was the narrator unable to describe what he saw in human words
4 Why was the narrator scared by the bones
4 What can you remember of the story Note down as many things as you can recall, and then retell the story using your notes.
5 Write a summary of the text in your own words.
6 Imagine you are a reporter. Write a newspaper article reporting on the journey to the centre of the earth.
1 Find the most interesting things worth reporting from the extract.
2 Imagine what happens before and later in the journey and how you want the story to end. Take notes of your ideas.
3 Decide whether to include:
Facts about the earth, for example, its size, age, composition, etc.
Pictures of what the underground world looks like.
4 Think of an interesting headline to get the readers’ attention.
5 Write your article. Use language similar to what journalists use. Look at other news reports and articles to help you.
*Expanding Your World
Science fiction is one of the most popular genres of film. Showing us everything from alien worlds to intelligent robots and time travel, sci-fi films are extraordinary. But how much of this science fiction is also scientific fact Many sci-fi films are based on fiction: novels, short stories, or comics, which first came from someone’s imagination and were often influenced by earlier sci-fi works. However, some films try to make the science they show as realistic and accurate as possible.
The film Interstellar was a box-office success and was praised for how space travel and other scientific aspects of the plot were represented. The story takes place in the near future when living conditions on Earth threaten the survival of humanity. A brave team of astronauts and scientists begin a dangerous mission to find a new planet for humans to live on. Director Christopher Nolan wanted the film to be as realistic as possible. “Why simply imagine things that might happen in space or on an interstellar journey Why not actually look at the real science there ” he said. To make sure as much of the film as possible was grounded in real science, Nolan and his team were helped from the start by physicist Kip Thorne, an expert on Albert Einstein’s theories. Thorne provided the correct mathematics for the special effects team to generate the fantastic computer simulations that are seen in the film.
科幻小说是最流行的电影类型之一。向我们展示了从外星世界到智能机器人和时间旅行的一切,科幻电影是非凡的。但这些科幻小说有多少也是科学事实呢?许多科幻电影都是根据小说改编的: 小说、短篇小说或漫画,它们最初来自于某人的想象,往往受到早期科幻作品的影响。然而,一些电影试图使他们展示的科学尽可能真实和准确。
电影《星际穿越》在票房上获得了成功,并因为太空旅行和其他科学方面的情节表现而受到赞扬。故事发生在不久的将来,地球上的生活条件威胁着人类的生存。由宇航员和科学家组成的勇敢团队开始了一项危险的任务,即寻找一个新的星球供人类居住。导演克里斯托弗·诺兰希望电影尽可能写实。“为什么只是简单地想象可能在太空或星际旅行中发生的事情呢?为什么不看看真正的科学呢 ”他说。为了确保影片尽可能多地基于真实的科学,诺兰和他的团队从一开始就得到了物理学家基普 · 索恩的帮助,他是阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦理论方面的专家。索恩为特效团队提供了正确的数学方法,以生成电影中出现的奇妙的计算机模拟。
In the real world, the search for other habitable planets has been underway for many years. Space telescopes can identify planets orbiting stars by small changes in the stars’ light as the planets pass by. These searches have discovered countless planets. The next challenge is to find one that is neither too hot nor too cold, where there is water necessary for life forms to develop. Then the oroblem is how we would get there. As these stars and planets are many light years away, it would take hundreds or thousands of years to reach them. Creating a spaceship that could travel at the speed of light would be one option, but in the film, Earth does not have that much time and a quicker route must be found. Thus the problem to be overcome is time itself.
Again, real science provided an answer, which was then brought to the screen in the film. As Einstein famously described, time and space are not two separate things, but exist like a fabric that our universe is made of, called “space-time”. Objects such as planets and stars bend this fabric, creating the force we know as gravity. When this force is very large, space-time is bent a great deal, making it possible for a short cut, known as a “wormhole”, to appear. This would allow one to pass from one point in the universe to another without having to cross the space in between, therefore making the journey much quicker. Wormholes are often used in sci-fi stories, appearing as simple holes to pass through, but what would one actually look like Science tells us it would actually look like a sphere, through which we could see through to the other side, and so this is how it appears in the film.
In the film, such a “wormhole” mysteriously appears near Saturn. Several astronauts have already been through, with some reporting back on promising planets they have found. The team travels through it to another galaxy in the hope of finding a new home. However, as hours pass on these distant planets, many years pass on Earth. This is also a realistic depiction of what such interstellar travel would be like, as described by Einstein’s theory of relativity. Time moves differently depending on where you are and whether you are still or moving.
Of course, sometimes real science has to be ignored to make sure that a film, which is only a few hours long, is entertaining and that viewers understand what they see. We cannot know exactly what interstellar travel looks like, but science can give us a good idea. Often, there is a fine line between science fiction and fact, which is always changing as science and technology progress. Things that were only being dreamed of years ago are now part of our everyday lives, such as the Internet, mobile phones, and soon even space travel itself. This is what continues to make sci-fi so exciting and popular, inspiring generation after generation to imagine our future existence.
Useful words and phrases:
time travel
a box-office
in the near future
computer simulation
at the speed of light
a short cut
theory of relativity
in the hope of
generation after generation
More complicated sentences:
1. To make sure as much of the film as possible was grounded in real science, Nolan and his team were helped from the start by physicist Kip Thorne, an expert on Albert Einstein’s theories.
2. Creating a spaceship that could travel at the speed of light would be one option, but in the film, Earth does not have that much time and a quicker route must be found.
3. Science tells us it would actually look like a sphere, through which we could see through to the other side, and so this is how it appears in the film.
4. Of course, sometimes real science has to be ignored to make sure that a film, which is only a few hours long, is entertaining and that viewers understand what they see.