人教版九年级Unit13 Section B 3a-3b(micro-writing)
教学课题 We’re trying to save the earth! (micro-writing)
本节课教学内容选自人教版新目标九年级13单元,话题是“保护环境”。该话题贴近学生日常生活。学生在日常生活中通过亲身经历或网络上的信息,对地球环境问题有一个大致的了解,因此大部分孩子对于该话题较为熟悉,能熟练地指出环境污染的种类及相对的解决措施。本节课是本单元语言学习的输出环节,要求学生根据单元话题进行写作。本节课以两个不同时间段拍摄的地球卫星图为导入,引导学生观察近几十年间地球的巨大变化,从而对当前地球所面临的环境问题进行讨论,进而深入思考导致这种环境变化的原因并提出有效的解决措施,最后通过本节课的学习帮助学生树立正确的环境保护意识,使学生能够从小事做起,保护环境,爱护地球。 本节课在 “5W1H”写作技巧的引导下,对环境保护问题进行书面写作,有效提高学生在写作过程中所要求的逻辑思维品质。同时通过课堂知识架构,进一步掌握建议类作文的写作结构并合理运用连接词和丰富的句型结构提高文章的连贯性,让学生的写作变得更有逻辑性,提升学生的英语写作水平。并通过写作内容培养学生环保意识,发展英语学科核心素养。
知识储备:本堂课的学习主体是九年级学生,学生对建议类体裁的作文话题较为熟悉,对于提建议的基本句型结构有一定的掌握。并且在本单元的前四节课中,学生已经对环境保护的背景知识有了大致的了解,尤其是在此前的听说课中,学生对于环境污染的种类和环保措施进行了大量的口语练习。 心理特点:大部分同学的英语学习热情较高,能够积极主动表达自己的观点。但也有少部分同 学因为知识储备不足,对写作课有畏难情绪。 话题知识:本单元的话题是“保护环境”,贴近学生的实际生活,绝大部分学生有话可说,但因为学生年龄和社会经验的限制,导致学生提建议时深度和角度不够。此外,学生对于此类话题所提的建议较抽象和粗略,不够具体。
语言能力:掌握关于建议类的基本句型结构(如:描述当前环境问题,提出解决措施及原因) 学习能力:使用“5W1H”写作技巧对习作的内容进行拓展 思维品质:关注环境污染问题,提出相应的解决措施和理由,树立环境保护意识,使学生能够 从小事做起,保护环境,爱护地球; 学生基于写作评价表进行自评,培养学生的批判性思维。
教学重点:分析环境问题的原因,并提出解决措施,正确使用给建议的句型,运用“5W1H”写作技巧拓展句子内容,利用写作评价表对习作进行评价。 教学难点:提出具体可执行的建议,提高环保意识。
(Steps) 教学环节 活动设计(Activities Design) 设计意图 (purpose)
教师活动(T activities) 学生活动(S activities)
Warming-up Present a picture of earth in different time and ask students to observe the differences of the earth. Talk about the differences of the earth in different time. 通过图片展示,对学生形成视觉冲击,激活学生对写作话题的兴趣。
Step 2 Pre-writing Based on the picture, lead students to think about the classifications of environmental pollution. Create teaching scenarios and provide writing assignments. Ask students to think about the causes the environmental problems. Provide several basic sentence patterns for students to give suggestions. 1.Review different types of environmental pollution. 2. Think about the causes of environmental problems. 教师通过图片的形式引导学生讨论环境问题的成因,从而使学生思考导致地球环保问题的原因,让学生结合自己的经历进行口头练习。
Pre-writing Guide students to come up with some effective and specific suggestions to solve the environmental problems from two aspects, such as individual behaviors and social behaviors. Share their own suggestions and have oral practice. 引导学生从个人和社会视角来思考环境保护问题。拓宽学生思想维度,不再仅局限于个人角度。也为最终写作搭建脚手架。
Pre-writing Ask students to think about how to make our words more reliable and informative. Introduce the writing technique “5W1H”. Deepen students' understanding of the writing technique “5W1H” by doing some exercises. Guide students to pay attention to the sentence patterns and linking words when writing. Think about how to improve sentences and learn the writing technique “5W1H”. Learn to use writing skills technique “5W1H” to enrich sentences. Focus on the sentence patterns and linking words of the extend sentences. 引导学生掌握“5W1H”的写作技巧,并用来丰富句子内容,同时通过练习关注句型结构和衔接词的运用。使建议和原因更加符合英语表达,为写作的主体部分铺垫基础。
Pre-writing Offer some sentence patterns and linking words for students to consider how to give suggestions on environmental problems. Help students to master the structure of a composition which is made up of three parts: beginning, body and ending. Think about the structure and content of a composition, and give the general idea of each paragraph orally. 引导学生梳理目标语言和文章结构脉络,理清写作思路。
Pre-writing Assign writing tasks: write a letter to the city mayor about the environmental problems and your suggestions. Analyze the writing task, understand the topic accurately, and grasp the main points of writing. Prepare to write. 基于“5W1H”写作技巧,明确写作任务,抓住写作要点,厘清作文结构。
While -writing Monitor the writing process Write down one problem, two causes and three suggestions on environmental problems. 观察并记录学生写作过程中出现的问题,必要时提供帮助。
Post-writing Ask students to use checklist to finish self-check. Remind them to pay attention to structure and content, language and grammar. Make assessments with the help of checklist. 利用写作评价表检测学生写作效果。 通过自评帮助学生发现写作中的问题以及如何润色一篇作文。
Encourage students to summarize the structure of the writing about environmental problems,and guide them to improve the awareness of environmental protection. Share opinions about how to make a good composition of environmental protection, and further understand the environmental issues. 培养学生概括总结能力,促进学生对本单元主题意义的探究。在思想维度上对学生产生一定影响和育人价值。
Homework 1. Basic:Polish your letter according to the checklist. 2. Advanced:Think and make an outline of the writing task:What environmental problems do you know in your school 3.Further thinking:Besides “5W1H” principle, can you think of any other writing skills to make sentences better
Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Causes of environmental problems Solutions to solve the environmental problems (
Individual behaviors
Social behaviors
本节课基于人教版九年级13单元“环境保护”为话题,运用 “5W1H”写作技巧指导学生进行单元写作训练。在写前准备过程中,教师运用图片、提问及讨论等多种方式对单元话题进行深层解读和口语训练,为后续写作积累语言素材并逐步搭建写作框架。在写后阶段,运用写作评价表,引导学生对作文进行自评,在此过程中了解写作评价标准,培养良好的写作习惯,逐步建立写作的自信,并在潜移默化中帮助学生树立环境保护意识,学习正确的环保措施。
但本节课仍有一些不足之处。首先,教师给学生提供的句型结构过多,压缩了学生自我思考的空间和范围。其次,学生的写作任务只是文章的主体部分,并没有完整的完成一篇作文, 学生对于该作文整体框架的构建欠缺。因此,在下一节课中,会要求学生进行完整的文章写作,同时根据不同层次的学生提出更有针对性的修改建议,真正落实对所有学生的写作指导。