Unit 2
How often do you exercise
Section A
Grammar Focus-3c
Learning objectives
How often does Jim play basketbal
He plays basketball once a week .
Lead in
How often does Liming play soccer
He plays soccer twic a week .
Reading task
How often does Tony use the Internet
He uses the Internet three or four times a week .
How often does Peter watch TV
He never watches TV.
Language points
How often does Bob read books
He reads books every day .
How often does Li Lei swim
He swims every day .
Grammar Focus频度副词
Complete the following sentences
1. 你通常在周末做什么?
______ ______ you __________ do on weekends
2. 我总是去运动。 I ________ __________ .
3. 他们在周末做什么?
________ ______they _______ on weekends
4. 他们经常帮助做家务。
They___________ help with _______________ .
5. 她在周末做什么?
What _________she _________ on weekneds
6. 她有时候去购物。
She __________ __________ _______ .
What do usually
always exercise
What do do
often housework
does do
sometimes go shopping
7. 你多久去看电影一次?
___________ _________do you go to the __________
8. 我可能一个月去看一次。
I go to movies maybe _____________ ___________ _______ .
9. 他多久看一次电视?
________ _______ does he watch TV
He ___________ _______watches TV.
11. 他去购物了吗?
_________ ________ go shopping
12. 不,我从不去购物。
No, I __________ ________ shopping .
How often movies
once a month
How often
hardly ever
Do you
never go
How often do you go swimming
Three times a week .
always “总是“,表示动作的重复或状态的延续。
usually ‘通常”,表示很少有例外。
often “经常“, 表示动作的重复,但不如usually那么频繁,中间有间断。
sometimes “有时”,表示动作偶尔发生。
hardly “几乎不”,常和ever连用表示强调。
never “从未“。
I usually get up at 6:30 every day .
He always exercises in the morning .
We are never late for school .
He can always win the games .
Lucy is often friendly with others.
对频度副词提问用How often ...
Jack is never late for class
He always goes to school at 7:00 every morning .
Is Mr. Wang always on time
There is usually good news on TV.
对频度副词的提问用how often , 意为多久一次。
3a Complete the questions with do or does.
1. How often _____ he play soccer?
2. ______ you drink milk
3. How often ______ they stay up late
4. ______ Sue eat a healthy breakfast
5. How often ______ you eat apples?
6. ______ your parents play sports
1. How often does he play soccer?
2. Do you drink milk
3. How often do they stay up late
4. Dose Sue eat a healthy breakfast
5. How often do you eat apples?
6. Do your parents play sports
a. Yes, she usually does.
b. Hardly ever. I don’t like them.
c. He plays at least twice a week.
d. No, they don’t. They’re too busy.
e. Never. They always go to bed early.
f. Yes, I do. Every day.
3b Use the words given to write questions.
(how often/ help with housework)
(what / usually/ do/ weekends)
(how often / best friend / exercise)
(what / usually / do / after school)
How often do you help with housework
What do you usually do at weekends
How often does your best friend do exercise
What do you usually do after school
3c What can you do to improve your English
read English books
sing English songs
speak English with foreigners
watch English movies
read English
do some
English exercise
Who’s the best English student
A: How often do you …
B: Once a week/Every day/Twice a month
/Hardly ever/Never/Sometimes/…
read English books
sing English songs
watch English programs
listen to English tapes
join the English corner (参加英语角)
chat with foreigners(与外国人聊天)
write English diaries
read English stories
play English games
Add more things to the chart. Then ask your classmates the questions and find the best English student.
How often do you… Names Frequency
read English book Lin Ying Twice a week
A: How often do you read English books
B: I read English books about twice a week.
1.Recite the sentences in Grammar Focus.
2.Introduce the best English student.
3.Write a passage about a student’s ways of
improving English according to the information
in 3c.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise 单元整体教学设计
单元主题意义 本单元的主题属于“人与社会 ”范畴,本单元围绕有规律地安排活动及培养健康的饮食习惯等话题展开教学活动,要求学生在学习一些体育运动词汇的基础上,掌握时间频度副词的用法!这也是学生在日常生活中经常使用的语言交际功能,体现了本套教材融合会话题、交际功能和语言结构的循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。
单元教学目标 通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 目标a:掌握一些活动及食物的名称,正确区分使用表示不同程度的时间频度副词;并熟练使用询问频率的句型。 目标b:能流利地谈论生活起居和饮食习惯;能阅读介绍个人生活习惯,饮食习惯等方面的相关文章,了解哪些饮食习惯是健康的。 目标c:培养学生有规律地安排活动的能力,促使学生养成良好的生活习惯;通过引导学生了解什么样的饮食习惯才能保持健康的体质,帮助学生树立健康的饮食观念,养成良好的饮食习惯。 目标d:使学生了解不同背景,不同文化的国家对健康饮食的不同观念,开拓学生的视野,加强它们对不同文化的包容性。 与核心素养的关系: 学完本单元后,学生能够发散学生思维,拓宽学生知识渠道,通过合作学习,帮助学生了解并借鉴他人的有效学习方法,不断提高自己的学习效率。
整体教学思路及教学结构图 1.来源& 内容: 本单元是《新目标英语》系列教材之一Go for it !八年级上册的第二单元。Section A主要呈现了对某人从事某一活动的频率进行询问和表达;一些课外活动的表达法,并就这些活动的相关信息进行交流。Section B部分进一步拓展了按照“听力输入-阅读训练-由读促写”的过程逐层推进;在语言知识层面,除继续深入学习Section A所学语言结构,百分数的说法、饮食词汇的呈现,以及词汇表达法的扩充成为这一部分的重要内容。 2.纵向知识关联: 功能: 如何使用频度副词谈论关于个人的生活习惯,饮食习惯等。 话题: 有规律地安排活动及培养健康的饮食习惯。 语言知识: 掌握一些活动及食物的名称,如:exercise , go skateboarding , milk , coffee , chip , cola , chocolate , drink , etc. . 正确区分并使用不同程度的时间频度副词: always , usually , often , sometimes , hardly , ever , never. c.熟练使用询问频率的句型,如:How often 引导的特殊疑问句。 3.横向知识关联: (1 )复习七年级下册Unit 2 ,Unit12表达日常活动的相关短语; (2 )本单元出现的日常活动短语也为八下Unit 5 打下基础。 (3 )本单元也反复强调了频率副词及短语的用法,以旧带新。 教学结构图:
语篇 课型 课时 课时目标 评价任务
Section A 1a-2d 听说课 第一课时 能正确使用频度副词描述从事活动的频率;能熟练掌握询问课余活动的问答。 当堂让学生对所提供句型进行选择填空,通过观察得分情况,判断学生是否掌握各频度副词的用法,并对错误较多的习题进行实时反馈。
Section A 3a-3c 语法课 第二课时 能正确使用how often引导的特殊疑问句询问从事活动的频率,能正确表达单位时间的活动词数。小组合作中锻炼口语表达能力和合作交流能力,小结前两课时的语法重点。 通过小组合作的讨论及最后的展示,检测学生阶段性学习成果,让学生自行总结归纳,并做最后的汇报展示,由其他成员进行补充质疑和互评,左后再由教师进行整体评价。
Section B 1a-1e 听说课 第三课时 学习利用非听力因素(如:图片等)辅助理解,提高听力效率。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生,评价学生对语篇主题的理解;通过个人思考和合作交流,评价学生主动参与到学习中的能力。
Section B 2a-2e 读写课 第四课时 学习阅读中使用略读、扫读、跳读等策略,学习观察和利用统计图,辅助阅读;学习在小组合作中锻炼口语表达能力和合作交流能力;能够了解国外中学生常见的业余活动,并结合自身,进行对照与反思。 激励性评价贯穿始末,考虑到学生的心里特征以及英语这门学科的特殊性,只要学生参与课堂活动中来并进行认证的反馈,教师均应给出鼓励性评价,以此来提高学生学习的积极性。
Section B 3a-Self check 写作课 第五课时 能够叙述自己的生活习惯,养成良好的生活习惯。 作文当堂互评,再分析作文的框架和参考词汇后,让学生进行小组互评,最后小组展示最佳作文,通过白板展示,供全班学生赏析,学生互评的方式可以让学生通过取长补短,共同进步。
第2课时 教学设计
课题 How often do you exercise Section A 3a-3c
课型 听说课口 语法课√ 阅读课 口 写作课口 其它课__________
教材(语篇)分析: 【what】 本课是在Section A 所输入语言的基础上,利用表格形式梳理本单元的语法要点。了 【why】 复习一般现在是表述行为习惯的用法。 【how】 通过情景交际及自主学习与合作学习相结合从而使语言学习的实践和应用能力的提升。
学情分析: 自然情况 本部分围绕日常活动这个话题探讨活动频率,本话题与学生生活息息相关,有助于学生更自然有效地表达。 (二)已有基础 询问某人从事某项活动,是对一般现在是表述行为习惯用法的复习。
同学们经常会出现助动词添错误的问题。 (四)解决措施 学习过程中要特别要加强辅导。
教学目标: 通过本课学习,学生能够: 学生能学会重点单词,短语及目标语言(学习理解) 重点单词及短语: maybe,stay up late , at least , always ,usually , often ,sometimes ,hardly ever , never 以及单位时间次数的表达方式。 目标语言:能运用How often ... 这个特殊疑问句句型来询问活动频率。 掌握询问某人是否从事某项活动的问句和答语。 (应用实践) 培养学生良好的学习习惯和生活习惯。 (迁移创新)
教学重难点 重点:1.询问课外活动的问句和答语。 2.询问活动频率的问句和答语。 3. 询问某人是否从事某项活动的问句和答语。 难点: 常见频度副词及其在句中的位置;单位时间次数的表达方式。
学习活动设计 教师活动学生活动环节一:Activity 1 教师活动1 Lead-in Talk about the weekend activities using the words and sentences that the students have learned in the last class . Eg:-How often does Jim play basketbal -He plays basketball once a week . .... 学生活动1 Ask and answer 活动意图说明: 让学生展开头脑风暴, 可以激发学生的思维模式,减少学生下一步谈论课外活动可能遇到的表达上的障碍。 环节二:Activity 2 教师活动2 Presentation Read the sentences in Grammar Focus . Underline the auxiliary verbs of each question in the left column . Read the answers in the right column , and underline the verbs . Pay attention to the verb changes. Read the questions of asking for the frequency of activities and find out the answers to the questions . Let the students pay attention to the certain position of the adverbs of frequency . Do some exercises 学生活动2 Read aloud the sentences and answer Practice in pair Do some exercises 活动意图说明: 通过让学生反复朗读并总结,进一步复习频率副词的用法。 环节三:Activity 3 教的活动3 work on 3a Complete the questions with do or does . Then match the questions and answers . How often ___ __he play soccer _____ you drink milk How often __ they stay up late ___Sue eat a healthy breakfast How often _____ you eat apples _____ your parents play sports Yes. She usually does . Hardly ever . I don’t like them . He plays at least twice a week . No, they don’t . They’re too busy . Never . They always go to bed early . Yes, I do . Every day . 学的活动3 Finish 3a and check the answers 活动意图说明: 在一般现在时的疑问句中,学生在添加助动词do 或does的问题上会经常出错,这个活动意在巩固一般现在时中疑问句的正确用法,将Grammar Focus中总结注意事项延申到运用,同时通过配对练习加强学生对一般疑问句与特殊疑问句的认识与应用。 环节四:Activity 4 教的活动4 Work on 3b Use the words given to write questions . Then ask and answer them with a partner . Ask another pair of students to report each conversation above . eg. S1:How often do you help with housework S2: I maybe help with housework twice a week . S3: How often does Sun Hua help with housework S4: He maybe helps with housework twice a week . 学的活动4 Answer the answer 学的活动3 1. Ss observe the images and understand the situation. 2. Ss complete the questions and answers using past future tense. 活动意图说明: 此活动引导学生关注特殊疑问句的结构,学生需要根据情况补充主语和助动词,还需要注意句子的语序。 环节五:Activity 5 教的活动5 Work on 3c Teacher asks the question What can we do to improve our English Students discuss it in the class . eg. watch English program on TV, listen to English news , sing English songs ... Add more ways of improving English to the chart . Then make a survey about the frequency of doing these things . The sentence structure of How often ... can be used. According to the interview , find the best English student . 学的活动5 Answer the questions . Make a survey . 活动意图说明: 设计贴近学生日常生活的活动任务可更有效地加强学生知识的学习与运用,在全班展开讨论提高英语学习方法以激发学生的词汇储备,从而减轻学生后续活动的压力。
板书设计 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Period 2 Section A 3a-3c What do/does you/he usually do on weekends I/He usually exercise /exercises . How often do/does you /he go to the movies I/He go /goes to the movies once a month . -Do you go shopping -No , I never go shopping .
分层作业设计 基础巩固: Recite the sentences in Grammar Focus . 设计意图:熟记Grammar Focus 中的重点句型。 能力提升: Introduce the best English student. Write a passage about a student’s ways of improving English according to the information . 设计意图:复习巩固本单元重点。
教学反思与改进 本节课在第一课时的基础上引导学生进一步体会运用巩固目标语言,本节课的语法内容中包含对一般现在时表述行为习惯的复习。对于一般现在时疑问句中助动词的使用一直是学生们的易错点。活动3a首先让学生用do或does 补全 “How often .. 问句或 “询问学生是否从事某项活动”的一般疑问句,然后将问句和对应的答语匹配。学生需要判断问句的类型,并捉住问句和答语中的人称主语及活动内容等关键信息,这是一个关注语言结构的练习。