人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit1Festivals and Celebrations复习课件(69张PPT+练习)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit1Festivals and Celebrations复习课件(69张PPT+练习)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-20 18:32:37


必修第二册 UNIT1
When cultural heritage sites disappear,they’re gone forever.However,they are being endangered at an alarming rate by rising seas (Venice),pollution (the Taj Mahal) and overtourism (Angkor Wat).Just to name a few.
But when we try to protect these heritage sites,we also have to face such thorny questions as “What part of the past is worth preserving and passing on to the next generations What duty do we owe to the creations of our ancestors What strength do we draw from their presence—and when,on the contrary,do they become a lead weight,preventing us from projecting ourselves into the future ”.
Humankind has answered these difficult questions differently in different places.In Dresden,Germany,the Frauenkirche was an 18th century church whose bell-shaped top was a landmark.In February,1945,one of the most destructive bombing attacks of World War Ⅱ killed more than 25,000 people and reduced the city to ruins.As Dresden slowly rebuilt after the war,the Frauenkirche was left in ruins.But after German reunification,the church was reconstructed using many of its original materials,as a statement of peace and harmony.
Like the Frauenkirche,Notre Dame,a landmark in Paris,which was destroyed by fire in 2019,is being rebuilt as close as possible to how it was before,including using the original and poisonous metal lead for the roof.That choice was controversial,as future choices are bound to be in the debate about how to restore and preserve historic buildings.
Perhaps,no one can claim to have the right answers on preservation.There may not even be right answers.What we will do is to continue to take care of important cultural heritage sites,as a matter of significance to humanity’s past,present and future.
1.Which heritage site is suffering from too many visitors
A.Venice. B.Dresden.
C.The Taj Mahal. D.Angkor Wat.
2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “thorny” in paragraph 2
A.Tough. B.Smart.
C.Interesting. D.Important.
3.What does the author dislike about the rebuilding of Notre Dame
A.The high rebuilding costs.
B.The timing of reconstruction.
C.The choice of certain material.
D.The significance of preservation.
4.What message does the author seem to convey in the text
A.We should protect as many heritage sites as possible.
B.It is better to leave the damaged historic buildings alone.
C.Historic buildings should be rebuilt with the same materials.
D.Heritage sites serve as an important link among human beings.
Discoveries at the famous Sanxingdui ruins in Southwest China show that the region’s ancient Shu Kingdom Civilization shared similarities with the Maya.
The Sanxingdui ruins,located in the city of Guanghan,about 60 kilometers from Chengdu,belonged to the Shu Kingdom that existed at least 4,800 years ago and lasted more than 2,000 years,while the Mayan civilization built its city states around 200 CE.
The bronze-made remains of trees unearthed at the ruins of the Shu Kingdom resemble the sacred ceiba tree,which symbolised the union of heaven,earth and the underworld in the Mayan civilization.“They are very important similarities,” says Santos,a Mexican archaeologist,stressing that “the representations of trees in both cultures provide a symbolism that is very similar”.
One notable feature of the recent discoveries at Sanxingdui was the cross-subject work and technology applied by teams of Chinese archaeologists,which allowed the unearthing of artifacts as fragile as silk remains,which other types of less careful digging methods would not have been able to manage.
Cooperation between Chinese and Mexican archaeologists could benefit projects in the Maya world,where the rainy climate and humidity are problematic for the conservation of ruins.
“Every time our cultural knowledge increases,regardless of whether we speak one language or another,what it shows us is that we continue to be sister cultures and,therefore,the exchange of such knowledge is fundamental,” says Santos.
5.What is a similarity between the Shu Kingdom and the Maya civilization
A.Their starting time.
B.Their historical origins.
C.Their cultural symbols.
D.Their ceremony traditions.
6.What is a common challenge for the conservation of both ruins
A.Damp weather.
B.Positioning of ruins.
C.High latitude.
D.Language barriers.
7.What is the focus of Santos’s quote in the last paragraph
A.The future of the China-Mexico cooperation.
B.The benefits of speaking a different language.
C.The importance of the exchange of cultural knowledge.
D.The increasing sisterhood in culture between China and Mexico.
8.Where is this text most likely from
A.A historical novel.
B.A newspaper.
C.A research review.
D.A guidebook.
I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when my three-year-old daughter Becky rushed in with  1 .“Mama!” she cried.“Come to see my new doggy!”
I followed her out into the bushes and  2  the branches.A sudden  3  froze me!There she was,sitting on her heels and held in her lap was the unmistakable head of a wolf!
“Becky,” my mouth felt  4 .“Don’t move.” I stepped closer.Pale-yellow eyes narrowed.Suddenly the wolf  5 and bared its teeth.
“It’s all right,boy,” Becky  6 .“Don’t be afraid.That’s my mama,and she loves you,too.”
Then the unbelievable thing happened.As her tiny hands patted the great shaggy (乱蓬蓬的) head,I felt a bit relieved to see the  7 and relaxed movement of the wolf’s tail.
“Honey,” my throat still tightened.“Put his head down and come to Mama.We’ll find  8 .”
 9 ,Becky got up and kissed the wolf on the nose before she walked slowly into my arms.Sad yellow eyes followed her.With Becky safe in my arms,I ran to get help.
My husband,Bill,and our vet(兽医) came to see the wolf and they found his  10  was really bad—his leg was wounded by bullets.With the assistance of Becky,the vet  11  him carefully.
Becky named him Ralph and carried food and water to him every day.The wolf’s recovery was not  12 .Seeing the way he  13  his injured leg,we knew he  14  great pain,but not once did he ever try to bite the hands of those who cared for him.
Four months later,Ralph finally stood unaided.As his  15  grew,Ralph followed Becky all over the farm.Together they wandered around the grassland,the golden-haired child often stooping low,sharing with the great lame wolf secrets of nature’s wonders...
1.A.anger B.patience
C.excitement D.worry
2.A.parted B.broke
C.held D.gathered
3.A.crash B.pity
C.attack D.fear
4.A.hungry B.dry
C.full D.loose
5.A.appeared B.trembled
C.cheered D.relaxed
6.A.whispered B.screamed
C.complained D.sighed
7.A.violent B.aggressive
C.strange D.gentle
8.A.luck B.power
C.help D.joy
9.A.Desperately B.Suddenly
C.Unwillingly D.Originally
10.A.condition B.behavior
C.performance D.appetite
11.A.studied B.invited
C.changed D.tended
12.A.tough B.easy
C.awful D.normal
13.A.dragged B.abandoned
C.served D.cured
14.A.got across B.went through
C.brought about D.took over
15.A.temper B.courage
C.strength D.weight
必修第二册 UNIT1
1.D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“However,theyarebeingendangeredatanalarmingratebyrisingseas(Venice),pollution(theTajMahal)andovertourism(AngkorWat).”可知,正遭受游客过多的困扰的是吴哥窟。
2.A 词义猜测题。根据第三段的“Humankindhasansweredthesedifficultquestionsdifferentlyindifferentplaces.”可知,第二段的“suchthornyquestionsas”后所列举的问题是难题,因此画线词thorny的意思是“困难的”,和tough意思相近。
3.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“LiketheFrauenkirche,NotreDame,alandmarkinParis,whichwasdestroyedbyfirein2019,isbeingrebuiltascloseaspossibletohowitwasbefore,includingusingtheoriginalandpoisonousmetalleadfortheroof.Thatchoicewascontroversial”可知,作者不喜欢重建巴黎圣母院的材料的选择。
4.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Whatwewilldoistocontinuetotakecareofimportantculturalheritagesites,asamatterofsignificancetohumanity’spast,presentandfuture.”可推断出,作者在文中似乎要传达的信息是文化遗迹是人类之间的重要纽带。
5.C 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,蜀国文明和玛雅文明的相似之处是文化符号。
6.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,保护这两个遗址的共同挑战是潮湿的天气。
7.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,桑托斯强调文化知识交流的重要性。故选C项。
8.B 推理判断题。根据第一段以及文章的大意可知,文章可能来自报纸。
1.C 由下文的“‘Mama!’ shecried.‘Cometoseemynewdoggy!’”可知,小女孩应该是“兴奋地”冲进屋里喊作者去看看她的新狗。故选C项。
2.A 由上文的“Ifollowedheroutintothebushes”和下文的“sittingonherheelsandheldinherlapwastheunmistakableheadofawolf”可知,作者跟着小女孩走进灌木丛,“分开”挡住视线的枝条,才看见女儿所说的狗实际上是一只狼。故选A项。
3.D 由下文的“Thereshewas,sittingonherheelsandheldinherlapwastheunmistakableheadofawolf!”可知,作者看到女儿搂在腿上的是一只狼,突然的“恐惧”使作者僵住了。故选D项。
4.B 由上文的“Thereshewas,sittingonherheelsandheldinherlapwastheunmistakableheadofawolf!”和下文的“mythroatstilltightened.”可知,作者看到女儿搂在腿上的是一只狼,她吓呆了,嘴巴发干。故选B项。
5.B 由上文的“Isteppedcloser.”和下文的“bareditsteeth”“Don’tbeafraid.”“hislegwaswoundedbybullets”可知,狼因为有陌生人走近,自己身上又有伤,所以吓得“发抖”并龇牙。故选B项。
6.A 由上文语境和下文的“Don’tbeafraid.That’smymama,andshelovesyou,too.”可知,狼因为有陌生人走近吓得“发抖”,贝基应该是“小声”安慰狼,轻声细语可以让狼感到安全。故选A项。
7.D 由上文的“Don’tbeafraid.That’smymama,andshelovesyou,too.”和下文的“relaxedmovementofthewolf’stail”可知,贝基小声安慰狼,并用小手拍拍狼乱蓬蓬的脑袋,狼放松了,所以作者看到狼的尾巴“温柔”且放松的动作。故选D项。
8.C 由下文的“WithBeckysafeinmyarms,Irantogethelp.”可知,作者想让贝基离开危险的狼,喊她过来去找人“帮忙”。故选C项。
9.C 由下文的“Beckygotupandkissedthewolfonthenosebeforeshewalkedslowlyintomyarms.”,贝基亲吻了狼的鼻子,然后慢慢朝作者走来可知,她“不愿意”离开她的“狗”。故选C项。
10.A 由下文的“hislegwaswoundedbybullets”可知,狼的腿被子弹所伤,它的“身体状况”很糟糕。故选A项。
11.D 由下文的“butnotoncedidheevertrytobitethehandsofthosewhocaredforhim”可知,在贝基的帮助下,兽医很仔细地“照料”着狼。故选D项。
12.B 由下文的“hisinjuredleg”和“greatpain”狼腿伤了,很痛苦,可得出狼的康复并不“容易”。故选B项。
13.A 由上文的“hislegwaswoundedbybullets”和下文的“hisinjuredleg”可知,狼腿伤了,狼在康复过程中,应该是“拖”着它受伤的腿。故选A项。
14.B 由上文语境可知,狼拖着受伤的腿,应该是“经历”着巨大的疼痛。故选B项。
15.C 由上文的“Fourmonthslater,Ralphfinallystoodunaided.”可知,狼康复了,不需要辅助就可以站立了,说明狼的“力气”增加了。故选C项。(共69张PPT)
英 语
1. march    vi.& n.行进;前进;示威游行
2. ceremony n.典礼;仪式
3. range n.一系列:范围、界限
4. figure n.人物;数字;身材
5. harvest n.收获季节;收获;收成
vi.& vt.收割(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼)
6. gather vi.聚集:集合
7. feature vt.以……为特色
8. atmosphere n.气氛;氛围;(地球的)大气(层)
9. eve n.前夕;前一天
10. inner adj.内部的;里面的;内心的
11. fancy adj.花哨的;精致的;昂贵的
12. absolutely adv.绝对地;完全地
13. moment n.片刻;瞬间
14. brief adj.简洁的;简单的;短暂的
15. branch n.树枝;分支;支流
16. wedding n.婚礼;结婚庆典
17. clap vt.鼓掌;拍手;击掌
1.lantern n.   灯笼;提灯 
2.carnival n.  狂欢节;嘉年华 
3.costume n. (某地或某历史时期的)服装;戏装
4.riddle n.  谜语;神秘事件 
5.samba n.  桑巴舞;桑巴舞曲 
6.make-up n.  化妆品;性格;构成方式 
7.crop n.  庄稼;作物;一季的收成 
8.church n.  (基督教的)教堂;礼拜堂 
9.fade vi.& vt. 逐渐消失;(使)褪色;(身体)变得虚弱
10.firecracker n. 鞭炮;爆竹 
11.evil adj.  邪恶的;有害的;罪恶的 
n.  邪恶;罪恶;恶行 
12.medium n.  媒介;手段;方法 
adj.  中等的;中号的 
13.lunar adj.  阴历的;月球的;月亮的 
14.envelope n.  信封;塑料封套 
15.merry adj.  愉快的;高兴的 
16.pumpkin n.  南瓜 
17.pudding n.  布丁;(餐末的)甜食 
18.roast adj.  烤的;焙的 
vi.& vt. 烘烤;焙 
19.turkey n.  火鸡;火鸡肉 
20.firework n.  烟火;烟花;[pl.]烟花表演 
21.autonomous adj.自治的;有自治权的 
22.region n.  地区;区域;地带 
23.archery n.  射箭术;射箭运动 
24.eagle n.  雕 
25.grace n.  优美;优雅;高雅 
26.tent n.  帐篷 
27.pot n.  罐;壶;锅 
1. congratulation  n.祝贺;恭喜→ congratulate  vt.向(某人)道贺;(为成就或成功)感到自豪,感到高兴
2. religion  n.宗教;宗教信仰→ religious  adj.宗教的;笃信宗教的
3. charm  n.魅力;迷人的特征;咒语→charming adj.有魅力的;迷人的
4. joy  n.高兴;喜悦→ joyful  adj.高兴的;快乐的→ joyfully  adv.开心地
5. gratitude  n.感激之情;感谢→grateful adj.感激的;表示感谢的
6.agricultural adj.农业(劳动/生产)→agriculture n.农业;农艺
7. decorate  vt.装饰;装潢→ decoration  n.装饰;装潢
8. significant  adj.有重大意义的;显著的→ significance  n.重要性,意义;意思,含义
9. typical  adj.典型的;有代表性的;平常的→ typically  adv.典型地,有代表性地
10. reflect  vt.显示;反映;反射→reflection n.倒影;反映;思考
11. belief  n.信仰;信心;信任→ believe  vt.相信→believable adj.可以相信的→unbelievable adj.难以置信的
12. faith  n.宗教信仰;信任;相信→ faithful  adj.忠诚的;虔诚的→ faithfully  adv.虔诚地
13. occasion  n.特别的事情(或仪式、庆典);(适当的)机会→ occasional  adj.偶然的,偶尔的→ occasionally  adv.偶尔;间或
14. pleased  adj.高兴的;满意的→ pleasant  adj.令人愉快的→ please  vt.使满意;使愉快→ pleasure  n.愉快;令人高兴的事
15. frank  adj.坦率的;直率的→ frankly  adv.坦率地,直率地
16.represent vt.象征;代表;相当于→representative n.代表 adj.有代表性的
17. respect  n.& vt.尊敬;尊重→ respectful  adj.恭敬的;表示敬意的→ respectable  adj.可敬的;体面的
18. horrible  adj.令人震惊的;恐怖的;极坏的→ horror  n.畏惧;憎恶;震惊
1. dress (sb) up 穿上盛装;装扮
2. after all 毕竟;别忘了
3. range from...to... 包括从……到……之间
4. fade away 逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱
5. in spite of 不管;尽管
6. take advantage of 利用;欺骗;占……的便宜
7. have sth in common (兴趣、想法等方面)相同;有相同的特征
8. to be frank 坦白说;坦率地说
9. go off 爆炸;走火;离开
10. except for 除……之外
11. set off 出发;动身;启程
1.句式凝练:no matter how引导让步状语从句
However,no matter how different they may seem ,all over the world,the spirit of sharing joy,gratitude,love,or peace is common in all festivals.
2.句式凝练:make it +形容词/名词+ for sb to do sth
Online shopping websites and social media apps have  made it much easier for the public to spend  more on gifts for their loved ones.
3.句式凝练:as if引导方式状语从句
After singing some songs,the competitors danced onto the green field,waving their arms in the air  as if they were eagles .
一、节日 1.festival n.节日 2.celebration n.庆祝;祝贺 3.feast n.节日;盛宴 4.balloon n.气球 5.candle n.蜡烛 6.package n.包;包裹 7.tradition n.传统 二、节日相关活动 1.exchange vt.& n.交换 2.attend vt.出席,参加
3.admire vt.欣赏
4.hold vt.举行
5.surround vt.包围;围绕
6.reunion n.团圆
1.exchange gifts交换礼物  2.family reunion家人团圆
3.celebrate the festival庆祝节日 4.on special occasions在特殊场合
5.set off fireworks燃放烟花 6.celebrate an anniversary庆祝周年纪念
7.attend a ceremony出席仪式 8.the opening ceremony开幕式
9.admire the moon together一起赏月 10.have a delightful time玩得开心
11.hold a variety of celebrations举办各种庆祝活动
12.family reunion dinner团圆饭
13.the origins of traditional festivals传统节日的起源
14.around the corner/draw near 即将到来
15.in honour of a great ancient poet纪念一位古代的伟大诗人
1.be sad at heart心里悲伤
2.fall into despair 陷入绝望
3.lose one’s spirits 垂头丧气
4.be down in spirits 情绪低落
5.with a heavy/sinking heart 怀着沉重/沮丧的心情
1.She was numb with grief and had trouble speaking.
2.With tears streaming down her face,words failed her.
3.She suddenly choked with sobs,her tears gushing from her eyes.
4.She felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying bitterly.
5.She bit the lower lip to stop it from trembling and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her wrinkled face.
There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.So Della did it,which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles predominating.Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag.She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard.
1.The people  gathered (聚集) round,curious to know what was happening.
2.Hoping for success without hard work is like trying to  harvest (收获) where you haven’t planted seeds.
3.The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly  atmosphere (气氛).
4.According to the tradition of this area,the bride’s family organizes the  wedding (婚礼) ceremony.
5.We will be present at the music pioneer billboard  ceremony (典礼) today.
1.On this special occasion ,you may have an occasional chance to meet your favourite star.(occasion)
2.These white buildings are  reflected  in the river and their  reflections  are very beautiful.(reflect)
3.In such a cultural background,everyone is polite and  respectable .That’s to say,everyone  respects  each other.(respect)
4.He often says that he doesn’t believe in any  religion  but meanwhile he respects others’  religious  freedom.(religion)
5.I have  faith  in him because he has served us  faithfully  for many years,and I think he is a  faithful  and honest friend.(faith)
Jack 1. dressed up (穿上盛装),looking at the mirror,and then 2. set off (出发) for school to have classes.Suddenly,he felt 3. fading away (变得虚弱) as if he were badly sick.4. In spite of (尽管) weakness,he still insisted on going to school.He thought that,5. after all (毕竟),there were fifty students 6. ranging from seven to fourteen years old (从七岁到十四岁之间).They were unique but 7. had something in common (有一些共同之处).8. Apart from (除……之外) their studies,he was in charge of their daily life.9. To be frank (坦率地说),he was very tired.
1.在中秋节,无论一个中国家庭住在哪里,他们都会全家人聚在一起赏月、吃月饼。(no matter+疑问词)
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, no matter where a Chinese family live ,they will admire the moon and enjoy mooncakes with family members getting together.
2.科学技术的发展将使人们有可能搞清楚宇宙是如何形成的。(make it +形容词/名词+ for sb to do sth)
The development of science and technology will make it possible for people to know how the universe came into existence.
3.儿时的记忆清晰地浮现在我的脑海中,就好像事情是发生在昨天一样。(as if)
Childhood memories came back to me so clearly,as if the events had happened yesterday.
1.congratulate vt.祝贺→congratulation n.祝贺;恭喜
①I am writing a letter of  congratulation (congratulate) to my monitor on his being elected as chairman of the Student Association.(应用文之祝贺信)
②(2020全国Ⅲ卷)The party is a chance for friends and family  to congratulate (congratulation) the person on the new home.
③ I’d like to offer my sincere congratulations to you  on  your winning first place in the English Speech Competition.(应用文之祝贺信)
Firstly,I express my sincere congratulations on your success in the speech contest.
归纳 (1)congratulate sb on (doing) sth就……向某人祝贺
(2)congratulations to sb on sth祝贺某人某事
express/send/offer congratulations to sb on sth因某事祝贺某人
佳句 The audience burst into thunderous cheers,congratulating him on breaking the record.
2.after all 毕竟;别忘了
①Many great minds were once considered not intelligent  at all .After all,those great people proved great later.To be great, first of all ,one must be smart,confident,and, above all ,honest and hard-working. All in all ,every road leads to Rome.Keep in mind:Hard work pays off.
②There were a hundred people present  in all .
 After all ,friends show their love in times of trouble,not in times of happiness.
归纳 above all最重要的是;尤其是
all in all整体说来;总而言之
in all全部;合计
at all(否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟
first of all第一;首先
佳句 All in all,no words are strong enough to convey how grateful I am.
3.range n.一系列;范围、界限 vi.包括;(在一定范围内)变化;排列;包括
①The opera has a large audience,  ranging  (range) from children to grandparents.(应用文之邀请信)
②She puts the picture  within/in  the baby’s range of vision.
③Prices of these toys range   between   $7 and $10,which is quite affordable for average families.
The exhibition has  a wide range of paintings  that can satisfy all kinds of visitors.
归纳 (1)a wide range of...大范围的……,各种……
in/within the range of...在射程以内;在……范围内
beyond/out of range of...在射程外;在……范围外
(2)range from...to.../range between...and...
4.grateful adj.感激的;表示感谢的→gratitude n.感激之情;感谢
①I am grateful to you  for  decorating our classroom for the graduation ceremony.
②I am writing to express my  gratitude (grateful) for what you have done for me.(应用文之感谢信)
③(2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Bernard was grateful to  be helped (help) by generous John from the bottom of his heart.
 I would be very grateful if you could lend me a hand. 
归纳 (1)be grateful to sb for sth 因某事而感激某人
be grateful to do sth 因做某事而感激
be grateful that...感激……
(2)I would be grateful if you could do...如果你能做……,我将不胜感激。
佳句 I’m extremely grateful for the assistance you have provided.
5.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;特有的;平常的→typically adv.通常,一般;典型地;果然
① Typically (typical),he would come in late and then say that he had to go early.
②To be frank,both of us have the qualities and virtues that are typical  of  teachers.
It’s typical of our maths teacher to be very patient with us .Never have I seen her get angry because we can’t understand what she says.
归纳 (1)be typical of典型的,特有的
(2)It is typical of sb to do sth 某人做某事是经常的;某人一贯好做某事
佳句 This meal is typical of local cookery,but I’ve never tasted it.
6.reflect vt.映射;反射;思考;显示;反映 vi.思考→reflection n.倒影;反映;思考
①She was extremely pretty,and her house was a  reflection (reflect) of herself,everything in good taste and in perfect order.
②Don’t be afraid of mistakes.You have to learn by reflecting  on/upon  them.(应用文之建议信)
At my words,he hang his head, lost in deep reflection .
归纳 be reflected in倒映在;反映在
reflect on/upon sth认真思考/反省某事
be lost in reflection陷入深思中
佳句 What’s more,the traditional Chinese dress can reflect the unique culture of our school.
7.respect n.& vt.尊敬;尊重
①I hope airlines can show more respect  for  passengers and improve service.
②The moment you meet your parents,please give my  respects (respect) to them.
③Chinese children grow up with warnings not to waste a single grain of rice,out of respect  for  farmers’ labor.
She has been devoted to her work, for which I respect her a lot .
归纳 (1)respect sb for sth 因某事而尊敬或敬重某人
(2)have/show respect for sb对某人表示尊敬或敬重
win/gain/earn the respect of 赢得……的尊重
out of respect for...出于对……的尊敬;顾及
佳句 (2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Bernard learned to help others in trouble,winning/gaining/earning the respect of his neighbors.
★补遗缺 微点练全
A.n.人物 B.n.数字 C.n.身材 D.n.人影E.n.图案 F.vt.计算 G.vt.认为
①She was pleased to report the latest trade figures to her manager. B 
②I am grateful to you for your advice on how to keep a slim figure. C 
③Tsinghua University is absolutely home to a great number of outstanding
figures. A 
④I saw a tall figure approaching in the darkness. D 
⑤The wall was covered with figures of birds,flowers and lanterns. E 
⑥I figure that you have a lot in common with me. G 
⑦I am figuring my expenses so that I can know where my money has gone. F
项目 意义 例句
熟义 vt.穿(衣);戴(帽) Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.
生义 vt.佩戴(鲜花、首饰) He wears glasses for reading.
vt.带有(……表情) The politician wore a confident smile throughout the interview.
vt.留……的发型 You should wear your hair up more often—it suits you.
vt.穿破;磨出(洞等) I always seem to wear a hole in the left elbow of my sweater.
[教材原句] Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts for their loved ones.(P5)
①To improve your writing,you’d better make  it  a rule to keep a diary every day.(建议信)
②I feel it no use  complaining (complain);instead,I should take action immediately.
③He made it clear  that  he was not interested in this subject.
④While working,I found it was hard to work in the fields under a hot sun.
→While working, I found it hard to work in the fields under a hot sun .(用it作形式宾语改写)
归纳 当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面,而用it 作形式宾语,放在宾语补足语之前。常用的动词有think,take,believe,make,find,consider,feel等。
佳句 We considered/believed/thought it quite difficult to find our way back in the dark forest with the unexpected heavy rain.
A组 基础必练
1.I overslept this morning because my alarm clock didn’t go  off .With little time left,I had to give up dressing  up for the party.
2.Your discovery proves to be of great  significance (significant),and thus we’d like to express our sincere  congratulations (congratulate) to you.
3.We all consider the scenery  pleasing/pleasant (please) and we are all  joyful (joy) to talk with our previous teachers.We talked and talked,laughing  merrily (merry).
4.I  clapped (clap) my hands for silence on stage,and told the energetic students where  to harvest (harvest) the crops.
5. In  spite of the fact that they have nothing  in  common,the two girls managed to make friends with each other and attended the ceremony taking (take) place in the town.
B组 高考链接
6.(2022全国乙卷)Their responses to the questions reflected their true belief (believe) that “I can see you only if you can see me,too.”
7.(2022新高考全国Ⅱ卷)Over the last seven years,most states have banned texting by drivers,and public service campaigns have tried  a wide range of methods to persuade people to put down their phones when they are behind the wheel.
8.(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷) Popularization has in some cases changed the original (origin) meaning of emotional(情感的) intelligence.
9.(2021全国乙卷)After all,coworking spaces also  typically (typical) use an open office layout(布局).
10.(2021浙江卷)She was extremely pretty,and her house was a  reflection  (reflect)of herself,everything in good taste and in perfect order.
During the Lantern Festival,1. joyful (joy) people wear make-up and dress up in colourful carnival costumes,2. marching (march) along the streets.Some attend the ceremony,and others visit a lantern fair or guess lantern riddles.3. Congratulations (congratulate) can be heard everywhere.4. After  all,festivals have 5. a  wide range of origins. Some come from religions,while some are for famous 6. figures (figure) and significant events.The harvest festival is an important agricultural festival,full of joy and charm.People are grateful because all the crops
7.have been gathered(gather).In European countries,people decorate churches and town halls 8. with  flowers and fruit,featuring a new look.
Today,with festivals becoming commercial,some traditions may fade away.In spite of that,some festivals still keep their traditions.Christmas is the biggest occasion in the West 9. when  people greet each other with “Merry Christmas”.On Christmas Eve,it is typical of people 10. to enjoy (enjoy) the roast turkeys,puddings,mashed potatoes and pumpkins.
1.我很高兴,我的一个中国笔友邀请我和她一起过春节。(be pleased that)
3.我们一起拜访了她的一些家人和亲戚,这使我们感到很幸福。(which 引导非限制性定语从句)
5.虽然我有点累,但我觉得一切都是值得的。(be worth it)
I was pleased that one of my pen pals in China invited me to stay with her during the Spring Festival.As is known to all,the Spring Festival in China is a special occasion for Chinese families to get together.We visited some of her family and relatives together,which made us happy.Besides,we ate some traditional food,watched the fireworks and participated in some other celebration activities,such as a temple fair.Though I was a little tired,I felt it was worth it.
研真题 链接高考
You’ve got mail...and it’s a postcard
Paulo Magalhaes,a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer,loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome’s Colosseum.Or Africa’s Victoria Falls.Or China’s Great Wall. 31 
“I often send postcards to family and friends,” he says to China Daily, “but you can imagine that after a while,you never receive as many as you send,and you realize that not everyone is into it. 32  ” Seeking other like-minded souls,however,Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place:online.Many would say the Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal service,but Paulo’s hunch paid off.
Today his hobby has developed into the website ,a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago. 33  Running the website has almost turned into a full-time job.
Language is certainly a barrier for many people.For postcrossing to work worldwide,a common communication language is needed so that everyone can understand each other.As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese,the concept doesn’t work if one doesn’t understand it. 34  So a common language is required and in postcrossing that’s English since it’s widely spoken.
“Many people in China have limited exposure to English. 35  That said,we know of many postcrossing members,including Chinese,who have actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing,” Paulo says.
A.And that’s totally fine.
B.That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it.
C.He likes to think of sending postcards as a family-friendly hobby.
D.Many love to make a connection with someone from across the world.
E.On August 5,the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.
F.Similarly,if you speak only Chinese,receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away.
G.In short,he loves postcards,and the excitement of getting a hand-written note from someone far away.
31.G 解析 空格处为本段结尾句,前面描述了保罗喜欢世界各地的明信片。设空处应为总结性话语,而G项中的“he loves postcards”顺承上文句意。故选G项。
32.A 解析 空格前提到保罗邮寄明信片的“不幸遭遇”,空格后提到“Seeking other like-minded souls,however,Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place:online.”。这些说明保罗没有放弃自己的爱好,而是采取了网络方式。所以空格处应该承上启下,表示遇到的问题完全不成问题,故选A项。
33.E 解析 根据空格前的“a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago”可知,保罗创办的这家社交网站注册人数一直在增长,E项中的“On August 5,the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.(在8月5日,成员间互赠的明信片数量达到3 100万张)”说明网站的火爆。故选E项。
34.F 解析 根据空格前的“As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese,the concept doesn’t work if one doesn’t understand it.”以及空后的“So”可知,此处指两者情况的比较,F项“Similarly,if you speak only Chinese,receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away.(同样,如果你只会说中文,收到一张瑞典语卡片会让你失去一部分乐趣)”符合题意,故选F项。
35.B 解析 根据空格前的“Many people in China have limited exposure to English.”可知,中国很多人接触英语的机会有限,所以学习和练习这种语言会有难度。B项“That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it.(那使得学习和练习英语变得格外困难)”符合题意。故选B项。
词根 派生 词性及词义 例句
communicate communication n.交流 For postcrossing to work worldwide,a common communication language is needed so that everyone can understand each other.
expose exposure n.接触 Many people in China have limited exposure to English.
单词 词性及词义 例句
soul n.人 Seeking other like-minded souls,however,Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place:online.
(1)be into sth 对某物十分感兴趣,很喜欢某物 
(2)like-minded souls  志趣相投的人 
(3)pay off  取得成功,得到好结果 
(4)social network  社交网络 
(5)a full-time job  全职工作 
Paulo Magalhaes,a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer,loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome’s Colosseum.
 34岁的葡萄牙计算机工程师  保罗·马加尔哈斯喜欢打开邮箱,发现一张色彩鲜艳的罗马斗兽场照片。
Today his hobby has developed into the website ,a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago.
分析:句中that引导 定语 从句,修饰先行词a social network;而since引导的是 时间状语 从句。
译文:如今,他的爱好已经发展成了网站,这是一个社交网站,自从10年前创办以来,已经在214个国家和地区拥有了575 217名注册用户。