人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit3 The Internet 复习课件(共73张PPT+练习)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit3 The Internet 复习课件(共73张PPT+练习)
格式 zip
文件大小 404.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-20 18:37:23


英 语
1. engine  n.引擎;发动机;火车头
2. chat vi.聊天;闲聊
3. cash n.现金;金钱
4. update vt.更新;向……提供最新信息
5. surf vt.& vi.浏览;冲浪
6. charity n.慈善;慈善机构(或组织)
7. tough adj.艰难的;严厉的
8. plus conj.而且;此外
9. function n.功能;作用;机能
10. account n.账户;描述
11. confirm vt.确认;使确信
12. press vt.按,压;敦促
13. discount n.折扣
14. click vt.& vi.点击
15. target n.目标;对象;靶子
16. upset adj心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的
17. guideline n.准则;指导原则
18. tip n.忠告;诀窍;实用的提示
19. familiar adj.熟悉;熟知
20. case n.盒;箱;情况;案件
1.stream vt. 流播(不用下载直接在互联网上播放音视频);流出 
vi.  流动 
n.  小河;溪流 
2.identity n.  身份;个性 
3.database n.  数据库;资料库 
4.software n.  软件 
5.network n.  (互联)网络;网状系统;人际网 
vt.  将……连接成网络;联播 
vi.  建立工作关系 
6.province n.  省 
7.conference n. 会议;研讨会;正式会谈 
8.resident n.  居民;(美国的)住院医生 
adj.  (在某地)居住的 
9.battery n.  电池 
10.Wi-Fi n.无线保真(用无线电波而非网线在计算机网络传输数据的系统)
11.button n.  按钮;纽扣 
12.file n.  文件;文件夹;档案 
13.troll n.  发挑衅帖子的人;恶意挑衅的帖子 
14.cyberbully n. 网霸 
vt.& vi. 网络欺凌 
15.false adj.  假的;错误的 
16.author n.  作者;作家 
17.define vt.  给……下定义;界定;解释 
1. blog  n.博客 vt.写博客→ blogger  n.博客作者;博主
2. convenient  adj.方便的;近便的→convenience n.方便;便利→ inconvenience  n.不便
3. stuck  adj.卡住;陷(入);困(于)→ stick  vi.卡住,陷入,困住
4.  benefit   n.益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于→ beneficial  adj.有益的,受益的
5. distance  n.距离→ distant  adj.遥远的;冷漠的
6. inspire  vt.鼓舞;激励;启发思考→ inspiring  adj.鼓舞人心的;使人振奋的→ inspired  adj.受启发的;受鼓舞的→  inspiration   n.灵感;启发
7. access  n.通道;(使用、查询、接近或面见的)机会 vt.进入;使用;获取→ accessible  adj.可接近的;易进入的
8. privacy  n.隐私;私密→ private  adj.私人的;秘密的→ privately  adv.私下地
9.  theft   n.偷(窃);盗窃罪→  thief   n.小偷
10. rude  adj.粗鲁的;无礼的→ rudely  adv.粗鲁地→ rudeness  n.粗鲁,粗暴
11. particular  adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的→ particularly  adv.尤其;特别
12. embarrassing  adj.让人难堪(尴尬;害羞)的→  embarrassed   adj.感到难堪(尴尬)的→ embarrassment  n.尴尬
1. blog post   博文;博客帖子
2. search engine (互联网上的)搜索引擎
3. identity card 身份证
4. keep sb company 陪伴某人
5. now that 既然;由于
6.go through  经历;度过;通读 
7.in shape  状况良好 
8.keep track of  掌握……的最新消息;了解……的动态 
9.make fun of  取笑;戏弄 
10.keep (...) in mind  牢记 
We can download software,documents,and images  whenever we need them .
She was   so inspired   by the people she met online   that   she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.
3.句式凝练:“特殊疑问词+to do”结构
Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about
   how to use the Internet to make society better   .
一、科学 1.artificial adj.人造的 2.automatic adj.自动的 3.intelligent adj.智能的 4.invent vt.发明;创造 5.material n.材料;原料 6.mobile adj.移动的 7.modem n.调制解调器 8.modern adj.现代的 二、创新 1.accessible adj.易接近的;可得到的 2.advantage n.优势;有利条件 3.breakthrough n.重大进展;突破 4.brilliant adj.巧妙的;使人印象深刻的;技艺高的
5.guarantee vt.& n.保证;担保
6.patent n.专利权;专利证书
7.innovate vt.革新;创新
1.bring convenience to our daily life给我们的日常生活带来便利
2.provide a platform提供一个平台
3.keep in touch with my friends and family与朋友和家人保持联系
4.play computer games玩电脑游戏 5.do harm to your health对健康有害
6.with the help of the Internet在因特网的帮助下
7.download all kinds of information from the Internet从网上下载各种信息资料
8.big data大数据
9.a life of high quality高质量的生活
10.electric equipment电子设备
11.mobile phones移动电话
12.online environment网络环境
13.artificial intelligence人工智能
14.face recognition technology人脸识别技术
15.cyber space网络空间
1.look over one’s shoulder 回头看
2.wave one’s arms 挥动某人的双臂
3.catch/grab one’s arm 抓住某人的胳膊
4.put/throw one’s arms around sb搂住某人
5.drum one’s fingers on sp 用手指不停地敲某处
1.He held out/opened his arms,smiling.
2.She shouldered her way through the crowd.
3.She turned around and kept him at arm’s length.
4.I tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to move.
5.She stood there with her arms crossed/folded,looking very angry.
He picked the mast up and put it on his shoulder and started up the road.He had to sit down five times before he reached his shack.Inside the shack he leaned the mast against the wall.In the dark he found a water bottle and took a drink.Then he lay down on the bed.He pulled the blanket over his body and he slept face down on the newspapers with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up.
1.I would appreciate it if you could pay for these goods in  cash (现金) instead of by cheque.
2.I bought a pair of sneakers at a 30%  discount (折扣),which was cheaper than expected.
3.It has been confirmed (确认) that he wasn’t the person who stole your car.
4.Our class held a  charity (慈善) walk to raise money for the students in poor areas this morning.
5.Despite the power cuts,the hospital continued to  function (运转) normally.
1.To many people,technology means computers,hand-held devices,or vehicles that travel to  distant  planets,so  distance  is no problem on the Internet.(distant)
2.His speech was  inspiring  and touched my heart.And he  inspired  me to love life.Besides,he was an inspiration to all who knew him,and everyone was deeply moved and  inspired .(inspire)
3.The home is situated within easy  access  of shops and other facilities.It’s  accessible  by bus or on foot.(access)
4.Those are my father’s  private  papers and he has been successful in maintaining his privacy .(private)
5.She was  embarrassed  at being asked about her age.This is an
 embarrassing  issue,so it was an embarrassment for her to be asked such a question.(embarrass)
When I was a child,my parents often went on business trips.There were no children to play with at home.The only thing that 1. kept me company (陪伴我) was the computer.Because I didn’t often exercise,I became fat.My classmates at school often 2. made fun of (嘲笑) me.So I 3. went through (经历) the darkest moment of my life.Later,after 4. keeping track of (掌握……的最新消息) bodybuilding on the Internet,I took an active part in exercise.Since then,I have 5. kept this in mind (记住这件事) and exercised regularly.Now I’m 6. in (good) shape (身体健康).
Her positive attitude towards life and determination to overcome difficulties always make me inspired  whenever I am in trouble .
I’m  so fluent in English that  there is no trouble in talking to local people.
3.我想知道你们是否已经决定到哪里去度假了。(特殊疑问词+to do)
I wonder if you have decided  where to spend your holiday .
1.convenient adj.方便的;近便的→convenience n.方便;便利;适宜→inconvenience n.不方便;不便→inconvenient adj.不方便的
①I’d like to keep my reference books near my desk  for  convenience.
②Cars have become a popular means of transport,bringing great  convenience (convenient) to our life.
③In the past several weeks,many cities in Northern China have been suffering from heavy fogs,causing great inconvenience(convenient) to people.
④Would it be convenient for you  to pick (pick) me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport
⑤I’ll call in two weeks to arrange a meeting when you are free.
→I’ll call in two weeks to arrange a meeting  at your convenience .
归纳 (1)It is convenient for sb to do sth某人方便做某事
(2)for convenience为了方便起见
at one’s convenience在某人方便的时候
佳句 (2020全国Ⅲ卷)If it is convenient for you,could we meet in our school art hall at 8:00 am this Saturday
2.benefit n.益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于→beneficial adj.有利的;有益的;受益的
①(2021全国乙卷)In my opinion,students can benefit a lot  from  doing some housework.
②As a result, for  the benefit of your health,it is necessary that you should have enough sleep and rest.
③(2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷)The activity is  of  great benefit to us,which not only strengthened our will but improved our friendship.
④We will benefit a lot from reading English classics,so let’s begin right now.(benefit from)
⑤Reading English classics will benefit us a lot,so let’s begin right now.(benefit sb)
⑥Reading English classics is very beneficial to us,so let’s begin right now.(beneficial)
⑦Reading English classics is of great benefit to us,so let’s begin right now.(be of benefit)
归纳 (1)benefit from/by...从……中受益;得益于……
(2)for the benefit of =for one’s benefit 为了……的利益
佳句 He had never expected that his small act of kindness would benefit him so much.
3.distance n.距离;远方;疏远→distant adj.遥远的;远处的;疏远的
①The time we spent in the countryside in the  distance  is now a  distant  memory.(distant)
②(2020全国Ⅱ卷)We’ll hold a fruit-picking activity next Saturday on a farm which is at  a  distance of two kilometres from our school.
③You can also visit the city museum,which is  within  walking distance of the hotel where you stay.(应用文之建议信)
④What makes me disappointed is that my friend has  become distant towards  me.(distant)
⑤What makes me disappointed is that my friend has  kept me at a distance .(distance)
归纳 (1)in the distance在远处
from a distance从远处
at a distance (of...)在……远的地方;距离稍远
within walking/driving distance步行/开车可及
(2)keep sb at a distance对某人冷淡;与某人疏远;与某人保持一定距离
佳句 Uncle Paul warned us to keep our distance from the forest which is a long distance from the farm.
4.access n.通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会 vt.进入;使用;获取→accessible adj.可接近的;可使用的;易懂的;随和的
①Our school stadium is accessible  to  us students,and we can get easy access  to  it when taking exercise.(应用文之告知信)
②The river led us to the access  to  uncle Peter’s farm.
③The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,and it’s  accessible (access) through a computer.
④The development of science and technology helps Chinese traders to  have access to  a broader market.(access)
⑤The development of science and technology helps Chinese traders to
 be accessible to  a broader market.(accessible)
归纳 (1)have/get/obtain/gain access to拥有……的机会;可以接近/进入
give access to准许进入(接近)
(2)be accessible to可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的
佳句 Considering your keen interest in Chinese culture,I suggest you apply for our university,where you can gain access to the best Chinese culture.
5.go through经历;经受;仔细检查;完成;通过
[练会]写出下列句中go through的含义
①Not until he went through real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important. 经历 
②Our plan on how to spend our summer holidays didn’t go through.通过 
③I had just gone through my homework when the telephone rang. 完成 
④He went through his pockets looking for the keys. 仔细检查 
 As time goes by/With time going by ,I am gradually aware of the importance of keeping a balance between study and health.
归纳 go against违背;违反
go by逝去;过去
go out出去;熄灭
go over复习;仔细检查
go up上涨;上升;攀登
佳句 Go through those things that seem impossible,and achieve what we never believed we could.
6.account n.账目;描述;理由 vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有→accountant n.会计师;会计
①He was very angry on account  of  identity theft and he had to have his account canceled.
②Too much pressure may account  for  your recent low efficiency in study.(应用文之劝慰信)
③(2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷)John gave the Bernard’s family a full account  of  his plan of selling popcorn.
④The professor warned the students that  on  no account should they use mobile phones in his class.
⑤I sincerely hope that you will consider my suggestions.(应用文之建议信)
→I sincerely hope that you will  take my suggestions into account .
归纳 (1)take account of.../take...into account 把……考虑在内
on account of 因为;由于
on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)
give an account of报告;叙述;说明
(2)account for 解释;说明;(数量,比例上)占
佳句 (2021天津卷)When choosing my major,I need to take my interests and career plans into account.
7.upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt.(upset,upset,upsetting)使烦恼;使生气;搅乱;打翻,弄翻
①There is no need to be upset  about/over/at  the matter.(应用文之劝慰信)
②(2021浙江卷)I was upset  to find (find) that my pumpkin
 had been upset (upset) by her brother.
③ He was upset that  his proposal was not adopted at the conference.(upset adj.)
④ What upset him was that  his proposal was not adopted at the conference.(what引导的主语从句)
⑤ It upset him that  his proposal was not adopted at the conference.(it作形式主语)
⑥His proposal was not adopted at the conference, which upset him .(非限制性定语从句;upset vt.)
归纳 (1)be/feel upset about/over/at sth为某事心烦/难过
be upset to do sth对做某事感到不安/难过
(2)What upsets sb is...让某人心烦的是……
It upsets sb to do sth/that...让某人心烦的是……
佳句 (2020浙江卷)It upset me that we were trapped to a narrow corner,where we could hear the gasps of the bear.
8.keep (...) in mind 牢记
①After a heated discussion,we  made up our minds  to record our experiences at school.
②(2021全国乙卷) Keep in mind  that we should use online resources properly to make our study more efficient.(发言稿)
③Although he is very stubborn,I have determined to persuade him to  change his mind .
④(2022浙江卷)I assured him I would not let him down and he should only  put his mind to  getting better.
⑤First of all,remember that you had better arrive punctually or some time earlier than the appointed time.
→First of all, bear/keep in mind  that you had better arrive punctually or some time earlier than the appointed time.
归纳 change one’s mind改变主意
make up one’s mind下决心;决定
read one’s mind看出某人的心思
bear in mind牢记,放在心上
cross/come to one’s mind某人想到
put one’s mind to 全神贯注于;专心致志于
佳句 (2020新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Several different approaches came to the children’s mind when they were making popcorn.
9.case n.盒;箱;情况;案件
①I had my camera ready,just  in  case there was something that would make a good picture.
② As  is often the case,senior three students feel anxious and upset before important examinations.(应用文之学校生活)
③ In  no case should we go against the laws of nature,or we’ll suffer endless pain.(应用文之倡议书)
④He may win the competition.In this case he is likely to get into the national team.
→He may win the competition, in which case he is likely to get into the national team .(用非限制性定语从句改写)
归纳 in case假使;如果;万一
in case of假使;以防
in this/that case 如果是这样/那样的话
in any case无论如何;总之
in no case 决不
as is often the case 这是常有的事
点津in no case置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。
佳句 I have trouble getting along with my classmates, in which case I have to turn to you for help.
★补遗缺 微点练全
A.n.小费 B.n.技巧;提示 C.n.尖端 D.v.付小费
①Sorry,your name is just on the tip of my tongue. C 
②After I had my hair cut,I gave the hairdresser a tip. A 
③Here are some tips on how to make friends. B 
④She tipped the waiter two dollars for his excellent service. D 
项目 意义 例句
熟义 n.小溪 With one leap he crossed the stream.
生义 vi.流下 There were tears streaming down his face.
vi.大批流动 People streamed across the bridge.
vt.流播 Wi-Fi networking allows you to stream music from a PC to the device.
项目 意义 例句
熟义 n.(尤指办公室的)文件箱,文件夹,卷宗;档案 We keep your records on file for five years.
n.(计算机的)文件,文档 I’m going to copy/save this file.
生义 n.排成一行的人(或动物) They were horrified to see files of ants marching through the kitchen.
生义 vt.把……归档 We file these reports (= put them in a file) under the country of origin.
vi.排成纵队行进 The visitors filed through the entrance to the ticket offices.
vt.发送(报道) Our foreign correspondent filed this report earlier today.
[教材原句] She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.(P28)
①(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Mother was  so  moved that her eyes were shining with tears of great joy.
②Actually,there are  so  many selfless people like Zhong Nanshan around us that they well deserve our respect.
③As can be seen from the picture,a boy is burdened with such heavy homework that it seems as if he can hardly bear it any more.
④The exhibition displays  such  wonderful pictures that you can understand the art of traditional Chinese painting better.
⑤The volleyball match is so significant that everyone should arrive at our school stadium ahead of schedule.
→  So significant is the volleyball match that   everyone should arrive at our school stadium ahead of schedule.(用倒装句改写)
归纳 (1)so...that...句型的基本结构
佳句 So much did the work consume me that there was a sense of challenge that completely overtook me.
A组 基础必练
1.The website can be particularly (particular) helpful to those who want to share their volunteer experiences in the  distance (distant).
2.He was aware that his rudeness (rude) at the party really made his parents embarrassed (embarrass).
3.The  inspiring (inspire) design of the building makes it  accessible (access) to the disabled.
4.To stay  in  shape,Kathy takes exercise three times a week and keeps track  of  the latest information on health.
5.For a driver who isn’t familiar  with  the road conditions,the zebra crossing could easily influence his judgement and make him stop in time.
B组 高考链接
6.(2022全国乙卷)However,some high sugar brands,like Classic Coca Cola,have accepted the sugar tax and are refusing to change for fear of  upsetting (upset) consumers.
7.(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)We were  stuck (stick) in the middle of the lake with a dead motor.
8.(2021北京卷)Sam walked her to a nearby convenience (convenient) store so that she could safely wait for the police to take her home.
9.(2021北京卷)However,for the same reason,music can be very  beneficial (benefit) if one is in pain.
10.(2020全国Ⅰ卷)Glowing plants could reduce this  distance (distant) and therefore help save energy.
It is confirmed 1.that an IT company is launching a software update that
2. functions (function) well.It will allow its network users to have easy access 3. to  their home network anywhere in the world for free.4.In this case,surfing the Internet 5.will become(become) simpler through the newly developed app.The news will surely inspire those who have already benefited 6. from/by  Wi-Fi.With the help of the new update,users will never be upset 7.about the current network speed.Moreover,it will become 8.more convenient(convenient) for users 9. to use (use) their home network safely and chat 10. with  their friends wherever they are.
4.他现在已经学会了在网上卖东西。他经常更新他的店铺使顾客能够接触到最新的商品,所以他的货物卖得很好。(have access to)
5.通过网络,他意识到无论他们之间的距离有多远,他都可以分享他的成功经验和他所经历的艰难时刻。(network,distance,no matter how,tough,go through)
Li Qiang lost his legs in a car accident in his twenties,so it was not convenient for him to go out.Now that he was stuck at home doing nothing,he felt lonely every day.Luckily,his parents managed to buy him a computer to keep him company.He has learned selling goods online now.He often updates his store to make the buyers have access to the latest goods.So his goods sell very well.Through the network,he realizes that no matter how far the distance is between them,he can share his experience of success and the tough time he went through.Plus,he plans to inspire others to use the Internet.
练续写 锤炼技能
词义 adj. n. v.
害怕 感到害怕的scared、 frightened、 terrified 令人害怕的scary、 frightening、 terrifying 害怕scare、fright、fear 使害怕scare、frighten、fear、terrify
救援 营救rescue 帮助 aid、help、assist 物资supply 帐篷tent 庇护所 shelter 营救
词义 adj. n. v.
救援 水电和食物 water,electricity and food 幸存着 survivor 缓解、放松relief 苦难、折磨suffering 幸存
恢复 恢复revival、recovery 恢复revive、recover
多词语块 害怕和紧张 fear and nervousness
习俗语块 心惊肉跳 heart misses a beat
短语架构语块 ①害怕某事/做某事
be afraid of sth/be afraid to do sth
get back on one’s feet
句子组构语块 开始重新呼吸
start/begin breathing again
(1)丹尼斯正在家熟睡的时候,突然一个很大的声音把他吵醒了。(be doing...when...)
Dennis  was sleeping  soundly at home  when a loud sound woke him up .
(2)他从卧室的窗户向外看去,注意到一辆翻倒的车下窜出火焰。(v.-ing 作状语;notice sth doing;shoot)
Looking out of his bedroom windows,he  noticed flames shooting out  from under an upside-down vehicle.
He got up,made an emergency call and  grabbed  the fire extinguisher,running to the broken car .
(4)接近那辆车,眼前的情况让他非常震惊,一名年轻男子被卡在车内,明显非常疼痛。(v.-ing作状语; where引导定语从句;介词短语作状语)
 Approaching the vehicle ,he was shocked at the situation  where a young man was stuck/trapped  in the car, in visible pain .
Without hesitation ,Dennis started to act. Two good bursts were shot  from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.
(6)他告诉年轻人不要动,以防止他伤着他的脖子。(in case引导从句)
He told the young man to stay still  in case he injured his neck .
 Shortly after ,the doctors arrived and Dennis  felt greatly relieved .
Dennis was sleeping soundly at home when a loud sound woke him up.Looking out of his bedroom windows,he noticed flames shooting out from under an upside down vehicle.Immediately,he got up,made an emergency call and grabbed the fire extinguisher,running to the broken car.Approaching the vehicle,he was shocked at the situation where a young man was stuck/trapped in the car,in visible pain. Without hesitation,Dennis started to act.Two good bursts were shot from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.Then,he told the young man to stay still in case he injured his neck.Shortly after,the doctors arrived and Dennis felt greatly relieved. 必修第二册 UNIT3
For decades,the smart home has been a mainstay in pop culture,from Disney’s 1999 flick SmartHouse,in which an artificially intelligent home takes on the personality of a mother,to the retro high-tech home of TheJetsons.
Now,we’ve got their smart watches and digital assistants.In our homes,devices like smart doorbells identify friends or strangers at the door,while smart lights can be programmed to shift their colors based on weather.When we plan meals for the week,a smart refrigerator photographs what’s left in the fridge and makes suggestions based on our diets.
We could see a future in which electronics exist everywhere,interconnected and responsive parts of our homes,and we’re on the point of making this vision a reality.The exploding field of ambient technology promises innovative,easily-used electronics that fade into the background sound of our lives.“Soon,you’re going to have systems that will be proactive,” said Joseph Paradiso,a professor at MIT.Our devices are “going to see and hear as we do,and they’re going to be suggesting and prompting”.
But all of this innovation could come at a cost:Our privacy.And in the current situation,it’s a price consumers may be unwilling to pay.These fears aren’t entirely unfounded.Massive breaches to major websites have compromised the data of hundreds of millions of people in the past few years,and the comprehensive data ambient technology relies on will include far more than our addresses and credit card numbers.The digital assistant that will be able to identify when you’ll be most attentive for a Spanish lesson—a function that Paradiso said is being heavily researched—will have the type of information that could be used to control you.
Identifying these problems will become crucial as more people opt in to giving their tasks to ambient technology.In a world with billions and billions of connected devices that learn us in detail to make our lives more efficient,it will be harder to opt out.
1.How is the second paragraph developed
A.By making a comparison.
B.By analyzing causes.
C.By giving examples.
D.By following the order of time.
2.What is the third paragraph about
A.The side effects of electronics on daily life.
B.The electronic life in future.
C.The reasons for the prevalence of the smart home.
D.The risk of information disclosure on the Internet.
3.What does the underlined word “compromised” in paragraph 4 mean
A.Endangered. B.Updated.
C.Rearranged. D.Deleted.
4.In which section of a website may this text appear
A.Entertainment. B.Health.
C.Education. D.Science.
When people hear “Artificial Intelligence (AI)”,many think of big data.The reason is that some of the most significant AI breakthroughs have relied on enormous data sets.But AI is not only about large data sets,and research in small data approaches in the past decade has grown extensively,with Transfer Learning (TL) (迁移学习) as an especially promising example,which is helpful in settings where you have few data on the task of interest but sufficient data on a related problem.
Small data approaches like TL offer numerous advantages over more data-intensive methods.By the use of AI with fewer data,they can facilitate progress in areas where few or no data exist,such as in forecasting natural disasters that occur relatively rarely.More importantly,TL is of great help in terms of generalization.A challenge in the use of AI is that models need to generalize beyond their training data — that is,to give good “answers” to a more general set of “questions” than what they were specifically trained in.TL models work by transferring knowledge from one task to another,so they are very helpful in improving generalization in the new task,even if only limited data are available.
AI experts such as Andrew Ng have stated that the approach will be the next driver of getting machine learning success in industry.There are some early signs of successful adoption and it has been applied to cancer discovery and much more.
Despite the increase in research,TL has received relatively little visibility.While many machine learning experts and data scientists are familiar with it,techniques such as TL do not seem to have reached the awareness of the broader space of policymakers and business leaders in positions of making important decisions about AI funding and adoption.
By acknowledging the success of small data techniques like TL and supporting their widespread use,we can help overcome some widespread misconceptions regarding the role of data in AI and promote innovation in new directions.
5.What does the author think of TL
A.It is a potential technique.
B.It is of help in large data sets.
C.It is an important AI breakthrough.
D.It is a reliable solution to multitasking.
6.In which aspect does TL show its advantages
A.Acquiring knowledge.
B.Discovering questions.
C.Collecting training data.
D.Improving generalization.
7.What does the underlined part in paragraph 4 probably mean
A.TL has little value.
B.TL is a heated topic.
C.TL draws public attention.
D.TL is not well recognized.
8.What’s the purpose of this text
A.To clarify some misconceptions.
B.To introduce a small data approach.
C.To predict the promising future of AI.
D.To emphasize the significance of data.
The school where Rachel teaches serves free meals to its students.Before her adoring students left for their new year vacation,they  1  her with lots of gifts.But one gift from a girl,in particular, 2  her heart.
This girl wanted to get Rachel something so  3 ,but had nothing to give.So rather than offer nothing,she  4  her free breakfast cereal(混合麦片) at school.
She took the  5  to pick every dried grape,the favorite part of her breakfast,out of her cereal and  6  them as an unusual new year present for her teacher.
Rachel posted the  7  story on Meta,hoping to help people gain some  8  for what they have in their lives—because even when this youngster had nothing to offer,she was still willing to  9  her favourite dried grapes.Inspired by the kind gesture,many people contacted the school headmaster to make  10 .“It makes me so proud of my kids that they have touched your hearts along with mine,”Rachel said.“Your  11  in offering gifts to both the students and me and your donations to our school have not gone  12 .We are all deeply moved.”
“My wish for all of you is to remember this kind and simple  13  of love from one of my school babies and carry it with you and continue to  14  love and kindness to everyone you meet—not just during this  15  season.”
1.A.helped B.showered
C.comforted D.supplied
2.A.melted B.cured
C.changed D.broke
3.A.hesitantly B.casually
C.badly D.hardly
4.A.opened up B.asked for
C.gave away D.put aside
5.A.courage B.chance
C.lesson D.time
6.A.unwrapped B.cooked
C.repackaged D.separated
7.A.nice B.funny
C.imaginary D.old
8.A.sympathy B.appreciation
C.confidence D.desire
9.A.enjoy B.sacrifice
C.collect D.keep
10.A.preparations B.appointments
C.donations D.requirements
11.A.curiosity B.trouble
C.experience D.generosity
12.A.unchecked B.unnoticed
C.unexpected D.uncovered
13.A.hope B.word
C.trick D.act
14.A.spread B.teach
C.explain D.declare
15.A.graduation B.autumn
C.holiday D.school
必修第二册 UNIT3
1.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“deviceslikesmartdoorbells”“smartlights”和“asmartrefrigerator”可知,本段通过举例介绍了智能家居的现状。
2.B 段落大意题。本段属于总分结构,第一句就是总起句,该句指出在我们未来的生活中,电子产品将会无处不在,换句话说,本段主要讲述人们未来的电子生活。
3.A 词义猜测题。根据本段中“Butallofthisinnovationcouldcomeatacost...maybeunwillingtopay”可知,技术革新可能会以个人隐私为代价,人们对这一问题的担忧并非全无道理。画线词所在句则是通过已发生的情况对前文进行佐证,即过去几年中,一些大的网站遭到破坏之后,已经危及了数以亿计的用户数据。
4.D 推理判断题。本文主要讲述了智能家居的现状与未来,并指出电子科技应用于生活之中,个人隐私可能遭受的侵害,并呼吁人们对这一问题要加以重视。由此可知,本文主要是讲科技对于家居生活的利弊。
5.A 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“anespeciallypromisingexample,whichishelpfulinsettings”可以推断,作者认为TL是一项很有前景的技术,可以用于很多领域,故A项正确。
6.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“TLisofgreathelpintermsofgeneralization”和“theyarevery...thenewtask”可知,TL的优势之一是可以提升概括能力,故D项正确。
7.D 句意理解题。根据画线部分后一句中的“techniquessuchas...andbusinessleaders”可知,TL似乎并没有得到政策制定者和商业领袖的青睐。据此可以推断,画线部分的意思应该与D项“TL未得到足够的认可”最为接近。
8.B 主旨大意题。本文第一段引出话题“TL是一项很有发展前景的小数据技术”,第二段介绍了TL的优点,第三段引用专家AndrewNg的话证明TL很有用处,第四段讲述了TL的发展现状不甚理想,最后一段讲述了TL的发展潜力。综上可知,本文主要介绍了TL小数据处理技术,故B项正确。
1.B 根据“onegiftfromagirl”可知,是学生给她送了很多礼物。shower大量地给。故选B项。
2.A 根据后文“buthadnothingtogive”可知,这位女孩的用心让Rachel感动了。故选A项。
3.C 这个女孩非常想给Rachel买点什么,但她没有什么可以给的。根据后文“but”可知,这个女孩非常想给Rachel买点什么。故选C项。
4.A openup打开;askfor询问;giveaway赠送;putaside把……放到一边。根据后文“Shetook”可知,这个女孩先是打开包装盒,然后抽出里面的食品。故选A项。
5.D 她抽时间从麦片里选出早餐中最喜欢的每一颗葡萄干,重新包装,作为送给老师的不同寻常的新年礼物。根据本句动作描写,可知她应该是抽时间抽取里面的食物。故选D项。
6.C 根据前文“openedupherfreebreakfastcereal”可知,此处表达“重新包装”。故选C项。
7.A Rachel在Meta上发布了这个美好的故事,希望帮助人们对他们生活中所拥有的东西获得一些感激——因为即使这个年轻人没有什么可以奉献的,她仍然愿意牺牲她最喜欢的葡萄干。根据前文大意,并结合后文“hopingtohelppeoplegainsome”可知,这是一个美好的故事。故选A项。
8.B 根据后文“becauseevenwhenthisyoungsterhadnothingtooffer,shewasstillwillingto”可知,从这个女孩的身上我们要感激现在所拥有的。故选B项。
9.B 根据前文提及女孩给老师她最喜欢的葡萄干可知,此处表达“牺牲”,更能凸显女孩的精神。故选B项。
10.C 根据后文“theyhavetouchedyourhearts”可知,他们因为感动而献爱心。故选C项。
11.D 根据后文“offeringgiftstoboththestudentsandme”可知,他们慷慨地捐赠。故选D项。
12.B 根据后文“Wearealldeeplymoved.”可知,我们没有忽视。故选B项。
13.D 我对你们所有人的期望是,记住我的一个学生所表达的这一善意和简单的爱,并随身携带,继续向你们遇到的每一个人传播爱和善意,而不仅仅是在这个节日期间。根据后文“oflove”可知,此处指“爱的行为”。故选D项。
14.A 根据前文“carryitwithyouandcontinueto”可知,此处表达“每一个人传播爱和善意”。故选A项。
15.C 根据第一段中“leftfortheirnewyearvacation”可知,此处指“假期”。