人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit4 History and Traditions 复习课件(83张PPT+练习)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit4 History and Traditions 复习课件(83张PPT+练习)
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文件大小 646.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-20 18:40:47


必修第二册 UNIT4
Visitors to the Yangguan Museum in Dunhuang,Northwest China’s Gansu Province,over the recent May Day holiday had the opportunity to see the first restored Mingguang armor(铠甲) from the Tang Dynasty (618—907).The 1.86-meter tall suit of armor gave visitors a window through which they could appreciate the wisdom of ancient Chinese artisans and the charm of China’s armor culture.
Wen Chenhua,the artisan who restored the armor that played a significant role on the battlefield more than 1,000 years ago,is one of the biggest fans of ancient armor in China.Following his passion,he has made the restoration of armor his lifelong career.
Since 2008,Wen and his team of over 30 people have produced more than 10,000 armor replicas according to ancient samples,gradually gathering thousands of followers from around the world who have been caught up by the charm of Chinese armor culture.
Armor from the Tang and Song dynasties are Wen’s favorites.He pointed to the Mingguang armor as a specific example.Mingguang means “bright and shiny” and in this case refers specifically to glittering nature of the breastplate of the armor,according to Wen.Due to prohibitions against privately stored suits of armor in ancient times,there are very few complete suits of armor that have been well preserved in China and detailed written records remain scarce.
Although Wen found many mentions of ancient armor in historical records,most records did not discuss what the armor actually looked like.He also used the statues of goddesses in the Mogao Grottoes as references,as the armor on one of these statues still had color.It took Wen and his team several months to restore the Mingguang armor.It is composed of more than 1,300 iron pieces and weighs nearly 25 kilograms in total.They used modern technology to create patterns that were inspired by a traditional forging technique popular in the region during the Tang Dynasty.Wen said that all of these endeavors are aimed at getting as close as possible to historical reality,noting that “no one can see the real Mingguang armor but I will try my best to restore the truth.”
1.What inspired Wen Chenhua to restore the armor
A.Visitors’ appreciation.
B.The charm of China’s culture.
C.The wisdom of ancient Chinese artisans.
D.His enthusiasm for ancient armor in China.
2.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “replicas” in paragraph 3
A.Products. B.Displays.
C.Copies. D.Sculptures.
3.Why was it difficult to restore the Mingguang armor
A.There were few complete suits and detailed written records left.
B.Suits of armor were stored privately in the past.
C.The colors on the armor were completely destroyed.
D.The ancient government banned storing suits of armor privately.
An individual from an unknown hominid(原始人类) species walked across a field of wet,volcanic ash in what is now East Africa around 3.66 million years ago,leaving behind a handful of footprints.
Those five ancient footprints,largely ignored since they were partly unearthed at Tanzania’s Laetoli site in 1976,show features of upright walking by a hominid,a new study finds.Researchers had previously considered them hard to classify,possibly produced by a young bear that took a few steps while standing.But the latest analysis refutes that suggestion.
McNutt,DeSilva,who started the new investigation as a Dartmouth College graduate student,and their colleagues fully dug out and cleaned the five Laetoli footprints in June 2019.Then they measured,photographed and 3-D scanned the ancient tracks.McNutt’s group focused on two footprints that were particularly well-preserved.Foot shapes,sizes,and walking characteristics of the Laetoli individual differed in various ways from those of other hominid individuals at the same site.The prints also didn’t match those from modern black bears and modern chimps(黑猩猩) walking upright.
The Laetoli individual possessed a wider,more chimplike foot than humans,the researchers say.Its big toe stuck out slightly from the second toe (脚趾),but not to the degree observed in chimps.On one step,the Laetoli individual’s left leg crossed in front of the right leg,leaving a left footprint directly in front of the previous track.People may cross-step in this way when trying to regain balance.And bears and chimps assume a relatively wide standing due to knee and other bone arrangements that prevent them from walking like the Laetoli individual and probably from cross-stepping,the scientists say.
Given that only two of the ancient footprints are complete enough to analyze thoroughly,the possibility that a chimp other than a hominid made the Laetoli footprints can’t be ruled out,says William Harcourt Smith,a scientist at Lehman College.But evidence of cross-stepping is enough to prove that it was a hominid track maker,he says.
4.What does the underlined word “refutes” in paragraph 2 mean
A.Objects to. B.Supports.
C.Puts forward. D.Criticizes.
5.Why do researchers think the footprints were unlike those of bears or chimps
A.They are less chimplike.
B.They have toes sticking out.
C.They show a relatively wide standing.
D.They possess features of cross-stepping.
6.What does William think of the new research finding
A.It’s convincing.
B.It’s challenging.
C.It’s confusing.
D.It’s conflicting.
7.What is the purpose of the text
A.To describe a major event.
B.To share a new discovery.
C.To introduce an unknown species.
D.To settle a huge disagreement.
My grandma is 95 years old and still lives independently and happily at home.She has looked after her body and her whole life,never drank or smoked a day in her life. 1 
She appreciates the little things in life like having cups of tea while sitting in her chair.But what she really loves to do is READ! 2  Bless her heart!
Every Saturday I drive 70 kms to spend the day with her.I also bring my three kids.They run around the home all day and bounce their balls in her driveway. 3  Laughing her head off,she is always laughing.I race around doing all kinds of housework.I make Grandma’s bed and make sure she has enough sandwiches to keep in the fridge for later.
Every month Grandma gets a delivery from the library which she looks forward to very much,two big containers full of books. 4  Most have been Pay It Forward books.Grandma smiles,saying that is a good thing.She can pass my books onto her friend who then passes them onto her friend.There have been a few times I purchased a couple of books when I didn’t receive any books from others and told Grandma they were given to me when I knew she needed books. 5  You see,Grandma respected money her whole life and she too raised three children alone,like me.
I’ve learnt so much from her.It feels so great just to be able to do something to be kind and to make someone else smile.She tells me she would be lost without me but the truth is I would be so lost without her.
A.I admire her for so many different things.
B.Besides,her smile made it all worthwhile.
C.I benefit from her positive attitudes to life.
D.She puts heart and soul into every book she reads.
E.Grandma says the house comes to life every Saturday.
F.But she reads so much that I bring her books to read also.
G.I remember she read the telephone directory when she ran out of books.
Pingyao County is located in central Shanxi Province,China.It 1.      (consist) of five towns and nine villages,covering an area of 486.5 square miles.This small county was noted for some 2.      (impress) architectures in ancient conventional styles.
As the birthplace of the Jin Businessmen during the Ming and Qing 3.        (dynasty),it played an important role in the economic development of Shanxi during that period.The first Chinese trading shop was opened there.For 4.      next hundred years,the city was home to almost all of the large trading shops in the country.
Its City Wall is rated 5.      (high) of the “Three Treasures” of the county together with Zhenguo Temple and Shuanglin Temple.With a total length of six kilometers,the City Wall covered by bricks and stones is about 12 meters tall and 3 to 6 meters wide on top.From a bird’s eye view,the rectangular (长方形的) wall represents a tortoise (龟).A tortoise was 6.        (traditional) considered a symbol of longevity,conveying the residents’ hope 7.      the Ancient City would be permanently secure.
Pingyao is no longer very prosperous (繁荣的),8.      the grand Pingyao Old City,constructed a thousand years ago,stands the test of time.9.      (wander) along the Ancient Street inside the old town,you can still sense its former grandeur.Since it was listed as UNESCO World Heritage in 1997,Pingyao 10.(become) a hot destination of millions of tourists.
必修第二册 UNIT4
1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“WenChenhua,theartisanwhorestoredthearmorthatplayedasignificantroleonthebattlefieldmorethan1,000yearsago,isoneofthebiggestfansofancientarmorinChina.”可知,温陈华对中国古代甲胄怀有激情,这激励了他进行修复甲胄工作。
2.C 词义猜测题。根据第三段画线词前“Since2008,Wenandhisteamofover30peoplehaveproducedmorethan10,000armor”和画线词后“accordingtoancientsamples”可推测出,温陈华及其团队根据古代甲胄样本,制作产生的是甲胄的复制品。因此“replicas”与“Copies”含义一致,表示“复制品”。
3.A 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Duetoprohibitionsagainstprivately...writtenrecordsremainscarce.”可知,在中国,保存完好的甲胄很少,与其相关的文字记录也少,由此可推测,这也是造成温陈华修复明光铠甲有难度的原因。
4.A 词义猜测题。根据画线单词上句“Researchershadpreviouslyconsideredthemhardtoclassify,possiblyproducedbyayoungbearthattookafewstepswhilestanding.”可知,上文介绍了研究人员对脚印来源的推测,他们认为脚印可能是由一只站着走了几步的小熊产生的,再结合画线单词所在句中的转折连词“But”可知,上下文为转折关系,且由第三段关键句“Theprintsalsodidn’tmatchthosefrommodernblackbearsandmodernchimpswalkingupright.”可知,研究证明这些脚印与现代黑熊的脚印不匹配,由此可知,画线单词所在句指的是“但最新的分析驳斥了这一说法”。Objectsto意为“反对,不赞成”,能够表达画线单词在句中所要表达的意思。故选A项。
5.D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Ononestep,theLaetoliindividual’sleftleg...fromcross-stepping,thescientistssay.”可知,这些脚印呈现出人们试图恢复平衡时所进行的交叉步行走,而熊和黑猩猩无法交叉步行走,因此,研究人员认为这些脚印不同于熊或黑猩猩的脚印。由此可知,研究人员认为这些脚印不同于熊或黑猩猩的脚印是因为这些脚印具有交叉步的特点。
6.A 推理判断题。根据第二段关键句“Thosefiveancientfootprints,largelyignoredsincetheywerepartlyunearthedatTanzania’sLaetolisitein1976,showfeaturesofuprightwalkingbyahominid,anewstudyfinds.”可知,新的研究发现,这五个古代脚印显示出原始人直立行走的特征;再结合最后一段关键句“Butevidenceofcross-steppingisenoughtoprovethatitwasahominidtrackmaker,hesays.”可知,威廉认为交叉步的证据足以证明五个古代脚印是原始人直立行走留下的足迹,由此可知,威廉认为新的研究发现是很有说服力的。
7.B 推理判断题。通读全文,结合第二段关键句“Thosefiveancientfootprints,largelyignoredsincetheywerepartlyunearthedatTanzania’sLaetolisitein1976,showfeaturesofuprightwalkingbyahominid,anewstudyfinds.”可知,文章主要介绍了一项新的研究发现,研究人员发现五个古代脚印,这些脚印显示出原始人直立行走的特征,由此可知,这篇文章的写作目的是为了分享一个新发现。
1.A 根据上文“Mygrandmais95yearsold...inherlife.”以及下文“Sheappreciatesthelittlethings...lovestodoisREAD!”可知,第一段在介绍奶奶是什么样的人,第二段在介绍奶奶的爱好。又根据最后一段“I’velearntsomuchfromher...solostwithouther.”可知,作者很尊敬奶奶,奶奶对她来说非常重要。因为此空在第一段,应该起到总领全文,承上启下的作用。A项“我因为许多不同的小事尊敬她。”符合上下文。
2.G 根据上文“ButwhatshereallylovestodoisREAD!”以及下文“Blessherheart!”可知,此空在强调作者的奶奶有多爱读书。G项“我记得当没有书读的时候,她就读电话本。”符合上下文语境。
3.E 根据上文“Ialsobringmythreekids...inherdriveway.”以及下文“Laughingherheadoff...allkindsofhousework.”可知,作者带孩子在奶奶家跑来跑去,奶奶非常开心,并笑得前仰后合。因此此空应表达出奶奶高兴的状态。E项“奶奶说,每到周六,家里就恢复了生机。”符合上下文。
4.F 根据上文“EverymonthGrandmagetsadelivery...fullofbooks.”以及下文“Shecanpassmybooks...ontoherfriend.”可知,此空应和“我的书”有关。F项“但她读得太多了,我也带我的书给她读。”符合上文,虽然很期待图书馆的书,但书还是不够,需要作者给她带。
5.B 根据上文“Therehavebeenafewtimes...sheneededbooks.”以及下文“Yousee,Grandmarespectedmoneyherwholelifeandshetooraisedthreechildrenalone,likeme.”可知,奶奶是一个很节省的人,作者为了不让她知道书是自己花钱买的,而说是别人送给自己的,此空应填奶奶收到“我送的书”的反应。B项“此外,她的微笑使这一切都值得。”符合上下文。
1.consists 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时;主语It是单数,因此空格处用第三人称单数consists。故填consists。
2.impressive 考查词性转换。空格处修饰名词architectures,用形容词作定语,故填impressive。
3.dynasties 考查名词复数。由“theMingandQing”可知,空格处用复数dynasties。
4.the 考查冠词。此处特指“接下来的几百年”,故填the。
5.highest 考查比较等级。根据语境可知,句子表示“它的城墙是‘三宝’中最高的”,空格处用最高级,故填highest。
6.traditionally 考查词性转换。空格处修饰动词considered用副词形式,故填traditionally。
7.that 考查同位语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导的是同位语从句,从句中不缺主语或宾语,且意思完整,因此空格处用只起连接作用、无实意的that引导。
8.but/yet 考查连词。由前面的“Pingyaoisnolongerveryprosperous”和后面的“standsthetestoftime”可知,前后句子是转折关系,故填but或yet。
9.Wandering 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,句中谓语是“canstillsense”,空格处用非谓语动词;you和wander之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词,位于句首,首字母大写,故填Wandering。
10.hasbecome 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。由Since可知,句子时态用现在完成时;主语Pingyao是单数,因此空格处用hasbecome。故填hasbecome。(共83张PPT)
英 语
1. individual    adj.单独的;个别的
2. chief adj.最重要的;最高级别的
3. nearby adj.附近的;邻近的
4. battle n.战役;搏斗
vi.& vt.搏斗;奋斗
5. charge n.收费;指控;主管
6. amount n.金额;数量
7. approach n.方法;途径;接近
8. landscape n.(陆上,尤指乡村的)风景
9. position n.位置;姿态;职位
10. feast n.盛宴;宴会;节日
11. roll vi.& vt.(使)翻滚;(使)滚动
12. striking adj.引人注目的;显著的
13. custom n.风俗;习俗;习惯
1.Confucius n.  孔子 
2.mansion n.  公馆;宅第 
3.cemetery n.  墓地;公墓 
4.descendant n. 后裔;后代;子孙 
5.heel n.  足跟;(脚、袜子、鞋等的)后跟 
6.kingdom n.  王国;领域 
7.currency n.  通货;货币 
8.military adj.  军事的;军用的 
9.conquer vt.  占领;征服;控制 
10.port n.  港口(城市) 
11.gallery n.  (艺术作品的)展览馆;画廊 
12.butter n.  黄油;奶油 
vt.  涂黄油于 
13.honey n.  蜂蜜 
14.ancestor n.  祖宗;祖先 
15.courtyard n.  庭院;院子 
16.snack n.  点心;小吃 
17.county n.  (英国、爱尔兰的)郡;(美国的)县 
18.dot n.  点;小(圆)点 
vt.  加点;遍布 
19.cattle n.  牛 
20.roar vi.& n.  吼叫;咆哮 
21.ocean n.  大海;海洋 
22.scent n.  气味;气息 
23.pub n.  酒吧;酒馆 
24.wine n.  葡萄酒;果酒 
25.beer n.  (一杯)啤酒 
26.stew n.  炖菜(有肉和蔬菜) 
vt.& vi.  炖;煨 
27.sensory adj.  感觉的;感官的 
28.transition n.  过渡;转变;变迁 
1.  philosophy   n.哲学→ philosopher  n.哲学家
2. puzzle  n.谜;智力游戏;疑问 vt.迷惑;使困惑感→puzzling adj.令人迷惑的;令人困惑的→puzzled adj.感到困惑的;迷惑不解的
3. belong  vi.应在(某处);适应→ belonging  n.归属感;(常用复数)所有物,财物
4. defence  n.防御;保卫→ defend  v.防卫;保卫→ defensive  adj.防御的;保护的
5. legal  adj.法律的;合法的→ illegal  adj.不合法的
6. surround  vt.围绕;包围→ surrounding  adj.周围的→ surroundings  n.周围的环境
7. evidence  n.证据;证明→ evident  adj.有证据的→ evidently  adv.明显地;显然
8. achievement  n.成就;成绩;达到→ achieve  vt.达到,取得
9. location  n.地方;地点;位置→ locate  vt.位于;找……的位置
10.fascinating adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的→fascinate v.使……入迷,迷住→  fascinated   adj.着迷的
11.announce vt.宣布;通知;声称→ announcement  n.宣布;通知→  announcer   n.广播员;解说员
12. ensure  vt.保证;确保;担保→ sure  adj.确信的,可靠的
13. generous  adj.慷慨的;大方的;丰富的→ generosity  n.慷慨,大方;宽宏大量
14.  eager   adj.热切的;渴望的→ eagerly  adv.热切地;渴望地→  eagerness   n.渴望;热切
15. poet  n.诗人→ poem  n.诗;韵文
16. greet  vt.问候;迎接→ greeting  n.招呼;迎接;问候的话;祝词
17. crowd  n.人群;一群人;民众 vt.挤满;使……拥挤→ crowded  adj.拥挤的
1. join...to...      把……和……连接或联结起来
2. break away (from sb/sth) 脱离;背叛;逃脱
3. belong to 属于
4. as well as 同(一样也);和;还
5. keep your eyes open (for) 留心;留意
6. result in 导致
7.be referred to as被称作 
8.leave behind  留下 
9.in charge  负责,管理 
10.date back to  追溯到 
11.add...to...  把……加上 
12.in ruins  成为废墟 
Almost  everywhere you go in the UK ,you will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.
They  had castles built  all around England,and made changes to the legal system.
So what is the difference between them, if any 
The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.
一、历史 1.dynasty n.朝代 2.emperor n.皇帝 3.origin n.起源;由来 4.ancient adj.古代的 5.primitive adj.原始的;远古的 6.palace n.宫殿 7.king n.国王 8.queen n.王后;女王 二、战争 1.weapon n.武器 2.aggression n.侵略 3.revolution n.革命
4.incident n.事变
5.invade vt.侵略
6.occupy vt.攻占;忙于
7.escape vi.逃跑;逃走
8.beat vt.击败
1.a country with/having a long history一个有着悠久历史的国家
2.be rich in culture as well as natural resources物产和文化丰富
3.the most beautiful countryside最美乡村4.historical architecture历史性建筑
5.go sightseeing去观光 6.a serious political conflict严重的政治冲突
7.date from/date back to the Tang Dynasty追溯到唐朝
8.at the beginning of 在……的初期
9.military defence军事防御 10.historical city历史古城
11.the brilliant Chinese civilization灿烂的中华文明
12.a symbol of China中国的象征
13.a feast for the eyes视觉盛宴
14.have a great influence on对……有很大的影响
1.stand still站着不动
2.a flood of fear恐惧万分
3.scare sb to death 把某人吓得要命
4.scare sb out of one’s wits把某人吓得魂飞魄散
5.sit on pins and needles如坐针毡
1.Looking at the polar bear’s bloody mouth,she was nearly dead with fright.
2.You cannot imagine how frightened we were at the approach of the polar bear.
3.A burst of horror held me entirely in its power,and I was unable to move an inch.
4.Extremely frightened,I felt my legs were trembling and my palms were sweating.
5.A wave of fear welled up in/swept over her.Her throat tightened and her knees felt weak.
Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.It got such a fright that it rushed at a high speed.I,frightened too,grabbed the rein tightly.Minutes later,the horse was off the track and I found that there was no sign of my dad.In the middle of nowhere,I felt a wave of fear wrap around me.Worse still,the rain came pouring down and I was wet through.After seemingly long hours,there came a loud cry of my dad.As a quick response,I shouted in a loud voice,“Dad,I’m here!” Tracing my voice,Dad finally found me and we got reunited.
1.The power of the  individual (个人) is limited while the power of the masses is limitless.
2.Sales director is a   position  (职位) where communication ability is just as important as sales skills.
3.On this important  feast (盛宴) day,people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them.
4.Last of all,the chief (最高级别的) editor read the article and approved it.
5.Rather than stay at home during the holiday,they decided to take a short trip to a  nearby (附近的) town.
1.Guilin is the most  fascinating  place I have ever been to and the beauty of the place has fascinated me most.That might be the  fascination  of nature.(fascinate)
2.He hasn’t been to school before,so he has eagerness to learn.Besides,he is  eager  to get his parents’ approval.(eager)
3. Evidently ,there are two  evident  advantages of this method,but we have no firm  evidence  to support it.(evident)
4.Now it is  illegal  to drive when you are drunk and drivers who park their cars  illegally  should be punished.So,everyone must do something in a  legal  way.(legal)
5.The town walls were built as a  defence  against enemy attacks.For example,the Great Wall was once used to  defend  against military aggression.(defend)
Last night,I 1. as well as (和) my brother,went to the old house
2. belonging to (属于) my family to find some old books.Before going,our mother asked us to 3. keep our eyes open for (留心) the house and not to mess up the items,but we did not understand our mother’s meaning.Opening the door of the room,we saw the items of the past,but these things 4. were joined to (连在一起) each other,so we were impatient to pull them.Suddenly a dozen books fell down and pressed on my brother.I was scared and ran to help him to 5.break away from(摆脱) the books.Then we understood what my mother said.
During the Spring Festival, everywhere you go ,you can feel the atmosphere of the festival.
2.这对年轻夫妇有很多事情要做,所以他们决定让婚庆公司来操办他们的婚礼。(have sth done)
The young couple were both occupied by various matters,so they decided to  have their wedding organized  by a wedding company.
I’m Li Hua.I’m wondering if you are available at the weekend. If so ,let’s have a face-to-face talk about table manners.
Moreover, with the stadium set up ,a wide range of sports events are able to be held here.
1.puzzle n.迷;智力游戏;疑问 vt.迷惑;使困惑→puzzling adj.令人迷惑的→puzzled adj.迷惑不解的;困惑的
①Hearing the manager’s explanation,he had a  puzzled (puzzle) expression on his face.
②She lost heart since she failed the exam,because her future was  puzzling (puzzle).
③People have long puzzled  over/about  how the Egyptians moved such huge rocks.
 You will be puzzled about their meanings  if you don’t learn about the background of these poems.
归纳 puzzle about/over冥思苦想;苦苦思索
a puzzle to sb一件让某人感到困惑的事情
be puzzled about对……迷惑不解
佳句 (2021天津3月卷)What puzzles Lily’s friends is why she always has so many crazy ideas.
2.break away (from sb/sth)脱离;背叛;逃脱
①We were having a meeting when suddenly Tom  broke in  and said something urgent.
②To my disappointment,the car  broke down  on the way to their wedding.
③In my opinion,marriage based on money is likely to  break up .
④He was charging his mobile phone when the fire  broke out .
I’d appreciate it if you could give me some advice on  how to break away from the bad habit of smoking .
归纳 break down损坏;发生故障;分解;累垮
break into破门而入
break out (战争)爆发;(火灾)突然发生
break up 结束;破裂
break in破门而入;打断;插话
佳句 Our people will never break away from our country.
3.belong vi.应在(某处);适应,合得来→belonging n.归属感;所有物→belongings n.所有物;财产
①It is because of my generous and kind-hearted classmates that I feel a sense of  belonging (belong).(应用文之学校生活)
②Putting the book  where  it belonged,the boy walked out of the room as lightly as possible.(读后续写之动作描写)
③The mountain village I visited last week is made up of 30 families  belonging (belong) to five nationalities.
Paper cutting has a history of over 1,500 years, which belongs to traditional art  in China.
归纳 (1)belong to属于;是……的成员;是……的组成部分
(2)a sense of belonging归属感
点津belong to 没有被动语态和进行时态,用作非谓语要使用动词-ing形式。
佳句 I belong to a painting club,which enables me to deepen visitors’ understanding of Chinese culture.
4.as well as 同(一样也);和;还
①The equipment,as well as those books, has been donated (donate) to the poor local school so far.
②The deadline for the project is around the corner,so we may/might as well get some help.
③As well as  having (have) difficulty adapting herself to the new school life,she found the culture difference was another challenge for her.
Tears welled up in her eyes,and her heart seemed to be torn  as well .
归纳 (1)as well as“既……又……”,可连接两个平行结构,动词形式与as well as之前的主语一致
(2)as well“也;又;还”,常放在句子末尾,作为副词短语使用
(3)may/might as well do sth倒不如做某事;不妨做某事
佳句 It was your great efforts as well as your professional guidance that helped me make great progress.
5.defence n.防御;保卫→defend vt.保护;保卫;为……辩护
①“Small does not mean weak,sir,” she defended  herself (she).
②Keeping a balanced diet and taking regular exercise can help defend ourselves  against/from  infection.(应用文之倡议书)
③The monument is in memory of the soldiers who died in  defence (defend) of their country.
She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in defence .
归纳 (1)in defence of为了保卫……
in defence防守
defend oneself为自己辩护;自卫
佳句 Seeing the fierce snake,he rushed in defence of his son like an arrow.
6.surround vt.围绕;包围→surrounding adj.周围的;附近的→surroundings n.环境
①Surrounding yourself  with  people who’ll provide you with support can be very beneficial.(应用文之建议信)
②The  surrounding (surround) villages have been included into the growing city.
③In a word,you are welcome to our school and I hope you can adapt to the new  surroundings (surround) soon.(应用文之欢迎词)
The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp,which  was surrounded by/with  a high wire fence.
归纳 surround...with...用……包围……
be surrounded by/with被……包围
佳句 (2020全国Ⅱ卷)Surrounded by green trees,the farm is located at the foot of the hill near our school.There is a small river flowing through the farm.
7.charge n.收费;指控;主管 vt.收费;控告;充电
①We have enough confidence to charge you  with  abuse of power.
②The shop owner charged me nothing  for  the noodles,I felt a wave of warmth and gratitude welling in my heart.(读后续写之情感描写)
③Your order will be delivered free  of  charge within a ten-mile limit.
④He can’t take charge  of  the computer company because it is beyond his ability.
My English teacher,who has been teaching for twenty years,is  in charge of  the school work.
归纳 (1)charge sb with sth 因某事控告某人
(2)charge sb for sth 向某人索取……的费用
(3)free of charge/for free 免费
in charge (of)主管;负责;照顾
in the charge of/in one’s charge由某人负责;由某人管理
take charge of掌管;负责;看管
佳句 (2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)I am Li Hua,in charge of the English program Talk and Talk at our school broadcasting station.
我是李华,负责我们学校广播站的英语节目“Talk and Talk”。
8.amount n.金额;数量 v.总计,共计;相当于,等于
①Large amounts of honey and butter are(be) used to make this kind of snack.
②A large amount of money raised in the charity  has been donated (donate) to the local school so far.(应用文之活动介绍)
③Mom said seriously,patting me on the shoulder,“Lazy people will not amount  to  anything in life.”
In order to keep healthy, it is necessary to take a proper amount of exercise regularly .
归纳 (1)许多/大(少)量
(2)amount to 等于;达到
(1)a number of只接可数名词复数
(2)a great deal of,a great amount of (large amounts of)只接不可数名词
(3)a lot of (lots of),plenty of,a large quantity of (large quantities of) 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词
9.approach n.接近;方法;途径 vt.接近;接洽;着手处理 vi.靠近
①Listening to some Chinese songs is also a good approach to learning (learn) Chinese well.(应用文之建议信)
② Approaching (approach) the city centre,we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.
③ With the Mid-Autumn Festival approaching ,I’d like to invite you to join us in celebrating it.(with复合结构)
④ At the approach of the Mid-Autumn Festival ,I’d like to invite you to join us in celebrating it.(介词短语)
归纳 at the approach of在快到……的时候
an approach to(doing) sth(做)某事的方法/途径
点拨 approach作名词时,后面常跟介词to,表示“……的方法”,而way,method,means表示“方法”时后常跟介词of。
佳句 He approached us,full of apologies.
10.eager adj.渴望的;热切的→eagerly adv.热切地;急切地→eagerness n.热切;渴望
①(2021全国甲卷)Eventually,I am strongly eager  to know (know) which aspects of traditional Chinese culture arouse your curiosity most.
②To perform well,we are eager for your professional advice.(应用文之求助信)
 When asked whether he wanted a gift for his birthday,the boy couldn’t hide his eagerness .However,he shook his head.
归纳 (1)be eager to do sth 渴望做某事
be eager for sth 渴望得到某物
(2)with eagerness热切地;急切地
hide one’s eagerness掩饰某人的渴望
佳句 The teacher is very glad that everyone in her class is eager to study.
★补遗缺 微点练全
A.n.掌管 B.vt.控告 C.vt.收费 D.vt.充电 E.vi.进攻
①The young man was charged with abusing drugs. B 
②My father took charge of the company five years ago. A 
③Have you got your phone charged It was powered off just now. D 
④Luckily,the wolf didn’t charge again after I used wolf spray. E 
⑤The old man charged me 10 dollars for a bottle of honey. C 
项目 意义 例句
熟义 vt. (为……)工作; (为……)服务 The waiter was serving another table.
生义 vt.提供(食物或饮料) Breakfast is served in the restaurant between 7:00 and 11:00.
vt.有助于实现;(对……)有用 An official investigation would not serve any useful purpose.
vi.供职,服役 He served in the army for 22 years.
生义 vi.(在网球等体育运动中)发(球) Whose turn is it to serve
项目 意义 例句
熟义 vt.召开,举行 We held a meeting to discuss how to improve our study.
生义 vt.使身体保持某种姿势 Hold yourself still.
vt.抑制,控制 They all held their breath to expect the final results.
vt.容纳 The room can hold twenty people.
vt.认为,以为 We hold that no country should interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
vt.拥有,持有(金钱、土地、职位等) She held an important position at the bank.
vi.保持,继续 Do you think the good weather can hold
[教材原句] The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.(P44)
①With the night  approaching (approach),I became worried and could not keep calm.
②With so much work  to do (do),I was so anxious that I had trouble sleeping.
③With more and more forests  damaged (damage),some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out.
Tom threw himself into his mother’s arms and tears of shame and embarrassment welled up in his eyes.(读后续写之羞愧心理描写)
④Tom threw himself into his mother’s arms, with tears of shame and embarrassment welling up in his eyes .(用with的复合结构改写)
⑤Tom threw himself into his mother’s arms, tears of shame and embarrassment welling up in his eyes .(用独立主格结构改写)
归纳 with的复合结构在句中作状语和定语,其构成为:
(1)with+宾语+to do表示将来的动作
佳句 With all the preparations made,he jumped with joy,his eyes glittering with excitement.
A组 基础必练
1.There is  evidence (evident) that the young man’s bank account is  illegal (legal),so he has been accused.
2.Now that they have made great achievements(achieve),they are looking forward to the celebration eagerly(eager).
3.Actually,without your  generosity (generous) and inspiration,I would not have got through that tough time and made such  striking (strike) progress.
4.With only few guests   greeting  (greet) him,the chief felt upset at the party.However, being surrounded (surround) by many guests made his friend very annoyed.
5.When I was a little kid I  rolled (roll) down a hill and broke my leg,but the doctor’s timely treatment  ensured (ensure) my quick recovery.
B组 高考链接
6.(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)If you plan on working out in a gym,that person must belong  to  the same gym.
7.(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)It’s jaw-dropping how much perfectly good food is thrown away—from “ugly” vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts
of uneaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage cans.
8.(2022新高考全国Ⅱ卷)Americans are still texting while driving,as well as  using (use) social networks and taking photos.
9.(2021全国乙卷)The patient looked  puzzled (puzzle),and then replied:“Oh this isn’t for the care I had...”
10.(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night,and for that,you’ll often get to stay in a central location(locate) with security and comfort.
The Chinatown in San Francisco attracts larger 1. crowds (crowd) of visitors each year than even the Golden Gate Bridge.The climate is mild all year round,2. ensuring (ensure) that it is always a good time to visit.Most of the residents in Chinatown are still Chinese,many of 3. whom  do not speak English fluently.This helps visitors have a real taste of China.
Keep your eyes open,4. and  you can have fun exploring the 5.  fascinating  (fascinate) sights,6. customs (custom) and traditional Chinese culture in real life,such as games of Chinese chess and people practicing tai chi.The stores there offer a unique range of goods as well 7. as  clothing.There are Chinese tea shops,where visitors can taste and buy 8. a  large amount of Chinese tea.But there is evidence 9. that  many tourists are eager 10. to see (see) its traditional dishes from all over China.
1.上周,我和我的同学们参观了一个村庄。(as well as)
2.这个村庄被青山和绿水环绕。(surrounded by)
4.村主任说,他们打破了传统的耕作方式,发展了有机农业。(break away from)
Last week,I as well as my classmates visited a village,surrounded by green hills and clean water.There is a museum in the center of the village,displaying achievements they have made in the past decades. The chief of the village said they had broken away from the traditional farming style and developed organic farming.We were impressed with the fascinating surroundings and hard-working people.
研真题 链接高考
When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America,the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife.Native Americans had taken care of these precious natural resources wisely. Unfortunately,it took the explorers and the settlers who followed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources.Millions of waterfowl(水禽) were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly ambitious sportsmen.Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and house the ever-increasing populations,greatly reducing waterfowl habitat(栖息地).
In 1934,with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act(Act), an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory(迁徙的) waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival.Under this Act,all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp.The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N.“Ding” Darling,a political cartoonist from Des Moines,Iowa, who at that time was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey.Hunters willingly pay the stamp price to ensure the survival of our natural resources.
About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.Since 1934,better than half a billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5 million acres of habitat.Little wonder the Federal Duck Stamp Program has been called one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated.
28.What was a cause of the waterfowl population decline in North America
A.Loss of wetlands.
B.Popularity of water sports.
C.Pollution of rivers.
D.Arrival of other wild animals.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,北美水禽数量减少的一个原因是它们赖以生存的湿地大量流失。故选A项。
29.What does the underlined word “decimate” mean in the first paragraph
答案 C
解析 词义猜测题。根据句首的“Unfortunately”一词以及下文出现的“were killed”和“were dried”等信息可推断,该词的大意为“毁坏,破坏”。故选C项。
30.What is a direct result of the Act passed in 1934
A.The stamp price has gone down.
B.The migratory birds have flown away.
C.The hunters have stopped hunting.
D.The government has collected money.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句可知,1934年通过的这项法案让政府筹集到了大量的资金,可以用于购买水禽的栖息地。故选D项。
31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.The Federal Duck Stamp Story
B.The National Wildlife Refuge System
C.The Benefits of Saving Waterfowl
D.The History of Migratory Bird Hunting
答案 A
解析 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,为了保护北美的水禽,美国在1934年发行了鸭票。出售鸭票的收入被用来购买水禽的栖息地,并取得重大成效。A项最具概括性。故选A项。
词根 派生 词性及词义 例句
astonish astonishing adj.惊人的,令人惊讶的 When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America,the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife.
include inclusion n.(被)包括,包含 About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.
单词 词性及词义 例句
passage n.(法案的) 通过 In 1934,with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act(Act),an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival.
(1)set foot in/on/upon somewhere  进入/踏上/去某地 
(2)be alive with  充满,到处都是 
(3)natural resources  自然资源 
(4)at the hands of  由……导致,出自……之手 
(5)a handful of  少数 
(6)take action to do sth 采取行动做某事 
(7)be vital to  对……至关重要 
(8)generations to come 子孙后代 
When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America,the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife.
当探险者第一次 踏上北美大陆 时,天空和陆地上 充满了种类繁多的野生动物 。
About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.
分析:to purchase...for...作 目的状 语。后面的a fact解释说明前面的情况,that ensures...是 定语 从句,that在其中作 主 语。
译文: 每枚鸭票上的98 美分都直接进入候鸟保护基金,用来购买湿地和野生动物栖息地,以便纳入国家野生动物保护系统——这一事实确保了这片土地将受到保护,并为子孙后代提供可用资源。 