人教版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit4 Space Exploration复习课件(共57张PPT+练习)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit4 Space Exploration复习课件(共57张PPT+练习)
格式 zip
文件大小 315.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-20 18:38:44


英 语
1. launch  vt.& n.发射;发起;上市
2. leap n.跳跃;剧增;剧变
vi.& vt.跳过;跃过
3. desire n.渴望;欲望
4. mankind n.人类
5. signal vt.& vi.标志着;标明;发信号
6. recycle vt.回收利用;再利用
7. float vi.浮动;漂流;漂浮
8. lack n.缺乏;短缺
9. otherwise adv.否则;要不然
10. beyond prep.在更远处;超出
11. current adj.当前的;现在的
12. shallow adj.肤浅的;浅的
13. monitor n.监视器;监测仪
14. facility n.设施;设备
15. keen adj.热衷的;渴望的
16. resource n.资源;财力;物力
17. closing adj.结尾的;结束的
18. attach vt.系;绑;贴
1.astronaut n. 宇航员;太空人 
2.procedure n.  程序;步骤;手续 
3.cm (centimetre) abbr. 厘米 
4.rocket n.  火箭;火箭弹 
5.gravity n.  重力;引力 
6.frontier n.  边境;国界;边远地区 
7.vehicle n.  交通工具;车辆 
8.satellite n.  人造卫星;卫星 
9.orbit n.  (环绕地球、太阳等运行的)轨道;势力范围  
vt.& vi. 沿轨道运行;环绕……运行
10.giant adj.  巨大的;伟大的 
n.  巨人;巨兽;伟人 
11.transmit vt.& vi. 传输;发送 
12.data n.[pl.]  资料;数据 
13.ongoing adj. 持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的 
14.spacecraft n. 航天器;宇宙飞船 
15.spacewalk n. 太空行走;太空行走的时间
16.jade n.  玉;翡翠;玉器 
17.dock vi.& vt. (两架航天器)对接;(使)……进港
n.  码头;船坞 
18.muscle n.  肌肉;实力;影响力 
19.solar adj.  太阳的;太阳能的 
20.sufficient adj. 足够的;充足的 
21.soap n.  肥皂 
22.towel n.  毛巾;抹布 
23.microwave n. 微波炉 
24.tissue n.  纸巾;(人、动植物细胞的)组织 
25.globe n.  地球;世界;地球仪 
26.fatal adj.  致命的;灾难性的 
27.pattern n.  模式;图案;模范 
28.high-end adj. 高端的 
29.foam n.  泡沫橡胶;泡沫 
30.pillow n.  枕头 
31.smartphone n. 智能手机 
32.oxygen n.  氧;氧气 
1. mental  adj.精神的;思想的→ mentally  adv.精神上
2. intelligent  adj.有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的→ intelligently  adv.有智慧地→ intelligence  n.智力;智慧
3. universe  n.宇宙;天地万物→ universal  adj.宇宙的→ universally  adv.普遍地
4. determined  adj.有决心的;意志坚定的→ determine  vt.查明;确定;决定
5. agency  n.(政府的)专门机构;服务机构;代理处→ agent  adj.代理的
6. disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的→ disappoint  vt.(使)失望→ disappointment  n.失望
7. independent adj.独立的;自立的→ independently  adv.独立地;自立地→ independence  n.独立;自主→ depend  vi.依靠
8. argue  vt.& vi.论证;争辩;争论→ argument  n.争论;争吵;论点
9. analysis  n.(对事物的)分析;分析结果→ analyse v.分析
10. regular adj.定期的;经常的;正常的→ regularly  adv.经常;定期地
11. limited  adj.有限的→ limitless  adj.无限的→ limit  vt.& n.限制
12. mystery  n.神秘事物;谜→ mysterious  adj.神秘的
1. carry on   继续做,坚持干
2. on board 在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上
3. in the hope of doing sth 抱着……的希望
4. so as to (do sth) 为了;以便
5. figure out 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白
6.result in   导致;造成 
7.as a result  所以;结果(是) 
8.provide for sb 提供生活所需 
9.in closing  最后 
10.run out  用完;耗尽 
These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,but the desire to explore the universe never died.
2.句式凝练:not only...but also...“不但……而且……”
Despite the difficulties,scientists hope future discoveries will  not only enable us to understand  how the universe began, but also help us survive well into the future.
3.句式凝练:It takes (sb) some time to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间
For example,using current technology, it would take over two years to get to the closest planet,Mars,and back.
一、天体及概念 1.astronomy n.天文学 2.galaxy n.星系 3.latitude n.纬度 4.longitude n.经度 5.equator n.赤道 6.atmosphere n.大气层,大气 7.planet n.行星 二、太空探索人员及设施 1.astronomer n.天文学家 2.shuttle n.飞机 3.space suit太空服 4.space shuttle航天飞机
5.space station太空站;空间站
6.manned spaceship/spacecraft载人飞船
7.unmanned spaceship/spacecraft无人飞船
1.launch a satellite发射人造卫星  2.be sent into space被送入太空
3.have access to space travel能到太空旅行 4.return to the earth返回地球
5.space exploration太空探索 6.make a trip into the Mars到火星上去旅游
7.communication satellite 通信卫星 8.space travel太空旅行
9.send a spacecraft to the moon向月球发射宇宙飞船
10.circle the moon绕月
11.land on the moon登月
12.carry out scientific experiments开展科学实验
13.with the development of science and technology随着科技的发展
14.be proud of the first spaceman—Yang Liwei为第一位宇航员杨利伟而
15.make a successful landing on the moon在月球上成功登陆
1.to one’s shock/astonishment/surprise/amazement令某人吃惊的是
2.in astonishment/surprise/shock/amazement吃惊地
3.in disbelief怀疑地;难以置信地
4.a flash of surprise一丝惊讶
5.express amazement at因……感到惊讶
1.He felt greatly relieved and his joy was immense.
2.He could feel the tension released and a warmth spread through his body.
3.I still remember the shock that rooted me flat against the wall.
4.I stared at him in shock and a faint sound of surprise escaped my throat.
5.When Mary heard the bad news,her eyes widened further and her mouth opened.
Silently and secretly,I slipped into the yard of the old lady.I looked around and there was nothing but silence.Holding my breath,I got the envelope I didn’t sign jammed in her door.As I made my way out,the stone which had hung in my heart for three weeks was eventually gone.I sat on the ground in relief,staring at the sparkling stars smiling to me.I even looked forward to tomorrow’s arrival.
1.Yuan Longping made such a great contribution to  mankind (人类) that he is respected and admired by people all over the world.
2.They are so warm-hearted that they  launched (发起) a campaign to donate food and clothes to people in need.
3.More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities for  lack (缺乏) of space.
4.I paid a visit to Russia which is rich in natural resources(资源) and the travel enriched my horizons.
5.Unfortunately,it’s  beyond (超越) my power to get through the work in such a short time.
1.She is a  determined  girl,so we know that once she has  determined  to do something,she will make her dream come true with great determination.(determine)
2.To my  disappointment ,I saw a  disappointed  expression on his face due to his  disappointing  test score.(disappoint)
3.A person’s life is  limited  but knowledge is  limitless .(limit)
4.There was a heated  argument  about whether he was suitable for the position,and most of the people  argued  for him.(argue)
5.Artificial  intelligence  has been used in phones,which makes them seem to be intelligent.(intelligent)
Although the International Space Station has a long history,astronauts
1. carry on  (继续做) the spacecraft in order to do well in space research 2. on board  (在飞船上).They are always 3. in the hope of (抱着……的希望)exploring the secrets of space,trying to 4. figure out  (弄明白) whether human beings can survive in space for a long time.However,the space station lacks necessary maintenance.As a result,it is easy to 5. result in  (导致) some accidents.In addition,the ground has been difficult to
6. provide for (提供生活所需)astronauts.7. In closing (最后),when life and other items 8.run out(耗尽),it will be closed.
1.参加这次采摘活动,让我意识到工作的重要性。(make sb+形容词)
Participating in this picking activity  makes me aware of the significance of work .
2.他不但成绩好,而且经常帮助别人。(not only...but also...)
He not only studies well but also often helps others.
3.就我而言,任何人要熟悉一个新地方都需要时间。(it takes sb some time to do sth)
As far as I’m concerned, it takes everyone some time to get familiar with  a new place.
1.disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的→disappoint vt.使失望/沮丧→disappointing adj.令人失望的→disappointment n.失望,沮丧
①Judging from his  disappointed  look,his boss was  disappointed  with his  disappointing  performance.So to his  disappointment ,he didn’t get promoted.(disappoint)
②One by one,the applicants left the interviewer’s office with disappointed(disappoint) looks on their faces.
③Much to my  disappointment (disappoint),I found he had told a lie to his mother.
 Disappointed at his failing to win a prize ,he locked himself up in his room.
归纳 (1)be disappointed at/with/by...对……失望
be disappointed to do sth对做某事失望
be disappointed that...对……失望
(2) to one’s disappointment令某人失望的是
佳句 A look of disappointment flashed across his face.
2.desire n.渴望;欲望 vt.& vi.渴望;期望→desirable adj.令人向往的,值得拥有的;可取的
①The ability to speak a foreign language is highly  desirable (desire).
②He desired that measures  (should) be taken (take) to stop pollution.
③I desire  to become (become) a person like those doctors who have made great contributions to the society.
The disappointed twins  desired their father to tell  them how to make sandwiches,and he nodded.
归纳 (1)have a desire to do sth渴望做某事
have a desire for sth渴望得到某物
(2)desire to do sth渴望做某事
desire sb to do sth渴望某人做某事
desire that...(should) do...渴望……
佳句 Knowing you have a strong desire to learn Chinese well,I’d like to offer you some suggestions.
3.lack n.缺乏;短缺 vt.没有;缺乏→lacking adj.短缺的;缺乏的
① Lacking (lack) confidence and experience,Jane was quite at a loss as to how to deal with the terrible situation.(读后续写之情感描写)
②Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and  a lack of exercise.
③ For lack of enough training ,we will have great trouble in winning the coming match.(介词短语)
④ Lacking enough training ,we will have great trouble in winning the coming match.(分词短语)
归纳 (1)for lack of 因缺乏……
a lack of缺乏……
(2)lack+名词 缺乏……
lack for+名词 需求;需要(多用于否定句中)
(3) be lacking in 缺少……
佳句 The lack of enough practice may lead to your failure in the exam.
4.argue vt.& vi.论证;争辩;争论→argument n.论证;论据;争吵
①He often argues  with  his son  about/over  recycling water so as to cut down the water bill.
②When this happens,the important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated  argument (argue).
③I thought I could argue my parents into  allowing (allow) me to use my money as I wished.
④It is argued that steps  (should) be taken (take) to make the road safer.
 It is beyond argument that the Great Wall is the symbol of China.
归纳 (1)argue for/against 据理主张/反对
argue that...(should) do sth主张……
argue with sb about/over sth 与某人争辩某事
argue/talk/persuade sb into/out of doing sth说服某人做/不做某事
(2) beyond argument 无可争辩
佳句 He encouraged me and argued that I should work on the project alone.
5.run out 用完;耗尽
①Worse luck!First,food and drinking water had been  used up before we reached the destination.Then,my husband was driving fast when the car suddenly broke down.It turned out that the gas had  run out/given out . So we had to walk along the road until our strength  gave out .We finally reached a small hotel but unfortunately,we found we had  run out of/used up  our money.
The moment we ran across/into  a cute wild rabbit,we rode our horses and  ran after  it without hesitation.
归纳 (1)run out (of)用完,耗尽
give out耗尽;筋疲力尽
use up用完;耗尽
(2)run into撞进;遭遇;达到
run across偶然遇到;穿过
run after追求;追赶,追逐
点津run out of 是及物动词短语,以人作主语,同use up;run out 是不及物动词短语,以物作主语,同give out;give out 是不及物动词短语,表示物“用完”或人“筋疲力尽”。
6.attach vt.系;绑;贴→attached adj.附加的;依恋的,爱慕的
①Handwriting is of such great importance that everyone should attach great importance to  it.(应用文之活动介绍)
②She found a box lying on the table with a card attached  to  it,saying “Happy birthday”.
③With time going by,Claire seemed to be more  attached (attach) to Tony,the robot.
You can never attach too much importance to reading during the course of learning language.
归纳 (1)attach...to...把……附在……上
attach importance/significance/value/weight/...to...认为……有重要性/意义/价值/分量等
(2)be attached to喜欢,依恋;附属于
佳句 He took out the hammock,attached it to the trees and lay in it comfortably,listening to his favorite music.
★补遗缺 微点练全
A.adj.现在的;当前的 B.adj.流通的 C.n.气流 D.n.潮流
①Some birds use warm air currents to help them fly. C 
②The current money in China is Renminbi. B 
③We should try our best to go with the current of the times. D 
④Students are placed into classes based on their current language skills.
项目 意义 例句
熟义 n.课程;教程 They’re going away on a training course next week.
生义 n.竞赛场地;跑道 Flags mark the course the cyclists will be taking.
生义 n.行动方式;处理方法 What would be an appropriate course (of action) in such a situation
n.进展;进程;经过,过程 It is this event that changed the course of history.
vi.奔流;奔涌;大量流动 A new wave of idealism is coursing through our school.
项目 意义 例句
熟义 n.火箭;火箭发动机;火箭弹 They launched a rocket to the planet Venus.
生义 vi.迅速上升 House prices in the north are rocketing (up).
make sb+形容词(作宾语补足语)
[教材原句] These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,but the desire to explore the universe never died.(P41)
①She let me understand that making others feel good made me  feel (feel) good too.
②She tried her best to make herself  heard (hear) clearly while delivering the speech.
③He failed in the final exam,which made his parents very  disappointed (disappoint).
You must keep your eyes open if you are going to  make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile .
归纳 “make sb+宾语补足语”常见结构如下:
A组 基础必练
1. Lacking (lack) enough training,she was afraid of losing the job opportunity.How she  desired (desire) a job to earn a living!
2.He headed to the bar, signaling (signal) to the girl that she could take part in the campaign launched(launch) by the company.
3.The player selected from the city  leaped/leapt (leap) in the air and waved his fists to the fans as he ran out of the stadium.
4.Lacking physical exercise resulted  in  poor health.However,people are beginning to attach much more importance to  their health than ever before.
5.Travelling abroad was limited  to  rich tourists and wealthy business people decades ago.
B组 高考链接
6.(2022全国乙卷)The more  regularly (regular) they can be inspected,the more railway safety,reliability and on-time performance will be improved.
7.(2022新高考全国Ⅱ卷) As  a result,these writers never get in the habit of crossing out chunks (大块) of their draft and writing revisions in the blank space.
8.(2022新高考全国Ⅱ卷)Levine and his research team selected volunteers aged between 45 and 64 who did not exercise much but were  otherwise healthy.
9.(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Producing food that no one eats wastes the water,fuel,and other  resources (resource) used to grow it.
10.(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)As the twins looked around them in  disappointment (disappoint),their father appeared.
To become 1. an  astronaut,you must go through a strict selection procedure.You need a lot of mental,intelligent and physical training. Besides,you should not only know about 2. the  universe,the solar system and our globe,but also understand rockets,satellites, spacecrafts,gravity and so on.3. In  closing,astronauts must have a 4. determined (determine) will and a strong desire 5. to succeed (succeed).After a spacecraft
6. is launched (launch),make sure it goes in the right orbit.An astronaut
7. on  board has a lot of missions to carry out.He must be able to complete a spacewalk 8. independently (independent) so as to transmit data 9. to  the relevant 10. agencies (agency) on the earth.
1.人类渴望探索宇宙,希望更多地了解宇宙。(desire,in the hope of)
2.因此发射了很多卫星,环绕着地球运行。(as a result,launch)
3.派出宇航员乘坐宇宙飞船进入太空,进行太空行走。(carry on)
4.他们在宇宙飞船上进行科学实验,收集充足的资料。(on board,sufficient data)
7.人们应该重视宇宙的探索,搞清楚未知的问题。(attach,figure out)
Mankind desires to explore the universe in the hope of knowing more about it.As a result,many satellites have been launched,orbiting around the earth.Astronauts have been sent to space by spacecraft and carry on spacewalks.They do experiments on board,collecting sufficient data.Meanwhile,some analyses can be transmitted to the earth.However,as a result of limited resources,there are still many mysteries in the universe.In closing,people should attach importance to the exploration of space to figure out unknown problems.
练续写 锤炼技能
人与野生动物的互动 n. adj. adv. v.
善良 kindness 融洽 harmony 如释重负的relieved 慎重地cautiously 加快
多词语块 尝试做某事attempt to do sth
共同的努力joint efforts
习语语块 与……和谐相处in harmony with
短语架构语块 摇尾巴wag one’s tail
句子组构语块 解救,营救come to one’s rescue
It was a baby monkey  caught  between branches,who was crying for its mother .
We quickened our steps,approached the baby monkey cautiously,and attempted to rescue it .
(3)在我们的共同努力下,小猴子获救了,真是令人欣慰。(get done 结构)
We  were relieved that  the baby monkey  got rescued  with our joint efforts.
(4)它摇着尾巴,好像在向我们表示感谢。(as if to do 引出拟人句)
It wagged its tail  as if to express its gratitude  to us.
(5)我们看到它快乐地奔跑,消失在黑暗中,大笑了起来。(see sb do sth)
 We saw it run happily and disappear in the darkness ,and we burst out laughing.
(6)事实证明,只有我们心怀善意,我们才能与自然和谐相处。(it turned out that;only+状语引起的部分倒装)
 It turned out that only with our kindness can we live  in harmony with nature.
It was a baby monkey caught between branches,who was crying for its mother.Therefore,we quickened our steps,approached the baby monkey cautiously,and attempted to rescue it.We were relieved that the baby monkey got rescued with our joint efforts.Afterwards,it wagged its tail as if to express its gratitude to us.Seeing it run happily and disappear in the darkness,we burst out laughing.It turned out that only with our kindness can we live in harmony with nature. 必修第三册 UNIT4
A study confirmed that the cracks found on Mars’s surface last year by the Curiosity Rover are evidence of ancient lakes that likely dried up about 3.5 billion years ago.The new study provides further evidence of what the climate on the Red Planet may have been like in its ancient past.
The study,published online in Geology,proved that cracks on Mars’s surface previously photographed by Curiosity are dry mud cracks which could have only been formed when wet ground was exposed to the air.This conclusion was based on an analysis of a single area of rock known as “Old Soaker”.
Researchers used the Curiosity Rover and information from its many tools including the Mars Hand Lens Imager,ChemCam Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS) and the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) to study both the physical appearance and the chemistry of the rock,which is described as no bigger than a coffee table.
The analysis showed that cracks on the rocks were formed by exposure to air,rather than heat or the flow of water.In addition,the shape of the cracks suggests it experienced a single drying event on the planet,rather than getting wet and drying over repeatedly.The position of the cracks,closer to the center of the ancient lake rather than alongside it,also suggests that the lake levels changed often,rising and falling over time.
“The mud cracks are exciting because they help us to understand this ancient lake system,” lead study author Nathaniel Stein,a geologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena,said,referring to the ancient lake system on the planet.
Scientists have known of the existence of ancient water on Mars for years.A 2015 NASA study that measured water in Mars’s atmosphere suggested that ancient oceans may once have had more water than our own Arctic Ocean.However,because the planet has less gravity and a thinner atmosphere than Earth,this water evaporated(蒸发) into space over the course of several billion years.
1.What is the Curiosity Rover
A.An organization.  
B.A scientist.
C.A planet.
D.A machine.
2.What do we know about the discovery on Mars
A.The cracks are near the center of an ancient lake.
B.Mars was getting wet and drying more than once.
C.The lake level on Mars seldom changes over time.
D.The cracks on the rocks were formed by water flow.
3.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.Ancient water still exists on Mars now.
B.The gravity on Mars is stronger than that on Earth.
C.The atmosphere on Earth is thicker than that on Mars.
D.The ancient Arctic Ocean had more water than it has now.
4.What is the text mainly about
A.Water on Mars.
B.A trip to Mars.
C.A study on Mars.
D.Cracks on Mars.
What does it take to become an astronaut It’s a question that’s been asked since the start of the Space Age in the 1960s.In those days,pilots were considered the most well-trained professionals,so military fliers were first in line to go to space.More recently,people from a wide range of professional backgrounds—doctors,scientists,and even teachers—have trained to live and work in near-Earth orbit.Even so,those selected to go to space must meet high standards.
People who want to become astronauts must be in top physical condition.Each country’s space program has health requirements for its space travelers.They usually assess a candidate’s fitness to withstand some pretty tough conditions.For example,a good candidate must have the ability to endure the rigors of lift-off and to function in weightlessness.All astronauts must have good visual acuity and normal blood pressure.Beyond that,there is no age limit.Most astronaut trainees are between the ages of 25 and 46,although older people have also flown to space later in their careers.
People who go to space are usually self-confident,risk-takers,adept at stress management and multitasking.They also need to be able to work as part of a team for any given assignment.On Earth,astronauts are usually required to perform various public relations duties,such as speaking to the public,working with other professionals,and sometimes even testifying before government officials.So,astronauts who can relate well to many different kinds of people are seen as valuable team members.
Often,astronauts have a background as scientists and many have high-level degrees,like Ph.Ds.Others have military training or space industry expertise.Regardless of their background,once an astronaut is accepted into a country’s space program,he or she goes through rigorous training to actually live and work in space.
5.Which of the following is of least importance to an astronaut
A.Normal blood pressure.
B.Good eyesight.
C.Tough body.
D.Young age.
6.Why are astronauts asked to perform public duties
A.To make them famous among people.
B.To relieve their feeling of tension.
C.To raise their awareness of teamwork.
D.To promote public interest in the aerospace.
7.What could be the best title for the passage
A.Everyone Can Be an Astronaut
B.The Professional Qualities of an Astronaut
C.Training Astronauts is Much Easier Nowadays
D.It’s Not Mysterious to be an Astronaut
I started cooking when I was thirteen.Both of my parents worked,so I was usually  1  after school.One day,my parents forgot to  2  dinner before they went to work.As we were short of money,eating out was beyond  3 .So I decided to be the  4  of the day.
A few moments later,I  5  to cook fried rice,the best option out of  6  resources,including my cooking knowledge.After  7  a pan on the stove and turning up the heat,it soon began to sizzle.I was so hungry that I  8  and threw everything into the pan all together.In went rice,pieces of meat and vegetables.Little did I know that the  9  of ingredients(食材) was crucial in cooking.I  10  waited for the meat to be thoroughly cooked,but other ingredients were  11 .At first,I mistook it as a steam from cooking,but I soon  12  something went horribly wrong when smoke  13  to fill the kitchen.
Later that day,my mother told me,“You cannot rush yourself when cooking.” Rather,I should take steps,turning to the basics,such as learning about the ingredients and  14  the recipe.
I’ve learned that the first  15  seems hard but we should just start and let the journey teach us.
1.A.alone B.energetic
C.anxious D.excited
2.A.enjoy B.prepare
C.serve D.take
3.A.expectation B.control
C.description D.budget
4.A.owner B.ruler
C.chef D.researcher
5.A.agreed B.settled
C.failed D.switched
6.A.various B.delicious
C.pricey D.limited
7.A.placing B.covering
C.washing D.breaking
8.A.quit B.slept
C.rushed D.collapsed
9.A.standard B.order
C.quality D.amount
10.A.proudly B.unconsciously
C.fearfully D.eagerly
11.A.burning B.exploding
C.disappearing D.mixing
12.A.insisted B.declared
C.grasped D.explained
13.A.stopped B.reduced
C.existed D.emerged
14.A.working on B.fixing on
C.referring to D.contributing to
15.A.race B.try
C.route D.ride
必修第三册 UNIT4
1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知这项发表在《地质学》杂志网络版上的研究证明,之前“好奇号”拍摄到的火星表面的裂缝是干泥裂缝,只有在潮湿的地面暴露在空气中时才会形成。由此可知,CuriosityRover是火星探测器。
2.A 细节理解题。根据第四段中“Thepositionofthecracks,closertothecenteroftheancientlakeratherthanalongsideit,alsosuggeststhatthelakelevelschangedoften,risingandfallingovertime.”可知,这些裂缝靠近一个古湖的中心。
3.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“However,becausetheplanethaslessgravityandathinneratmospherethanEarth”可知,地球的大气层比火星的厚。
4.D 主旨大意题。根据第一段内容以及下文对该裂缝的分析,可知,这篇文章是关于火星裂缝的。故选D项。
5.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Beyondthat,thereisnoagelimit.Mostastronauttraineesarebetweentheagesof25and46,althougholderpeoplehavealsoflowntospacelaterintheircareers.”可知,成为宇航员并没有严格的年龄限制,甚至有人在年龄较大的时候也飞向过太空,可知相比其他条件,年龄对于宇航员是最不重要的。
6.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中“Theyalsoneedtobeabletoworkaspartofateam...So,astronautswhocanrelatewelltomanydifferentkindsofpeopleareseenasvaluableteammembers.”可知,宇航员被要求履行公共职责是锻炼他们的团队合作能力,提高他们的团队合作意识,使他们成为团队中有价值的成员。
7.B 主旨大意题。文章第一句“Whatdoesittaketobecomeanastronaut ”以设问的方式引起下文,是文章的主旨句,接下来具体分析了成为一名宇航员需要具备的专业素质,包括身体素质、心理素质、专业知识等,所以B项“宇航员的职业素质”概括了文章内容,适合作为标题。
1.A 根据上文“Bothofmyparentsworked”可知“我”的父母都在工作,所以说放学后没人陪“我”,“我”独自在家。
2.B 根据下文“SoIdecidedtobethe 4 oftheday.”可知,“我”要自己当厨师,所以说是父母没有准备晚饭给“我”,“我”只有自己做饭吃。
3.D 根据上文“Aswewereshortofmoney”可知,“我”们缺钱,所以出去吃饭太贵了,超出预算范围。
4.C 根据上文可知,父母没有给“我”做饭,“我”们又缺钱,不能外出吃饭,所以“我”只有自己当厨师做饭吃。
5.B 根据上文“SoIdecidedtobethe 4 oftheday.”可知,“我”要自己当厨师,所以“我”想了一会儿之后,决定做炒饭。
6.D 根据上文“Afewmomentslater,I 5 tocookfriedrice”和下文“includingmycookingknowledge”可知,“我”决定做炒饭。因为做炒饭比较简单,“我”又是第一次做饭,没有什么烹饪知识,所以说资源有限。
7.A 根据常识和下文“andturninguptheheat”可知,做饭要先把锅放在炉子上,再加热。
8.C 根据上文“Iwassohungry”可知,“我”很饿,很着急把饭做好,所以“我”很仓促,表明“我”急迫的心情。
9.B 根据下文“我”急切地等待着肉被完全煮熟,但其他的配料烧糊了。可知,“我”把食材一起都放在锅里了,所以说“我”几乎不知道食材的顺序在烹饪中至关重要。
10.D 根据上文“SoIdecidedtobethe 4 oftheday.”及“Iwassohungry”可知,自己第一次当厨师且很饿,所以“我”热切地等待着肉被完全煮熟。
11.A 根据下文可知,正在做的菜在冒白烟,所以说菜被烧煳了。
12.C 根据上下文可知,开始“我”误以为这是烹饪过程中产生的蒸汽,所以当知道是烟充满厨房时,“我”很快就明白了真相。
13.D 参考上题解析。
14.C 根据上文可知,“我”要学做饭应该先学基础知识,所以要参考食谱。
15.B 根据上文“SoIdecidedtobethe 4 oftheday.”可知,“我”要自己当厨师,所以这是“我”的第一次当厨师的尝试。