高考英语 高三一轮复习 Unit 4 History and traditions 课件 新人教版 必修2


名称 高考英语 高三一轮复习 Unit 4 History and traditions 课件 新人教版 必修2
格式 pptx
文件大小 6.1MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-22 11:00:37



人教版 必修2 unit 4 History and traditions
单元词汇 词汇练习
语法复习 重点句子
试题点拨 每课一练
philosophy -- philosopher -- principle -- lesson
descendant -- offspring -- youngsters -- ancestor
individual -- individualism -- individuality -- separate -- personal -- single -- distinctive
heel -- sole -- foot -- shoe
kingdom -- empire -- country -- class -- group -- territory
chief -- main -- leader -- head
puzzle -- confusion -- mystery -- puzzled -- puzzling
belong -- belongings -- location -- situation
military -- army -- force -- troops -- soldier
defence -- fence -- protect -- offence --
legal -- illegal -- legally -- lawful -- lawyer -- justice
surround -- round -- around -- wrap -- envelop -- enclose -- encircle
evidence -- proof -- witness -- evident -- obvious
achievement -- achieve -- attain -- fulfill -- accomplish -- complete
location -- located -- position -- region -- site
conquer -- overcome -- defeat -- seize
battle -- fight -- struggle -- campaign
fascinate -- fascinating -- fascinated -- fascination
charge -- recharge -- charger -- rush -- accuse -- complain -- blame -- load -- duty
announce -- announcer -- announcement -- broadcast -- declare -- inform
approach -- near -- access -- resolution
ensure -- assure -- insure
generous -- generosity -- unselfish -- selfless -- mean
position -- location -- situation -- post -- job
courtyard -- court -- yard
eager -- anxious -- keen -- willing -- eagerness
poet -- poem -- poetry
roll -- rolling -- turn -- wheel -- rotate -- wind -- spiral
greet -- greeting -- welcome -- address -- salute
custom -- customs -- tradition -- habit -- practice
striking -- obvious -- attractive -- remarkable -- noticeable
1. life philosophy life lesson life principle
2. individual freedom/ cases/leaf /member individual dressing style
3. Achilles’ heel pull one’s leg shake a leg break a leg
4. the United Kingdom the animal kingdom
5. chief reason police chief chief editor too many chiefs and not enough Indians
6. puzzle over/ about a crossword puzzle
7. join --- to join sb(in sth) join a group/club
8. break away from break down/up break out/in
9. belong to spl/sb belong here a sense of belonging
10. as well/good as as well as far as
11. legal system/advice legal holiday
12. be surrounded by surround oneself with
13. a sense of achievement
14. be located in locate the fault /sth/sb locate business in
15. conquer a country conquer the people/sb /mountain
16. fight a battle fight a losing battle batter against/for sth/sb
17. keep your eyes open keep an eye on catch one’s eye
18. in charge (of) take charge of charge sb with sth charge sb money for sth free of charge charge at sb charge batteries on charge charge ---with ---
19. make an announcement announce sth to sb announce one’s arrival announce sb
20. an amount of time/money amount to 3 million
21. approach sb for sth an approach to spl/problem/doing
22. be generous with time/money be generous in doing
23. in position body position social position hold a position in one’s position take a position position sth
24. be eager to do/for be anxious to do/for be keen to do be keen on sb/doing be willing to do
25. a toilet roll a roll of film the honor roll roll down/up
26. on the dot be dotted with
27. greet sb with in greeting birthday greetings
28. crowd --- with crowd into/around a crowd of be crowded with be packed with be full of be filled with
1. They share the same currency and m defence.
2. They have different education systems and l systems.
3. You will surrounded by e of four different groups of people who took over.
4. I still can list some l of the relevant events.
5. London is an ancient port city that has a history d all the way back to Roman times.
6. The UK is a f mix of history and modern culture.
7. The driver had to find a place to have the car battery c .
8. With the holiday a , the boys became excited.
9. The young people attracted by the Legend watched over the lake with their cameras and binoculars p on the hill.
10. It’s a feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills d with sheep and cattle.
keys: military legal evidence locations dating fascinating charged approaching positioned dotted
They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack.
The United Kingdom has a long and interesting history to explore, which can help you understand much more about the country and its traditions.
Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.
The vikings came in the eighth century, left behind lots of new vocabulary, and also the names of many locations across the UK.
They had castles built all around England, and made changes to the legal system.
Its beautiful countryside excites and inspires all, offering something for each of the senses.
The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.
On his return from his college, he found the house deserted.
The building being built now will be our library.
Harry got her bad tooth extracted in the hospital.
I like reading books written by Lu Xun.
Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.
Most people just use the shortened name: the United Kingdom, or UK.
They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack.
Much time _____ (spend)sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.
It was a generally_____ (hold) view only one hundred years ago in England.
With his attention _______ (focus) on his book, he didn’t notice what had happened.
I’d like to have this package________(weigh)
The problem ________(discuss) is of much importance. We are waiting for its result.
The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ (seat) as the plane was making a landing.
She ought to be praised instead of ________(criticize).
keys: spent held focused weighed being discussed seated being criticized
试题点拨---阅读 文章标题的选择
--- we have a once-a-day pill that can reduce the risk of cancer
--- the coverage has been relatively controlled --- why
---familiarity leads to contempt
---if a major medical company had invented this pill ---
---it’s cheap and no profit
---two doctors fought shy of urging aspirin
---have to wait for official guidelines
1. What is the best title for the text
A. The pill that prevents cancer. B. Study that starts a evolution
C. Advice that reduces cancer risks D. the company that produces cheap pills
解析: 选标题要看文章的结构和中心。比如这篇文章由“阿司匹林的宣传关注度不高”引出疑问,然后从不同的角度解释为什么阿司匹林不受重视。所以A项最能体现文章的内容和中心。
试题点拨---小作文 邀请信
假如你是校报英文版的编辑。你要给外教Mr Brown写一封邮件,请Mr Brown 给英文栏目Tour across the world投稿,希望他介绍一下在国外的风土人情和旅游方面的建议。
Dear Mr Brown,
Yours Li Hua
Dear Mr Brown,
I’m the editor of our school newspaper and I’m writing to invite you to write some essays for our English column, Tour Across the World.
Our column is to giving our students an insight of the cultures and scenes around the world, broadening their horizons and enriching their life. So your essays should be about travelling, such as the local landscapes and the customs of the iconic attractions. If any, would you please include some travelling tips in your essays It would be appreciated.
Looking forward to your essays.
Yours Li Hua
Everyday Sayings
Justice has long arms.
法网恢恢, 疏而不漏。
Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps.