人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Language points 课件(30张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Language points 课件(30张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 412.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-23 18:48:17



1. There comes a time when the old must give way to new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
There comes a time when … 这个句子中包含了由when引导的限制性定语从句,修饰的是先行词a time。
eg This is a time when people can get a lot of
information from the Internet.
give way to: to stop resisting sb./sth.; to agree to do sth. that you do not want to do 让步;屈服
eg The company finally gave way to the customer’s complaints.
【拓展】 与give相关的短语
give up 放弃
give away 分发,捐赠;泄露
give back 还给,恢复(健康等)
give in 交上,让步
give in to 屈服于;向……让步
give off 发出(光、热、气味等)
give out 用完;耗尽;发出
1) When they saw that they were surrounded by the enemy, they __________.
2) That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and __________ a lot of money to the people there.
3) The bad apples ___________ a bad smell.
4) The argument went on for hours because neither side would ___________.
5) Tom's legs ___________ and he couldn't go any farther.
gave up
gave away
are giving off
give in
gave out
2. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
balance n. A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. 平衡; 均匀
eg I lost my balance and fell on my face.
balance vt. 使平衡
eg She was balancing a plate of food on her knees.
lose one’s balance 失去平衡
keep one’s balance 保持平衡
keep a balance between A and B 在A和B之间保持平衡
1) She cycled too fast round the corner, lost her balance and fell off.
2) Do you believe it Mike said he could balance a pencil on the end of his nose.
The company made a loss of 250,000 dollars last year.
He told the police about the loss of his car.
be at a loss 不知所措;困惑
I'm at a loss what to do next.

3. Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.
lead to: to result in (something) 导致; 造成(后果); 通向
lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事
lead sb. to place. 带领某人去某地
lead the way 引路, 带路
lead/live/have a...life 过着……样的生活
1) 吃太多的糖会引起健康问题。
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.
2) 这条路通向公园。
The road leads to the park.
3) 她带领我们到了楼上的房间。
She led us to a room upstairs.
4. But the proposal led to protests.
proposal n. a plan or suggestion which is made formally to an official person or group, or the act of making it 提议;建议
make / put forward a proposal 提出建议
eg The committee made / put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit.
I welcome the proposal to reduce taxes for the poorly paid.
注:proposal后常加to do形式,补充说明proposal的内容。
protest :vi. & vt. (公开)反对,抗议(常与about,against或at连用)
eg A lot of people protested about the new working hours.
They were protesting against cuts in health spending.
Many people have protested at the cuts in state benefits.
1) The tourists protested about the bad service at the restaurant.
2) She accepted the charge without protest.
5. A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
limit vt. to control something so that it is not greater than a particular amount, number or level 限定, 限制
n. 限制, 限度
limit...to... 把……限制在……范围内
be limited to... 局限于……
a time/speed/age limit 时间/速度/年龄限制
within limits 在某种程度上; 有一定限制
set a limit on 对……加以限制
beyond the limit 超过限度
limited adj. 有限的
limitation n. 限制;控制
1) My wife and I __________ (定了一个限额) on how much we spend on clothes.
2) I ______________ two cups of coffee a day.
3) They told us that we could do whatever we liked, ___________________ (在一定限度内).
set a limit
limit myself to
within (certain) limits
prevent vt. to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something 阻止;阻碍;阻挠
prevent … from … 阻止;不准 (有时可省略from)
eg Your quick action prevented a serious accident.
My back injury may prevent me (from) playing in tomorrow’s game.
stop ... from ... 阻止……做……
keep ... from ... 阻止……做……
prevent和stop后的from 都可以省略,但在被动语态中不能省略from。而keep ... from doing sth.中的from则不能省略,如果省略了,其意义将发生改变。
6. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.
contribution n. something that you give or do in order to help something be successful 捐款;贡献;捐赠
make a contribution to / towards sth. 对……作出贡献
eg The young man has made an important contribution to the company’s success.
All the money has been raised by voluntary contribution.
contribute vi. & vt. 捐献,捐助,捐赠
contribute to … 促成;有助于
contribute … to … 把……捐献给……
eg I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.
They say they would like to contribute more to charity, but money is tight this year.
1) Many local businesses contributed to the school rebuilding fund.
2) Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness.
3) This invention made a major contribution to road safety.
7. Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.
donate … to … 向……捐赠……
Last year he donated $1,000 to cancer research.
donate vt. to give something, especially money, to a person or an organization in order to help them 捐赠;赠送;献(血)
eg The appeal for people to donate blood was very successful.
8. Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam
attempt n.企图;试图;尝试
vt. to try to do something, especially something difficult 企图;试图;尝试
make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事at the first attempt 第一次尝试
attempt (v.) sth. / to do sth. 尝试某事/做某事
1) I’ll attempt ___________ (answer) all your questions.
2) Every year about 40,000 people ________ (尝试) to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. (2019全国卷I)
to answer
3) If you fail _____ the first attempt, there is no need to care about that.
9. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
这是一个由not only…but also…所连接的复合句。not only这半句要部分倒装
Not only does she speak Spanish, she's also good with computers.
Not only ...but also...的倒装句“_______ 倒(装)________ 不倒(装)”,
当连接并列两个主语时,_______ 倒装。
not only
but also
Not only ________ seriously polluted, but also ____________ crowded.
A. did the city, were the streets
B. was the city, the streets were
C. the city was, were the streets
D. the city was, the streets were
(1)The teachers are happy with the results,so are the students.
→ Not   only   are  the teachers happy with the results, but  the students are satisfied with the results.
(2)Not only the students but also the teacher was invited.
→The teacher as well as the students was invited.
此句也可写成:The countries had not only found a path…, but had also learnt that…
eg Only then did she realise that she was wrong.
10.worthwhile (adj):值得做的;值得花时间的
I think it worthwhile to go for our dreams.
It is worthwhile to continue the project.
It is worthwhile continuing the project.
辨析:be worth doing sth .....值得被做
The film is worth seeing.
The book is worth reading.
11.be likely to do sth可能做某事
It is very likely to rain.
I am very likely to succeed this time.