Unit2Listening and Talking(课件+教学设计)新人教版必修一Unit 2 Travelling Around


名称 Unit2Listening and Talking(课件+教学设计)新人教版必修一Unit 2 Travelling Around
格式 zip
文件大小 5.3MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-25 17:37:57


Unit 2 Travelling Around
Listening and Talking
If I have the chance to travel any where in the world, I will go to Neuschwanstein castle , Germany, which is the model of Disneyland in America. What do I need to prepare for the trip Can you help me
Prepare for a trip
get a passport
book hotel room
rent a car
buy a guidebook
research local weather
apply for a visa
Do you know how to make reservations
Have you ever made reservations
book air tickets
book a hotel room
What comes to your mind if you make a reservation for a trip
phone number
Activity1 Brain Strom
To get the main idea of a dialogue, you should listen and make notes of the following information.
Who You can know their relationship from their address/greeting/tone.
When Write down the time you hear.
Where Guess the place from their talking.
What Make notes of the people and related things they are talking.
Listen to the phone call and answer the questions.
What are the two speakers talking about
What is the relationship between the two speakers
They are talking about buying a plane ticket.
One of the people in the conversation is a customer, while the other is an airline reservation agent.
2. Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear.
Opening __________ can I help you ____________to buy a plane ticket...
Talking about time ____________are you travelling On the 23rd of December.
I’d like
On what date
Making reservations
Talking about what you prefer There are two flights... Which ________ _________ Would ________ travel business class or economy ______________ book a return flight this time
The 9:30 flight, please.
___________ to travel
business class.
No, _________. I'm taking the train back.
n. 经济;节约
do you
you like to
I’d like
Would you like to
thank you
Other information _________ your name, sir Robert Williams.
Payment ___________________________ to pay By credit card.
May I have
May I ask how would you like
3. Please read through the table and see how their dialogue developed.
Making reservations - hotel
How can I help you --I would like to make a reservation.
Would you like a single or a double --I would like …
How many nights will you be staying --We will stay for …
How will you be paying --I will be paying in cash
Would you like a wake-up call --Sure
other useful expressions to making reservations
Do you have any special requests --
Making reservations - restaurant
How can I help you
----I would like to make a reservation for two.
What day would you like the reservation
----For tomorrow at night
Can I have your telephone number
----Yes, it is …
Do you have any special requests
Imagine you are making plans for the holiday.
Choose one of the situations and discuss how to make plans and make reservation.
Activity4 Group work: discussing and talking
Booking air tickets
travel date(s)
preferred time
one-way or return
Flight class
first class
business class
economy class
Other information
name method of payment
Booking a hotel room
check in/check out
Kind of room
2 single room
double bed
king bed
Special requests
a view a non-smoking room
a quiet room
Booking a table for dinner
number of people
Special requests
non-smoking area
high chair(s)
other: _______
Talking TimeSelf-evaluation
1. Can you make a reservation by
2. Do you remember the following key expressions of this part
标准间 / 双人间
豪华房 / 高级房
1. by credit card
2. in cash
3. check in/out
4. method of payment
5. preferred time
6. first class
7. business class
8. economy class
9. single beds
10. double bed
11. king bed
12. special requests
Share your dialogue with the class.第3课时 Listening and Talking
步骤 教学活动 设计意图 核心素养提升点
Step1 Lead in 设置情景,让学生回忆复习前两节课的内容,并引入本节课的话题T:If I have the chance to travel any where in the world, I will go to Neuschwanstein castle , Germany, which is the model of Disneyland in America. What do I need to prepare for the trip Can you help me T:Do you know how to make reservations 激活学生知识储备,引导学生参与话题
Step2Pre-listening Activity1:Brain storm T:What comes to your mind if you make a reservation for a trip 学生讨论在制定旅行计划时需要提前预定哪些项目,通过头脑风暴激活与话题有关的词汇 学习能力:有学习动力
Step3While listening Activity2: ListeningListen to the phone call and answer the questions.Activity3:Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear.T: Please read through the table and see how their dialogue developed. 听力包含听力理解和听力填空活动,教师引导学生除了关注主要内容外,还需从对话的环境、语言的正式程度、语气推测听力内容,再进行判断推理。听完之后教师引导学生归纳预定机票的要点,为对话创编提供参照 语言能力:获取、概括信息;辨别语篇的文体;推断作者的情感、态度;构建恰当的交际角色和人际关系。思维品质:辨别信息
Step 4 Talking Activity4: Group work: discussing and talking.Imagine you are making plans for the holiday.Choose one of the situations and discuss how to make plans and make reservation. 学生结对,根据活动3所提供的信息创编对话。教师提供一些语言支持,并提醒学生可以用现在进行时表示将来的计划和安排。 语言能力:传递信息,表达个人观点,体现意图;构建恰当的人际角色和人际关系。
Step5Self- evaluation 呈现自我评价参照项目:1. Can you make a reservation by yourself 2. Do you remember the following key expressions of this part 提倡学生自评,发现和分析学习中的具体问题。 学习能力:积极反思思维品质:归纳,构建知识网络
Step6Homework Share your dialogue with the class.
Blackboard design
How to make a reservation for a flight