Unit2 Listening and Speaking & Discover useful struture(课件+教学设计)新人教版必修一Unit 2 Travelling Around


名称 Unit2 Listening and Speaking & Discover useful struture(课件+教学设计)新人教版必修一Unit 2 Travelling Around
格式 zip
文件大小 10.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-25 17:37:49


第1-2课时 Listening and Speaking & Discover Useful Structure
步骤 教学活动 设计意图 核心素养提升点
Step1 Lead in 呈现问题,引导学生参与话题讨论,并引入引言。T:Do you like travelling 引导学生参与话题,形成期待,并理解旅游对意义。
Step2Pre-listening Activity1:Speak out the name of some tourist attractions. T:Do you know the following tourist attraction Activity2:Talking and Sharing If you have the chance to travel anywhere in the world, where will you go What do we need to do to prepare for the trip 通过识别图片,欣赏著名的旅游景点,过渡到讨论旅游前的准备,为后续的听力活动做好铺垫。 文化意识:感知中外旅游景点及背后的文化,坚定文化自信,具有国际视野
Step3While listening Activity31. Listen to the first part of the conversation and choose the correct answers.T: predict and focus on key words2.Listen to the second part of the conversation and answer the questions3.Listen to the whole conversation again and fill in the table below. 该活动属于听力理解活动。学生在教师对引导下通过问题推测听力内容,并完成任务,以此训练理解和判断的思维能力。 语言能力:获取、概括信息;辨别语篇的文体;构建恰当的交际角色和人际关系。思维品质:辨别信息学习能力:掌握英语学习的策略和方法
Step 4 After listening Activity4: Listen to the whole conversation again then fill in the blanks. Focus on the tense(时态) while listening. 通过这一活动引导学生发现本单元的目标语法结构。 语言能力:获取信息
Step 5 Discovering Useful Structures 学生观察句子,教师引导学生在具体对语境下关注句子使用的时态和说明的时间。 让学生发现而后归纳现在进行时表示将来计划的用法 语言能力:分析归纳信息。思维品质:通过比较,识别不同信息,分析信息之间的内在关联,归纳并构建新的概念学习能力:自主学习,举一反三
Activity5: PracticeRead the conversation and underline verbs in the present continuous tense. Discuss with your partner when and how these verbs are used. 让学生找出用现在进行时表示将来的句子,同伴互相核对答案并讨论,进一步加深对这语法功能的理解 学习能力:学习能力:掌握英语学习的策略和方法;合作学习
Activity6: Read the sentences and tick those that express future plans. Rewrite them in the present continuous tense. 让学生改写句子,并尝试总结第二和第四小题不能用现在进行时改写的原因 语言能力:整合运用已有的英语语言知识;思维品质:辨别信息
Step6Summary How to talk about travel plans with a partner Translate the sentences into English.How are you getting ready for the trip 将听力理解内容和语法知识梳理出来,为下一步学生口语输出做准备 语言能力:概括、归纳信息
Step7Speaking Activity6: Group workChoose a travel destination and think about what you would do to prepare to travel there. Make a dialogue with a partner about your travel plan. 让学生创编对话,将输入内化后输出 语言能力:传递信息,表达个人观点,构建恰当的交际角色和人际关系。学习能力:合作学习
Step8Self- evaluation 呈现自我评价参照项目:1. Can you get the main idea with the help of key words while listening 2. Do you know what you need to prepare for a trip Can you make a good plan 3.Can you talk about your future plans, using the present continuous tense 提倡学生自评,发现和分析学习中的具体问题 学习能力:积极反思思维品质:归纳,构建知识网络
Step9Homework Fill in the blank according your dialogue with your partner, then write down his/her travel plan. 作业是将dialogue转化成Presentation,及时巩固(共32张PPT)
Unit 2 Travelling Around
Listening and speaking
Discovering Useful Structures
Lead inDo you like travelling Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.--Francis Bacon旅行,于年轻人而言,是教育的一部分,余年长者而言,则是一种经历读万卷书,行万里路
Do you know
Do you know the following tourist attraction
Speak out their names.
Tian’anmen Square
the Forbidden City
the Eiffel Tower
Leaning Tower of Pisa
the Great Wall
He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。
Mount Tai
Lijiang, China
Activity2: Talking and Sharing
1. If you have the chance to travel anywhere in the world, where will you go
P 24 1
Possible answer: If I had the chance to travel anywhere in the world, I would go to…,because….
choose a destination
2. What do we need to do to prepare for the trip
P 24 2
choose a destination
collect information
make travel arrangement
go online to look at travel website
ask people who have been there
book tickets
rent a car
buy a guidebook
research the local weather
go abroad:
get a passport / apply for visa
1 get a passport
2 apply for a visa
3 book flight tickets
4 book a hotel room
5 rent a car
6 buy a guidebook
7 pack some clothes
8 research the local weather
【Preparing for a trip】
Paul and Meilin are talking about the coming holiday. Listen to the first part of the conversation and choose the correct answers.
focus on the main idea
listen for key words
【Conversation 1】
Tip: predict and focus on key words
Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday.
A. Germany. B. England C. Iceland D. France
How is she going to get there
A. By sea. B. By air. C. By train.
How is she planning to get around after she arrives
A. By car. B. By train. C. On foot.
P 24 2
travel destination(目的地)
【Conversation 2】
1. Where is Paul's family going over the
2. Why are they going there
Lijiang in Yunnan, China.
One of his father's _______lives there and he ______them________.
Tip: predict and focus on key words
to visit
P 24 3
travel destination(目的地)
travel reasons(原因)
Listen to the second part of the conversation and answer the questions.
Listen to the whole conversation again and
fill in the table below.
Get her passport
______ for her visa
______ air tickets online
_____ a car
_____ a few light sweaters
and a coat
_____ a guidebook
P 24 4
How are Meilin and Paul getting ready for the trip
Travel Preparations
Listen to the whole conversation again then fill in the blanks. Focus on the tense(时态) while listening.
【Conversation 1】
Paul: Hey, Melin! So what ______________ for the coming holiday
Melin: I _____________ around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
Paul: Europe Oh, I've always wanted to go there!
Melin: Yes, me, too. I'm so excited. I _____________to visit France and Germany.
Paul: That's wonderful! Do you have your passport and visa already
Melin: I already have my passport, and I ____________ for my visa tomorrow. Once I get the visa, we'll book flight tickets online.
Paul: So how do you plan to travel around
Melin: We ____________ a car and driving! My uncle has always wanted to drive around Europe!
are you doing
am travelling
am planning
am applying
are renting
【Conversation 2】
Melin: So what about you, Paul Do you have any travel plans
Paul: Yes, actually! My parents _____________ me to Yunnan Province in China to visit Lijiang!
Melin: Lijiang That's quiet famous in China.
Paul: Yes, one of father's friends lives there. He invited us to visit.
Melin: Oh, that's nice! So what's the weather like there
Paul: It should be pleasant during the day, but it might be cold at night, so I______________ a few light sweaters and a coat.
Melin: What__________________ to see there
Paul: Well, I'm definitely going to see the Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain. Other than that, I'm not sure. I ______________ a Lijiang guidebook today, actually.
are taking
am taking
are you planning
am buying
be doing (the Present Continuous Tense)
So what are you doing for the coming holiday
---I am travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
I am applying for my visa tomorrow.
Discovering Useful Structures
the tense
is used to talk about a plan.
What do you think the Present Continuous Tense in the sentences expresses
You may have some ideas about the use of Present Continuous Tense. Now, read the following dialogue to make your ideas much clearer.
Activity5 Practice
Read the conversation and underline verbs in the present continuous tense. Discuss with your partner when and how these verbs are used.
Amy: Hello, Jeremy! What are you doing this weekend
Jeremy: Hi, Amy! Some friends and I are going to that new
water park on Saturday. Do you want to join us
Amy: Sure, I’d love to! What time and where
Jeremy: We’re meeting at 10:00 a.m. at the bus stop near our
Amy: How about lunch Are you eating there at the water
Jeremy: Well, I’m bringing my own lunch. I think some of
the others are eating at the park, but the food there
is really expensive.
These verbs are used to talk about arrangements for events at a later time than now.
Rewrite them in the present continuous tense.
Activity6 Read the sentences and tick those that express future plans.
P28 3
1. ___ I've just booked my air ticket! I'll visit my
grandparents in December.
2. ___ Gary might visit China next year, but he's
still not sure.
3. ___ Kate has been invited to a meeting in Iceland.
She will apply for a visa soon.
4. ___ Could you help me with this box, please I'm
afraid I'm going to drop it.
5. ___ A: Hey, are you free for dinner tonight
B: I'm sorry, no. I'll have dinner with my
cousins tonight.
I've just booked my air ticket! I'm visiting my grandparents in December.
Kate has been invited to a meeting in
Iceland. She's applying for a visa soon.
A: Hey, are you free for dinner tonight
B: I'm sorry, no. I'm having dinner with my
cousins tonight.
Sentence2 and 4 cannot rewrite in the present continuous tense. Why
be doing与一般将来时will do表示即将发生的事情时,will更强调个人意愿和瞬间的决定。
A: Oh, it’s 8:20. I’m going to be late for my class.
I’m giving my students a very important test
this morning.
B: Honey, don’t worry. I’ll drive you to your
school right away.
be doing表将来与一般将来时will do的区别
be doing、be going to do都可以表示即将要做的事情。前者更强调事先计划好的安排、确定要做的事情;后者表示说话者的打算和意图,还可以表示根据当前情况作出的预言。如:
A: Hey, your room is really a mess.
B1: I know. I’m cleaning it this afternoon.
B2: I know. I’m going to clean it.
be doing表将来与一般将来时be going to do的区别
How to talk about travel plans with a partner
1 (目的地) 你假期准备去哪里?
Where are you going for the comimg holiday
How are you going to get there
2 (交通方式)你准备怎么去那里?
3 (原因)你为什么要去那里?
Why are you going there
4 (时间)你什么时候要去那里?
When are you going there
get a passport
apply for a visa
book tickets
pack some clothes
book a hotel room
rent a car
buy a guidebook
research the local weather
How are you getting ready for the trip
Choose a travel destination and think about what you would do to prepare to travel there. Make a dialogue with a partner about your travel plan.
Activity7 Group work--Speaking
A: Hi…, where are you going for your holiday
B: Hi…, I am planning to travel to _________.
A: It sounds great! But why are you going there
B: Because it is famous for _________, such as________.
A: Woo, that is amazing. How are you getting there
B: I am going there by…
A: How are you getting ready for the trip
B: Well, I have ... More importantly, I have …
A: What are you planning to see there
B: Well, I’m looking forward to...
A: …
B: …
Where: Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Why famous: the model for the castle in Disneyland
Best time to visit: September/October (autumn)
Where: Jiuzhaigou, China
Why famous: amazing waterfalls, colorful lakes, beautiful mountains
Best time to visit: April/May or September/October
1. Can you get the main idea with the help of key words while listening
2. Do you know what you need to prepare for a trip Can you make a good plan
3.Can you talk about your future plans,
using the present continuous tense
Name Where are you going for the coming holiday What is it famous for How are you getting there How are you getting ready for the trip

Fill in the blank according your dialogue with your partner, then write down his/her travel plan.
______ is going to ____ . ______ is famous for _____. He/She is going there by _____. …