人教版(2019) 必修 第二册UNIT 3 THE INTERNET复习课件(共106张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册UNIT 3 THE INTERNET复习课件(共106张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-26 16:53:03



1.blog n.       博客
vi. 写博客
2.engine n. 引擎;发动机;火车头
3.chat vi. 聊天;闲聊
4.stream vt. 流播(不用下载直接在互联网上播放音视频);
vi. 流动
n. 小河;溪流
5.cash n. 现金;金钱
6.update vt. 更新;向……提供最新信息
n. 更新;最新消息
7.stuck adj. 卡住;陷(入);困(于)
8.surf vt.&vi. 浏览;冲浪
9.tough adj. 艰难的;严厉的
10.plus conj. 而且;此外
n. 加号;优势
prep. 加;另加
11.press vt. 按,压;敦促
12.file n. 文件;文件夹;档案
13.click vt.&vi. 点击
14.target n. 目标;对象;靶子
vt. 把……作为攻击目标
15.false adj. 假的;错误的
16.upset adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的
vt. 使烦恼;使生气;搅乱
17.author n. 作者;作家
18.tip n. 忠告;诀窍;实用的提示
19.case n. 盒;箱;情况;案件
1.identity n.      身份;个性
2.database n. 数据库;资料库
3.software n. 软件
4.network n. (互联)网络;网状系统;人际网
vt. 将……连接成网络;联播
vi. 建立工作关系
5.charity n. 慈善;慈善机构(或组织)
6.province n. 省
7.conference n. 会议;研讨会;正式会谈
8.resident n. 居民;(美国的)住院医生
adj. (在某地)居住的
9.function n. 功能;作用;机能
vi. 起作用;正常工作;运转
10.battery n. 电池
11.confirm vt. 确认;使确信
12.button n. 按钮;纽扣
13.discount n. 折扣
vt. 打折
14.account n. 账户;描述
15.privacy n. 隐私;私密
16.cyberbully n. 网霸
vt.&vi. 网络欺凌
17.guideline n. 准则;指导原则
18.familiar adj. 熟悉;熟知
19.define vt. 给……下定义;界定;解释
1.convenient adj.方便的;近便的→ n.便利;方便
2.benefit n.益处 vt.使受益vi.得益于→ adj.有益的;有帮助的
3.distant adj.遥远的;远处的→ n.距离
4.inspire vt.鼓舞;激励;启发思考→ adj.受到启发的→__________ adj.鼓舞人心的→ n.灵感;激励
5.access vt.进入;使用;获取n.通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会;权利→ adj.可到达的;可接近的;可利用的
6.theft n.偷(窃);盗窃罪→ n.小偷
7.rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的→ adv.粗鲁地→ n.粗鲁;粗暴
8.particular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的→ adv.特别地
9.embarrass vt.使尴尬;使难堪→ adj.让人难堪(尴尬;害羞)的 → adj.感到尴尬的;难堪的
①chat vi.& n.    聊天;闲聊
②whisper vi. 小声说;耳语
③speak vi.& vt. 说;演讲;发言
④inform vt. 通知;告知
⑤announce vt. 宣告
⑥declare vt. 宣布;声明
①cash       现金
②check/cheque 支票
③bill 钞票
④change 零钱
⑤balance 余额
①database    数据库;资料库
②software 软件
③network (互联)网络;网状系统;人际网
④guideline 准则;指导原则
⑤passer-by 过路人
⑥armchair 扶手椅
⑦sandstorm 沙尘暴
⑧teamwork 团队合作
1.    吸引……的注意
2. 陪伴某人
3. 申请
4. 既然;由于
5. 拥有……的机会
catch the attention of
keep pany
apply for
now that
have access to
6. 经历;度过;通读
7. 状况良好
8. 掌握……的最新消息;了解……的动态
9. 取笑;戏弄
10. 牢记
11. 失业
go through
in shape
keep track of
make fun of
keep (...) in mind
out of work
in shape       状况良好
in disguise 伪装(的)
in nature 本质上
in force 有效;实施中
make fun of      取笑;戏弄
laugh at 嘲笑
play a joke/jokes on 开玩笑;戏弄
make a fool/joke of 愚弄
play a trick/tricks on 捉弄
1.so ...that ...引导结果状语从句
教材原句 She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.
推荐佳句 ①(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷写作)The mother was so surprised at the sight of the breakfast that her eyes widened.
②(新教材北师大版必修1佳句)He feels so happy that he followed his heart when choosing what to do with his life, even though it may not be what others expected of him.
2.now that引导原因状语从句
教材原句 Now that he works and can take care of himself, his daughter has time to study at university.
推荐佳句 ①Now that you like Chinese classical literature very much, I do believe the course will be very suitable for you.
推荐佳句 ②(新教材北师大版选择性必修2佳句)Now that Helen grasped the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.
Tommy bowed his head, turned around and went back home. He was moving faster and faster and finally he started to run. Strange energy filling his body made him feel like he could fly. When he finally stopped, he was breathing heavily, but he didn't feel tired. He smiled happily — it was a wonderful feeling. And nothing could stop it.
[点评] 本段中使用了“turned around, moving,run, filling his body, fly, stopped”等与身体有关的动作描写,刻画了Tommy在帮助他人之后的轻松愉快的心情。
1.I would appreciate it if you could pay for these goods in (现金) instead of by cheque.
2.Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to (更新) my skills.
3.The famous person gave away most of his fortune to the (慈善机构) after his death.
4.Every (居民) can have access to the sports facilities of the community.
5.The show will tour these (省) after it closes in London.
6.I would like to set a new (目标) for my studies after I enter my ideal college.
7.Homeless people are (界定) by sociologists as those who have no fixed shelter on any given night.
8.It has been (确认) that he wasn't the person who stole your cow.
1.(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷)He tried again. No luck. We (stick) in the middle of the lake with a dead motor.
2.(2021·全国乙卷)All these stadiums are still (function), still open and still hosting the biggest events in world sport.
3.(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷) ... the overall effects of the publicity have been ______________(benefit) than harmful.
were stuck
more beneficial
4.(2020·浙江7月高考)Polar bears — like all wild animals — should be photographed from a safe (distant).
5.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)In India, (particular) outside cities, young women are expected to move in with their husband's family when they get married.
6.(2020·新高考全国卷Ⅰ)Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an __________(inspire) to her family ...
7.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)If it is (convenience), may I pay you a visit at your office next Tuesday to give you more details
8.(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)Lighting accounts about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US.
1.You should that success comes from hard work while laziness leads to failure.
2.At present Kevin is . He will go to Beijing in search of a new job next week.
go through, catch the attention of, out of work, now that, have access to, apply for,make fun of, keep in mind
keep in mind
out of work
3.A good advertisement should stand out and___________________ people.
4. we have finished our work, there is no point staying any longer; we may as well go home.
5.I am writing to the volunteer position stated in your notice.
6.So long as you are given an opportunity to the work, don't hesitate to seize it.
catch the attention of
Now that
apply for
have access to
7.Often I was afraid my classmates would me so I hardly answered any teacher's question.
8.Not until he real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important.
make fun of
went through
1.(完成句子) the bad effect of my behavior, I would make an effort to change it.
2.(完成句子)It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in advance .
Now that I have been fully aware of
in case we got worried
3.(完成句子)I would appreciate it if you could________________________
①Learning is not always easy, but it is in the long term. (beneficial)
take my suggestions into
very beneficial to us
②Learning is not always easy, but it is in the long term. (benefit)
5.Tom was so absorbed in his work that he forgot to inform her of it.
→ he forgot to inform her of it. (升级为含so ... that ...的倒装句)
of great benefit to us
So absorbed was Tom in his work that
1.benefit n.益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于
①As we all know, books are the source of knowledge, which I benefit a lot.
②Although a sudden change can be a bad thing, it might often be_________ (benefit) in the long run.
③If I am lucky enough to be elected, I will make every effort to serve___ the benefit of students and our club.
④I'm writing this letter to express our gratitude to you, for we all _______________________the lecture you delivered last week.
have benefited a lot from
⑤You can take the course twice a week, which can____________________
⑥You can take the course twice a week, which can____________________
be very beneficial to
be of great benefit to
your oral Chinese
your oral Chinese
2.access n.通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会 vt.进入;使用;获取
①Our own generation has access to (get) more nutritious food and more convenient transport than those in the past.
②Moreover, with the stadium set up, all the students are (access) to the facilities.
③Considering your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for the university, where_______________________________________________
you can have/get/gain access to the best Chinese
系统归纳 (1)access to ...    进入……的通道/入口
have/get/gain access to ... 拥有……的机会/权利;
(2)accessible adj. 可接近的
be accessible to ... 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的
微点提醒 access前通常不加冠词,且access和accessible短语中的to是介词。
3.familiar adj.熟悉;熟知
①I think I am fit for the job because I am familiar Chinese culture.
②I've been away for a long time, and that name is not familiar me.
→He ,though he has been there many times.
→The city ,though he has been there many times.
系统归纳 be familiar with熟悉……(其主语通常是指人的名词或代词)
be familiar to为……所熟悉(其主语通常是人们所知晓的事物)
is still not familiar with the city
is still not familiar to him
4.case n.盒;箱;情况;案件
 [选词填空(in case/in case of)/完成句子/句式升级]
①Don't be rude online you become a target for a troll or cyberbully.
②You had better take an umbrella with you rain.
in case
in case of
③(2020·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达) ,my English teacher comes to my assistance whenever I am in trouble.
④(2020·新高考全国卷Ⅰ写作)All the participants would in no case give up halfway no matter how difficult it was.
→ halfway no matter how difficult it was.(用倒装句升级)
As is often the case
In no case would all the participants give up
系统归纳 in case       假使;以防万一
in case of ... 假如发生;万一发生
in any case 无论如何;不管怎样
in no case 决不
in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话
as is often the case 这是常有的事
微点提醒 (1)in case 后接从句;in case of ... 后接名词词组。
(2)in no case位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。
5.keep(...) in mind 牢记
①We should be responsible for the work and keep/bear teamwork spirit ___mind.
②While I was willing to help, I found it difficult to persuade them to change their (mind).
③Whenever or however you take notes, remember that note-taking is a selective process.
④It had never hit him that there might be a problem.
keep/bear it in mind
crossed/come to his mind
系统归纳 bear ... in mind     记住……
change one's mind 改变主意
make up one's mind 下定决心
cross/come to one's mind 某人突然想起
read one's mind 看出某人的心思
put one's mind to 全神贯注于;专心致志于
微点提醒 change one's mind和make up one's mind中mind随one's的单复数而变化。
①Their new house (decorate) for two months and they will settle in it in the near future.
②Hundreds of excellent athletes (select)from millions of people all over the country in the past two months.
has been decorated
have been selected
③We can't go on with the experiment because the computer_____________ _________(not repair).
④How many suggestions (give)to you so far
hasn't been
have been given
①I got caught in the rain and my suit (ruin).
②His brother (fire) by the company recently.
③A great many machines (produce)by the factory since the technological revolution.
has been ruined
has been fired
have been produced
④A new library and a gym in our school so far and they will be put into use very soon.
have been set up
①The traffic rules to him many times, but he still ignored them.
②The workers a whole day without stop.
have been taught
have been made to work
③He has sent me an e-mail to invite me take part in the activity.
→I to invite me take part in the activity.
→ An e-mail to invite me take part in the activity.
④We have seen him lying on the ground when we passed by.
→ He when we passed by.
have been sent an e-mail
has been sent to me
has been seen lying on the ground
(1)肯定式:have/has+been done
(2)否定式:have/has not+been done
(3)一般疑问式:Have/Has+主语+been done
(4)特殊疑问式:疑问词+have/has(+主语)+been done
(1)表示一个被动的动作在说话之前已完成,强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,通常与 already, yet, just, never, recently 等副词连用。
(2)表示一个被动的动作或状态从过去开始一直持续到现在,常与for 或since 引出的时间状语连用,或用于 how long 引出的句子中。
(1)带有双宾语的动词,如 give, send, bring, take, teach, show, tell, make, sing, write, sell, buy, lend, offer, hand, pass, get 等,变为被动语态时,一般是把指人的间接宾语变为主语。如果将直接宾语变为被动句的主语,间接宾语前要加 to 或 for。
(2)带有复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)的动词变为被动语态时,只能将宾语变为主语,原来的宾语补足语保持不动。主动语态中不带 to的不定式作宾补时,在被动语态中要加上to。  
[名师点津] 常与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:
already/yet         已经
recently/lately 最近
since then 从那时起
ever since 自那以来
ever 曾经
so far 迄今为止
for a long time 很长一段时间
by now 到现在为止
in recent years 在最近几年里
in/during/over the past/last few years 在过去的几年里
1.convenient adj.方便的;近便的
常见考法 (1)It is convenient for sb.to do sth. 某人方便做某事
be convenient for/to sb. 对某人来说方便
(2)convenience n. 方便
for convenience 为了方便
at one's convenience 在某人方便的时候
升维考法 convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用物作主语或用it作形式主语。“如果你方便的话”应为If it is convenient for/to you。
①Would it be convenient for you (pick) me up at four o'clock and take me to the airport
②(2020·浙江1月高考写作)If you're available, please inform me your earliest convenience.
③More often than not, people go to the fast restaurant only convenience.
to pick
④(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷写作)I am wondering whether_____________________ to take part in the programme.
it is convenient for you
2.account n.账户;描述;由于;因为 vt.认为是;视为
升维考法 on no account意为“决不”,放在句首时常用部分倒装,有类似用法的还有by no means, in no way, in no case, on no condition, under no circumstances, at no time等。
①There is a sense of humor in his works, which accounts the reason why his works are deeply loved by readers.
②The flight was postponed account of bad weather.
③I would be very grateful if you could consider my application.
→I would be very grateful if you could________________________________
take my application into
④The professor warned the students that on no account_________________ ______________in his class.
should they use
mobile phones
①(2020·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)It is so rewarding an activity that we all look forward to another one.
→ we all look forward to another one.(倒装句)
So rewarding is the activity that
②Dalian is such an attractive place that lots of tourists visit the city every year.
→Dalian is lots of tourists visit the city every year.(so ... that ...)
so attractive a place that
This story is .
We had we couldn't finish the work on time.
so interesting that I want to read it again
such terrible weather that
2.now that 引导的原因状语从句
(1)now that在意思和用法上同since,引导原因状语从句,口语中that可省略。
(2)引导原因状语从句的连词还有since, because, as, for, considering (that), in that等;
引导原因状语的短语有due to, thanks to, because of, as a result of, owing to, on account of等。
①(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)Now you've listed your strengths, list your imperfections.
②The school was moved out of downtown the number of students had grown too large.
③It must have rained last night, the ground is wet.
,you should act.
,you should not rely on your parents.
Now that you have expressed your determination
Now that/Since you have grown up
Can a small group of drones (无人机) guarantee the safety and reliability of railways and, at the same time, help railway operators save billions of euros each year That is the very likely future of applying today's “eyes in the sky” technology to making sure that the millions of kilometres of rail tracks and infrastructure (基础设施) worldwide are safe for trains on a 24/7 basis.
Drones are already being used to examine high-tension electrical lines. They could do precisely the same thing to inspect railway lines and other vital aspects of rail infrastructure such as the correct position of railway tracks and switching points. The more regularly they can be inspected, the more railway safety, reliability and on-time performance will be improved. Costs would be cut and operations would be more efficient (高效) across the board.
That includes huge savings in maintenance costs and better protection of railway personnel safety. It is calculated that European railways alone spend approximately 20 billion euros a year on maintenance, including sending maintenance staff, often at night, to inspect and repair the rail infrastructure. That can be dangerous work that could be avoided with drones assisting the crews' efforts.
By using the latest technologies, drones could also start providing higher-value services for railways, detecting faults in the rail or switches, before they can cause any safety problems. To perform these tasks, drones for rail don't need to be flying overhead. Engineers are now working on a new concept: the rail drones of the future. They will be moving on the track ahead of the train, and programmed to run autonomously. Very small drones with advanced sensors and AI and travelling ahead of the train could guide it like a co-pilot. With their ability to see ahead, they could signal any problem, so that fast-moving trains would be able to react in time.   
1.What makes the application of drones to rail lines possible
A.The use of drones in checking on power lines.
B.Drones' ability to work at high altitudes.
C.The reduction of cost in designing drones.
D.Drones' reliable performance in remote areas.
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Drones are already being used to examine high-tension electrical lines. They could do precisely the same thing to inspect railway lines and other vital aspects of rail infrastructure”可知,无人机已经被用于检查高压电线。它们同样可以被用来检查铁路线路和铁路基础设施的其他重要方面。由此可知,无人机已经被用于检查高压电线,这使得无人机在铁路线上的应用成为可能。
2.What does “maintenance” underlined in paragraph 3 refer to
A.Personnel safety.
B.Assistance from drones.
C.Inspection and repair.
D.Construction of infrastructure.
解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“It is calculated that European railways alone spend approximately 20 billion euros a year on maintenance, including sending maintenance staff, often at night, to inspect and repair the rail infrastructure.”可知,据计算,仅欧洲铁路每年就花费约200亿欧元用于维护,包括派遣维护人员、经常在夜间检查和维修铁路基础设施。由此可知,画线词指的是“检查和维修”。
3.What function is expected of the rail drones
A.To provide early warning.
B.To make trains run automatically.
C.To earn profits for the crews.
D.To accelerate transportation.
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Engineers are now working on a new concept: the rail drones ... react in time.”可知,工程师们现在正在研究一个新概念:未来的铁路无人机。它们将在列车前方的轨道上运行,并被设定为自动运行。配备了先进传感器和人工智能的小型无人机可以像副驾驶员一样引导火车前进。它们有预见未来的能力,可以发出任何问题的信号,这样快速行驶的列车就能及时做出反应。由此可知,人们期待未来的铁路无人机具备提供早期预警的功能。
4.Which is the most suitable title for the text
A.What Faults Can Be Detected with Drones
B.How Production of Drones Can Be Expanded
C.What Difficulty Drone Development Will Face
D.How Drones Will Change the Future of Railways
思维建模 模型应用
第一步:定位 查找对应信息点 根据题干关键信息maintenance和in paragraph 3定位到第三段第一、二句。
第二步:理解 信息点的字面 意思 这包括大量节省成本和更好地保护铁路人员的安全。据计算,仅欧洲铁路每年就花费约200亿欧元用于维护,包括派遣维护人员经常在夜间检查和维修铁路基础设施。
第三步:分析 信息点与被猜测词义的语义关联和逻辑关系 由including可知,画线词maintenance 与inspect and repair表意一致。画线词意思是“检查和维修”。故选C。
①(一词多义)Can a small group of drones guarantee the safety and reliability of railways and, at the same time, help railway operators save billions of euros each year?______________________
②(一词多义)Costs would be cut and operations would be more efficient across the board. ;_____
③(熟词生义)They will be moving on the track ahead of the train, and programmed to run autonomously. ;_____
①at the same time      _________
②apply ... to ... _________________
③make sure _____
④on a 24/7 basis _______
⑤provide sth. for sb. _______________
⑥work on _____
⑦ahead of ___________
⑧in time _____
1.That is the very likely future of applying today's “eyes in the sky” technology to making sure that the millions of kilometres of rail tracks and infrastructure worldwide are safe for trains on a 24/7 basis.
试翻译:那很有可能是未来的情景——应用今天的“空中之眼”技术来确保 。
2.With their ability to see ahead, they could signal any problem, so that fast-moving trains would be able to react in time.
试翻译:它们有预见未来的能力,可以发出任何问题的信号, 。
so that
1.(赏用词之美)They could do precisely the same thing to inspect railway lines and other vital aspects of rail infrastructure such as the correct position of railway tracks and switching points.
①“We'd like to try this on,” she'd say carefully, uttering her words _________(precise)and properly.
②I carefully made my selection, (inspect) each plant to make sure that I had indeed found the best roses.
③Having healthy eating habits because a healthy body allows you to enjoy a happier life.
is vital to you
2.(赏结构之美)The more regularly they can be inspected, the more railway safety, reliability and on-time performance will be improved.
赏析:该句运用了“the more ...,the more ...”句型表示“越……,就越……”,准确说明了铁路的安全性、可靠性和准点率与规律检查之间的关系——检查越有规律,铁路的安全性、可靠性和准点率就越高。
If you use English more frequently, you can learn it well faster.
→ (“the more ...,the more ...”句型)
The more frequently you use English, the faster you can learn it well.
3.(赏修辞之美)Very small drones with advanced sensors and AI and travelling ahead of the train could guide it like a co-pilot.