高考英语 高三一轮复习 unit 3 Diverse cultures 课件 新人教版 必修3


名称 高考英语 高三一轮复习 unit 3 Diverse cultures 课件 新人教版 必修3
格式 pptx
文件大小 6.1MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-27 09:39:15



人教版 必修3 unit 3 Diverse cultures
单元词汇 词汇练习
语法复习 重点句子
试题点拨 每课一练
diverse -- various -- varied -- diversity
fortune -- luck -- treasure -- wealth -- fortunate
spicy -- spice -- hot -- exciting -- shocking
admit -- admission -- agree -- confess -- allow -- enter
definitely -- definite -- clear -- precise -- sure -- certain
occur -- occurred -- occurring -- occurrence -- happen -- exist
mission -- task -- duty -- assignment
district -- area -- region -- territory
afterwards -- forwards -- backwards -- downwards -- upwards -- eastwards -- outwards
seek -- sought -- hunt -- pursue -- pursuit -- explore
earn -- salary -- reputation -- win -- obtain -- gain
select -- choose -- pick -- elect
china -- ceramic -- clay -- porcelain -- China -- Chinese
bar -- rod -- stick -- pole -- lawyer -- counter
diagram -- chart -- graph
journal -- magazine -- diary
claim -- declare -- demand
series -- string -- chain -- sequence
minority -- minor -- major -- majority
escape -- flee -- rid -- forget -- leak -- avoid
financial -- economic -- monetary -- budget
poetry -- poet -- poem -- lyric -- verse -- rhyme
mushroom -- boom -- boost
poison -- poisonous -- poisoning
fold -- wrap -- folding -- unfold -- pile -- file
super -- extreme -- especially
collection -- collect -- assemble -- gather -- store -- accumulate -- donation -- contribution
percentage -- percent -- proportion -- rate
climate -- weather
mild -- gentle -- soft -- warm -- slight
settle -- settlement -- settler -- seat -- live -- solve -- resolve -- address -- calm
construction -- construct -- structure -- instructive -- destruct
material -- matter -- substance -- stuff
herbal -- herb -- herd -- herder -- shepherd
suit -- clothes -- dress -- case -- suited -- suitable
item -- entry -- article -- piece
contain -- container -- hold -- enclose -- comprise -- include -- consist -- control
neat -- clean -- tidy -- orderly -- skillful
1. fortune cookie tell one’s fortune seek one’s fortune make a fortune
2. admit sb to/into be admitted to hospital admit (to) doing gain admission admission charges
3. sth occur to sb
4. in the downtown go downtown downtown area
5. head to/for /back head a march head a passage head the ball use your head the head boy the head of the river/table head of sheep
6. seek one’s fortune seek (for) sth seek to do
7. earn a living earn him a name
8. select sb for/as/ to do make a selection
9. a bar of a coffee bar
10. keep a journal a medical journal
11. bring about bring up bring down bring in bring out
12. claim to know sth claim sth claim back make a claim
13. (a) series of a string of TV series
14. apart from take apart tell apart keep oneself apart fall apart
15. a minority of minority languages
16. escape from escape one’s notice escape doing/being done a narrow escape gas escape
17. financial crises financial center
18. be poisonous to be poison to sb poison sb/sth
19. fold in half fold one’s arms fold a baby in a blanket fold up a folding bike unfold the letter
20. a collection of stories/people a stamp collection collection box
21. a warm climate climate change
22. a mild nature/temper a mild climate in mild surprise
23. settle oneself into/ on /in settle an argument settle one’s nerves settle down / on /back/in
24. under construction a well-constructed novel
25. reading material curtain material an officer material
26. a business suit a diving suit suit sb/sth suit sth to sb suit oneself
27. (at) first hand helping hand on hand in hand by hand a hand in sth get your hands dirty hand in hand off one’s hands on one’s hands
28. news item next item on the agenda
29. contain salt/alcohol contain one litre contain oneself contain the epidemic
30. a neat man neat handwriting neat kitchen a neat figure a neat explanation neatly folded clothes
1. It d feels good to be back in the city again.
2. The earthquake o in 1906 laid the city in ruins.
3. Afterwards, he a having made a bad mistake.
4. People came from all over the world to s their fortune.
5. over 3000 lives were c in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that occurred after it.
6. Some northerners fly to Hainan to e the cold winter.
7. He couldn’t solve his f problems.
8. She s down in Zhengzhou after so many years wandering.
9. The Dragon Gate was built using m donated from China.
10. The city introduction c all the important information.
keys: definitely occurring admitted seek claimed escape financial settled materials contains
There are so many beautiful old buildings --- many sitting on top of big hills, offering great views of the city ---
To earn a living, some opened up shops and restaurant in Chinatown.
The climate is mild all year round, meaning it is always a good time to visit.
What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrants then turned into a centre for Chinese culture.
The majority of residents in Chinatown are still ethnic Chinese, many of whom do not speak English fluently.
Most of Chinatown was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it, taking care to include lots of Chinese architecture.
There is Chinese food to suit everyone’s taste, with traditional dishes from all over China.
本单元语法为省略。参考P30 P34练习部分。为了防止重复,使语言精练紧凑,在不伤害构造或惹起误会的原则下,常常省去一个或多个句子成分或词语。
If (water is) heated, it will turn into vapor.
When (you are) crossing the road, you can never be too careful.
The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if (he was) to see whether he was going in the right direction.
We will help you whenever (it is) necessary.
When (he was) in trouble, he always asked me for help.
The man (who) you visited last night is my grandpa.
Were I Tom (= If I were Tom), I would refuse.
All we have to do is ( to) wait.
While cycling, do not forget the traffic lights.
Things are not going so well as planned.
Whenever possible, he will come to my help.
The river was deep and the ice thin.
The new machine, if used properly, will work at least ten years.
Mary enjoys home-made food, so she seldom,if ever, eats out.
---Did Mr. Black go to the opening ceremony last weekend --- No, he had finally decided not to.
---Are you a sailor  ---No, but I used to be.
---He hasn’t finished yet. ---Well, he ought to have.
Had you taken my advice, you wouldn’t have failed in the exam.
The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose weight.
试题点拨--- 长句分析
Although we benefit from deep and meaningful conversations that help us build connections with one another, we often stick to small talk with strangers because we underestimate how much others are interested in our lives and wrongly believe that deep conversations will be more awkward and less enjoyable than they actually are, according to a research published by the American Psychological Association.
解析: 这个句子很长,但如果我们养成了简化句子的阅读习惯,就会很容易的找到主句。we often stick to small talk with strangers,其前为although引起的状语从句从句,其后为because引起的状语从句。although引起的从句中,that help us build connections with one another 是定语从句。because引起的从句中,and并列了两个从句,and后的从句省略了和前一从句相同的主语。句子最后according to 部分是介词短语做状语,其中,published by 部分是过去分词短语做定语。
试题点拨---小作文 指导、建议、告知
1. 到达时间; 2. 合适的礼物;3. 餐桌礼仪。
Dear Terry,
Learning that you are about to pay a visit to a Chinese family and want to know about the relevant customs and manners, I’m glad to give you some advice.
Generally, to be friendly, it is a common practice for guests to come a little earlier than planned, leaving time to help out and for conversations. When you come, bring some fruits or flowers as a gift, small gifts also showing respect, which always be appreciated. As for the table manners, just see the hosts, do as the Romans do. Being polite and honest is the gold principles everywhere.
Wish you a good stay. Yours Li Hua
Everyday Sayings
Nothing brave, nothing have.
No way is impossible to courage.