人教PEP英语五年级上册 Unit 6 In a nature park 4课时(表格式教案 )


名称 人教PEP英语五年级上册 Unit 6 In a nature park 4课时(表格式教案 )
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-31 16:18:08


学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit6 Part B In a nature park
教材版本 书 名:pep人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.能听懂、会说、会写:Are there any... Yes,there are. /No,there aren’t.并能在情境下灵活进行问答练习。2.能听懂、会说:tall buildings 二、文化意识目标:通过对自然公园的进一步描述,感知大自然的美,并延伸到实际生活的真实语境中。三、思维品质目标:能准确运用本课的目标语言对周围的真实环境进行英文思维和表达,提升学生综合语用能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用提取关键词、联系上下文的策略理解文本。2.能够正确、规范书写句子。
教学内容 教学重点:1.能听说,认读单词“tall buildings”, “rabbits”。能够听、说、读、写重点句型Are there any... Yes,there are. / No,there aren’t.能够熟读并理解课文文本。二、教学难点:能在真实的情境中灵活应用复数形式的there be句型的疑问句及其答句。
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题激活旧知 P1-P4 出现主题,教学目标,内容及授课教师,复习旧知 呈现课题,授课教师和授课内容1.Greeting ,presenting the class name and the teacherHello, class. First, let’s do a chant to warm up. Are you ready Here we go!Good job! Did you remember what’s in the nature park Yes, there is a forest/lake/river/mountain /hill in the park. Now Let’s take a look at this picture, is there a...in the park Yes, there is / No, there isn’t. 【设计意图】:以一段歌谣的形式来热身,并快速带着学生复习A部分的单词以及there be句型的单数形式,为后面的文本理解及表达做准备。
2情景导入、新知呈现(听一听) P5-P6出现图片和听力内容,完成听力任务 图片音频 问题导学,初步感知课文语篇,播放听力材料,回答问题。Task1:Let’s try. Listen and fill in the blank.Where are the tables The tables are beside the_______出示学习策略:Listen to the keywords. Miss White: Are you hungry, children Children: Yes, Miss White. Are there any tables Miss White: Yes, there are some tables beside the lake.Children: Let’s have lunch there, please.Miss White: OK!Well, class. you got it Here is the whole dialogue. Let’s read it.【设计意图】:指导学生带着问题听文本,学会提取关键词获取文本信息并初步感知对话内容。
3学习知识、提升认知(看一看,学一学,读一读) P7-P12出现对话视频和问题 图片 问题导学,深入理解课文语篇,根据图片信息,回答问题。Task2 Look and say It’s sunny today, let’s go to the nature park! Look!Q1:Is there a hill in the nature park Yes, there is.Q2:Are there any lakes in the nature park Yes, there are.Q3:Are there any houses in the nature park Yes, there are.Q4:Are there any tall buildings in the nature park No, there aren’t.Q5:Are there any tall animals in the nature park Yes, there are. They are ducks and rabbits.【设计意图】:有意识的带着学生用目标句型思考,可以让学生更关注于文本理解和目标语言的运用。
P13-P16出现新句型, 图片 呈现新知,教读重点句型出示重点句型:Are there any... Yes,there are. / No,there aren’t.Show them the answer then teach them the languages points. How to ask and answer correctly. And how to use the words “some” and “any”.【设计意图】:学习新句型,并进行替换练习,学习本课的重难点词汇和句型,强化知识与文化理解。Look, Zhang Peng and Miss White are in the nature park.Can you guess What are they talking about Let’s listen and try to find the answers. Now let’s listen again and answer the questions.Q1. Why is the nature park so quite Q2. Are there any tall buildings in the park Q3. Are there any animals in the park 【设计意图】:利用听读练习,熟悉对话内容,培养学生良好的听说能力。
4能力拓展、学用结合(说一说,做一做) P17-24出现填空文本、对话人物、核心词汇、对话框架等 图片 根据对话内容填空,复习巩固Task 4 Fill in the blanks and read freelyZhang Peng: The nature park is so ______.Miss White: Yes, Zhang Peng. There ______ many people.Zhang Peng: Are there any tall ________ in the nature park Miss White: No, there _______.Zhang Peng: Are there any _________ Miss White: Yes, there are. There are ______ and _______.【设计意图】:通过填空的形式,让学生再次回忆并熟悉对话的核心内容,加深对文本的理解和掌握。 并模仿对话人物的语音语调朗读对话,提高语感。运用核心句型和同伴进行问答练习(说一说)Task 5 Tick a picture and find your”friend”根据图片内容,和同桌一起操练核心句型。【设计意图】:根据图片信息,同学之间相互用文本里的核心句型进行问答再次巩固运用所学内容。为下面的句子替换练习做准备。针对性的完成三个句型练习,对核心知识进一步进行巩固和拓展。一、将下列句子改为否定句。二、连词成句。三、选择填空。【设计意图】:通过不同类型题目的练习,让学生进一步对本课的核心语言点进行巩固和延伸,让学生能学以致用,做到举一反三。总结梳理本课知识点Summary1. 学习了下列单词:aren’t, rabbit。2.学习了There be句型复数形式的一般疑问句及回答: —Are there any … —Yes, they’re./No, there aren’t. 【设计意图】:总结回顾本课重点知识,再次进行梳理。
5作业设计 P25出现作业图片 图片 Homework1. Remember the new wordsListen and read P61 Let’s talk.听读教材P61课文。
结尾 图片 We talk about our park today, and next time, let’s use what we have learned to describe some other places around you.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit6 Part A In a nature park Let’s learn
教材版本 书 名:pep人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.能够听、说、读、写单词和介词短语:lake, river, hill, mountain, forest 2.能够听、说、读、写四会句子:There is a ...... in the nature park 并能在情境中灵活运用。二、文化意识目标:对自然公园中的事物进行描述,并能延伸到书本以外的语言环境。三、思维品质目标:通过课本内容,到联系实际,运用目标语言进行表述,培养学生思维能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用关键词、举一反三,准确使用。2.能够正确、规范书写单词、句子。
教学内容 一、教学重点:熟练掌握五个名词的意思及相近词的区别二、教学难点:运用There is ......对目标单词进行表达
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题,新知导入 P1-P4 出现主题,内容 呈现课题,授课内容Greeting ,presenting the class name and the teacherHello, class. Today we will learn some new words. We can use them to talk about “What’s in a nature park”. Now, let’s go! Look at the picture, what is a nature park What can you see in a nature park 【设计意图】:用文字和图片呈现目标单词所出现的语言环境,了解自然公园,为新单词的学习做热身。
2情景导入、新知操练 P5-P21依次呈现图片,教授、操练新单词 图片导学,呈现新单词,并结合实际,进行拓展、区别、操练。Now, look at this picture. It’s a lake. There is a lake in the nature park. What lakes do you know Let’s see... And this is a river. This is ...... river.......【设计意图】:指导学生在学习新单词的过程中,结合实际进行表述。对hill, mountain两个相近单词进行区别。有意识的使用There is a ... in the nature park进行操练。
3学习知识、提升认知(看一看,学一学,说一说) P22-25通过四个练习,巩固单词意思及拼写的掌握情况 按要求完成练习。Now, let’s match the words and their Chinese meaningCan you fill the missing letters of these wards Look at the pictures, fill the right words, and complete this passage.【设计意图】:通过个多种方式,让学生扎实掌握单词的拼写和意思。有意识加入一些以前学过的单词,使后期对自然公园进行描述的时候,能有更丰富的语言素材
P26-P29出示学过的单词,通过口头表达,加深理解。 呈现图片,通过对比找不同的方式,操练单词和句子。I have some pictures for you. Can you find the differences between Picture 1 and the others In picture 1, there is a ... in the nature park.In, picture 2, there is a ...... in the nature park.【设计意图】:通过观察图片找不同的方式,再次练习用there is结合目标单词进行表述,既增加练习的趣味性,也训练了学生的观察和表达能力。。
4能力拓展、学用结合(说一说) P30-31用目标单词造句。 根据单词和图片,做造句的口头练习。按照一定表述顺序,初步形成一篇口头小短文。What’s there in a nature park Students, let’s make some sentences, and talk about a nature park.【设计意图】:词不离句,句不离篇。对所表达的句子稍微整理一下,就能把新单词整合为一个小的文段进行输出,以此训练学生的表达能力。
5课堂总结、作业设计 P32出现作业要求 Today, we talked about a nature park. I want you to draw a nice little nature park, and talk about it.Homework Finish “draw and say” on Page 59.
结尾 Hope you enjoy the beauty of nature, and do your best to protect it.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit6 Part A In a nature park
教材版本 书 名:pep人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.能听懂、会说、会写:tree,bridge,village,house,building2.能听说读写四会句子:Are there any lakes... Yes, there are/there aren’t.二、文化意识目标:了解自然公园,并能运用到真实的语言环境中去。让孩子发自内心的热爱自己的家园。三、思维品质目标:能准确运用本课的目标语言对周围的真实环境进行英文思维和表达,提升学生综合语用能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用提取关键词、举一反三,灵活运用。2.能够正确、规范书写四会单词和句子。
教学内容 教学重点:1.能听说,读写四会单词tree,bridge,village,house,building及相近词的区别。能够听、说、读、写重点句型Are there any... Yes,there are. / No,there aren’t.能够熟读并理解课文文本。二、教学难点:能在真实的情境中灵活应用复数形式的there be句型的疑问句及其答句。
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题,复习旧知 P1-P3 出现主题,教学目标,内容及授课教师 呈现课题,授课教师和授课内容1.Greeting and warm upHello, class. Before the new class, let’s play a game “quick respond”. Are you ready Go!Ask and answerNow,look!Is there a... Yes, there is/No, there isn’t.【设计意图】:以快速反应的游戏来复习公园里的事物单词,并通过看图回答问题的方式来复习there be句型的单数形式,为新课热身并为后面的文本理解及表达做准备。
2情景导入、新知操练 P4-P10出现图片和文本内容 图片音频 图片导学,呈现新单词,并有针对性的进行辨别,拓展,及操练。Hi, look, Chen Jie and her friends are in the nature park. Let’s take a look and try to find out what’s in the nature park. Boys and girls, what’s this Yes, It’s a house. There is a house in the park. And there are many houses. Follow me, houses,houses.And also there is a building. Building,building. There is a building. Can you tell me what’s the difference between building and house Yes, the building is taller and bigger than a house. And do you know what’s in the forest Yes, tree. And there are many trees in the forest!And beside the forest,there is a village. Village,village. look, Are there any mountains near the village Yes, there are. Also you can see there is a bridge above the river. Follow me, bridge, bridge. This is the famous London Bridge. Now please look at this picture on your English book, are there any bridges in the village Yes, there is one. Now let’s do a quick revision. ‘What’s missing Are you ready Go! 【设计意图】:指导学生学习新单词,并将building和house两个意思相近的单词进行辨析,通过游戏的方式对所学单词进行操练和巩固。并有意识的在教授单词时带着句型“Are there any ... Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.”
3学习知识、提升认知(看一看,学一学,读一读) P11-P13出现对话文本,录音和问题 图片 听录音跟读对话,并按要求完成练习。套用本课的新知单词来带入到句型中进行替换练习。Now please look at your English book,listen and follow the tape.Are there any lakes on the mountain Yes, there is one.完成ask and answer练习。带着学生回顾五单元所学的“there be”句型,并结合本课句型拓展“there be”句型的就近原则。【设计意图】:在句型练习中不断操练和巩固本课教授的新单词。有意识的带着学生在情境中使用there be句型,学练结合,提升学生综合语用能力。
P14出现课本上的练习 图片 完成课本上的练习write and sayNow please write four sentences about the picture above. There is_______________________________.There are______________________________.______________________________________.______________________________________.【设计意图】:完成课本练习,能根据图片信息,准确灵活的将本课新知单词运用there be句型来进行表达。学以致用。
4能力拓展、学用结合(说一说,做一做) P15-18出现填空文本、对话人物、核心词汇、对话框架等 图片 完成单词分类练习,巩固所学单词。( ) 1. A. bridge B. house C. duck( ) 2. A. mountain B. building C. hill( ) 3. A. play B. forest C. tree( ) 4. A. village B. city C. river( ) 5. A. river B. lake C. mountain【设计意图】:通过单词分类练习,让学生再次回忆本课核心单词,加深对单词词义的理解和巩固。 完成图文匹配的练习,巩固核心句型和单词。A. There are some flowers on the table.B. —Are there any houses in the picture —Yes, there are.C. There are some dogs in the room.D. There is a bridge over the river.E. —Is there a man here —No, there is a woman.完成选词填空。( )1. There _____ a desk and many chairs in the room. A. am B. is C. are ( )2. _______ there any buildings in the city A. are B. Are C. Is( )3. Are there _________ ducks in the river A. some B. the C. any( )4. Is there a woman _________ a man A. or B. and C. to ( )5. There _________ any bananas on the table. A. is B. are C. aren’t 【设计意图】:通过多种方式的巩固拓展练习,让学生在实际的语言运用中不断加深和巩固本课的核心语言点,有意识的结合there be句型的语法规则,将新授单词运用到核心句型中去表达。总结梳理本课知识点Summary1. 学习了下列四会单词:village, tree, house, building, bridge。2. 初步学习用下列问答句型确认某地是否有某些事物: —Are there any … —Yes, there are./No, there aren’t .【设计意图】:总结回顾本课重点知识,再次进行梳理。
5作业设计 P19出现作业图片 图片 Homework1. Remember the new wordsListen and read 听读教材P58课文。
结尾 图片 We talk about our park today, after class you can introduce one pf the nature to your parents in English.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit6 Part A In a nature park
教材版本 书 名:pep人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.能听懂、会说、会写:Is there... Yes,there is. /No,there isn’t. 并能在情境下灵活进行问答练习。2.能听懂、会说:Let’s go to the forest!和Let’s go boating.二、文化意识目标:对自然公园的构成有一个初步的了解,并能运用到真实的语言环境中去。三、思维品质目标:能准确运用本课的目标语言对周围的真实环境进行英文思维和表达,提升学生综合语用能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用提取关键词、联系上下文的策略理解文本。2.能够正确、规范书写句子。
教学内容 教学重点:1.能听说,认读单词“boating”和词组“go boating”。能够听、说、读、写重点句型Is there... Yes,there is. / No,there isn’t.能够熟读并理解课文文本。二、教学难点:能在真实的情境中灵活应用单数形式的there be句型的疑问句及其答句。
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题 P1-P2 出现主题,教学目标,内容及授课教师 呈现课题,授课教师和授课内容1.Greeting ,presenting the class name and the teacherHello, class. We learned some words about the nature park and how to use “ there is..” “there are....” to describe things. Now, let’s have a simple review. Here are some questions for you. Are you ready Go!【设计意图】:让学生用五单元there be句型来描述图片上的信息,复习旧知,也为后面的文本理解及表达做准备。
2情景导入、激活旧知(听一听) P3-P4出现图片和听力内容,完成听力任务 图片音频 问题导学,初步感知课文语篇,播放听力材料,回答问题。Task1:Let’s try. Listen and tickWhat is in the park Forest/ lake/ river出示学习策略:Listen to the keywords.听关键词Look, Chen Jie and Mike are looking at the map of a park. Can you guess what is in the park Students are really expecting what their new teacher likes Let’s listen and find out.Well, class. you got it Yes, There is a forest in the park. Here is the whole dialogue. Let’s read it.【设计意图】:指导学生带着问题听文本,学会提取关键词获取文本信息并初步感知对话内容。
3学习知识、提升认知(看一看,学一学,读一读) P5-P6出现对话视频和问题 图片 问题导学,深入理解课文语篇,播放录音,回答问题。Task2 Look and say Now,they are in the nature park,let’s take a look. There is a forest/lake/boat in the park.Today Miss white will take the children to the forest,watch the video and answer the questions.Q1:Is there a river in the forest Q2:Is there a lake in the forest 【设计意图】:指导阅读,带着问题走进文本,可以让学生更关注于文本理解和目标语言的运用。
P7-P8出现新句型, 图片 呈现新知,教读重点句型出示重点句型:Is there... Yes,there is. / No,there isn’t.Show them the answer then teach them the languages points. How to ask ”Is there a/an... ” and do some practice about it. Have you get it Now let’s listen and repeat.Now look at this phrase, follow me, go boating, go boating【设计意图】:学习新句型,并进行替换练习,学习本课的重难点词汇和句型,强化知识与文化理解。朗读操练,跟读课文文本【设计意图】:利用听读练习,熟悉对话内容,培养学生良好的听说能力。
P9出现对话内容 图片音频 跟读对话,分角色模仿对话内容Task 3 Let’s read freely and act it out.Repeat and read in rolesWell done! class. Let’s repeat after the recording. when you are reading, please pay much attention to the stress and tone. 【设计意图】:通过跟读模仿对话人物的语音语调,熟悉对话内容,提高语感。
4能力拓展、学用结合(说一说,做一做) P10-18出现填空文本、对话人物、核心词汇、对话框架等 图片 根据对话内容填空,复习巩固Task 4 Fill in the blanks Miss White: Children, Let’s go to the ______!Children: Yeah!Zhang Peng: Is there a ______ in the forest, Miss White Miss White: No, there isn’t.Zhang Peng: Is there a ______, Miss White Miss white: Yes, there is and there are some __________.Zhang Peng: Cool! Let’s go boating.【设计意图】:通过填空的形式,让学生再次回忆并熟悉对话的核心内容,加深对文本的理解和掌握。 运用核心句型和同伴进行问答练习(说一说)Task 5 根据图片内容,和同桌一起操练核心句型。【设计意图】:根据图片信息,同学之间相互用文本里的核心句型进行问答再次巩固运用所学内容。为下面的句子替换练习做准备。针对性的完成三个句型练习,进行巩固和拓展一、用所给词的适当形式填空。二、仿照例子写句子,并根据表情回答。三、排序,使其成为完整对话。【设计意图】:让学生展开想象,小组合作创演,每一个孩子都能亲身体验并参与其中,培养学生创造性思维和口头表达能力,让学生在互助互学中共同进步,乐于展示,感受学习的乐趣。总结梳理本课知识点Summary1. 学习了下列单词:forest, river, lake。2.学习了There be句型的一般疑问句形式及其回答: —Is there … —Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. 【设计意图】:总结回顾本课重点知识,再次进行梳理。
5作业设计 P11出现作业图片 图片 Homework1. Remember the new wordsListen and read 听读教材P58课文。
结尾 图片 We talk about our nature park today, and next time, let’s use what we have learned to describe some other places.