人教PEP英语五年级上册 Unit 1 What's he like?4课时(表格式教案 )


名称 人教PEP英语五年级上册 Unit 1 What's he like?4课时(表格式教案 )
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-07-31 16:18:08


学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit1 Part B What’s he like (Let’s learn)
教材版本 书 名:pep人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.能够熟练运用人物性格的单词。2.能够听、说、读、写重点单词及句型:polite,helpful,shy,hardworking,clever.What's ...like He/She is...3.能够根据人物特征,在真实情景中回答人物的性格特征。二、文化意识目标:了解人物性格特征,并进行描述。三、思维品质目标:通过对不同人物性格特点的描述,培养学生思维能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用合适的形容词去描述人物的特质。2.能够正确、规范书写单词和句型。
教学内容 一、教学重点:polite,helpful,shy,hardworking,clever.What's ...like He/She is...能够听、说、读、写重点单词及句型。二、教学难点:··根据不同人物的特质,用恰当的形容词进行描述。
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题 P1 图片导入,呈现课题1.Greeting ,presenting the class name Hello, class,Are you familiar with your classmates,do you get along well with Them.Look,Oliver wants to know what chenjie’s classmates are like.So today we will learn Unit1 Part B “What’s he like ” -let’s learn.In this lesson we are going to learn some words and sentences to describe her classmates’ personalities.【设计意图】:对图片呈现的场景和课文主要人物进行介绍,引出课题,明确授课内容。
2.情景导入、激活旧知 P2 动画 复习旧知,唤醒记忆Task1 Game-guessing personality What’s he like He is funny/strict/kind.导入三幅情景动画,学生根据看到的动画人物表情和动作,发挥想象,用所学单词和句型猜测人物性格。【设计意图】: 复习描述人物性格特征的形容词,巩固旧知,调动学生的学习积极性,为学习新知做铺垫。
3.学习知识、提升认知 P3-P8 图片、动画 感知情景,导入动画、学习新单词Task2 look at the picture and find out each one’s personality. Look at the picture, Miss White and her students are in and out of the classroom.Oliver doesn’t know Chenjie’s classmates’ personalities,he wants to know something about them,so he asks Amy what their classmate are like. (1)导入五位学生课间在教室里活动的主场景图片,让学生们直观的感受他们在课间不同的表现,以及分别所对应的性格特点。(2)导入课文人物动画,分析他们的性格特点,学习新单词hard-working,clever,polite,helpful,shy.【设计意图】:通过图片和动画的呈现,让学生感知情景与人物性格特点,加强他们对课文内容的理解,学习本课新单词。
P9 图片 Task3True or false 对课文人物性格特点进行分析,判断句子是否描述正确。Zhang peng is clever.(√)Sarah is helpful.(√)The boy is shy.(√)Chenjie is strict. (×)【设计意图】:用判断对错的形式,加深对本课人物性格特点的认识,熟练掌握句子的运用。
P10 图片 Task4 看图说话学生回顾所学单词和句型,通过图片观察,准确表达出五位学生的性格特点。 Use your memory to say what chenjie’s classmates are like.Look,they are chenjie’s classmates.Zhang peng is clever.Sarah is helpful.Chenjie is polite.They are all good students.【设计意图】:运用看图说话练习,巩固所学知识,加深对本课人物性格特点记忆及理解。
4.能力拓展、学用结合 P11 创设情景,熟练运用Task6 Match and sayWhat’s he like ---------He is polite.仔细观察四副图片,理解句意,将相应的图片和句子连起来。 【设计意图】:根据相应图片和句子的连线,加强学生对句子的理解和运用,激发他们的学习积极性。
P12 图片 总结Summary What have we learnt today 学习了下列词汇:polite,hardworking,helpful,clever,shy 学习了询问和描述身边人物性格特征的句型:What’s ... like He’s/She’s...
5.作业设计 P13 图片 HomeworkDraw and say your family members’ personality画出并描述你的家人及其性格特点Share your best friend to your parents.和父母聊聊你的好友
结尾 图片 Today we talk about persons,different persons have different personalities. We talk variably due to individual person .中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit1 Part A What’s he like Let's learn
教材版本 书 名:PEP人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.掌握学习描述人物体貌特征和个性的单词。Old、young、funny、kind、strict...2.能够听、说、读、写重点句型:Who's your art teacher Mr Jones. He’s tall and kind.3.能够听懂、会说对话中的内容,并且在真实情景中灵活运用所需核心句型进行对话交流。二、文化品格目标:了解人物性格特征,并进行自由描述。三、思维品质目标:通过对不同人物性格和外貌的描述,培养学生思维能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用提取关键词、联系上下文的策略理解文本。2.能够正确、规范书写句子。
教学内容 一、教学重点:能够听、说、读、写重点句型。Who's your art teacher Mr Jones. He’s tall and kind.2.能够熟读并理解课文文本。二、教学难点:1.根据所学文本创编对话。2.根据人物的实际情况,描述人物(老师)的外貌特征和性格。
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题 P1-P2 出现主题,教学目标,内容及授课教师 呈现课题,授课教师和授课内容1.Greeting ,presenting the class name and the teacher2. A brief introduction about the class objects.3. Main Contents of this class: (1) Let’s learn (2) Ask and answer Hello, class. Today we will learn Unit1 Part A “What’s he like ” As you know, people are quite different from each other as to the appearance and personality. In this lesson ,we are going to learn to describe the teachers in shcool and what personalities they have though the dialogue .And We’re mainly talking about 5 parts. They’re (1) Let’s learn (2) Ask and answer【设计意图】:用文字和图片呈现课题、授课教师、教学目标及教学内容,明确教学目标及内容。
2情景导入、激活旧知(听一听) P3出现图片和听力内容,完成听力任务 图片音频 问题导学,初步感知课文语篇,播放听力材料P2,Task1:This is Amy. She’s quiet. She’s very hard-working. .出示学习策略:Listen to the keywords. 听关键词Look, we have some freshman today. Do you know who he is and what he does Yes, he is a new student here and her name is Oliver. This is the first time he comes into the classroom. Let’s listen and find out.【设计意图】:指导学生带着问题听文本,学会提取关键词获取文本信息并初步感知对话内容。
P4出现图片和听力内容,完成听力任务 图片音频 问题导学,初步感知课文语篇,播放听力材料P3,Chen jie and John are talking about their new teacher Ms Wang. Do you know who she is and what she does Students are really expecting what their new teacher likes Let’s listen and find out.出示学习策略:Listen to the keywords. 听关键词【设计意图】:利用问题,引导学生深入理解课文语篇,并初步感知课文主人公王老师的性格特征,为后面的学习做好铺垫。
3学习知识、提升认知(看一看,学一学,读一读) P5出现新句型,及描述性格和外形的形容词 图片 呈现新知,教读重点单词,朗读操练,跟读课文词语教材P5出示重点词语:Old、young、funny、kind、strict...教读词语、每个词语范读2遍,并结合例句:He’s kind.\ She’s short and strict.【设计意图】:学习本课的重难点词汇和句型,强化知识与文化理解。利用自然拼读法的方式教读重点句型中的难词: funny, strict等。
P6出现对话内容 图片音频 呈现新知,教读重点句型出示重点句型:Who's your art teacher Mr Jones. He’s tall and kind.并利用学科类单词,maths、English等词语做替换练习,进行核心句型的操练。【设计意图】:学习新句型,并进行替换练习,学习本课的重难点词汇和句型,强化知识与文化理解。利用听读练习,熟悉对话内容,培养学生良好的听说能力。朗读操练,跟读课文文本
4能力拓展、学用结合(说一说,做一做) P7-10出现填空文本、对话人物、核心词汇、对话框架等 图片 听录音教材P5,根据对话内容选词填空,复习巩固Task 4:Who's your art teacher Mr Jones. He’s tall and kind. Is he young Yes, he is.【设计意图】:听录音三遍,通过填空的形式,让学生再次回忆并熟悉对话的核心内容,为接下来的复数课文做准备。 复述对话主要内容,描述人物(说一说)Task 5 Retell : Mr Young Mr Jones Miss Green music teacher art teacher science teacher Miss White Mr Li English teacher Maths teacher Look at the picture. Ms Wang is our new Chinese teacher. She is kind. Sometimes she is strict. She is a nice teacher.Who's your art teacher Mr Jones. He’s tall and kind.【设计意图】:通过人物和核心单词的提示,对对话内容进行复述,做替换练习,再次巩固运用所学内容,为描述其他人物做铺垫。创编对话,拓展延伸,教材P5Ask and answerWho's Mrs Smith She’s the head teacher. tall and strict.Task 6Make a new dialogue ,like( friends, classmates,parents) Who's . He’s \ She’s and 2..Prepare to report.出示小组合作策略:1.Well organized组长主持,组织有序。2.Cooperate well合理分工,人人参与。3.Report confident以情景会话的形式进行表演,发扬团队合作精神,展现自信【设计意图】:让学生展开想象,小组合作创演,每一个孩子都能亲身体验并参与其中,培养学生创造性思维和口头表达能力,让学生在互助互学中共同进步,乐于展示,感受学习的乐趣。总结梳理本课知识点SummaryIn this lesson, we have learned a dialogue of how to ask and answer one’s personality and how to describe a person’s personality in the real life.【设计意图】:总结回顾本课重点知识,再次进行梳理。
5作业设计 P11出现作业图片 图片 Homework1. Listen and read 跟读听读教材P5课文。2.Sentence making造句:He’s \ She’s and
结尾 图片 Today we talk about our teachers,different teacher have different personalities. Talk about your teachers with your friends.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit1 Part A What’s he like Let's talk
教材版本 书 名:PEP人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.熟练通过以下词汇描述人物体貌特征和个性。Old、young、funny、kind、strict...2.能够听、说、读、写重点句型:Who's your English teacher Miss White. She’s tall and young.Is she strict Yes, she is.\No,she isn’t.3.能够听懂、会说对话中的内容,并且在真实情景中灵活运一般疑问句核心句型进行对话交流。二、文化品格目标:了解人物性格特征,并进行自由描述。三、思维品质目标:通过对不同人物性格和外貌的描述,培养学生思维能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用提取关键词、联系上下文的策略理解文本。2.能够自由创编对话。
教学内容 一、教学重点:能够听、说、读、写重点句型。Who's your English teacher Miss White. She’s tall and young.Is she strict Yes, she is.\No,she isn’t.2.能够熟读并理解课文文本。二、教学难点:1.根据所学文本创编对话。2.根据人物的实际情况,用一般疑问句描述人物的外貌特征和性格。
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题 P1-P2 出现主题,教学目标,内容及授课教师 呈现课题,授课教师和授课内容1.Greeting ,presenting the class name and the teacher2. A brief introduction about the class objects.3. Main Contents of this class: (1) Let’s try (2) Let's talk Hello, class. Today we will learn Unit1 Part A “What’s he like ” As you know, people are quite different from each other as to the appearance and personality. In this lesson ,we are going to learn to describe the teachers in shcool and what personalities they have though the dialogue .And We’re mainly talking about 2 parts. They’re (1) Let’s try (2) Let's talk 【设计意图】:用文字和图片呈现课题、授课教师、教学目标及教学内容,明确教学目标及内容。
2情景导入、激活旧知(听一听) P3出现图片和听力内容,完成听力任务 图片音频 问题导学,初步感知课文语篇,播放听力材料P4,Task1:听音选择 Look at the pictures below. Listen and tick.出示学习策略:Listen and tick. 【设计意图】:听力练习,学会提取关键词获取文本信息并初步感知对话内容,判断图片和内容是否相符,复习上一节课的重点句型和词汇。
3学习知识、提升认知(看一看,学一学,读一读) P4出现图片和听力内容,动画视频 图片音频 问题导学,初步感知课文语篇,播放听力材料P4,Task2:听音选择Chen Jie and Oliver are talking about their new teacher Mr Young. Do you know who he is and what he does What is Mr young like funny friendly young old 出示学习策略:Listen to the keywords. 听关键词【设计意图】:利用问题,引导学生深入理解课文语篇,并初步感知课文主人公杨老师的性格特征,为后面的学习做好铺垫。
P5出现新句型,及描述性格和外形的形容词 图片 呈现新知,教读重点单词,朗读操练,跟读课文词语。出示重点词语:friendly、young、funny、kind、strict、nice、quiet..看图判断人物特征,回答问题。Is she strict Yes, she is.\No,she isn’t.【设计意图】:学习本课的重难点词汇和句型,强化知识与文化理解。复习 funny, strict等重点词语。运用一般疑问句描述人物特征。
P6出现对话内容 图片音频 呈现新知,听音跟读2遍,教读重点句型,教材P7出示重点句型:Do you know Mr Young No,I don’t. Who is he He’s our music teacher.Is he young No,he isn’t.He’s oldIs he funny Yes, he is Great! I like funny teacher.【设计意图】:学习新句型,学习本课的重难点词汇和句型,强化知识与文化理解。利用听读练习,熟悉对话内容,培养学生良好的听说能力。朗读操练,跟读课文文本
4能力拓展、学用结合(说一说,做一做) P7-9出现填空文本、对话人物、核心词汇、对话框架等 图片 创编对话,拓展延伸,教材P5Task 3 创编对话 : Talk about your teacherWho's your English teacher Miss White. She’s tall and young.Is she strict Yes, she is.\No,she isn’t.Make a new dialogue ,like( friends, classmates,parents) Who's . He’s \ She’s and Is she\he Yes, she\he is.\No,she\he isn’t.2..Prepare to report.出示小组合作策略:1.Well organized组长主持,组织有序。2.Cooperate well合理分工,人人参与。3.Report confident以情景会话的形式进行表演,发扬团队合作精神,展现自信【设计意图】:让学生展开想象,小组合作创演,每一个孩子都能亲身体验并参与其中,培养学生创造性思维和口头表达能力,让学生在互助互学中共同进步,乐于展示,感受学习的乐趣。总结梳理本课知识点SummaryIn this lesson, we have learned a dialogue of how to ask and answer one’s personality and how to describe a person’s personality in the real life.【设计意图】:总结回顾本课重点知识,再次进行梳理。
5作业设计 P10出现作业图片 图片 Homework1. Listen and read 跟读听读教材P2-7课文。自编对话:Who's He’s \ She’s and Is she\he Yes, she\he is.\No,she\he isn’t.
结尾 图片 Today we talk about our teachers,different persons have different personalities. We talk variably due to individual person.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
学 科 英语
年 级 五年级
课 题 Unit1 Part B What’s he like
教材版本 书 名:pep人教版小学英语(三年级起点)
教学目标 一、语言能力目标:1.能够熟练运用人物性格的单词。2.能够听、说、读、写重点句型:What's she like She's kind. Is she strict Sometimes...3.能够听懂、会说对话中的内容,并且在真实情景中灵活运用所需核心句型进行对话交流。二、文化意识目标:了解人物性格特征,并自由描述。三、思维品质目标:通过对不同人物性格和外貌的描述,培养学生思维能力。四、学习能力目标: 1.能够运用提取关键词、联系上下文的策略理解文本。2.能够正确、规范书写句子。
教学内容 一、教学重点:What's she like She's kind. Is she strict Sometimes...1.能够听、说、读、写重点句型。2.能够熟读并理解课文文本。二、教学难点:1.根据所学文本创编对话。2.根据人物的实际情况,描述人物的外貌特征和性格。
教学流程 脚本内容
1.提示课题 P1主题页 动画 1.Greeting ,presenting the class name “Unit 1part B What’s he like Hello, class. As you know, people are quite different from each other as to the personality.Some people are funny while some are strict... So in this lesson ,we are going to learn how to describe personality through a the dialogue-Unit1 Part B “What’s he like ”【设计意图】:教师用不同人物性格动画引出课题,激发学生积极思考,为学习新知做铺垫。
2情景导入、激活旧知 P2-P3 问题导学,初步感知课文语篇,播放听力材料,回答问题。Task1:Listen and tickWhat is Miss Wang like quiet friendly funny 出示学习策略:Listen to the keywords.听关键词【设计意图】:指导学生带着问题听文本,学会提取关键词获取文本信息并初步感知对话内容。
3学习知识、提升认知 P4-P5 问题导学,深入理解课文语篇,播放视频,回答问题。Task2 :Let’s watch and answer.Q1: What subject does Ms Wang teach Ms Wang is a Chinese teacher.Q2:What is Ms Wang like She is kind, sometimes she is strict.Q3:Why does Chenjie know Ms Wang Because Ms Wang is Chenjie’s mother.【设计意图】:利用问题,引导学生观看对话视频。深入理解课文语篇,并初步感知课文主人公王老师的性格特征,为后面的学习做好铺垫。
P6 图片 呈现新知,教读重点句型出示重点句型:What is she like She is kind. Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.教读重点句型中的形容词及频率副词,并利用替换练习,进行核心句型的操练。【设计意图】:学习新句型,并进行替换练习,学习本课的重难点词汇和句型,强化知识与理解。
P7 听音频,跟读对话,分角色模仿对话内容,创造语言环境Task 3 Let’s repeatRepeat the dialogueRepeat in roles【设计意图】:通过跟读模仿对话人物的语音语调,熟悉对话内容,提高语感。
4能力拓展、学用结合 P8 图片 根据对话内容选词填空,复习巩固Task 4 Fill in the blanks Chen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our__________.John: Really__________ Chen Jie: She’s ____.John: Is she____ Chen Jie: Yes, ____.John: Do you know her Chen Jie: Yes. She’s my mother!John: Haha.____! 1.new Chinese teacher 2.What’s she like 3.sometimes 4.Cool 5. kind 6.strict【设计意图】:通过选词填空的形式,让学生再次回忆并熟悉对话的核心内容,为接下来的复数课文做准备。
P9 思维导图 复述对话主要内容,描述人物(说一说)Task 5 Retell the new teacher Ms wang Ms Wang is our new Chinese teacher. She is kind. Sometimes she is strict. She is a nice teacher. We like her.【设计意图】:通过板书人物和核心单词的提示,对对话内容进行复述,再次巩固运用所学内容,为描述其他人物做铺垫。
P10 图片 创编对话,拓展延伸Task 6Make a new dialogue ,like( friends, classmates,parents...) 提供对话文本框,用人物图片引导学生发挥想象,创编对话。【设计意图】:让学生展开想象,根据不同人物的性格及外貌特征,用实际情况进行描述。培养学生创造性思维和口头表达能力,乐于展示,感受学习的乐趣。
P11 图片 总结梳理本课知识点SummaryIn this lesson, we have learned a dialogue of how to ask and answer one’s personality and how to describe a person’s personality in the real life.【设计意图】:总结回顾本课重点知识,再次进行梳理。
5作业设计 P12 图片 Homework1. Listen and read 听读教材P7课文。2.Describe your favourite teacher to your parents.说说你最喜欢的老师____ is our new _____. He/She is _____. _____she is _____. She is a nice teacher. We all like her.
结尾 图片 Today we talk about persons,different persons have different personalities. We talk variably due to individual person .
Chinese teacher
Ms Wang
Sometimes strict