7B Unit7单元整体教学设计
语篇一为描述水的一首短诗“water all around us”。语篇二是两首描写普通人的诗歌“My dad”“the old newspaper seller”。语篇三是关于情绪“feelings”的短诗。语篇四是诗歌“two frightening things”。语篇五诗歌“helping hands”对清洁工人和警察进行了赞美。语篇六是李白的《静夜思》英文版。
本单元的核心语言主要围绕诗歌展开,涉及诗歌的基本知识和诗歌内容的赏析,如关于诗歌的一些基本知识(rhyme, words,sentence, feelings and ideas,lines,verse)、诗歌内容赏析(waterfall; superman,my dad; on the building site; newspaper stand;a million smiles; an old newspaper seller; from dawn to dusk; sweep the street; stop thieves; a dangerous job; think of my home town; )。
语篇一诗歌,“water all around us”主要为了介绍英文诗歌的一个特点,在一行诗的结尾会有“words with similar sounds”。语篇二诗歌“my dad”用先抑后扬的方式赞美的父亲,诗歌“the old newspaper seller”是忙碌的城市生活中的一缕光,告诉人们不忘放慢脚步,给与周围的世界以微笑。语篇三用诗歌的形式介绍喜怒哀乐的情绪表达。语篇四“speak up”的诗歌,是为小组合作活动准备的一首诗歌,练习诗歌朗读,掌握英文诗歌朗读的技巧。语篇五是“More practice”部分的“helping hands”用以赞美社会服务者---清洁工和警察。语篇六展示中华文化经典诗歌《静夜思》英文版,唤起读者身份认同和文化自信。
rhyme, words,sentence, feelings and ideas,lines,verse.
We can write poems about our feelings and ideas.
How many verses do this poem have.
waterfall; superman,my dad; on the building site; newspaper stand;a million smiles; an old newspaper seller; from dawn to dusk; sweep the street; stop thieves; a dangerous job; think of my home town;
Let’s make a million smiles.
The only sounds are dogs that bark.
We drive along the streets all night to stop thieves and those who fight.
单元教学目标 语篇
本单元学习后,学生能够: 1.谈论英文诗歌的特点;交流个人了解的英文诗歌韵律特点和主题知识; 1.诗歌 Reading (1课时)
2.谈论英文诗歌的内容,交流英文诗歌的赏析; 2.诗歌 More practice&Culture corner (1课时)
3.尝试用英文诗歌去写身边熟悉的人; 3.Listening&Writing (1课时)
4.结合主题在情境中学习现在进行时的用法; 4.Speak up&Grammar (2课时)