Module 6 Problems Unit 1 课件+大单元整体设计+音视频(外研版九年级上册)


名称 Module 6 Problems Unit 1 课件+大单元整体设计+音视频(外研版九年级上册)
格式 zip
文件大小 68.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-01 11:36:32


课题(Topic) 基于大观念建构的初中英语单元整体教学探究 以外研版九年级上册 Module 6 Problems 为例
教材分析(Analysis of the teaching materials) 单元整体分析(Unit integral analysis) 单元主题:Problems 单元教学围绕 Problems 这一主题展开,关注单元内容内各语篇之间的练习,在主题引领下设计层层递进的学习活动,使学生在知识的构建中形成对 problems 的深层认知、态度和行为取向,推动核心素养落地课堂。 Problems 这一模块属于《义务教育英语课程标准(2022 版)》人与社会范畴,社会服务与人际沟通主题群,涉及“良好的人际关系与人际交往”、“和谐家庭和社区生活”、“交流与合作,团队精神”等子主题内容。 模块内容分析: 语篇一:Unit I If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed. 【What】本语篇选自九年级上册第六模块第一单元,讲述了发生在 Tony家庭的问题。Tony 和他的爸爸就什么时候写作业以及去图书馆做志愿者的频率等问题,因为观点不同,从而产生了矛盾。 【Why】亲子矛盾是中学生此阶段最常发生的问题。文章通过亲子间对各自想法的自由表达,让学生明白到,问题发生后,不应该逃避,而是应该正视问题,分析问题,并且有恰当的方式表达个人观点,达到有效沟通。 【How】语篇的听力文本一是 Tony 父母发现孩子在弹吉他而不是写作业,引发对孩子学习的担忧。文本通过 problem-opinion-solution 方式呈现。听力文本二则是对文本一的延续,Tony 和父亲运用本模块的目标语言,含 if的条件状语从句,表达了各自对问题的看法。语篇通过丰富的语言,让学生理解到一个合理的看法和一个良好的态度对沟通的重要性。 语篇二: If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest. 【What】该语篇是一篇应用文,来自杂志专栏的来信往来,通过描述问题,分析问题,给出建议,让学生了解遇到问题后,要学会表达问题,并积极寻求建议;在给建议的时候,要学会分析问题,提取关键,给出切实可行的建议。 【Why】该语篇继续就 problem 这一主题深入,通过 Steve 的信件,让学生了解如何描述自己遇到的问题;通过 Diana 的信件,让学生学会分析经历,提取问题,并就问题提出有合理的建议。本语篇鼓励学生学会分析问题,提出建议,建构 problem-advice 的结构化知识。 【How】Unit 2 语篇含两封 Steve 和 Diana 之间的往来信件。信一中描述了Steve 违反和爸爸的承诺,导致重要的文件丢失,且向爸爸撒谎的经历,向Diana 寻求建议;信二是 Diana 分析 Steve 的经历,提出他犯的两个错误,并且就这两方面给出自己的建议; 语篇三:Unit 3 Language in use 【What】语篇三是提取综合课本 Unit 3 Language in use 的三个活动。旨在学生能够根据 unit 2 提取的结构化知识,通过活动 6 训练学生分析经历,找出问题,给出建议;通过活动 2,让学生学会正视问题,表达问题,寻求建议或给出建议。 【Why】学会就具体经历提取问题是一种很重要的归纳能力,学生在 unit2 Diana 的回信中已经初步了解,unit3 让学生经过两个活动,学会描述问题,学会提取经历中的具体问题,并根据具体问题给出建议。从而运用 unit2的结构化知识,解决生活中的具体问题。 【How】活动 6 是三个同学分享的不同方面遇到问题的经历,要求学生根据经历,归纳问题,提出建议。活动二要求学生学会描述自己学习遇到的问题,并且通过同伴合作,互相给建议,从而解决自己学习上遇到的问题。 语篇四:Unit 4 Promotion and assessment 语篇四是学生在语篇三活动中的两个产出: ①我在学习上遇到的问题; ②我给别人学习提的建议。 学生通过班级展示活动,通过分享自身学习的经历,就如何描述经历进行思维碰撞和结构化知识的产出,并就标准进行同伴评价。 而就如何提建议,学生根据评判标准:是否针对问题提建议;建议是否用可以方式表达进行同伴评价,学生再根据学生的表现进行知识上的强调和情感上的升华,让学生了解到正视问题比隐藏问题更有用;有针对性的建议和可接受的方式会令建议更容易被采纳。 本单元的四个语篇从不同视觉不同体裁谈论单元主题problems。根据基于大观念建构的单元整体教学设计(王蔷,2022);英语学科大观念可以分为主题大观念和语言大观念。通过深入研读四个语篇,提取各个语篇的主题小观念、语言小观念,构建单元主题大观念和语言大观念,从而建构单元的主题大观念,落实核心素养。 根据语篇内容和主题意义,逐层提炼主题大观念和语言大观念,从而构建单元大观念,即:运用所学语言和目标语言,阐述问题,表达个人观点;分析问题,给出建议;通过正视成长中的问题,积极参与交流,加强沟通,从而学会解决问题,促进自我成长。 下图是“Module 6 Problems”单元的育人蓝图。
学情分析(Analysis of the students) 知识储备 1. 学生在八年级已经学会如何描述学习上的问题,所以问题这一话题对 他们并不陌生;此外在七八年级,学生已经就 friendship 等话题方面有 一定的知识储备,所以学生对于此话题有一定的熟悉感和兴趣; 2. If 引导的条件状语从句,经过 M5 的学习,学生能够就该语法的语言情 景比较熟悉,所以就目标语言点的时态问题,经过老师的点拨,也能 够融入情景中,运用目标语言; 3. 经过几年的英语学习,学生的听力和阅读策略已经经过培训,此外对 高阶思维的培养,也因为在九年级教师进一步落实《义务教育英语磕 碜高标准》秉持落实英语学习活动观,经过几个模块的训练,逐渐培 养高阶思维,尤其是批判、评价、创造等; 可能面对的问题 1. 引导学生运用目标语言表达观点和给建议; 2. 学生可能不太愿意表达自己在学习上或生活上遇到的问题; 3. 学生之间互相给建议的活动中,如何引导学生学会分析问题,并且要 根据问题提出有针对性的、合理的建议; 解决方案 1. 引导学生代入语篇的情景,理解、内化结构化知识,并运用该结构化 知识表达观点,解决实际问题; 2. 引导学生内化目标语言知识,理解目标语言运用的具体情景。
教学目标(Teaching aims) 根据基于大观念建构的初中英语单元整体教学(王蔷等,20220),单元教学目标,即单元大观念,要力求反应学生学习完单元内容后的预期核心素 养综合体现。要体现“学生能在什么情况下、运用哪些语言知识和文化知 识、做什么事”,即真实情境中的任务。因此,基于对各语篇主题意义、单元小观念的综合分析,本单元的大观念是: 运用有关 problem 的词汇和 if 引导的条件状语从句,阐述个人遇到的 学习上或生活上问题,表达个人观点;分析问题,给出建议;通过正视成 长中的问题,积极参与交流,加强沟通,从而学会解决问题,促进自我成长。
教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 引导学生就问题,运用目标语言,发表可以合理的观点; 2. 引导学生学会归纳、总结问题; 3. 鼓励学生分享个人学习或生活上遇到的问题; 4. 评价学生就他人描述的经历和提出的的建议是否合理、可行;
第一单元(Unit 1) 听说实践 (Listening & speaking practice) 课题 (Topic) If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed. 教学目标(Teaching aims) 【学习与理解】 1.学生能在设定情景中激活与话题相关的语言知识; 2.学生能通过获取和梳理有关 Tony 问题的关键信息; 【应用与实践】 1.学生能根据思维导图,内化语篇大意和结构化知识; 2.学生能分析和判断良好沟通的关键; 【迁移与创新】 学生能够在新的情景中,通过讨论、判断、联想等行为,表达对情景问 题的个人观点。 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 引导学生通过听力技能,获取有关问题的相关信息;学生能够根据语篇中的结构化知识迁移到实际情景中,并解决问题。
第二单元(Unit 2) 阅读思考 (Reading & thinking) 课题 (Topic) If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest. 教学目标(Teaching aims) 【学习与理解】 1.学生能在具体情景中激活与话题相关的语言知识; 2.学生能通过预测、获取等活动,理解话题语篇,训练阅读技能; 【应用与实践】 1.学生能根据思维导图,内化语篇大意和结构化知识; 2.学生能通过小组合作,利用结构化知识内化课文; 【迁移与创新】 1.学生进入实际情境,利用结构化知识,共同分析分析问题、解决问题; 2.学生在老师的带领下,再次对结构化知识进行内化; 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 引导学生通过阅读技能,获取有关知识的相关信息 学生能够语篇中的结构化知识,解决实际情境的问题。
第三单元(Unit 3) 语言运用 (Language in use) 课题 (Topic) Unit 3 Language in use. 教学目标(Teaching aims) 【学习与理解】 1.学生能够根据具体小语篇,学会如何用主题语言知识表达问题; 2.学生能够用单元目标语言,给出建议; 【应用与实践】 1.学生利用结构化知识,提取三个不同经历中的问题所在; 2.学生学会根据问题,提出切实可行的建议; 【迁移与创新】 学生利用结构化知识,在具体情境---其他同学遇到的学习方面的经历,归纳问题,提出建议。 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 描述自身学习上遇到问题的经历; 就别人学习、生活上的经历,运用目标语言提出切实可行的建议。
第四单元(Unit 4) 提升评价 (Promotion & assessment) 课题 (Topic) Unit 4 Promotion and assessment. 教学目标(Teaching aims) 1. 学生能看懂其他同学表达遇到问题经历的文章和给与的建议; 2. 学生能够根据老师给的评价量表,对其他同学的作品进行评价; 3. 内化本模块的知识,让学生理解,遇到问题是正常的,要学会正视问题,表达问题,寻求建议或给予建议。 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 能正确使用 if 引导的条件状语从句给予建议; 2. 能正确运用相关的语言知识描述各自在学习上遇到的问题; 3. 能利用评价量表,正确准确评价别人的作品。
教学过程:(Teaching procedures) (第一单元 Unit 1) 听说实践 (Listening & speaking practice)
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 1Lead-in 1.Lead in the topic and activate the atmosphere; 2.Activate students’ language schema before reading. 1.Enjoy a video of Sheldon; 2.Ask some information to check their understanding. 1.Encourage students to share what they can see in the video.; 2.Use some key questions to assessment their performance.
设计意图(Purpose):To help students build up the concept “problem and opinion”
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 2 Tony’s parents feel worried. 1.Understand the dialogue and summarize the key information of Tony’s parents’ problem with the help of listening skills; 2. Guide students to think about what they should do when problem happens. 1.Students listen to the dialogue to find out the problem, opinion and solution; 2.Students get to know the problem better through a mind map. 1.Check if the students can the key information and give encouragement when they make it; 2.Motivate students to retell Tony’s parents’ problem with the mind map and assessment in class.
设计意图(Purpose):To strengthen students’ ability of listen for key information and details; To help students form a mind map of problem in their mind.
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 3 Tony’s problem 1.Understand the problems between Tony and Tony’s dad; 2.Realize the importance of reasonable opinions and a good attitude in communication; 3.Practise the language while retell the conversation. 1.Listen for the opinions and decide the two problems between Tony and his dad; 2.Help students understand keys to a good communication; 3.Encourage students to retell the conversation with the help of the mind map. 1.Observe if students can fully understand the conversation and offer help if necessary; 2.Guide students to understand the key to a good communication; 3.Encourage students to present their retell in class and give proper assessment if necessary.
设计意图(Purpose): To help students fully understand the conversation and develop their listening skills. To guide students to express their opinion in a proper way when problems happen.
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 4 Post-reading 1.Students can express their opinion in the context with target language; 2.Students can understand the importance of communication. 1.Introduce the task; 2.Encourage students to think and discuss in groups; 3.Encourage students to express their opinion. 1.Notice if students can use proper language to express their opinion; 2.Give students proper guide according to problem, opinion, and attitude; 3.Do the peer assessment.
设计意图(Purpose): To transfer what students have learnt in a real-life situation and finish the final task.
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 6 Summary and assessment 1.Access groups through points on the blackboard; 2.Deepen Ss’ understanding of the importance of parents and jobs. 1.Choose the best group; 2.Share the teacher’s opinion with them. 1.Assess the class with the point notes on the blackboard; 2.Encourage students to express their opinion freely.
设计意图(Purpose): To help students better understand the topic and target language.
Homework Must do: Write down your opinions of the other side in the handout and share in groups. Choose to do: Make an opinion columns in groups. List down all your opinions of the two side in a poster.
Board Plan: Blackboard Design M6U1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed problem opinion 1 opinion 2 Relax or Study Reasonable and acceptable Group performance(a table to mark) In a good attitude(共29张PPT)
Module 6 Problems
Unit 1 If I start after dinner,
I’ll finish it before I go to bed.
外研版 九年级上
Module 6 Problems
Sheldon’s problem
Sheldon’s problem
His mum doesn’t allow him to
read the comic books
She thinks that the books are
not .
Sheldon thinks that she treats him .
like a child
Sheldon’s problem
Problems appear when people have different opinions on the same thing.
What is Tony doing now
2. What does his father think
Tony should do
He is playing the guitar.
Tony’s dad thinks he should do his homework.
Tony is playing the guitar
instead of doing his homework.
Why is Tony playing the guitar
Why is Tony’s dad worried
What will Tony’s parents do to solve the problem
Because all his friends are learning to play an instrument and he wants to play with them.
Because he thinks if he doesn’t work hard, he will fail the exam.
They will make a deal with him.
Tony’s parents feel worried.
Tony is instead of .
All his classmates are learning , and he wants to .
If he doesn’t ,
he’ll .
They make a deal with Tony.
Tony’s parents feel worried.
When problems happen, we should understand why they happen, and try to think of a good solution.
Listen for different opinions
Problem A: They disagree on
5. to do the homework.
Tony’s opinion If I start 1. , I’ll finish it before I go to bed.
I need a 2. from schoolwork.
Tony’s dad’s opinion If you start 3. , you’ll finish it before dinner.
I want you to get into a habit of doing your homework 4. you come home from school.
after dinner
as soon as
Let’s think!
Problem: They disagree on
when Tony should do his homework.
Reasonable and acceptable opinions are good for communication.
But I haven’t got much homework.
Listen for different opinions
Problem A: They disagree on 1. Tony should go to the library to do volunteer work.
Tony’s opinion If I go to the library, I will be able to
2 there, help the 3 and increase my 4 of the world.
Tony’s dad’s opinion If you do all these other things instead of your homework, you won’t 5 to study.
You should consider what6 is.
Listen and decide the problems:
Problem B: They disagree on
how often Tony should go to the library to do volunteer work.
That’s a shame. I really don’t think you should go to the library so much!
Listen for different opinions
Tony’s opinion If I go to the library, I will be able to 1 there,
help the 2 and increase my 3 of the world.
Tony’s dad’s opinion If you do all these other things instead of your homework, you won’t 4 to study.
You should consider what
5 is.
read books
have time
the most important thing
Let’s think!
Problem: They disagree on
how often Tony should go to the library.
That’s a shame.
No deal.
That’s not the point.
That’s my last word.
A good attitude can make the communication easier.
Let’s retell!
How often
If…I will…
If you…, you’ll…
If I…, I wll…
If you…, you will…
Let’s think!
Last word
Is it useless to express our opinion
At least we should let our parents know what we are thinking about.
That’s what makes a good communication.
You can’t do anything before you finish your homework.
Watch and enjoy.
The most common problem.
Our parents and we disagree on
What is the most important on weekends
Relax or study
Think and discuss.
If you study/relax well at weekends, you will ……
Try to think of more opinions
in groups.(take notes)
If I relax/study well at the weekend, I will……
Pay attention.
Peer assessment.
State the problem clearly.
Present reasonable and acceptable opinions.
Speak in a good attitude.
The more opinions, the better.
Let’s share.
(You are the children)
Dear mum and dad, I know that you want me to (study/relax) at the weekend, but I think (study/relax) is the most important.
If I study (study/relax) well at the weekend, I will .
Besides, if I study (study/relax) at the weekend, I will .
And if I , I .
Let’s share.
(You are the parents)
Dear children, I know that you want to (study/relax) at the weekend,
but I think (study/relax) is the most important.
If you study (study/relax) well at the weekend, you will .
Besides, if you study (study/relax) at the weekend, you will .
And if you , you .
Let’s share.
Dear mum and dad, I know that you want me to relax well at the weekend, but I think study is the most important.
If I study well at the weekend, I will catch up with other classmates. I will make progress.
Besides, if I study well at the weekend, I will have time to review what I learned during the week.
And if I keep on study, I will be in good condition in the coming week.
I know that relax is also important, but I hope that you can listen to me and let me study. Please!
Let’s share
It is important to make our opinions heard.
It is also important to put ourselves in the shoes of others and change our way of thinking.(换位思考)
Must do:
Write down your opinions of the other side in the handout and share in groups.
Choose to do:
Make an opinion columns in groups. List down all your opinions of the two sides in a poster.
Face the problem.
Understand our parents.
Express our opinions.
A good communication is of great importance.
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