人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around 单元课件(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around 单元课件(6份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-01 14:59:57


Reading for Writing
Unit 2 Travelling around
Teaching Objectives
1.Master the structure and the languages of a travel plan.
2.Master the method of writing a travel plan.
3.Practise writing a travel plan.
Activity 1 细节把握
1.What makes Richard surprised about the Terracotta Army
A.They are so well kept.
B.They are so far away.
C.The number is so large.
D.They were made so hard.

2.The main idea of the first paragraph is .
A.the detailed plan of the trip
B.the main purpose of the trip
C.the introduction to the Terracotta Army
D.the final thoughts about the trip

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE
A.Some researchers unearthed the tomb by digging a well.
B.Researchers found out that each one of the Terracotta Army was
a copy of a real soldier.
C.Richard and his family will stay a night on the train.
D.Qinshihuang’s huge tomb is only filled with the statues.

4.Why is Richard planning to visit the Shaanxi History Museum
A.It is near the Terracotta Army.
B.It has books explaining Qinshihuang.
C.He loves history.
D.It has many treasures and his father loves history.

Activity 2 文章架构
1.Read the travel plan and choose the necessary parts a travel plan can include.
①where to go ②why ③what to take ④when to go ⑤how to go ⑥what to do ⑦who ⑧the result
答案 ①②④⑤⑥⑦
2.According to the travel plan,when we write a travel plan,we can learn to use the following outline.(写作模板)
For this ,I am planning to go to with ,because .
I am also planning to visit .(The reason is that) .We are also going to .We are leaving on by .We are staying in for days and coming back on .
How about you Do you have any plans for the coming holiday
Your friend,
Activity 3 增分靓句
1.Read the travel plan and find out the sentences that can explain why Richard wants to see some sites.
(1)I’ve heard that it is an amazing sight,and I can’t wait to go.
(2)To me,the story of the Terracotta Army is almost unbelievable.
(3)...,because my dad loves history and I have heard that this museum is known as a “Chinese treasure house”!
2.Read the travel plan and find out the sentences that Richard uses to tell about his plan.
(1)...my parents and I are planning to go to Xi’an...
(2)We’re also going to the Xi’an City Wall and a few other famous sights.
(3)We’re taking the train,leaving the day before the October holiday begins.
本单元的写作任务是写旅游计划。旅游计划属于告知信的范畴,通常包括destination,reasons for the trip,activity,transport,accommodation,time等信息。 写作时需要灵活使用衔接词、高级词汇和句型,以使整篇文章意思连贯。
I am writing to tell you my travel arrangements.
This month,I will travel to Changsha and Zhangjiajie with my two friends,which is supposed to be a six-day trip.
I’m planning to travel to Suzhou,a city called Eastern Venice.
The October holiday is coming,and I am going to Sichuan to see its beautiful scenery.
We will set out on June 15.
I will stay there for about four days.
I’m planning to go there by train and come back by bus.
Do you have any plans for the coming holiday
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Jane,
I am more than happy to hear that you are traveling to my city.
I’m writing to tell you that I am willing to make arrangements for your tour.
As for accommodation,you can stay at my home.Besides,I’d like to help you arrange a travel schedule.First,you can visit some famous attractions here,such as the Baotu Spring and the Daming Lake.Then,you can visit the museum in my city.By the way,could you do me a favor to buy a scarf?I wish to present it to my mother as a birthday gift.
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
Li Hua
假设你是李华,下周你们将组织由外国学生参加的旅游活动——“Discovering China”。你刚到北京的美国朋友Tom来信询问活动的有关安排。请你根据以下要点,给他写一封回信。
第一步 审题谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
a popular tourist destination
head/leave for Jinggangshan
board a ship/plane
admire/enjoy beautiful views
in advance/ahead of schedule
pack up
make arrangements for
spend time doing sth.
It is recognized that...
1.因为下周将组织一个叫“Discovering China”的旅游活动,我写信和你分享我们安排的一些细节。
Because a trip called “Discovering China” will be organized next week,________________________________________________
I am writing to share some details of our arrangements with
2.我们要飞往昆明,一个因为美丽而让人赞叹的旅游地。(tourist destination)
We are flying to Kunming,_______________________________
3.我们要去井冈山,人们公认它有着特别的历史。(head for)
Jinggangshan. it has a special history.
an amazing tourist destination for its
We are heading for
It is recognized that
,where we will spend two days.
The whole trip will last a week and .
Equally attractive is Hangzhou
we are coming back on Sunday
第三步 句式升级
It is because a trip called “Discovering China” will be organized next week that I am writing to share some details of our arrangements with you.
第四步 组句成篇
Dear Tom,
How are you doing?________________________________
It is because a trip called “Discovering China” will be organized next week that I am writing to share some details of our arrangements with you.
The trip starts from next Monday.We are flying to Kunming,an amazing tourist destination for its beauty.Then we are heading for Jinggangshan.It is recognized that it has a special history.
Equally attractive is Hangzhou,where we will spend two days.
The whole trip will last a week and we are coming back on Sunday.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
Do you have any plans for your holiday If not,I sincerely hope you can join us.
Reading for Writing
Other Parts
Unit 2 Travelling around
1.Learn the following important languages points: request,view, sight,comment,it作形式主语.
2.Do some exercises to strengthen these important language points.
Teaching Objectives
n.& vt.要求;请求
request sb. to do sth.
request that sb. (should) do sth.
at sb. ’s request=at the request of sb.
(1)They the arrangements for the trip in detail.
=They the arrangements for the trip in detail.
(2)More extra-curricular activities will be held _________________
requested the guide to tell them
requested that the guide (should) tell them
at the request of all
the freshmen
come into view
broaden/widen one’s view
point of view
in one’s view(=from one’s point of view)
in view of
(1)At the top of the mountain, .
,reading the English newspaper Youth every day _________
the amazing beauty came into view
From my point of view/In my
my view
(3) ,we had great difficulty finding our way home.
(4)Whatever happens,I .
In view of the heavy rain
will view you as my best friend
lose sight of
catch sight of
in sight
out of sight
at first sight
at the sight of...
(1)Only a short-sighted man will ____________________________
(2)We may even on the hill.
(3)It was already late,so when I came to the street,___________
lose sight of the importance of
catch sight of some soldiers
there was
nobody in sight
(4)The mother waved goodbye to her daughter till ______________
(5) ,it seems so silly a question that I wouldn’t like to answer it.
(6) ,the guy began to run.
the train was out
of sight
At first sight
At the sight of the teacher
vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
make a comment/comments on/about...
no comment
comment on/upon
(1)Instead of admiring the design,they .
= Instead of admiring the design,they .
(2)—How do you like the teenager’s behavior?
— !
commented on it rudely
made comments on it rudely
No comment
教材原句 It’s amazing that there are more than 8,000 statues,and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.
令人吃惊的是,(兵马俑)有8 000多个俑像,而且直到20世纪70年代现代人才知道它们(的存在)。(P30)
It be+形容词(amazing,obvious,possible,strange,natural,important...)+that从句
It be+名词短语(a pity,a fact,an honour,no wonder...)+that从句
It be+过去分词(said,reported,announced,believed...)+that从句
(1)“ you have earned,” the father said,with a smile on his face.
(2) such a good chance!
It is amazing that you should give me all the money
It is a pity that you missed
(3) a world-famous building.
(4) what happened in detail.
It is reported that the architect has designed
It happened that I knew
Listening and Speaking
Reading and Thinking
Unit 2 Travelling around
1.Learn the following important languages points: apply,amazing,arrangement,recognize,contact,强调句型,完全倒装.
2.Do some exercises to strengthen these important language points.
Teaching Objectives
vi.& vt.申请;请求
[ n.申请(书);应用
apply to do sth.
apply to sb. for sth.
apply sth. to...
apply to
apply oneself to doing sth.
(1)(应用文之申请信)Knowing that a Chinese painting exhibition will be held at the gallery next month,I _____________________
am writing to apply to
become a volunteer
(2)(应用文之申请信)I am writing to _________________________
advertised in yesterday’s newspaper.If I am accepted,I will
and .
I would appreciate it if you could .
apply to you for the position
apply myself to working
apply my knowledge to practice
consider my application
(3)To my regret,the traffic rules seem not to _________________
apply to some senior
( vt.使惊讶 adj.惊奇的;惊喜的 n.惊讶)
It is amazing that...
be amazed at/by/that...
be amazed to do sth.
to one’s amazement
in amazement
(1) the teenager has solved the challenge in a wonderful way.
(2) his quitting his well-paid job and I ______
he would apply himself to voluntary work.
(3) ,some adults are attracted to cartoons.
It is amazing that
I was amazed at/by
amazed to find that
To my amazement
(4)(读后续写之惊讶心理描写)He and
shook his head in disbelief.
looked at me in amazement
( vt.安排;筹备;整理)
make an arrangement/arrangements for
arrange sth. for sb.
arrange (for sb. ) to do sth.
(1)If you are interested,please sign up at the office before 4∶00 pm
next Thursday so that we will .
(2)I strongly recommend that parents(should) not _________________
make some necessary arrangements
arrange everything
for their children
(3)(应用文之活动安排)I will at the airport.We will at 7 pm in our lecture hall.
arrange for you to pick up the expert
arrange to hold a welcome ceremony
( n.承认,认可;认出)
recognise sb. /sth.
recognise sb. /sth. as/to be...
It is recognised that...
beyond recognition
(1)I when I signed up for the race yesterday.
(2)The Great Wall _______________________________________
in China.
(3) we Chinese should love and spread our own traditional cultures.
recognised him
is recognised as/to be one of the most famous
It is recognised that
(4)Ten years has past and my hometown ___________________
has changed beyond
contact sb. at...
keep/stay in contact with
lose contact with
make contact with
(1)If you have any questions,please 13705374747 immediately.We should so that we can solve some urgent situations.
(2)To my regret,I after graduation.
contact me at
keep in contact with each other
lost contact with many friends
(3)I have managed to .
make contact with that official
It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.
本句用It is...that的强调句型对for this reason进行强调。强调句型的结构:

强调句型通常用来强调句子的主语、宾语或状语。如果强调的是人,可以用 ,其他情况一律用 。
It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其余部分
Is/Was it+被强调部分
特殊疑问词+is/was it+that
(1) (主语) held (宾语) in the old castle
(地点状语) (时间状语).
(强调主语) in the old castle last night.
(强调宾语) in the old
castle last night.
Our boss
a wonderful party
last night
It was our boss that/who held a wonderful party
It was a wonderful party that our boss held
last night.
in the old castle.
It was in the old castle that our boss held a
wonderful party
It was last night that our boss held a wonderful party
(2)It is her sense of responsibility that makes all the students admire her.

(对her sense of responsibility进行提问)_______________________

Is it her sense of responsibility that makes all the
students admire her
What is it that makes all the
students admire her
Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building.
此句中的especially amazing放句首引起完全倒装,其用法如下:
作表语的分词短语、形容词提到be动词前面时,句子用完全倒装结构,即“ ”结构;
(1) you should set a proper schedule.
(2) ,who was quite amazed when everyone shouted “Happy Birthday”.
Equally important is that
Into the dark apartment walked my friend
(3) ,which you are welcome to visit at your convenience.
(4) improve your advanced literature.
Such is our lively city
Here are some practical tips on how to
Video Time
Machu Picchu
Unit 2 Travelling around
1.Use strategies to guess the content of the video.
2.Know some information about Machu Picchu.
3.Watch the video and answer the questions.
Do you know about these famous places
马丘比丘(Machu Picchu),又译麻丘比丘,位于现今的秘鲁(Perú)境内库斯科(Cuzco)西北75公里,整个遗址高耸在海拔约2 350米的山脊上,俯瞰着乌鲁班巴河谷,为热带丛林所包围,是秘鲁著名的前哥伦布时期印加帝国在15世纪建造的遗迹,也是世界新七大奇迹之一。
People believe that Machu Picchu is a magnetic centre, attracting many tourists each year.
People believe that West Lake is a magnetic centre , attracting many tourists at home and abroad each year.
Machu Picchu, which was once part of the Inca’s civilisation, is now made up of ruins.
magnetic centre Inca civilisation outside world stalls business and money ruins
1.Machu Picchu was once part of the _______________.
2.For many years, Machu Picchu was lost to the ____________.
3.Machu Picchu is now made up of ______.
4.People believe that Machu Picchu is a(n) ________________, attracting many tourists each year.
Task 1: Filling in the blanks with the words in the box.
Before you watch
5.Apart from being a magical place, Machu Picchu also brings a lot of ____________________ to Peru.
6.Local people sell things at _______ to tourists.
Task 1: Filling in the blanks with the words in the box.
magnetic centre Inca civilisation outside world stalls business and money ruins
While you watch
1.Machu Picchu was once part of the _______________.
2.For many years, Machu Picchu was lost to the ____________.
3.Machu Picchu is now made up of ______.
4.People believe that Machu Picchu is a(n) ________________, attracting many tourists each year.
Check your answers.
Inca civilisation
outside world
magnetic centre
magnetic centre Inca civilisation outside world stalls business and money ruins
5.Apart from being a magical place, Machu Picchu also brings a lot of ____________________ to Peru.
6.Local people sell things at _______ to tourists.
business and money
magnetic centre Inca civilisation outside world stalls business and money ruins
1.Machu Picchu was once part of the ________________.
Inca civilisation
2.For many years, Machu Picchu was lost to the ______________.
outside world
3.Machu Picchu is now made up of ______.
4.People believe that Machu Picchu is a(n) _________________, attracting many tourists each year.
magnetic centre
5.Apart from being a magical place, Machu Picchu also brings a lot of ____________________ to Peru.
business and money
6.Local people sell things at _______ to tourists.
Task 2: Choose the correct answers.
1. Another name for Machu Picchu is _______.
A.Aguas Calientes
B.one of the magnetic centres of the ancient world
C.the Lost City of the Inca
2. Machu Picchu was built ________.
A.in 1911
B.more than 500 years ago
C.500 years ago
3.Some people worry that too many tourists going to Machu Picchu _______.
A.will be bad for the environment
B.will be bad for business
C.will be too noisy
4.The people in the town live completely ______.
A.on the money from tourism
B.by selling art
C.by driving buses
Task 2: Choose the correct answers.
5.Machu Picchu may be changed forever by ______.
A.the weather
Task 2: Choose the correct answers.
Let’s watch again.
Check your answers.
1. Another name for Machu Picchu is _______.
A.Aguas Calientes
B.one of the magnetic centres of the ancient world
C.the Lost City of the Inca
2. Machu Picchu was built ________.
A.in 1911
B.more than 500 years ago
C.500 years ago

3.Some people worry that too many tourists going to Machu Picchu _______.
A.will be bad for the environment
B.will be bad for business
C.will be too noisy
4.The people in the town live completely ______.
A.on the money from tourism
B.by selling art
C.by driving buses
Task 2: Choose the correct answers.

5.Machu Picchu may be changed forever by ______.
A.the weather
Task 2: Choose the correct answers.

1.Another name for Machu Picchu is _______.
A.Aguas Calientes
B.one of the magnetic centres of the ancient world
C.the Lost City of the Inca
2.Machu Picchu was built ________.
A.in 1911 B.more than 500 years ago C. 500 years ago
3.Some people worry that too many tourists going to Machu Picchu _______.
A.will be bad for the environment
B.will be bad for business
C.will be too noisy
4.The people in the town live completely ______.
A.on the money from tourism
B.by selling art
C.by driving buses
5.Machu Picchu may be changed forever by ______.
A.the weather B.poverty C.tourism
magic attraction
a local hotel owner
get to the summit of
a group of stalls
coming closer to
Task 3: Complete the passage with the words in the box.
climb over the ruins
the sounds of tourists
sell art and things
magnetic centers
walk through the ruins
Lost City of the Inca
Narrator: This beautiful, quiet place is covered in sunshine and has mountains all around it. Its name is Machu Picchu. It’s sometimes called the ______________, and it’s nearly 8,000 feet up in the Andes.
Julio: It’s a ______________ that you can feel it here. It’s known all over the world that Machu Picchu is one of the ______________ of the ancient world. Narrator: Machu Picchu is more than 500 years old. Today, it’s a favorite place for visitors from all over the world. Even in the rain and fog, it’s wonderful to ______________. When the Inca civilization ended, few people knew Machu Picchu existed. For a long time it was lost to the outside world. Then, in 1911, an explorer called Hiram Bingham found it again.
Narrator: At first, very few people visited Machu Picchu. But now, hundreds of tourists come here every day. They walk up the steps of the ancient city and _____________. Machu Picchu is no longer quiet. It’s full of ___________________.
Some people in Peru hope that more tourists will come here. They think it will mean more business and money for the country. However, some __________________ worry that more visitors won’t be good for Machu Picchu. They say that tourism may not be good for the environment.
Narrator: Jose, ____________________ says Machu Picchu and Peru can take a few more visitors.
Joser: Why not be like the rest of the world Why not expose and show Machu Picchu to the rest of the world It’s such a wonderful place, why keep it to a few
Narrator: The truth is that parts of Peru are very poor, and tourists bring money to these communities. Aguas Calientes is a town that grew suddenly near an area where visitors get on buses to _______________ Machu Picchu. The people here live completely on money from tourism. The town is just _______________ where local people _______________ they have made to visitors.
Narrator: The Lost City is no longer lost. Tourists have found it. The modern world is ______________this ancient world every day.
Narrator: Time may be running out for the Lost City of the Inca. More and more people are discovering it. In the end, it may be the modern world that forever changes this ancient city.
Narrator: This beautiful, quiet place is covered in sunshine and has mountains all around it. Its name is Machu Picchu. It’s sometimes called the Lost City of the Inca, and it’s nearly 8,000 feet up in the Andes.
Julio: It’s a magic attraction that you can feel it here. It’s known all over the world that Machu Picchu is one of the magnetic centers of the ancient world. Narrator: Machu Picchu is more than 500 years old. Today, it’s a favorite place for visitors from all over the world. Even in the rain and fog, it’s wonderful to walk through the ruins. When the Inca civilization ended, few people knew Machu Picchu existed. For a long time it was lost to the outside world. Then, in 1911, an explorer called Hiram Bingham found it again.
Task 4: Read together.
Narrator: At first, very few people visited Machu Picchu. But now, hundreds of tourists come here every day. They walk up the steps of the ancient city and climb over the ruins. Machu Picchu is no longer quiet. It’s full of the sounds of tourists.
Some people in Peru hope that more tourists will come here. They think it will mean more business and money for the country. However, some conservationists worry that more visitors won’t be good for Machu Picchu. They say that tourism may not be good for the environment.
Narrator: Jose, a local hotel owner says Machu Picchu and Peru can take a few more visitors.
Joser: Why not be like the rest of the world Why not expose and show Machu Picchu to the rest of the world It’s such a wonderful place, why keep it to a few
Narrator: The truth is that parts of Peru are very poor, and tourists bring money to these communities. Aguas Calientes is a town that grew suddenly near an area where visitors get on buses to get to the summit of Machu Picchu. The people here live completely on money from tourism. The town is just a group of stalls where local people sell art and things they have made to visitors.
Narrator: The Lost City is no longer lost. Tourists have found it. The modern world is coming closer to this ancient world every day.
Narrator: Time may be running out for the Lost City of the Inca. More and more people are discovering it. In the end, it may be the modern world that forever changes this ancient city.
Let’s watch the video again
1. Are there any places like Machu Picchu in China In what ways are they alike
After you watch
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
2.Should tourism be stopped in places like Machu Picchu Why or why not
1. Are there any places like Machu Picchu in China In what ways are they alike
There are a few places like Machu Picchu in China, for example, Hailongtun Tusi Fortress. Hailongtun Tusi Fortress is like Machu Picchu in that they are both located high up in the mountains and their architectural styles are unique.
Hailongtun Tusi Fortress
Hailongtun Tusi Fortress is located at the peak of Longyan mountain, 16 kilometres north downtown Zunyi in Guizhou Province. It has gone through Song,Yuan and Ming Dynasties. It is an important historic site of Bozhou (Zunyi was called Bozhou in ancient times.)Yang Clan Tusi Culture in southwest China. With the 9 passes, walls and watch towers, Hailongtun is an outstanding representative of Chinese ancient military fortress, which was first built in the 5th year of Baoyou in Song Dynasty.
2.Should tourism be stopped in places like Machu Picchu Why or why not
Tourism should not be stopped in places like Machu Picchu. While such places need to be protected, this should be balanced by the need for the world to see and experience their wonders, and the need for local people to make a living.
Travel is a great source of real knowledge.
1. Review what we have learned in this unit.
2. Recite one paragraph in the passage TRAVEL PERU.
Reading and Thinking
Explore Peru
Unit 2 Travelling around
1. To learn about the four tourist attractions in Peru.
2. To tell the differences between an encyclopedia and a travelling brochure.
3. To identify the structures and language features of the text.
Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.
—Francis Bacon
When you plan to go travelling, what do you have to consider(考虑)
travel agency (旅行社)
time and weather
Watch the video Welcome to Peru and answer the questions.
I saw the Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest, cusco city, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca in the video. I wish I could learn more about the people of Peru.
What did you see in the video
I can find the information about Peru from the Internet,TV,an encyclopedia(百科全书),the library,and travel brochures(手册).
What other sources of information can you find about Peru
Below are two texts about Peru. Look through them quickly. What types of text are they: encyclopedia or brochure
simple language(简单的语言)
brief content(简短的内容)
objective description(客观的描述)
vivid pictures(生动的图片)
beautiful design(美观的设计)
powerful & expressive language(强有力的语言)
By looking through the text quickly for titles, subtitles(副标题) , pictures and charts(图表) , you can tell the type of the text quickly.
Recognise text type
An encyclopedia
simple language
brief content
objective description
Text 1
vivid pictures
beautiful design
powerful & expressive language
Text 2
What’s the main idea of Text 1
A.Introducing the Pacific coast.
B.Introducing the geographical location,the history and the official language of Peru.
C.Introducing the ancient Inca Empire.
D.Introducing the Andes Mountains.

Match the main idea with each paragraph of Text 2.
Para.1   A.The four-day Machu Picchu Tour.
Para.2 B.The four-day Lake Titicaca Tour.
Para.3 C.Encourage people to travel to Peru.
Para.4 D.The four-day Cusco Tour.
Para.5 E.A brief introduction to Amazon Rainforest Tour.
Para.6 F.How to get more brochures about other package tours around Peru.
What is the author’s intention of writing Text 2
A.To recommend four tourist attractions of Peru.
B.To tell people to travel as often as possible.
C.To encourage people to do outdoor activities.
D.To help people learn more about Peru.

Read Text 1 carefully and fill in the form below.
Geographic characteristics (three main areas) 1.
History in the 1400s and 1500s

in 1500s to 1821
the main official language
on the Pacific coast of South America
narrow,dry,flat land running along the coast
the Andes Mountains
the Amazon rainforest
the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire
was ruled by Spain
Read Text 2 carefully and answer the following questions.
1.Amazon Rainforest Tour
(1)How to enter the Amazon Rainforest: ____________________
How to get the destination in the middle of the forest:________
What to do:__________________________________________
A short flight/By plane
Explore the rainforest and enjoy the plants and
animals unique to the rainforest
By boat
(2)How long will you stay in the Amazon Rainforest during the tour
A.Four days. B.Three days.
C.Two days. D.One day.

2.Machu Picchu Tour
(1)How long:_______
How to get Machu Picchu:__________
What to do:______________________________________________
How you will feel:_________________________________________
4 days
On foot
Walk in the Andes Mountains and explore the ancient city
Amazed by the Incas’ dry stone method of building
(2)What can we learn from this paragraph
A.Visitors will walk through the Andes Mountains before reaching Machu Picchu.
B.Machu Picchu is a modern city,which is very amazing.
C.It will take visitors four days to explore the city of Machu Picchu.
D.The Andes Mountains run through the centre of the city.

3.Cusco Tour
(1)How long:___________
What to do:
4 days
Stay in a local hotel,visit the museums,admire the architecture,enjoy the excellent local food,and go shopping at the local markets
(2)Which of the following is NOT true about Cusco Tour according to the passage
A.Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century.
B.At Cusco visitors will enjoy the unique American and local Indian culture.
C.Visitors can pay a visit to the museums there.
D.It will take visitors four days.

4.Lake Titicaca Tour
(1)How to get to Lake Titicaca and the island:___________________
Where to stay:____________________________
What to do:
By car and by boat
A local Uros home on an island
Enjoy the beautiful countryside and stay with a local Uros family
(2)The attraction of Lake Titicaca Tour lies in the fact that .
A.visitors can enjoy the beautiful view
B.visitors are required to drive for a day
C.visitors can get to know a local Uros family
D.both the island and the Uros homes are made of water plants from the lake

Match the following tours with their special features.
1.Amazon Rainforest Tour  A.Countryside sights
2.Machu Picchu Tour B.Unique Spanish and local Indian culture
3.Cusco Tour C.The ancient city with Incas’ dry stone buildings
4.Lake Titicaca Tour D.Unique plants and animals
Read the passage again and choose the best answer.
1.The word “fit” in the sentence “Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.” probably means “ ”.
A.a short period of time when someone stops being conscious
B.the way that something is suitable for a particular person,space,etc.
C.a very strong emotion that you cannot control
D.a sudden attack of an illness

2.If you want to enjoy ancient Inca stone buildings,which tour should you take
A.Amazon Rainforest Tour.
B.Machu Picchu Tour.
C.Cusco Tour.
D.Lake Titicaca Tour.

3.What’s the best title of the passage
A.The History of Peru
B.The Beautiful Scenery of Peru
C.A Trip to Peru
D.Peru’s Culture

1.Which tour(s) would you recommend for people who enjoy history and culture / natural scenes / architecture (Critical thinking)
The Amazon
The Amazon
Machu Picchu
Lake Titicaca
The Andes
2.Which words and expressions in the brochure are so powerful and impressive that they make you interested in the tours (Read this brochure again, and underline these words, expressions and sentences)
Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America.It was the centre of the 1.________(power) ancient Inca Empire in the 1400s and 1500s.In the 16th century,Spain 2.____(take) control of Peru and ruled until 1821.It is for this reason 3.____ Spanish is the main official language of the country.
If you want to travel around Peru,there are four places worth 4.___ visit.First,you can go from Cusco to the Amazon rainforest by plane.From there,you can take a boat to your 5._____________(accommodate) and then spend three days 6._________(explore) the rainforest with a local guide.Then,if you expect 7._________(admire) the Incas’ unique architecture,Machu Picchu is the perfect place 8.___ you to visit.There you’ll be amazed by the ancient city,9.__________(especial) its dry stone method of building.The next place,Cusco,was once the capital of the Inca Empire,where you can visit the museums and enjoy the excellent local food.From Cusco,you drive along the new highway for a day,arriving at Lake Titicaca.There,a boat 10._________(take) you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days.
to admire
will take
Analyze the key points of the text
PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest.
In the 1400s and 1500s, Peru was the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire. The Inca emperor lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu. Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821. It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.
强调句式,去掉It is…that,句子依然成立,为强调句式
Text 1
Text 2
Amazon Rainforest Tour
A short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. From there, you’ll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest. You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.
spend…(in) doing sth. 花费时间/金钱做某事,介词in可省略
Machu Picchu Tour
This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After reaching your destination, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.
so that引导的结果状语从句
Cusco Tour
Spend four days enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local markets.
Lake Titicaca Tour
Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new highway connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. There, a boat will take you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days. Both the island and the Uros homes are made of water plants from the lake.
Review what we have learned and preview language points
Listening and Speaking
Listening and Talking
Unit 2 Travelling around
1. Listen to people discuss their travel plans;
2. Use strategies to listen for specific information;
3. Learn to make reservations;
4. Talk about preparing for a trip.
build up our bodies and make us strong-willed
enrich our personal life experiences
make new friends from home and abroad
enjoy delicious local food
experience unique cultures and histories
relax and forget stress
broaden our horizons
admire the breathtaking view
pick up a new language
Before listening
What places have you travelled to
If you have the chance to travel anywhere in the world, where will you go
the Terracotta Army,China
the Eiffel Tower, France
Lijiang, China
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Tianshan, China
What do you need to do to prepare for the trip
prepare money(credit card, cash...)
get necessary information
(travel website, travel brochure, guidebook...)
work out a travel plan
(transport, accommodation ...)
What else do you need to do to prepare for the trip
get a passport
apply for a visa
book tickets
book a hotel room
rent a car
buy a guidebook
pack some clothes
research the local weather
While listening
Paul and Meilin are talking about the coming holiday. Listen to the first part of the conversation and choose the correct answers.
1. Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday.
A. Germany. B. England.
C. Iceland. D. France.
2. How is she going to get there
A. By sea. B. By air. C. By train.
3. How is she planning to get around after she arrives
A. By car. B. By train. C. On foot.

Listen to the second part of the conversation and answer the questions.
1. Where is Paul’s family going over the holiday
Paul’s family is going to Lijiang in Yunnan, China over the holiday.
2. Why are they going there
One of his father’s friends lives there and he invited them to visit.
Listen to the whole conversation again and fill in the table below.
Meilin Paul
Get her passport _____ a few light sweaters and a coat
______ for her visa
_____ air tickets online ____ a guidebook
____ a car
Write down verbs like “get” only.
Listen to the whole part and fill in the blanks below.
Paul: Hey, Meilin! So what are you doing for the coming holiday
Meilin: I _____________ around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
Paul: Europe Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there!
Meilin: Yes, me, too. I’m so excited. I __________ to visit France and Germany.
Paul: That’s wonderful! Do you have your passport and visa already
Meilin: I already have my passport, and I ____________ for my visa tomorrow. Once I get the visa, we’ll book flight tickets online.
Paul: So how do you plan to travel around
Meilin: We are renting a car and driving! My uncle has always wanted to drive around Europe!
am travelling
am planning
am applying
Try to use present continuous tense(现在进行时) to talk about future plans.
Meilin: So what about you, Paul Do you have any travel plans
Paul: Yes, actually! My parents ___________ me to Yunnan Province in China to visit Lijiang!
Meilin: Lijiang That’s quite famous in China.
Paul: Yes. One of my father’s friends lives there. He invited us to visit.
Meilin: Oh, that’s nice! So what’s the weather like there
Paul: It should be pleasant during the day, but it might be cold at night, so I ___________ a few light sweaters and a coat.
Meilin: What are you planning to see there
Paul: Well, I know I am definitely going to see the Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain. Other than that, I’m not sure. I _________ a Lijiang guidebook today, actually.
are taking
am taking
am buying
Group work
Suppose you’ll have a 5-day holiday, choose a travel destination and share your travel plans with a partner.
Where: Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Why famous: the model for the castle in Disneyland
Best time to visit: September/October(autumn)
Where: Jiuzhaigou, China
Why famous: amazing waterfalls, colourful lakes, beautiful mountains
Best time to visit: April/May or September/October
Show time!
A: Hi, Julie! Do you have any plans for the holiday
B: Hi, Wang Lei! Yes, I’m planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou. Actually, I’ve just finished the travel arrangements!
A: Oh, good idea! Jiuzhaigou is an extremely beautiful place.
B: Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing the colourful lakes, amazing waterfalls…
A: How are you getting ready for your trip
B: I’m…
plans n.
extremely adv. very, quite
How do you plan to get there
What will you prepare for the trip
Who are you going to travel with
What are you going to eat
More questions
Wow, that’s amazing/wonderful/nice...
Well, I’m/We’re...
Ah! Me too, I am so excited.
That all sounds like a good plan.
More answers
make travel arrangements
have a plan for the coming holiday
look forward to sth./ doing sth.
Have you decided where to …
I am planning to…, but I am not sure…
What do you usually do before a trip
How are you getting ready for…
My dream destination is…
I like…, but I am not so interested in…
Useful expressions and phrases
Make reservations
Listen to the phone call and answer the questions.
1. What are the two speakers talking about
They are talking about buying a plane ticket.
2. What is the relationship between the two speakers
One of the people in the conversation is a customer, while the other is an airline reservation agent.
Listen again and collect the useful information.
What will you do if you make a reservation for a trip
phone number
places of interest
Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear.
Opening __________ can I help you _________to buy a plane ticket...
Talking about time ____________ are you travelling On the 23rd of December.
Talking about what you prefer There are two flights... Which ___________ Would _________ travel business class or economy ________________ book a return flight this time The 9:30 flight, please.
________ to travel business class.
No, _________. I’m taking the train back.
Other information ___________ your name, sir Robert Williams.
Payment __________________________ to pay By credit card.
I’d like
On what date
do you prefer
you like to
I’d like
Would you like to
thank you
May I have
May I ask how you would like
Woman: Skies Airlines. How can I help you
Man: I’d like to buy a plane ticket from London to Paris.
Woman: Certainly, sir. On what date are you travelling
Man: On the 23rd of December.
Woman: There are two flights that day: one in the morning at 9:30 and the other in the afternoon at 5:00. Which do you prefer
Man: The 9:30 flight, please.
Woman: Would you like to travel business class or economy
Man: I’d like to travel business class.
Woman: Would you like to book a return flight this time
Man: No, thank you. I’m taking the train back.
Woman: May I have your name, sir
Man: Robert Williams.
Woman: Thank you, Mr Williams. I’ve made your booking. May I ask how you would like to pay
Man: By credit card.
Woman: OK, wait just a second, please … [Fade out.]
—When are you coming
—We’re arriving at 10:00 in the morning.
—How long are you staying here
—We’re staying for a week.
—What time is your train arriving
—About 9:10.
Ask and answer about time.
We have old grandparents. Can you find a room in lower floors or do you have lifts in the building
I hate noise. Do you have a room in the top floor
I need a room away from/near the lift.
Ask and answer about the room.
Which do you prefer, first class, business or economy
Can we have a discount if we have a group of five people
Do you need a return ticket
Ask and answer about booking.
Imagine you are making plans for the holiday. Choose one of the situations below and role-play a phone call with a partner.
travel date(s)
preferred time
one-way or return
Flight class
first class
business class
economy class
Other information
method of payment
check in/check out
Kind of room
2 single beds
double bed
king bed
Special requests
a view
a non-smoking room
a quiet room
number of people
Special requests
non-smoking area
high chair(s)
other: ________
I’d like to book a room for next Monday.
I’d like to reserve a room for two days.
How long are you staying
When are you checking in and checking out
What kind of room would you like
I’d like a room with two single beds.
What’s the room rate
Is breakfast included
Do you have free Internet service
Useful expressions