人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world单元课件(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world单元课件(6份打包)
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文件大小 373.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-01 15:21:37


Listening and Speaking
Listening and Talking
Unit 5 Languages around the world
1.Listen to a speech about learning foreign languages and talk
about reasons why people study a foreign language;
2.Know the differences between British and American accents;
3.Learn different kinds of English.
One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. —Frank Smith
一种语言能带你进入人生旅途,两门语言为你开启人生旅途中的所有大门。 ——弗兰克·史密斯
How many languages are spoken in the world
A. More than 4,000.
B. More than 5,000.
C. More than 6,000.
D. More than 7,000.

China has more than 300 languages spoken. These languages are popular in Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China. The popular language is Mandarin Chinese spoken by more than 955 million people. However, Standard Chinese is the official language. Cantonese is also very popular.
Exploring languages around the world
Before you listen, match each photo with the correct country name. Then discuss which languages are spoken in these countries.
Listening and Speaking
Listen to a speech and tick the two languages with the most native speakers. Circle the official languages of the United Nations (UN).
Russian Chinese Korean Japanese
Spanish Arabic English French

Six official languages used in the United Nations
Listen to the speech again and answer the questions.
1. What is the main topic of this speech
2. How many languages are there in the world
3. How many billion people speak the UN’s official languages as their native or second language
4. What is the attitude of the speaker towards foreign language learning
There are nearly 7,000 languages in the world.
Learning a foreign language.
About 2.8 billion people.
It’s very useful to learn one or more foreign languages.
Listen to the speech again. What do the italicised words refer to in the sentences.
1. They think it means better job chances in the future.
2. They are spoken by around 2.8 billion people.
They: students who choose to study a UN language
it: studying a UN language
They: the six official UN languages
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish.
Pronouns (it,they,she,etc.) refer to something or somebody mentioned earlier. Pay attention to the context of words to help you understand what the pronouns refer to.
Listening skills
To some students, it seems that the only foreign language to learn is English. There are, however, nearly 7,000 languages in the world. After Chinese, the language with the most native language speakers isn’t English—it’s Spanish! Learning English is very useful, but it is wise to learn at least one other foreign language, if possible.
There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language. Many students choose to study one of the languages that are spoken at the UN. As they think it means better job chances in the future. The UN has six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. They are spoken by around 2.8 billion people as their native or second languages. Some students, though, choose to study a language because of family or friends. One American girl chose to learn Danish because her grandparents were from Denmark. When she was little, her grandpa used to read letters to her in Danish from their relatives in Denmark. Another young lady started learning French because she had several friends from African countries where French is spoken. What do you think Which other language would you choose to study and why
Work in pairs or groups. Discuss with you partners:
If you have the chance, what other language(s) do you want to learn Why
How do you understand Frank Smith’s words “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”
Explore different kinds of English
How much do you know about American English and British English
Listening and Talking
Listen to the first part of the talk. What are the different kinds of English are mentioned
British English,
American English, and Australian English.
Listen to the second part of the talk. What are the two pairs of words that the student is confused by Tick them in the boxes.
semester/term restroom/toilet
gas/petrol subway/underground
n. 汽油;气味;燃气
n. 地铁

As many countries speak English as a first language, there are many different kinds of English around the world: British English, American English, Australian English, and many others. Some English learners might ask, “Can English speakers from different countries all understand each other ” The answer is yes. People in these countries can usually understand each other with very few problems. There are differences in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, but those are usually not big problems. However, those differences can cause confusion for non-native English speakers. For example, a student who has learnt British English might not be familiar with the different vocabulary that an American might use. Listen to this conversation between a foreign language student and her American classmate.
Amy: Thank you very much for helping me with my English.
Betty: You’re welcome! When are you free to meet This semester, I’m free on Tuesday and Thursday after lunch.
Amy: I’m sorry What does “semester” mean
Betty: You know, semester—half of a school year.
Amy: Oh, you mean like a term
Betty: Yes, like a term. The British say “term”. We usually say “semester” here in America.
Amy: Got it! My first English lesson with you, haha Ok, let’s meet on Tuesday. Where shall we meet
Betty: Let’s meet at a coffee shop near my home. It’s very convenient to get there by subway.
Amy: Subway Do you mean the Underground
Betty: Yes, the train that goes under the ground!
Amy: Ah, got it! Haha, my second English lesson—thank you!
BrE & AmE
When you hear two native speakers of English, they may still not speak the same kind of English.
What Do you
mean this autumn
Do you have any plan this fall
American English British English
A: Do you want to come to my apartment
B: Your flat I don’t think so. Can we go to the pub
A: Wow, the bar is a nice place. We can go.
B: Great. I want a tin of Coke and some sweets.
A: Well, I want a can of beer and some candies.
B: Hey, I like football match very much.
A: OK. We can go and see a soccer game tomorrow.
B: Oh, time to go home, let’s go to the lift.
A: OK. Let’s go to the elevator together.
Look at the pairs of words below. Which words are British English and which are American English Try to think of more pairs of words like these.
n. 公寓套房
British English
American English
The differences between BrE & AmE.
autumn fall
typhoon tornado
I think I guess
colour color
centre center
traveller traveler
dance dance
not not
Chinese BrE AmE
街区;邻近的地方 neighbourhood neighborhood
劳动力 labour labor
颜色 colour color
荣誉 honourable honorable
幽默 humour humor
特别喜爱的人(或物) favourite favorite
电影院 theatre theater
公里 kilometre kilometer
More pairs of words.
Chinese BrE AmE
电梯 lift elevator
汽油 petrol gas, gasoline
秋天 autumn fall
地铁 underground subway
大学 university college
垃圾 rubbish garbage
垃圾箱 dustbin trash can
假期 holiday vacation
两周 fortnight two weeks
More pairs of words.
Chinese BrE AmE
公寓 flat apartment
酒吧 pub bar
罐头 tin can
糖果 sweets candy
橡皮 eraser rubber
比赛 match game
足球 football soccer
电影 film movie
出租车 taxi cab
More pairs of words.
Wow, I want some
sweets. What about
you, Martin
Well, I want
some ______.
Pair Work
Time to go home. Let’s go to the ____ together.
Oh no, the
must be full
of people
this time.
Read and role-play the conversation. What misunderstanding has happened
Martin: Hey, Zhou Wei, do you want to go shopping There’s a sale at my favourite store.
Zhou Wei: Oh, yes! I really need to buy some pants.
Martin: Pants That’s funny. I don’t usually go shopping with my friends for pants.
Zhou Wei: You don’t Don’t you like to have somebody tell you if the pants look good or not
Martin: Er…Not really…Hey, wait, do you mean trousers —what you and I are wearing on our legs right now
Zhou Wei: Oh, yes. That’s what I mean by pants! That’s American English, isn't it
Martin: Yes, it is! I knew what you meant, by the way. I was just joking with you. Did you know that in British English, “pants” means something very different
Zhou Wei: Really So what does it mean
Martin: In British English, the word “pants” means underwear…
What does Zhou Wei want to buy
Why does Martin feel puzzled about what Zhou Wei wants to buy
How do they misunderstand each other
How do they clear up the misunderstanding
Free Talk
Choose one pair and role-play it.
截止期限 time-limit /deadline
时间表 timetable/ schedule
城市 town/ city
裤子 trousers /pants
铁路 tube(London) /subway
工作时间 working day /workday
工厂 works /factory
Role Play
Choose one or two pairs of words in Activity 3 and make a conversation. The expressions below may help you.
Asking for clarification
Work in Groups
Do you mean... Does that mean... I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating... So am I right in saying… I’m sorry. What does…mean
I beg your pardon.
So what you’re really saying is…
Show time
Knowledge of language is the doorway to wisdom.
—Roger Bacon(共30张PPT)
The Chinese Writing System:
Connecting the Past and the Present
Unit 5 Languages around the world
At the end of this class, you will be able to;
1.read about the development of Chinese characters;
2.read for specific information and understanding words in the
3.Analyze the complex sentences.

picture-based symbols
simplified Chinese characters
Can you recognize the following symbols
How do the Chinese characters develop over time
Look at the title and picture and predict what the text is mainly about.
I think the text is mainly about the history of the Chinese writing system.
Read for structure
1. Underline the topic sentences and find out the structure of the whole passage.
Its history and development
Its importance
Part 1 :________
Para. 1
Part 2 :_________
Paras. 2-4
Part 3 :_________
Paras. 5-6
2. Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph.
A. The writing system began to develop in one direction.
B. The writing system became well-developed, and later developed into different forms.
C. The Chinese writing system is one of the reasons why Chinese civilization has survived into modern times.
D. Written Chinese was a picture-based language at the beginning.
E. The Chinese language is helping to spread China’s culture and history to the world.
F. Written Chinese connects China’s present with its past, and has become an art form.
Pay attention to the first sentence and key words of the paragraph will help you summarize the main idea.
3. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
(1) What is the text mainly about
A.The development of Chinese writing system.
B.The effect of Chinese writing system.
C.The important role of Chinese writing system.
D.The development and effect of Chinese writing system.
(2)What is the type of the text
B.Expository Writing(说明文).
C.Argumentative Essay(议论文).
D.Practical Writing(应用文).

4. Scan the text to find the words and phrases that describe a time.
Scanning is looking at the text quickly to find specific information, such as dates or numbers.
The passage is organized in the order of _____.
China is widely known for its ___________________, which has continued into _____________, despite the many _____________ in its history. There are _____________ why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been _________________________.
ancient civilisation
(1) Fill in the blanks.
modern times
ups and downs
many reasons
the Chinese writing system
1. Read Para.1 carefully and do the following exercises.
(2)What is the function of Para. 1
Para.1 is the lead paragraph which introduces the topic of the text—Chinese writing system is one of the reasons why Chinese civilisation has survived into modern times.
2. Read Paras. 2-4 carefully and do the following exercises.
(1) Find out what happened at each of those important times to show how written Chinese developed.
At the beginning:______________________________
Date back several thousand years:_________________________________
By the Shang Dynasty:_____________________________________
Over the years:_______________________________
In the Qin Dynasty:_________________________________
Even today:_______________________
Began as a picture-based language
The use of longgu—animal bones and shells
Became a well-developed writing system
Developed into different forms
Began to develop in one direction
Used in communication
(2) Why did the Chinese writing system develop into different forms over the years
Because it was a time when people were divided geographically,leading to many varieties of dialects and characters.
(3) How did written Chinese unify Chinese people divided by geography and dialects
Chinese people from different places are allowed to communicate with each other.
(4) Why did the Chinese writing system begin to develop in one direction
A.Because people wanted to live in peace.
B.Because Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country.
C.Because people were willing to communicate in the language.
D.Because people were divided geographically.

(1) What expressions about “important” are mentioned in the text
That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.(Para.4)
Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China’s present is connected with its past.(Para.5)
The high regard for the Chinese writing system..., which has become an important part of Chinese culture.(Para.5)
Today,the Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture. As China plays a greater role in global affairs...(Para.6)
3. Read Paras. 4-6 carefully and do the following exercises.
(2) What does each “importance” refer to
Importance Connection
of great importance(Para.4)
an important means(Para. 5)
an important part of Chinese culture (Para. 5)
plays a greater role in(Para. 6)
connect ____________ with ______
connect _______ with _________
Chinese people
the past
the present
connect _________ with ___
connect ______ and ________
the world
(3) How does written Chinese connect Chinese people today with those of the past
Chinese people in modern times can read and understand the classic works from ancient times.
(4) Why is Chinese appreciated by international students
Because China plays a greater role in global affairs.
1. Does the author hold a positive or negative attitude towards the Chinese writing system
2. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text
The author intends to raise our awareness of the importance of written Chinese and takes pride in Chinese language and culture.
1.According to the writer,the Chinese writing system is one factor that has helped the Chinese language and culture survive.What do you think are some of the other factors?(Creative thinking)
powerful government
2.Will Chinese become international language or not
Why (Critical thinking)
The main reason 1._______ China’s ancient civilisation has continued all the way through into modern times has been the Chinese writing system. At the beginning,written Chinese was a picture-based language,which 2.________(date) back several thousand years to longgu. Symbols 3.____________(crave) on animal bones and shells by ancient Chinese people. Over the years,there was 4.________ time when the Chinese people were divided geographically, 5.________ (lead) to many varieties of dialects and characters.
were carved
Emperor Qinshihuang united he seven major states into one unified country, making the Chinese writing system begin to develop 6.______ one direction. It was of great 7.____________(important) in uniting the Chinese people and culture. People in modern times can read the classic 8._______(work) written by Chinese in ancient times. Nowadays,Chinese calligraphy has become an important part of Chinese culture. As China plays a greater role in 9._______(globe) affairs,a large number of international students are beginning to appreciate China’s culture and history through this 10.__________(amaze) language.
Analyze the key points of the text
China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times, despite the many ups and downs in its history. There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.
be known for因……而著名
At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language. It dates back several thousand years to the use of longgu—animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people. Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in today’s hanzi.
“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,修饰前面的animal bones and shells
Para. 2
By the Shang Dynasty (around 1600-1046 BCE), these symbols had become a well-developed writing system. Over the years, the system developed into different forms, as it was a time when people were divided geographically, leading to many varieties of dialects and characters. This, however, changed under Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221-207BCE).
it was a time when…是一段……的时期,when引导定语从句
=varieties of 各种各样的
Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture. Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in writing.
be of (great)+抽象名词=be+形容词
“no matter+疑问词”引导让步状语从句,相当于“疑问词+-ever”意为“无论……”
Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China’s present is connected with its past. People in modem times can read the classic works which were written by Chinese in ancient times. The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, known as Chinese calligraphy, which has become an important part of Chinese culture.
be connected with和……相连接
which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰Chinese calligraphy
Today, the Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture. As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China’s culture and history through this amazing language.
a number of“许多,大量”作主语,谓语动词用复数
Review what we have learned and preview language points
Reading for Writing
Unit 5 Languages around the world
Teaching Objectives
1.Master the structure and the languages of a blog about English study.
2.Master the method of writing a blog about English study.
3.Practise writing a blog about English study.
Activity 1 细节把握
1.Who put forward the question “What are your biggest problems with learning English?”
A.Liu Wen. B.Jia Xin.
C.Wang Le. D.Li Rui.

2.Whose biggest problem is “How to be polite in English”?
A.Liu Wen. B.Wang Le.
C.Li Rui. D.Jia Xin.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true
A.Liu Wen has some trouble with listening.
B.Jia Xin recorded her voice and compared it with the radio host’s.
C.Jia Xin can neither remember all the new words nor use them
D.Li Rui answered Jia Xin’s problem according to her own

Activity 2 文章架构
1.What does the blog begin with
A question about problems in learning English.
2.What two parts do Liu Wen’s post,Jia Xin’s post and Li Rui’s post all include
(1)They all answered the questions asked by the person just ahead of them.
(2)They all talked about their own problems and asked for help.
3.According to the posts in the blog,when we write a blog post about English study,we can learn to use the following outline.(写作模板)
Answer the question of the person ahead of you and give some advice(回答前面的问题,然后提出建议)...
Talk about your own problem(谈论自己的问题)...
Ask for advice(询问建议)...
Activity 3 增分靓句
1.Find out the sentences that describe difficulties in English listening.
(1)I used to get high marks in English,but now I’m having a lot of trouble with my listening.
(2)When I listen to native English speakers talking in a video,I can catch only a few words.
2.Find out the sentences that describe how to improve English listening.
(1)Listening to English radio programmes helps me get used to how fast native speakers talk.
(2)I also repeat what I hear to help myself to experience the feeling of the language.
(3)Sometimes I even record my voice so I can listen to myself and compare my pronunciation with the radio host’s!
本单元的写作任务是写一个关于语言学习的博客。 写此类博客时,可以就自己学习语言中遇到的困难提出问题,也可以回复他人的博客,提出自己的建议帮助他人解决问题。
My name is...I’m writing the blog to you to offer you some practical suggestions.
I’m writing a blog to you to do you a favor.
I am terribly sorry to hear that you are having trouble speaking fluent English.
You have asked for my advice on...and I will try to make some suggestions.
Learning that you have some difficulty (in)...,I am willing to help you out of difficulty.
Firstly/To start with/To begin with,you’d better...
Besides/Furthermore/What’s more,why not...?
Last but not least,it would be a good idea if you could...
I strongly suggest that you (should)...
I would like you to introduce some good ways to learn grammar.
Faced with so many difficulties,I have to ask you for help.
In the meanwhile/At the same time,I beg you to... so that... Also,I would like you to ...
I have met with many difficulties in learning English.
I wonder whether you could do me a favor...
I would appreciate it if you could offer me some practical suggestions.
在英语学习的博客上,请你以“How to improve oral English”为题写一篇英语博文,谈谈怎样才能学好英语,并就自己的问题——如何提高书面英语——寻求帮助。
How to improve oral English
Learning that many students have difficulty with oral English,I am willing to offer some practical suggestions.
To begin with,you’d better practise speaking English every day.Besides,watching English movies is of great use for improving your spoken English and broadening your horizons.Last but not least,you shouldn’t be afraid of speaking English in front of others or making mistakes.Only in this way can you make great progress in English.
My biggest problem is written English.I would appreciate it if someone could offer me some practical suggestions.
在英语学习的博客上,Li Rui说进入高中后感觉高中有许多要背的单词,但是不知道怎样记单词。请你写一篇博客帖子, 给她提供一些记忆英语单词方面的建议。
第一步 审题谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
offer sb. some advice
point of view
in addition
instead of
enlarge one’s vocabulary
make up sentences
various/a variety of/varieties of
be based on/upon
,I will offer you some advice on how to remember words.
,you shouldn’t only be able to spell English words.You must learn to read them first.
Based on/upon my own experience
From my point of view
Reading various/a variety of/varieties of English articles is also very important for you .
You should remember more phrases and make up more sentences.
It’s better to learn words in context.
to enlarge your vocabulary
My problem is that I can’t write well.I would appreciate it if someone could offer me some good advice.
第三步 句式升级
1.使用instead of改写句2。
From my point of view,you must learn to read English words first instead of only being able to spell them.
Reading various/a variety of/varieties of English articles is also of great importance for you to enlarge your vocabulary.
第四步 组句成篇
Based on my own experience,I will offer you some advice on how to remember words.
From my point of view,you must learn to read English words first instead of only being able to spell them.In addition,you should remember more phrases and make up more sentences because it’s better to learn words in context.Furthermore,
reading various/a variety of/varieties of English articles is also of great importance for you to enlarge your vocabulary.Do remember to take notes when you meet with some unknown words.
My problem is that I can’t write well.I would appreciate it if someone could offer me some good advice.
Video Time
Chinese Characters
Unit 5 Languages around the world
1.Use strategies to guess the content of the video;
2.Talk about the written Chinese.
Have you heard this song
Could you recognize these Chinese characters
The Chinese writing system has evolved from ancient times. Learning Chinese characters can connect us with people from long ago. Written Chinese has also been adapted so it can be used by future generations.
Chinese Characters
What is the earliest form of written Chinese
How was jiaguwen created
Who played an important part in the unification of the Chinese writing system
Why do we say China’s present is connected with its past by means of written Chinese
Why are so many international students coming to China to learn Chinese
Before you watch
1.Ancient Chinese people _________ symbols onto turtle shells or bones of animals.
2.Many of today’s characters have their _______ in the observations of ancient Chinese people.
Task 1: Complete the sentences with the words below.
carved classics era origins radicals
3.About 80 percent of Chinese characters are made up of smaller parts, called ________.
4.If you can read Chinese characters, you can read Chinese _______ from thousands of years ago.
5.Chinese characters have been adapted into digital form in the modern _______.
carved classics era origins radicals
While you watch
1.Ancient Chinese people _________ symbols onto turtle shells or bones of animals.
2.Many of today’s characters have their _______ in the observations of ancient Chinese people.
carved classics era origins radicals
Check your answers.
3.About 80 percent of Chinese characters are made up of smaller parts, called ________.
4.If you can read Chinese characters, you can read Chinese _______ from thousands of years ago.
5.Chinese characters have been adapted into digital form in the modern _______.
carved classics era origins radicals
1.Ancient Chinese people _______ symbols onto turtle shells or bones of animals.
2.Many of today’s characters have their _______ in the observations of ancient Chinese people.
3.About 80 percent of Chinese characters are made up of smaller parts, called _______.
4.If you can read Chinese characters, you can read Chinese _______ from thousands of years ago.
5.Chinese characters have been adapted into digital form in the modern _____.
Task 2:Watch the video and choose the correct answers.
1. How many tales or legends about the origin of Chinese characters are mentioned in the video
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
2. Today, written Chinese is the ______ system of writing in the world.
A. most complicated B. oldest continuously used C. hardest
3. The character jia probably originated from the idea that ____.
A. animals should live in family homes
B. a good family home has plenty of food
C. ancient homes always kept pigs
4.China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking _______.
A. China with the rest of the world
B. Asia, Africa, and Europe
C. the present and the past
5. Written Chinese spreads ________ wherever it goes.
A. Chinese culture
B. Chinese classics
C. tales and legends
While you watch
1. How many tales or legends about the origin of Chinese characters are mentioned in the video
A. Three B. Four C. Five
2. Today, written Chinese is the ______ system of writing in the world.
A. most complicated B. oldest continuously used C. hardest
3. The character jia probably originated from the idea that ____.
A. animals should live in family homes
B. a good family home has plenty of food
C. ancient homes always kept pigs

Check your answers.
4.China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking _______.
A. China with the rest of the world
B. Asia, Africa, and Europe
C. the present and the past
5. Written Chinese spreads ________ wherever it goes.
A. Chinese culture
B. Chinese classics
C. tales and legends

1.How many tales or legends about the origin of Chinese characters are mentioned in the video
A.Three B. Four C.Five
2. Today, written Chinese is the ___ system of writing in the world.
A.most complicated B.oldest continuously used C.hardest
3.The character jia probably originated from the idea that ____.
A.animals should live in family homes
B.a good family home has plenty of food
C.ancient homes always kept pigs
4.China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking ___.
A.China with the rest of the world
B.Asia, Africa, and Europe
C.the present and the past
5.Written Chinese spreads ________ wherever it goes.
A.Chinese culture B.Chinese classics
C.tales and legends
date back to
ancient oracle bones
practice of knot-tying
continuously used system
picture-based writing systems
express their observations
international community
known as radicals
tales and legends
inseparably linked
Task 3:Complete the passage with the words in the box.
Task 3:Complete the passage with the words in the box.
The history of Chinese characters _____________ ancient times, with a history of at least several thousand years. There are many _____________ about the origin of hanzi, Chinese characters: there is Chang jie, the legendary inventor of Chinese characters; the ancient _____________; the eight trigrams; and ancient painting legends, to name a few. It is generally agreed that hanzi began as simple pictures, images that the ancient Chinese people drew, painted, or carved to describe nature or their lives. Other ancient cultures developed _____________ as well, such as the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt or the script of the ancient Mayan civilisation. Hanzi, however, is the only one of these ancient writing systems to survive.
Today, Chinese characters are the oldest _____________ of writing in the world. Researchers generally agree that the oldest symbols recognisable as Chinese characters are those found on _____________ . These 3,000-year-old symbols, known as jiaguwen, were carved on turtle shells or bones of animals. The jiaguwen can give all of us in the modern era insight into how ancient Chinese saw the world around them and into their great creativity in _____________. Take, for example, the modern character jia, meaning home or family. The jiaguwen character looks like a house with a nice pig inside, originating from the ancient idea that a good family home has plenty of food. Over thousands of years, this Hanzi evolved into a variety of different forms but finally developed in a more stable manner after the unification of China under Emperor Qinshihuang.
When you first look at Chinese characters, you will most likely feel that they are very complicated. However, if you know just a little about how these characters are formed, you will find that they are not nearly as difficult as they seem. About 80% of Chinese characters are composed of smaller parts, _____________, which are combined in many different ways to form tens of thousands of hanzi. Fortunately, you need to know only about two or three thousand characters for use in daily life! Chinese characters and Chinese culture are _____________. China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking the Chinese people and culture of the present with those of the past. No matter when or where you live, if you can read Chinese, you can read ancient Chinese classics. It is truly an amazing thing to be able to hear the thoughts and observations of people from thousands of years ago.
As China takes its place in the _____________, the Chinese writing system has spread to other countries. Today, many international students are studying Chinese, both the spoken and written language, and are coming to appreciate Chine’s fascinating culture. And, as China’s culture and society have continued to develop, the amazingly versatile in Chinese characters have been adapted for use in digital format on computers and other devices. And so written Chinese lives on, spreading Chinese culture wherever it goes.
The history of Chinese characters dates back to ancient times, with a history of at least several thousand years. There are many tales and legends about the origin of hanzi, Chinese characters: there is Chang jie, the legendary inventor of Chinese characters; the ancient practice of knot-tying; the eight trigrams; and ancient painting legends, to name a few. It is generally agreed that hanzi began as simple pictures, images that the ancient Chinese people drew, painted, or carved to describe nature or their lives. Other ancient cultures developed picture-based writing systems as well, such as the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt or the script of the ancient Mayan civilisation. Hanzi, however, is the only one of these ancient writing systems to survive.
Task 4: Read together.
Today, Chinese characters are the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world. Researchers generally agree that the oldest symbols recognisable as Chinese characters are those found on ancient oracle bones. These 3,000-year-old symbols, known as jiaguwen, were carved on turtle shells or bones of animals. The jiaguwen can give all of us in the modern era insight into how ancient Chinese saw the world around them and into their great creativity in expressing their observations. Take, for example, the modern character jia, meaning home or family. The jiaguwen character looks like a house with a nice pig inside, originating from the ancient idea that a good family home has plenty of food. Over thousands of years, this Hanzi evolved into a variety of different forms but finally developed in a more stable manner after the unification of China under Emperor Qinshihuang.
When you first look at Chinese characters, you will most likely feel that they are very complicated. However, if you know just a little about how these characters are formed, you will find that they are not nearly as difficult as they seem. About 80% of Chinese characters are composed of smaller parts, known as radicals, which are combined in many different ways to form tens of thousands of hanzi. Fortunately, you need to know only about two or three thousand characters for use in daily life! Chinese characters and Chinese culture are inseparably linked. China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking the Chinese people and culture of the present with those of the past. No matter when or where you live, if you can read Chinese, you can read ancient Chinese classics. It is truly an amazing thing to be able to hear the thoughts and observations of people from thousands of years ago.
As China takes its place in the international community, the Chinese writing system has spread to other countries. Today, many international students are studying Chinese, both the spoken and written language, and are coming to appreciate Chine’s fascinating culture. And, as China’s culture and society have continued to develop, the amazingly versatile in Chinese characters have been adapted for use in digital format on computers and other devices. And so written Chinese lives on, spreading Chinese culture wherever it goes.
1.Why do you think written Chinese has survived for so long
2.Why do you think an increasing number of international students become interested in learning the Chinese language
After you watch
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1.Why do you think written Chinese has survived for so long
It is because written Chinese is a unified system that forms a strong bridge linking the Chinese people and culture of the present with those of the past. Written Chinese is representative of Chinese culture, and since China’s culture and society continues to develop, hence written Chinese will continue to survive.
2.Why do you think an increasing number of international students become interested in learning the Chinese language
The rich history and culture of China is a big draw to international students. Also, with China being one of the major powers in the world, international students may hope to have the chance to live and work in China, so learning the Chinese language will be beneficial to them.
One language sets you in a corridor for life.
Two languages open every door along the way.
—Frank Smith
Listening and Speaking
Reading and Thinking
Unit 5 Languages around the world
1.Learn the following important languages points:attitude,refer,variety,major,means,appreciate,be of+抽象名词,no matter+疑问词.
2.Do some exercises to strengthen these important language points.
Teaching Objectives
attitude towards/to...
hold/take an...attitude to/towards...
(1)It was made your parents boil with anger.
(2)From my point of view,despite ups and downs in our life,we should .
your bad attitude towards/to your studies that
hold/take a positive attitude towards/to our life
( n.指称关系;参考)
refer to
refer to...as...
reference books
in/with reference to
(1)The official several times at the meeting.
(2)They always .
referred to the rescue workers
refer to the sun and its planets as the solar system
(3)Here are when you are delivering a speech.
(4)I have nothing to comment .
some key points for your reference
in/with reference to that matter
( adj.各种各样的 v.变化;不同)
a variety of/varieties of
for various reasons
vary with
vary from...to...
(1)(应用文之邀请信)I am writing to invite you to come to our city in March,when ___________________________________________
(2)(应用文之道歉信) ,I can’t go to the bookstore on Sunday with you.So please accept my sincere apology.
various/a variety of/varieties of kites will be on
For various reasons
(3)The extra-curricular activities our school organizes __________
(4)The theme class meeting focuses on traditional Chinese cultures,which .
vary with
the season
vary from paper-cutting to guzheng
n.主修课程;主修学生 ( n.大多数)
major in
a/the majority of
in a/the majority
(1)(应用文之申请信)I ,so I am confident that I can be a qualified volunteer.
(2) the nearest shelters.
majored in calligraphy at university
The majority of the survivors have been sent to
(3) so far.
(4)Students who are in favour of the monitor’s point of view ___
The majority of the equipment has been repaired
in a/the majority
by all means
by means of
by no means
(1) calm the woman down.
(2)—Do you mind if I have a look at the summary?
— .
Every means has been used to
By all means
(3)Ancient Chinese people recorded some important things ____
(4) give up his dream of becoming a champion.
means of carving symbols on bones or shells
By no means will the athlete
( n.感激;欣赏 adj.感激的)
appreciate doing sth.
appreciate one’s doing sth.
I would appreciate it if...
(1)I am writing to for all the efforts you made to help me out.
(2)I greatly to serve the students.
express my appreciation
appreciate being given such a great chance
(3)The boy when he was faced with trouble.
(4) and make necessary corrections.
appreciated Ms Green’s being there with him
I would appreciate it if you could look through my paper
be of+抽象名词
That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.
此句含有“be of+抽象名词”的句型,其用法如下:
“be of+抽象名词”相当于“ ”,这一结构可以说明主语的性质。
(1)His positive attitude to life is ____________________________
(2)Your effort to solve the challenging problem .
(3)From my point of view,regretting for the past ______________
of great importance/significance
for his survival
is of great value
is of little benefit
to your development
no matter+疑问词
Even today,no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak,they can all still communicate in writing.
此句中的“no matter+疑问词”结构在句中作状语,其用法如下:
“no matter+疑问词(what,who,where,when,...)”引导让步状语从句,可放在主句前或主句后,相当于“疑问词+ever(whatever,whoever,wherever,whenever,...)”。
(1) ,I will always keep in touch with you.
= ,I will always keep in touch with you.
(2) ,I’m going to finish the work ahead of time.
= ,I’m going to finish the work ahead of time.
No matter where I go in the future
Wherever I go in the future
No matter how difficult it is
However difficult it is
(3) ,by no means will I give up.
= ,by no means will I give up.
No matter what difficulties I come across
Whatever difficulties I come across
Reading for Writing
Other Parts
Unit 5 Languages around the world
1.Learn the following important languages points:struggle,equal,demand,the+比较级...,the+比较级...,have trouble/difficulty with sth.
2.Do some exercises to strengthen these important language points.
Teaching Objectives
n.& vi.斗争;奋斗;搏斗
struggle for
struggle with/against
struggle to do sth.
struggle to one’s feet
(1)I determined to .No matter what difficulties
I came across,I would .
(2)In the dark forest,frightened Jane .
(3)(读后续写之肢体动作描写)Despite the serious injury,Lucy
and limped to the entrance.
struggle for my family
struggle with/against them
struggled to keep calm
struggled to her feet
( adv.相等地;同样地 n.平等)
be equal to (doing) sth.
be without equal/have no equal
equal sb. /sth. in (doing) sth.
(1) is that you should change your negative attitude.
(2)(应用文之申请信)My calligraphy _________________________
in our city now,so I am sure that .
Equally important
is without equal/has no equal
I am equal to the position
(3)Nobody a variety of
emergencies,so I recommend him to be our chairman of the Student Union.
equals our monitor in dealing with
( adj.要求高的;挑剔的)
be in (great) demand
meet/satisfy one’s demand(s)= meet/satisfy the demand(s) of sb.
demand to do sth.
demand that...
(1) ,I felt as if I were sitting on pins and needles.
(2)The rescue workers in the area which was struck by the earthquake.They will make every effort to ___________
Facing such a demanding job
are in great demand
the demand(s) of the people of the disaster area
(3)The government official about the damage the flood had caused.
=The government official _______________________________
about the damage the flood had caused.
demanded to be told everything
demanded that he(should) be told
...the more I learnt of a language,the more my brain would grow.
本句中的“the more...,the more...”属于“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”句型,意为“ ”。
拓展:比较级+and+比较级,意为“ ”。
(1)The more I thought of what had happened just now,_________
(2)The longer she waited, .
(3)With the development of science and technology,___________
the more
frightened I felt
the more impatient she became
our life is
becoming better and better
have trouble/difficulty with sth.
I used to get high marks in English,but now I’m having a lot of trouble with my listening.
have trouble/difficulty with sth. =________________________________
have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth
(1) ,I am willing to aid you.
(2)If you ,you can write to me as soon as possible.
Learning that you have trouble with your pronunciation
have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends