人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration复习导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration复习导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 29.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-03 12:50:38



Unit4Space exploration
After retiring from the navy,the crew formed an ocean expedition. They were both qualified and enthusiastic explorers. After they were assigned the task,they went aboard the ship and began their voyage to the Atlantic Ocean. All the crew and stewards were full of vigour and were envied by everyone. A few days later when the ship was sailing,it was crushed against a reef unfortunately. Immediately the ship began to sink. At this time,some of the crew resolved to persevere with the voyage,but the captain turned them down. After sending out the emergency signal,the captain decided to abandon the ship,including all the belongings on board,such as furniture, cupboards,stoves,blankets and a decent banjo. It was time to test their endurance,resolve and perseverance in adversity. No one was ever selfish or bad-tempered. Although it was abitter and miserable experience,they were fearless and showed a genuine friendship with each other.
从海军退役后,船员组成了一支远洋探险队。他们是既合格又热情的探险者。被分配任务后,他们就登上了船,开始了去大西洋的航行。全体船员和乘务员都精力充沛,受到了大家的羡慕。几天后, 船在航行时,不幸撞到了暗礁上。船立即开始下沉。这时,有些船员决心坚持这次航行,但船长拒绝了他们。在发出紧急信号后,船长决定弃船,包括船上所有的物品,例如家具、橱柜、炉具、毛毯和一把相当不错的班卓琴。到了在逆境中考验他们耐力、决心和毅力的时候了。没有人自私或脾气不好。虽然这是一次痛苦而悲惨的经历,但他们无所畏惧,彼此表现出真诚的友谊。
My nephewmade an application for a job in an advertising agency. Fortunately,he was hired by the company. Under the guidance of his boss, his work was to advertise corporate culture. Once he went to a private enterprise to make a thorough investigation. Unfortunately,he found that the owner of the private enterprise beat his dog in a cruel way while it was barking. Therefore,he refused to advertise for the company. My nephew likes badminton andrugby. He is often seen in the recreation center to play baseball with a bat.
我侄子申请在一家广告公司工作。幸运的是,他被公司录用了。在老板的指导下,他的工作是为公司的文化做广告。有一次他去一家私营企业做了一次彻底的调查。不幸的是,他发现私营企业老板在狗叫的时候用残忍的方式打它。因此, 他拒绝为这个公司做宣传。我侄子喜欢羽毛球运动和橄榄球运动。人们经常看到他在娱乐中心拿着球拍打棒球。
As Confucianism says,“Keep what you say and carry out what you do.” Tom was a navigator, and he made acommitment to live or die with the ship. Here was an episode in his life. When the ship motor started,he got aboard the ship and made fire,which began to give off a light smoke. While the ship was sailing out to the sea,they met with a storm. But in the rough sea,Tom remained calm. His only motive was to navigate the ship safely. Finally,when the ship reached its destination,he gave his life to save others. I’m the suitable candidate to go sailing. I must be as loyal to my ship and the crew as Tom was.
正如儒家所言,“言必信,行必果。” 汤姆是一位领航员,他承诺与船只共存亡。这是他生命中的一段经历。当船上的马达启动时,他上了船,生起了火,冒出一股轻烟。当船出海时,他们遇到了风暴。但在波涛汹涌的大海中,汤姆保持镇静。他唯一的目的就是安全地为这艘船驾驶导航。最后,当船到达目的地时,他为了救别人而献出了生命。我是去航海的合适人选。我必须像汤姆一样对我的船只和船员忠诚。
To become an astronaut, you must go through a strict selection procedure. You need a lotof mental, intelligent and physical training. Besides, you should not only know about the universe, the solar system and our globe, but also understand rockets, satellites, spacecrafts, gravity and so on. In closing, astronauts must have a determined will and a strong desire to succeed. After a spacecraft is launched, make sure it goes in the right orbit. An astronaut on board has a lot of missions to carry on. He must be able to complete a spacewalk independently so as to transmit data to the relevant agencieson the earth.
要成为一名宇航员, 你必须经过严格的选拔程序。你需要大量的心理、智力和体能训练。此外, 你不仅应该了解宇宙、太阳系和我们的地球, 还应该懂得火箭、卫星、航天器、重力等知识。最后, 宇航员必须有坚定的意志和取得成功的强烈愿望。宇宙飞船发射后, 确保它在正确的轨道上运行。飞船上的宇航员有很多任务要完成。他必须能够独立地完成太空行走, 以便将数据传送到地球上的相关机构。
Tom keeps in mind the famous saying “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” So he iskeen to explore the mysteries of the universe. Once there was virtual training in space, Tom boarded a vehicle called Jade Rabbit in the hope of exploring the final frontier. On the spacecraft there was a microwave, a smartphone, a pillow, an oxygen bottle, some soap, towels, tissues and other facilities to provide for him. After the spacecraft entered its orbit, the monitor signaled regularly. When he was finishing the ongoing mission, he began to float in the capsule for lack of sufficient training, and his muscles ached too. Fortunately, he was attached tightly to the spacecraft. Otherwise, he would float beyond the spaceship. But he felt disappointed when he found his limitedre sources were running out. He wanted to figure out if the resources could be recycled. Through analysis,Tom argued that the current fatal error was lack of high-end facilities, which resulted in the failure of space training. As a result, he had to signal for help.
汤姆牢记那句名言“对一个人来说那是一小步, 对人类来说却是一大 步”。于是他热衷于探索宇宙的奥秘。曾经有一次在太空进行虚拟训练, 汤姆登上了一辆名叫玉兔的月球车, 希望能探索最后的边界。航天器上有一台微波炉、一部智能手机、一个枕头、一只氧气瓶、一些肥皂、毛巾、纸巾和其他为他提供的设施。宇宙飞船进入轨道后, 监视器定期发出信号。当他就要完成正在进行的任务时, 由于缺乏足够的训练, 他开始在太空舱里漂浮, 他的肌肉也开始疼痛。幸运的是, 他被紧紧地绑在飞船上, 否则, 他将漂浮在飞船之外。但当他发现自己有限的 资源即将耗尽时, 他感到很失望。他想弄清楚这些资源是否可以循环利用。通过分析, 汤姆认为目前致命的错误是缺乏高端设施, 这导致太空训练失败。结果, 他不得不发信号求救。
1.     adj.精神的;思想的→     adv.精神上
2.     adj.有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的→     adv.有智慧地→     n.智力;智慧
3.     n.宇宙;天地万物→     adj.宇宙的→     adv.普遍地
4.     adj.有决心的;意志坚定的→     vt.查明;确定;决定
5.     n.(政府的)专门机构;服务机构;代理处→     adj.代理的
6.     adj.失望的;沮丧的→     vt.(使)失望→     n.失望
7.     adj.独立的;自立的→     adv.独立地;自立地→     n.独立;自主→     vi.依靠
8.     vt.&vi.论证;争辩;争论→     n.争论;争吵;论点
9.     n.(对事物的)分析;分析结果→     v.分析
10.     adj.定期的;经常的;正常的→     adv.经常;定期地
11.     adj.有限的→     adj.无限的→     vt.&n.限制
12.     n.神秘事物;谜→     adj.神秘的
1.Artificial      has been used in phones,which makes them seem to be      .(intelligent)
2.When asked whether he was      to be an astronaut,the boy just looked at me with      .(determine)
3.Though he was      at the result of the examination,he tried to hide his      in order not to discourage his son.(disappoint)
4.Since the country became      in 1842,it has played an important role      .Gone are the days when it      on others for everything.(depend)
5.An      about whether people should carry on with space exploration took place at the conference and some people      that we should stop wasting time and money on it.(argue)
The man felt very worried when he found all his money had 1.      (用完).2.        (所以),he had to find a temporary job in the restaurant 3.       (为了)earn some money.He wanted to 4.(弄清楚)when he could earn enough money to go back home.
Participating in this activity                       .
2.他不但成绩好,而且经常帮助别人。(not only...but also...)
3.就我而言,任何人要熟悉一个新地方都需要时间。(It takes some time to do sth)
As far as I’m concerned,                           a new place.
Unit 4Space exploration
1.mental;mentally 2.intelligent;intelligently;intelligence3.universe;universal;universally 
4.determined;determine 5.agency;agent 6.disappointed;disappoint;disappointment 7.independent;independently;independence;depend 8.argue;argument 9.analysis;analyze/analyse 10.regular;regularly 11.limited;limitless;limit12.mystery;mysterious
Ⅰ.1.intelligence;intelligent 2.determined;determination
3.disappointed;disappointment 4.independent;independently;depended 5.argument;argued
Ⅱ.1.run out 2.As a result 3.so as to 4.figure out
Ⅲ.1.makes me aware of the significance of work 2.He not only studies well but also often helps 
3.it takes everyone some time to get familiar with
Is Exploring Space a Waste of Time and Money
It's my privilege to deliver a speech titled "Is Exploring Space a waste of Time and Money "From my point of view,exploring space has a variety of benefits. So my answer to this question is definitely No.
Initially,the space is blessed with various resources which make a huge difference to our lives. Furthermore,the endless space is a mass of countless mysteries, motivating us to unlock the ultimate secrets of universe and offering us a thorough insight into the world which we live in. Last but not least, exploration of space may help to find suitable habitats for humans in the future, making the consumption of time and money totally worth it.
In a word, exploring space plays a considerably important role in the long river of humans’ improvement.That’s all, thank you!