Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Period 7 Workbook 课件 新人教版 选择性必修四


名称 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Period 7 Workbook 课件 新人教版 选择性必修四
格式 pptx
文件大小 11.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-03 22:44:49



选必四 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Using Words and Expressions
1 Choose an adjective and a noun to make a plete each sentence with the correct phrase.
1 You don’t have to say that much. Just give me a _____________________.
2 This medicine cannot help you get rid of the disease permanently, but it can give you _______________ from the pain.
3 The experiment is now in its ___________and is expected to be completed next week.
4 Don’t be afraid of failure. It can lay a _______________ for your future success.
5 There is a risk that the ___________________ of wealth and the absence of opportunities may lead to a less stable society.
6 Developing students’ critical thinking ability can help them deal with problems in uncertain and ____________________.
straightforward complicated
solid final
unequal temporary
foundation answer
relief situations
distribution phase
straightforward answer
temporary relief
final phase
solid foundation
unequal distribution
complicated situations
2 Replace the underlined parts with the correct forms of the words from the unit.
1 Mr Smith is strict, but always honest about his feelings and fair.
2 I find the legal system to be extremely complex.
3 The two men were arrested again only a week after they were released from jail.
4 Life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness are essential to all human beings.
5 In order to save time, John bought a hamburger for lunch at a fast-food restaurant.
3 Paraphrase the following sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1 I have qualifications to work as a surgeon in Sydney. (license)
2 Only a small group of people supported the new law. (minority)
3 Brazil’s “Big Zero” stadium, located on the equator, holds 10,000 people. (seating capacity)
4 The local government has paid for the expenses for his university studies. (sponsor)
5 A new session has begun to discuss an increase in the crimes that hurt people in popular tourist areas. (violence)
I am licensed to work as a surgeon in Sydney.
Only a minority of people supported the new law.
Brazil’s “Big Zero” stadium, located on the equator, has a seating capacity of 10,000 people.
The local government has sponsored his university studies.
A new session has begun to discuss an increase in violence in popular tourist areas.
4 Use the correct forms of the words to complete the passage about Californians’ love for sport.
Sport is an important part of the culture in California. Because ofthe good climate, Californians can spend a lot of time outdoors, so many people play a sport of some kind. The larger towns and cities have many facilities for their ________, such as football fields, swimming pools, and ______ courses. And for those who like walking, climbing, surfing, and _______ there are the mountains and some of the world’s ________ beaches. Californians also enjoy watching sport, so lots of people go to live sporting events __________. The excitement and party atmosphere of live sport can make people ____________ forget all their problems and relax.
golf dive premier frequency temporary citizen
Using Structures
1 Complete the sentences using the -ed forms of the verbs below, and then state the functions of the -ed forms.
1 I was __________ to see so many new inventions in the Al session at the science and technology expo.
2 The room, __________ to the rest of the house by a long passage, was completely empty.
3 _____ in the sun, the wet carpet soon dried offand looked brand new again.
4 Even though some of her classmates study long hours, she is generally able to maintain a _________ lifestyle.
5 Never touch an electric wire when it is _________.
6 ___________ by the Chinese government in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative has strongly supported the economic development of many participating countries.
balance astonish expose connect leave introduce
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the left box and the -ed forms of the verbs in the right box.
Lisa was the leading actress! We saw the play performed on stage yesterday evening.
1 The husband was careless enough to leave the car lights on overnight, and in the morning his wife couldn’t get ________________.
2 My cousin dreams of becoming a painter and wants _____________________ in a gallery.
3 I felt ______________ forwards when the bus suddenly stopped.
4 To be frank, I won’t have _________________ with useless discussion.
5 I cannot bear the smell of _______________ on the barbecue.
6 A: Timmy, you’d better have ___________________ before I get home from work. It’s in a mess.
B: Sure, Mum.
myself my time her paintings your bedroom the play sausage their car
burn tidy perform throw take up display start
their car started
her paintings displayed
myself thrown
my time taken up
sausage burned
your bedroom tidied
3 Below is an introduction to Australian Aboriginal rock art, but it contains quite a few verb form mistakes. Correct the mistakes.
Australian Aboriginal rock art is among the most highly prizing in the world, thanks to its age, detail, freshness, and range of colour Australia has 100,000 known rock art sites. In many areas it’s possible to visit this rock art to accompany by an Aboriginal person who can provide explanations and cultural interpretations of each work’s complicated meaning Many samples of Aboriginal rock art accurately dated back as far as 28,000 years Some sites are among the oldest in the world, estimating to be 40,000 years old.
The rock art is also a record of Aboriginal life many centuries ago. You can admire ancient figures carry spears, boomerangs, bows and arrows, frogs and other animals, a sailing ship, and a female spirit with four arms.
have been
Listening and Speaking
1 The following are photos from Cape Town in South Africa. In groups, describe the photos and discuss what you think they are about.
A This looks like a view of a mountain through a hole in a rock.
B This is a great white shark swimming near a diver in a shark cage.
C This is Cape Town’s famous Table Mountain.
D These are penguins on a beach.
E This is a neighbourhood full of colourful houses.
F This is a group of ducks.
2 Listen to a tour guide’s introduction to some of the attractions of Cape Town. Were your guesses correct Tick the attractions that are mentioned in the introduction, and describe them in your own words.
B Cape Town has many beaches where one can see dolphins and whales. If you are brave enough, you can also go diving with great white sharks.
C Table Mountain is 500 million years old and gives great views of the city and ocean. Sometimes it is covered by a white mist which people call the “tablecloth”.
D This is in Boulders Bay, where there is a penguin colony with 2,000 penguins in it.
E This is Bo-Kaap neighbourhood, which has Dutch architecture, Malay restaurants, and colourfully painted buildings.
F This is the “Duck Parade”. It is put on every day by one wine estate, where the owner sends out thousands of ducks to eat the snails that can hurt the vines.

3 Listen again, and then answer the questions below.
1 Where is Cape Town located and how was it described
2 How old is Table Mountain and what is its “table cloth”
3 How was diving with sharks described
4 Why is Bo-Kaap so special
5 What do the ducks do during the Duck Parade
6 How has the African penguin population increased
Cape Town is located in southwestern Africa, near the Cape of Good Hope.
Table Mountain is 500 million years old. The “tablecloth” is a white mist that covers the mountain.
A dangerous but exciting experience.
With its mix of Dutch architecture and Malay restaurants, its old streets are lined with buildings painted in bright colours to celebrate life and freedom.
They race through the vineyard and eat up all the troublesome snails that can damage the vines.
From just two pairs of penguins in 1982, the penguins now number over 2,000.
4 Discuss in groups how your local city compares to Cape Town.
the location and geography the natural icons the historic places
the animals the parks other
the location and geography:
the natural icons:
the historic places:
the animals:
the parks:
to the northwest of Shanghai, between Changzhou and Suzhou
Taihu Lake
Lingshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area
5 Give a presentation as a group. Each of you can focus on one aspect of your city. Include photos if possible.
My city is Wuxi located in Jiangsu Province, to the northwest of Shanghai. Its most famous attraction is Taihu Lake, which is the third of China’s five largest freshwater lakes. Taihu Lake is a beautiful scenic spot, as well as being the cradle of the Wu and Yue cultures. Elegant Suzhou gardens, historic relics of the ancient state of Wu, the Yixing Karst Caves—they can all be found alongside the lake’s bank. There is also a folktale about Taihu Lake: A long time ago, there was a fantastic silver basin with 72 emerald beads in heaven. One day the basin accidentally fell down to the earth. The silver basin turned into the lake, and the 72 emerald beads turned into 72 peaks nearby. Besides the natural beauty of Taihu Lake, there are important historical sites nearby such as the Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty. Nowadays, my city keeps attracting many visitors, not only through its gorgeous surroundings, but also through her function as an economic hub and educational centre in Jiangsu Province.
Reading and Writing
1 Read the text and complete the sentences below.
1 Australian cuisine features a lot of _______
and ________.
2 Kangaroo is both a popular __________ and Australia’s national _________.
3 Each region of Australia has its own ______ using the seafood found in its _______.
4 If you really want to see the kinds of seafood available, visit the ___________ in Sydney or go _______________.
5 Australians love to eat _________ and cook food on the _________.
red meat
red meat
fish market
deep-sea fishing
2 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Why does Australian cuisine centre around red meat and seafood
2 Why is the Australian government encouraging people to use kangaroos as food
3 What is probably one reason why many Australians live by the coast
4 Why do many Australians love barbecues so much
5 What does the “casual friendliness” of an Australian barbecue mean
There are the wide plains in the interior of the country, which are home to millions of grazing animals. There is also Australia’s long coastline, which is next to all the riches of the sea.
The kangaroos have caused troubles on the roads and in the cities, and their increased numbers have also harmed plants and other wildlife.
Many of the first Europeans who came to Australia loved the sea.
Because of the fine weather and the casual friendliness.
It is a time for friends and relatives to get together and have fun.
3 Discuss the questions and take notes.
1 What kind of cuisine is typical in your hometown
2 What geographic or historical reasons make that kind of cuisine popuiar
3 What is the most popular dish in your hometown How is it made
In my hometown, Fuzhou, the typical cuisine is often with a mixed sweet and sour taste, like Lychee Meat.
As a major style of Fujian Cuisine, or Min Cuisine, Fuzhou cuisine is popular not only in Fuzhou, but also in areas of central, northern, and eastern Fujian. The history of Fujian Cuisine is quite long. Especially after the Min state was founded in Fuzhou, many people moved to Fujian. The overseas trade also introduced some new seasonings to Fujian dishes.
One of the most popular dishes in my hometown is Lychee Meat. It is made up of deep-fried pork, some vegetables, and red wine lees.
4 Use your notes to write about the food from your hometown. Include a recipe like the one below for your favourite dish.
Sample Writing
Lychee Meat
It was said that Mei Fei, one of Emperor Tang Xuanzong’s favourite concubines, came from Fujian. She often got homesick. So her chef used a special way to cook pork in order to make it look and taste like lychees. This helped to ease her homesickness. Now Lychee Meat has become a well-known dish in Fujian cuisine. It even crossed the sea to America two hundred years ago.
1 pound boneless pork
1.5 tablespoons cornstarch
2 cups vegetable oil
1/4 cup chicken broth
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon distilled or rice vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
4 scallions, white parts only
2 tablespoons sesame seed oil
1 tablespoon red wine lees
Cut the pork into large chunks. Coat the pork pieces with cornstarch. Heat the oil in a wok on medium-heat. Put the pork pieces, one by one, in the oil and cook for 3 minutes each. Remove and let dry on paper towel.
Remove the oil and return the wok to the heat. Add the broth, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, red wine lees and scallions. Once the liquid starts to boil, return the pork to the wok and add the sesame oil. Coat the pieces of pork with the sauce and cook for a minute or so. Serve.
奇异鸟是夜间活动的,它们醒来后从地上的巢中出来,只在晚上进食。它是世界上唯一一种鸟,它的鼻孔长在喙的末端。所有其他的 Bircis 都把它们放在嘴上,靠近脸的地方。雌性几维鸟保持着按体型比例产下最大卵的世界纪录。虽然几维鸟只有鸡的大小,但是雌鸟下的蛋几乎和鸵鸟蛋一样大。“几维鸟”这个名字来自毛利语,是对雄性几维鸟在交配季节大声叫喊的模仿。
不幸的是,几维鸟是濒危物种。它受到非本土动物的威胁,如猫和狗,以及丧失其栖息地。几维鸟(当地人)正在尽他们最大的努力拯救几维鸟(鸟类) ,为此目的已经有许多项目到位。事实上,如果新西兰的国家象征消失了,那将是令人悲哀的。
科琳 · 麦卡洛
灰褐色的土地上充满了生机勃勃的袋鼠,成千上万的袋鼠成群结队地在树林中跳跃,轻松地筑起篱笆,它们的优雅、自由和数量令人愉悦; 鸸鹋在草原中央筑巢,像巨人一样在它们的领地边界上行走,对任何奇怪的事物都感到害怕,比马儿跑得还快,远离它们深绿色、足球大小的卵; 白蚁建造生锈的塔楼,就像微型摩天大楼; 巨大的蚂蚁带着凶猛的咬力,涌入河流,把它们埋进地下的洞里。
鸟类的生活是如此丰富多彩,似乎没有尽头的新品种,他们生活在一个或两个,但成千上万: 小绿色和黄色长尾小鹦鹉费过去被称为情侣鸟,但当地人称为虎皮鹦鹉; 猩红色和蓝色的小鹦鹉称为玫瑰; 大浅灰色的鹦鹉与明亮的紫粉色乳房,下翅和头部,称为嘎拉; 和大纯白鸟与厚脸皮黄色梳子称为硫冠凤头鹦鹉。这种叫笑翠鸟的强壮的棕色翠鸟欢快地笑着,或者潜入水中寻找它们最喜欢的食物——蛇。他们几乎是人类,所有这些鸟,完全没有恐惧,坐在数以百计的树上,用明亮的眼睛四处张望,尖叫,交谈,大笑,模仿任何发出声音的东西。
五六英尺长的可怕蜥蜴在地面上扑腾,轻而易举地跳到高高的树枝上,就像在地面上一样,它们是巨蜥。还有许多其他的蜥蜴,体型较小,但有些同样可怕,舌头肿胀,呈亮蓝色。蛇的种类几乎是无穷无尽的,克利里斯了解到,最大和最危险的看起来往往是最不危险的,而一英尺长的小生物可能是致命的蝰蛇; 地毯蛇,铜蛇,树蛇,红腹黑蛇,棕色蛇,致命的虎蛇。
还有昆虫!蚱蜢,蝗虫,蟋蟀,蜜蜂,各种大小和种类的苍蝇,蝉,蚊子,蜻蜓,巨大的蛾和这么多的蝴蝶!这些蜘蛛很可怕,巨大的毛茸茸的东西直径只有几英寸,或者小而致命的黑色东西藏在厕所里; 有些蜘蛛生活在巨大的旋转蜘蛛网中,悬挂在树木之间,有些蜘蛛在草丛中的蜘蛛网中摇晃,还有些蜘蛛跳进地面上的小洞里,洞口的盖子紧随其后。