人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement复习导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement复习导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 27.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-03 17:12:57



选择性必修一 Unit 1 People of Achievement
Tu Youyou is awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine because she has discovered artemisinin,a crucial drug for malaria.In fact,artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria. After graduating from university,Tu Youyou worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.She
committed herself to the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria. She and her scientific research team tried to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease.They evaluated 280,000 plants and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments. Tu’s team tried boiling fresh wormwood,and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria,but this did not work.Tu Youyou wouldn’t
acknowledge defeat. She insisted on analysing the medical texts again and drew a conclusion that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical
properties. By using a lower temperature to draw out the extract,she discovered the effective substance. Artemisinin,like penicillin,has stood up to clinical tests,just as other products or devices can stand wear and tear.
屠呦呦获得了诺贝尔 生理学或医学奖,因为她发现了治疗疟疾的关键药物青蒿素。事实上,青蒿素已经成为疟疾治疗的重要组成部分。大学毕业后,屠呦呦在中国中医研究院工作。她致力于发现疟疾新疗法的目标。她和她的科研团队试图找到治疗这种疾病的传统植物疗法。他们评估了28 万种植物,并测试了380 种不同的古代中医疗法。屠的研究小组尝试将新鲜的青蒿 煮沸,然后用从中提取的液体治疗疟疾,但没有成功。屠呦呦不承认 失败。她坚持要再次分析医学文献,并得出结论,煮沸这种青蒿 显然破坏了它的医学特性。她用较低的温度获取提取物,发现了这种有效的物质。青蒿素和青霉素一样,经得起临床检验,就像其他产品或设备经得起磨损一样。
The difference between a novelist and a professor is that the former mostly
uses his extraordinary creative genius to inspire people’s passion by writing
novels,while the latter pays more attention to academic research. A politician wants to found his own theories and tries tocome to power. A scientist hopes to make
remarkable achievements and have more inventions and patents. Take Albert Einstein for example. He made numerous contributions to the world,the most well-known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc 2. He earned a doctorate in physics in 1905 and gradually became famous as the new Isaac Newton. Circumstances changed in 1933,when Hitler came to power in Germany. Einstein,who was Jewish,found the doors of academic institutions closed to him. As a consequence,he had to flee Germany. He finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,USA. Einstein was not only a genius,but also a very gentle man. He had a thick moustache and long white hair. Despite his peculiarities,he was loved by his friends and neighbors whom he encountered. Now let’s complete this flow chart to infer his further achievements. You can also write a draft to sum up Einstein’s life.
小说家和教授的区别在于,前者大多是利用自己非凡的创作天赋,通过写小说来激发人们的热情,而后者则更注重学术研究。政治家想要建立自己的学说并试图掌权。科学家希望取得非凡的成就,拥有更多的发明和专利。以阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦为例。他为世界做出了许多贡献,最著名的是广义相对论和著名的公式E=mc2。他在1905 年获得了物理学博士学位,并逐渐以新艾萨克·牛顿而闻名。1933 年希特勒在德国上台后,情况发生了变化。(因为)爱因斯坦是犹太人,他发现学术机构的大门对他关闭了。结果,他不得不逃离德国。最终,他在美国普林斯顿高等研究院 担任研究员一职。爱因斯坦不仅是个天才,而且是个非常温和的人。他留着浓密的胡子和长长的白发。尽管他性格古怪,但是他相识的朋友和邻居都喜欢他。现在让我们完成这个流程图来推断他的进一步成就。你也可以写一份草稿来总结 爱因斯坦的一生。
1.     adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的→     vt.承诺;保证 vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)→     n.承诺;投入
2.     n.(艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院;学会;专科院校→     adj.学业的;学术的
3.     vt.评价;评估→     n.评价;评估
4.     adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的→     n.区别,差别
5.     (NAmE -ze) vt.分析→      (pl.analyses) n.分析
6.     adv.显而易见;看来;显然→     adj.显而易见的;显然的
7.     adj.科学(上)的;关于科学的→     n.科学→     n.科学家
8.     n.结论;推论→     vi.得出结论
9.     n.小说家→     n.(长篇)小说
10.     n.从政者;政治家;政客→     n.政治→     adj.政治的;政权的
11.     n.相对论;相对性→     adj.相对的 n.亲戚
12.     adj.温柔的;文静的→     adv.轻轻地,温柔地
13.     adv.逐渐地;逐步地→     adj.逐渐的,渐进的
14.     n.社会公共机构;制度;习俗→     n.(教育、专业等)机构;机构建筑
15.     n.结果;后果→     adj.随之发生的;作为结果的→     adv.因此;所以
16.     adj.非凡的;显著的→     n.谈论;言论;评述 vt.&vi.谈论;评论;说起
1.Do you want to      your intelligence Just complete the      from below,please.(evaluate)
2.The film FarewellMyConcubine was adapted from the      of the same title by Hong Kong      Li Bihua.(novel)
3.One of the worst      of smoking for a long time is that you may suffer lung cancer.     ,you and your family will suffer a lot.(consequent)
4.      to education,he      every minute to studying and teaching,so his      finally paid off.(commit)
5.Through my great efforts,I obtained an      qualification at the Chinese      of Science.(academy)
When the new party 1.          (上台),he 2.            (担任) as the Minister of Agriculture.He 3.              (忠于自己的) his post and 4.         (坚持) working even when he was ill.The hard work increased 5.          (耗损) on his body until his death.6.         (总的说来),he was a great man.
1.一听到这个消息,他难以抑制心中的兴奋,高兴地跳了起来。(upon doing...)
            ,he was unable to control his excitement and jumped with joy.
                    ,I realised the real meaning of labour.
3.人们普遍认为书的影响是如此之大,以至于应该鼓励人们阅读更多的书籍。(It is+过去分词+that...)
                  the influence of books is so great that people should be encouraged to read more books.
注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
The person I respect
There are many respectable people around us.
选择性必修一 Unit1 People of achievement
1.committed;commit;commitment 2.academy;academic
3.evaluate;evaluation 4.distinct;distinction5.analyse;analysis 
6.apparently;apparent 7.scientific;science;scientist 8.conclusion;conclude 9.novelist;novel 10.politician;politics;political 11.relativity;relative 12.gentle;gently 13.gradually;gradual 14.institution;institute 15.consequence;consequent;consequently 16.remarkable;remark
1.evaluate;evaluation 2.novel;novelist 3.consequences;Consequently 4.Committed;committed;commitment 5.academic;Academy
Ⅱ.1.came to power 2.took up a position 3.committed himself to
4.insisted on 5.wear and tear 6.To sum up
Ⅲ.1.Upon hearing the news 2.While picking watermelons on the farm 
3.It is commonly believed that
The Person I Respect
There are many respectable people around us. As for me, it is Mrs Lucky, my English teacher, who deserves the most respect.
Honestly speaking, English was always beyond my grasp, and I often got stuck in English problems. However, under Lucky’s professional guidance, I have made unbelievable progress and even feel it an enjoyment to be exposed to her English classes. Furthermore, whenever I encounter difficulties, she never fails to cheer me up and help me out, which fuels my enthusiasm for life and promotes me to regain confidence. The most important is that her sense of responsibility makes everyone, including me, considerate, optimistic and reliable.
All in all, no words are strong enough to convey my respect for her. But for her help, I wouldn’t become what I am today.