人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 复习导学案 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 复习导学案 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 27.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-03 17:44:57



Unit4Body language
In our interactions with other people,the way of expression needs to vary with the situation. Body language is important and reliable. By contrast, it is sometimes more appropriate than spoken language. A smile is always approved of in all cultures because it demonstrates politeness and can break down barriers. A fake smile is also necessary if you want to hide feelings like anger or anxiety,or when you feel ashamed or embarrassed. Of course,we can make inferences about the truth of the smile. Body language differs around the world. Different cultures may employ different gestures to express the identical feelings.In some cultures,people favour shaking hands,bowing from the waist when they meet. By comparison,elsewhere,people may kiss their friends on the cheek. You can also witness that some people interpret the gesture for OK as zero.
在我们与他人的交往中,表达的方式需要根据情况而变化。体态语很重要也很可靠。相比之下,它有时候比口头语言更恰当。微笑在所有文化中都是被认可的,因为它表现出礼貌,还可以打破 障碍。如果你想隐藏像愤怒或焦虑等情绪,或者当你感到羞愧或尴尬时,假装的微笑也是必要的。当然,我们可以推断出微笑的真实性。世界各地的体态语言各不相同。不同的文化可能使用不同的姿势来表达相同的感受。在某些文化中,人们见面时喜欢握手、弯腰 鞠躬。相比之下,在其他地方,人们可能会亲吻朋友的脸颊。你还可以看到有些人把“OK”的手势 理解为零。
As an educator,I’ve learned to read my students’ body language and know what makes eachstudent tick. In other words,I understand what my students think through their body language. As we know,people have a tendency to lean towards whatever they are interested in. So if a student has his head lowered to look at his watch,it implies he is bored. Their eyes barely move,and with their chins on their hands,they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling. That means these students are distracted from class. I can perceive and distinguish why some students put their arms across their chests. I know I need to inquire and assess what is going on. Once,I made a trial with the twin brothers about nonverbal gestures. I gave an accurate assessment of their internal thoughts by how they posed,slumped and bent over. This was also a good explanation of body language. Ultimately,I call on my students not to be bothered by the outside world and adjust their learning state. At work,if there is a conflict between behaviour and learning,I will intervene in time. This is merely one component of the solution.
作为一名教育工作者,我学会了解读学生的肢体语言,了解每个学生的一举一动的原因。换句话说,我通过学生的肢体语言来了解他们的想法。众所周知,人们总是倾向于他们感兴趣的东西。所以,如果一个学生低头看表,这意味着他很无聊。如果他们的眼睛几乎不动,双手托着下巴,忙着 盯着窗外或天花板,那意味着这些学生上课分心。我能够觉察和分辨出为什么有些学生把胳膊交叉放在胸前。我知道我需要调查和判断发生了什么。有一次,我对双胞胎兄弟做了一个关于非语言手势的试验。我通过他们摆姿势、垂头走路和俯身的方式,准确地评估了他们的内心想法。这也是对肢体语言一个很好的解释。最后,我呼吁学生不要被外界干扰,调整好自己的学习状态。在课堂学习中,如果行为和学习之间有冲突,我会及时介入。这仅仅是解决方案的一个组成部分。
What is body language Have you ever used body language in your daily life
Body language is the way you sit and stand. It’s your gestures and the expression on your face. Your whole appearance communicates things.
In daily life, people use body language to convey information to each other. Body language is vivid and can help people express themselves easily.
But different countries have different body language. For example, in Western countries, using eye contact in conversations is very important. If you do not use eye contact, Westerners may think that you are not listening. And if you look away, they may also think that you are lying. However, in many Asian countries, looking down when talking with an older person, like a teacher or a parent, is polite.
These differences can cause problems. So to avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary for us to understand body language in different countries. The correct use of body language can help us communicate better with others.
1.     n.交流;相互影响→     vi.相互交流;相互影响
2.     vi.(根据情况)变化;改变→     adj.各种各样的→     n.多样性
3.     vi.赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过→     n.赞成;同意
4.     vt.使用;应用;雇用→     n.使用;职业;雇用
5.     vi.相异;不同于→     adj.不同的;有差异的→     n.差别;差异
6.     vt.较喜欢;选择;有利于 n.帮助;恩惠;赞同→     adj.赞成的;有利的
7.     n.愤怒;怒气 vt.使生气;激怒→     adj.生气的;愤怒的→     adv.生气地;愤怒地
8.     adj.可靠的;可信赖的→     vi.依赖;依靠
9.     adj.轻微的;略微的;细小的→     adv.略微;稍微
10.     n.评价;评定→     vt.评估;评价
11.     n.教师;教育工作者;教育家→     vt.教育→     adj.受过教育的;有教养的→     n.教育
12.     n.趋势;倾向→     vi.往往会;常常会
13.     adv.几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚→     adj.赤裸的;光秃秃的;空的
14.     vt.占据;占用→     n.占据;职业
15.     vi.&vt.区分;辨别→     adj.卓越的;杰出的
16.     n.焦虑;担心;害怕→     adj.焦虑的
17.     adj.难堪的;尴尬的→     vt.使尴尬
18.     adj.羞愧;惭愧→     n.羞耻;羞愧;遗憾的事→     adj.可耻的→     adj.无耻的;没廉耻的
19.     vi.&vt.询问;打听→     n.询问;查询
20.     vt.调整;调节 vi.&vt.适应;(使)习惯→     n.调整
21.     vi.(对……)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应→     n.反应;作用
1.      of after-class activities will be held,      from the English corner to the literature club.(vary)
2.The      of the company is      in training his      .(employ)
3.I am      with my      ,which      most of my time every day.(occupy)
4.I feel      of my      action,which is a      to me.(shame)
5.My brother suffering from      is becoming more and more      .(anxiety)
1.         (相比之下),he has worked too much.No wonder he 2.        (垮掉) recently.When we 3.       (访问) him in the hospital,he looked very upset and felt very regretful.4.          (换句话说),he should pay attention to his health in the future.
The policeman                .
It was not until then that I suddenly realized               than I was.
                 ,for it is quite hard for some of them.
Desperate and helpless,Jane knelt down,              .
                ,I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time and money on it.
Unit4Body language
1.interaction;interact 2.vary;various;variety 3.approve;approval
4.employ;employment 5.differ;different;difference 6.favour;favorable 7.anger;angry;angrily 8.reliable;rely 9.slight;slightly
10.assessment;assess 11.educator;educate;educated;education 12.tendency;tend 13.barely;bare 14.occupy;occupation 15.distinguish;distinguished 16.anxiety;anxious 17.embarrassed;embarrass 18.ashamed;shame;shameful;shameless 19.inquire;inquiry
20.adjust;adjustment 21.react;reaction
Ⅰ.1.Varieties;varying 2.employer;employed;employees
3.occupied;occupation;occupies 4.ashamed;shameful;shame 5.anxiety;anxious
Ⅱ.1.By contrast 2.broke down 3.called on 4.In other words
Ⅲ.1.took the thief by the arm 2.nobody was happier 3.Not all can solve this problem 4.with tears of regret rolling down her cheeks 5.While traveling can broaden your mind
话题写作:Possible Version:
Girls and boys,
It’s my great privilege to talk about how important body language is to effective communication.
In addition tospoken language, we can take advantage of body language, which can send stronger signals than words or written texts. Consequently how do we put body language to good use I'll show you the following tips: first and foremost, when communicating with others, you need to smile and maintain eye contact. This will show others that you are a good listener and in turn they will listen to you. What’s more, while listening to others, you need to nod your head from time to time to show that you’re paying attention. Last but not least, you're encouraged to use gestures to express your thoughts.
Hopefully, the above-mentioned tips will go a long way towards your interaction with others.