英语三年级上join in版Unit4 Part4.5 教案
备课时间 主 备 人
复备时间 授课教师 授课教师所在单位杜庄小学
课 题 Unit4 (Part4&5 ) 课 型
课时分配 1 第 3课时
项 目 内 容
教学目标 知 识能 力 1.能学唱歌谣 see you tomorrow2.能根据指令open …put in …做出相应的动作3.能互相运用 see you tomorrow .bye- bye 进行简单的告别
过 程方 法 speaking acting listening
情 感态 度价值观 1.通过学习,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣及参与课堂学习的积极性, 并在合作学习中,逐步培养学生相互协作学习的意识。2.养成爱护学习用具的好习惯
教学重点 根据指令open …put in …做出相应的动作
教学难点 学唱歌谣 see you tomorrow
教学、教具(课件)准 备 Recorder
教 学 流 程
教学环节 教 师 活 动 预设学生活动
1. warm-upsing the song Hello2. Revision ask and answer3. what’s this ? It's my …What colour is it ? It’s….Let the students guess the things play the tape and listen 4. listen and do the actions5. listen again read ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) the sentences loudly(Show the new language by body languages)open your schoolbagsput in your booksopen your pencil casesput in your pencilssee you tomorrowbye-bye 6. the teacher speaks sentences freely .the students do the action7. invite several stu ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )dents to mime the teacher orders .other students do the actions(some of the students do the action,the other say the sentences.)8. work in pairs9. part 5look at the pictures and remembersome information10. help them say out informationbook schoolbag …listen and point check10.homework remember the sentences and say the chant Homework Listen and do. Sing Listen and pointlisten and actread loudly老师可以拿个书包实际操作一下,学生的理解会更好。也可以利用孩子们有的学习用品,让他们跟着老师做。do the actions课堂上可以设计一些小游戏,让学生自己命令自己的搭档,会有更多的学生想要参与进来。 say out information
板书设计 Unit Four school things Open your schoolbags /pencil casesPut in your booksPencilspens see you tomorrowbye-bye
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