人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection专项训练 相关话题变式练(阅读+完型+语法)(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection专项训练 相关话题变式练(阅读+完型+语法)(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 82.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-08 00:21:51



Unit 2 Wild life Protection
Part2 相关话题变式练(阅读+完型+语法)
Passage1 阅读理解
For many travelers these days, finding a way to make travel more meaningful has become a top priority. They are increasingly pursuing journeys that include time to volunteer, work on a conservation project, protect endangered animals or to do other activities that allow for giving back while exploring a new part of the world. Here are some opportunities that combine travel with doing good deeds.
The Azores
The trips offer the opportunity to work on carefully selected projects alongside famous scientists while also enjoying encounters with some of the world’s most fascinating sea creatures in water. It allows participants to join a research team in the Azores that is studying the animals to support future conservation of the species. Advanced diving experience is required.
Red Sea, Egypt
Combining an opportunity for world-class diving with being part of an important research effort conducted by Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association, the seven-night trip includes learning how to gather water data with state-of-the-art scientific equipment and conducting onboard and underwater experiments.
Explore Queensland, Australia, while also supporting a registered charity that rescues farm animals from abuse (虐待), neglect, and situations where they’re in danger. Participants help with daily cleaning of barns (牲口圈) and cages, feeding, health checks, light repair, monitoring animals’ movements, and intensive care of ill, old and baby animals. The experience includes free accommodations with Wi Fi and a swimming pool.
Work with bears at Romania’s largest bear sanctuary (庇护所), a place that was created as a heaven for bears that have been abused. Located in the Carpathian Mountains, the sanctuary needs volunteers to help with preparing food, monitoring animal well-being and leading conservation tours. The sanctuary is home to 84 bears, with 20 more due to be rescued.
1 .What do the last two trips have in common
A .Both include conducting experiments.
B .Both provide free accommodations.
C .Both require advanced diving experience.
D .Both involve protecting animals from abuse.
2 .Which place best suits a girl who likes sea creatures
A .The Azores. B .Red Sea.
C .Australia. D .Romania.
3 .What do volunteers need to do in the sanctuary in Romania
A .They conduct experiments. B .They gather water data.
C .They monitor animal well-being. D .They need to clean barns and cages.
Passage2 阅读理解
China plays a major cooperative role in protecting biodiversity, starting with its ban on the ivory trade.
As Africa gears up to preserve its flora and fauna — species on the verge of extinction because of the illegal wildlife trade, overpopulation, over-exploitation and increased infrastructure development — China has proved to be a key partner.
The Asian powerhouse, has been engaged in various collaborative initiatives with African countries, from financing to equipment donation and helping the continent to preserve its heritage.
One of the notable initiatives is China’s ban on the domestic ivory trade. This has given many African countries hope, since China is the largest consumer of ivory in the world, followed by the United States, according to a study by British conservation group Care for the Wild
Judi Wakhungu, the Kenyan Cabinet secretary for environment and natural resources, lauds the move, noting that wildlife poaching and trafficking are economic crimes that pose threats to the economies of many African nations.
“I applaud the government of China for the bold and encouraging move to close its domestic legal market for ivory by the end of the year,” she says.
Julius Kamau, executive director of the East African Wild Life Society, says the move to ban the ivory trade offers a glimmer of optimism in the fight against elephant poaching.
“We have been advocating for a ban on the ivory trade for some time now; so we are happy about the initiative by the Chinese government. We hope poaching activities will be reduced significantly,” he says.
According to a survey by the World Wildlife Fund published in November, around 20,000 elephants are killed in Africa annually for their tusks. Additionally, the African tourism sector loses around $25 million (22.2 million euros; £19.4 million) annually as a result of elephant poaching.
4 .What is the passage mainly about
A .China joined the efforts to stop ivory trade.
B .A ban on the ivory trade was imposed by China.
C .Africa welcomed China’s cooperation in trade.
D .Elephant poaching can be stopped through the joint efforts.
5 .What does the ban on the ivory trade issued by China mean to Africa
A .Poaching activities will be reduced to the maximum extent.
B .The other countries will follow China to ban the ivory trade.
C .Elephants’ population will grow as fast as before.
D .It brings hope to the elephant conservation in Africa.
6 .What is the attitude of the author towards the ban imposed by China
A .Optimistic B .Objective C .Disapproving D .Indifferent
Passage3 七选五
Dogs do not see the world in the same way that we do. They rely on their body language for communication. Read on to see the ways they SHOW their feelings and emotions through their actions and behaviors!
How They Bark
There are several reasons dogs bark. If it is loud and frequent, it might be something urgent. Perhaps they sense danger and want to let you know. ____7____Loud barking can also mean that they are in pain. Make sure to pay attention to figure it out!
On Your Feet
____8____It might be a little annoying, but your dogs mean well! This is their way to show their love and loyalty. They only want to be as close to you as possible. It is behavior that they got from their ancestors when they used to run as a pack.
Eye Movement
In certain ways, dogs are like humans. ____9____They look at the ground when they feel tired or sad. Meanwhile, they open their eyes wide and look around when they are excited. A raised eyebrow might mean confusion. Make sure to take these all into account!
Barking At Nothing
Sometimes when our dogs are looking out the window and start barking, we notice there is nothing actually there for the dog to bark at, so why are they barking ____ 10____Your house is their house, too, and they want any and all intruders (侵入者) to know that they are there.
____ 11____
If your dog refuses to eat when another dog or human is in the room with them, it is not because of any other reason except for the fact that they do not want to share their food with you. While humans likely don’t think about this because we don’t eat dog food, dogs don’t understand that!
A .Using Their Tails
B .Only Eating Alone
C .They tend to show emotions with their eyes as well.
D .They could be doing this because they are protecting your house.
E .Shorter and softer barks, meanwhile, mean that they want to play.
F .Dogs like to lie on your feet when you are eating dinner or watching TV.
G .They have been waiting for you to come back, and they cannot control their excitement.
Passage4 完形填空
Female penguins get stranded
Every year, thousands of Magellanic penguins (麦哲伦企鹅) get stranded along the coast of South America, but, ____ 12____ about 75% of those that get stuck are female. Now scientists say they have worked out what is behind the gender ____ 13____: the females migrate further north
than males.
Magellanic penguins finish breeding in Patagonia in February, and, during the ____ 14____ winter months, head north, reaching as far as Brazil, in search of anchovies (风尾鱼). But every year thousands become stranded, with many ____ 15____ to safety on board military aircraft by human.
Writing in the journal Current Biology, researchers in Japan and Argentina report how they ____ 16____ tracking device to eight male and six female penguins in 2017 and tracked where the birds went after they left the breeding grounds of Cabo dos Bahfa in Argentina and began the migration north in April.
Previously it was unknown whether male and female’s took different paths or not. “Although some ____ 17____ are made, the exact reason for the ____ 18____ stranding has been unknown due to the lack of information on their behavior outside the breeding season.” said Takashi Yamamoto, a co-author of the report from the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Japan.
The results from the study offer a clearer picture. ____ 19____ the authors note that only a small number of penguins were tracked, all the female’s generally traveled further north. The male, meanwhile, predominantly stuck to waters of the Argentinian coast. The study also found male ____20____ dived deeper than female’s: about 59 metres compared with about 35 metres.
The authors offer a number of reasons why males and females may head to different areas— including to avoid _____21_____ for food—and why they dive to different _____22_____ —the females’ smaller bodies may restrict the depths they can reach. They also suggest the different sexes may seek waters of different temperatures, with the _____23_____ females preferring warmer, shallower surroundings.
While researchers are still trying to understand why penguins end up stranded, Yamamoto and colleague’s suggest those that end up further north may have used more energy swimming or catching _____24_____ prey, leaving them exhausted. Climate change, pollution in the area or injury from fishing equipment could also play a role. Reports of standings have noted that many penguins are unwell or exhausted, with some even washing up dead.
“_____25_____, plastic remains have been reported in the stomach of beach-washed Magellanic penguins,” said Yamamoto, adding that a stewed sex ratio could potentially lead to a population decline.
While the findings may not help prevent strandings, Yamamoto said it could help with _____26_____ of the species. “If we do not consider any action, such as marine zoning, I expect that the number of stranding individuals will increase.”
12 .A .desperately B .puzzlingly C .obviously D .undoubtedly
13 .A .combination B .frustration C .conflict D .imbalance
14 .A .following B .previous C .starting D .finished
15 .A .dismissed B .withdrawn C .airlifted D .extended
16 .A .attached B .equipped C .lifted D .injected
17 .A. evaluations B. assumptions C .descriptions D. conclusions
18 .A. deep-rooted B. ice-covered C .storm-stricken D. female-biased
19 .A. Because B. While C .After D. When
20 .A. legally B. physically C .typically D. simply
21 .A. searching B. competing C .asking D. defending
22 .A. widths B. levels C .depths D. rates
23 .A. lighter B. heavier C .rougher D. smoother
24 .A. fixed B. scared C .deposited D. scattered
25 .A. After all B. In addition C .However D. For example
26 .A. perseverance B. conversation C .conservation D. reservation
Passage5 语法填空
____27____(know) as a “living fossil”, the sturgeon (鲟鱼) is a very precious species. It is believed to have lived alongside the dinosaurs more than 140 million years ago. However, according to the IUCN, one of the largest non-profit environmental protection
____28____(organise), all remaining 26 sturgeon species in the world are now at risk of extinction (灭绝).Their decline over the past three generations is ____29____(awkward ) than previously thought.
“The extinction of the Chinese paddlefish (白鲟) should be a warning for everyone,” said Zhou Fei, China’s chief program officer. “It has provided ____30____opportunity for conservation experts to raise public awareness about the urgency of protecting freshwater species in the Yangtze River Basin ____31____ educate the public to save other species living in the region from extinction,” he added.
____32____(prevent) further loss of freshwater species in China, people must act ____33____(immediate). There is no time to waste. Also, long-term threats to their life and habitats must ____34____(remove) by taking the most systematic protection measures ____35____ will slow the speed of the extinction of some species. ____36____ is not something that can be achieved by certain departments. Instead, it requires joint effects from all sectors of society.
Part3 话题写作练(应用文+读后续写)
请你以中国中学生李华的名义为一家英语网站写一篇文章, 呼吁世界各地的中学生加入
1. 大熊猫(the giant panda)是中国的国宝,也是世界的稀有动物之一;2. 大熊猫以竹子为食,由于山林遭到破坏,大熊猫觅食越来越困难,正濒临灭绝;
3. 我国已建立自然保护区来保护大熊猫,但需要更多的资金。 注意:
1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 要求用到提示内容,但不要逐字翻译,行文连贯、流畅、完整;
3. 提示词汇:竹子 bamboo;自然保护区(nature reserve )
随着社会的发展, 环境的恶化, 栖息地遭到破坏, 人类的捕杀等原因, 许多野生动物处 境十分危险,请以 Howto protect wild animals 为题写一篇作文。
注意:词数 100 左右,可适当发挥
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续
写词数应为 150 左右。
On his way home, Jonathon saw a gray, long-haired cat sitting on the sidewalk. As he stopped to pet her, he noticed that she was not wearing a collar. She rubbed her head against his hand and began to purr (发呼噜声). She reminded Jonathon of Smoky, the cat he had when he was younger. Smoky’s fur had been long and gray too.
Jonathon petted the cat for a while. Then he said, “I have to go,” and continued home. To his surprise, the cat followed him.
When Jonathon was home, he walked up the porch steps and went in the kitchen. The cat followed him up the steps and sat quietly outside the door, watching him closely. Jonathon made a sandwich. The cat continued to stare at him. Jonathon sighed. “I know it’s not a good idea to feed a stray cat,” he said, “but you look so hungry! I can’t sit here and eat without feeding you too!”
Jonathon put some turkey on a plate for the cat. As Jonathon watched, she ate every scrap of turkey and then began to clean her face and paws. “Wow!” Jonathon said, “You must have been
starving. I wonder how long it has been since someone fed you.”
Jonathon finished his sandwich and looked at the cat. Her long fur was matted (乱蓬蓬的). Jonathon remembered that Smoky’s brush and toys were stored in the garage. “I’m going to clean you up a little,” Jonathon said to the cat.
Jonathon found Smoky’s brush and got to work. As the dirt came out, the cat’s fur began to get lighter. “Hey!” Jonathon said, realizing the truth. “You’re not gray—you’re white!”
After her brushing, the cat climbed onto Jonathon’s lap and purred. “You’re so friendly, you probably belong to someone,” Jonathon said. “I bet you’re just lost.” When Jonathon’s father came home, Jonathon showed him the cat that had stretched out in a patch of sun on the porch.
“Why don’t you make some signs to place in the neighborhood,” his father suggested. 注意:
1. 续写字数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
His father said that if no one called about the cat after a week, Jonathon could keep her.
“Okay,” Jonathon’s father finally said, “I think you’ve waited long enough.”
Part2 相关话题阅读练
1 .D 2 .A 3 .C
【导语】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了几种既能探索世界又能保护濒危动物的旅游。 1.细节理解题。由 Australia 部分的“Explore Queensland, Australia, while also supporting a registered charity that rescues farm animals from abuse (虐待), neglect, and situations where they’re in danger.(探索昆士兰州,澳大利亚,同时也支持一个注册的慈善机构,从虐待,忽 视,和他们处于危险的情况下,拯救农场动物。 )”和 Romania 部分的“Workwith bears at Romania’s largest bear sanctuary (庇护所), a place that was created as a heaven for bears that have been abused.(在罗马尼亚最大的熊保护区和熊一起工作,这里是被虐待熊的天堂。 )”可 知,最后两种旅游的共同之处是两者都涉及保护动物免受虐待。故选 D 。 2.细节理解题。由 The Azores 部分的“The trips offer the opportunity to work on carefully selected projects alongside famous scientists while also enjoying encounters with some of the world’s most fascinating sea creatures in water.(这些旅行提供了与著名科学家一起精心挑选项目的机会, 同时也享受与世界上最迷人的海洋生物在水中相遇的机会。 )”可知, 最适合喜欢 海洋生物的女孩的是 The Azores,故选 A。
3.细节理解题。根据 Romania 部分的“Located in the Carpathian Mountains, the sanctuary needs volunteers to help with preparing food, monitoring animal well-being and leading conservation tours.(该保护区位于 Carpathian 山脉,需要志愿者帮助准备食物,监测动物健康,并带领保 护之旅。 )”可知,志愿者在罗马尼亚的避难所需要监测动物的健康状况。故选 C。
4 .A 5 .D 6 .A
【导语】这是一篇说明文, 文章主要讲述中国禁止象牙贸易, 这一举措给非洲大象保护带来
4.主旨大意题。根据文章内容, 结合第一段“China plays a major cooperative role in protecting biodiversity, starting with its ban on the ivory trade.(从禁止象牙贸易开始,中国在保护生物多 样性方面发挥了重要的合作作用)”可知, 文章主要讲述中国禁止象牙贸易, 这一举措给非洲 大象保护带来希望, 受到各方赞赏。 A 项“中国加入了制止象牙贸易的努力”能够总结文章大 意。故选 A。
5.推理判断题。根据第四段中“One of the notable initiatives is China's ban on the domestic ivory trade. This has given many African countries hope(其中一个值得注意的举措是中国禁止国内象 牙贸易。这给许多非洲国家带来了希望)”以及倒数第三段“Julius Kamau, executive director of the East African Wild Life Society, says the move to ban the ivory trade offers a glimmer of optimism in the fight against elephant poaching.(东非野生动物协会执行理事 Julius Kamau 说, 禁止象牙贸易的举措为打击偷猎大象的斗争带来了一丝乐观的曙光)”可知, 中国禁止象牙贸 易为非洲保护大象带来希望。故选 D。
6.推理判断题。根据第一段“China plays a major cooperative role in protecting biodiversity, starting with its ban on the ivory trade.(从禁止象牙贸易开始, 中国在保护生物多样性方面发挥 了重要的合作作用)”以及第四段中“One of the notable initiatives is China’s ban on the domestic ivory trade. This has given many African countries hope(其中一个值得注意的举措是中国禁止 国内象牙贸易。这给许多非洲国家带来了希望)”以及文章提及的各方对这一举措的赞赏可知, 作者对中国禁止象牙贸易持乐观态度。故选 A。
7 .E 8 .F 9 .C 10 .D 11 .B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是狗如何通过行动和行为来表达自己的感受和情绪。 7.空前说“There are several reasons dogs bark. If it is loud and frequent, it might be something urgent. Perhaps they sense danger and want to let you know.(狗叫有几个原因。如果声音很大而 且频繁, 那可能是紧急的事情。也许他们感觉到了危险, 想让你知道。)”,空后说“Loudbarking can also mean that they are in pain.(大声的吠叫也可能意味着它们很痛苦。 )”,因此空格处应 该也是介绍某种吠叫是什么意思, E 选项“Shorter and softer barks, meanwhile, mean that theywant to play.(同时,更短更柔和的吠声意味着它们想要玩耍。 )”介绍了更短更柔和的吠声意 味着什么,因此 E 选项承上启下,符合语境,故选 E。
8.本段小标题是“On Your Feet(在你的脚上)”,所以本段主要讲狗喜欢在你的脚上, F 选项“Dogs like to lie on your feet when you are eating dinner or watching TV.(当你吃饭或看电视时,狗喜 欢躺在你的脚上。 )”和本段小标题相符合, “on your feet”和小标题“On Your Feet”一致, 因此 F 选项引起下文,符合语境,故选 F。
9.本段小标题是“Eye Movement(眼睛的活动)”,空后说“They look at the ground when they feel tired or sad. Meanwhile, they open their eyes wide and look around when they are excited. A raised eyebrow might mean confusion.(当他们感到疲倦或悲伤时, 他们会看着地面。与此同时, 当他们兴奋时, 他们会睁大眼睛环顾四周。扬起眉毛可能意味着困惑。 )”,这说明狗也会用 自己的眼睛的活动来表达情绪, C 选项“They tend to show emotions with their eyes as well.(他 们也倾向于用眼睛表达情感。 )”引出了下文的一些狗会使用的眼睛的活动, 也和本段小标题 相符合,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选 C。
10.本段小标题是“Barking At Nothing(无原因地叫)”,空后说“Your house is their house, too, and they want any and all intruders (侵入者) to know that they are there.(你的房子也是它们的房子, 它们希望所有的入侵者都知道它们在那里。 )”,也就是说狗在保护家, D 选项“Theycould be doing this because they are protecting your house.(他们这么做可能是为了保护你的房子。 )”说 明了狗无缘无故叫的原因,也就是在保护家,因此 D 选项承上启下,符合语境,故选 D。
11.空格处是本段小标题, 根据空格下方的内容“If your dog refuses to eat when another dog or human is in the room with them, it is not because of any other reason except for the fact that they do not want to share their food with you.(如果你的狗拒绝吃东西, 当另一只狗或人与它在一个 房间里, 这不是因为任何其他原因, 除了事实, 他们不想与你分享他们的食物。 )”可知, 本 段主要讲的是狗有时候愿意自己独自吃东西, B 选项“Only Eating Alone(只是独自吃)”概括了 本段内容,因此可作为小标题,故选 B。
12 .B 13 .D 14 .A 15 .C 16 .A 17 .D 18 .D 19 .B 20 .C 21 .B 22 .C
23 .A 24 .D 25 .D 26 .C
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了成千上万的麦哲伦企鹅在南美洲海岸搁浅, 其中 大约 75%的搁浅企鹅是雌性,并分析了这一现象出现的原因。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:每年,成千上万的麦哲伦企鹅在南美洲海岸搁浅,但令人困
惑的是,其中大约 75%的搁浅企鹅是雌性。 A. desperately 绝望地;B. puzzlingly 令人困惑地;
C. obviously 明显地; D. undoubtedly 毋庸置疑地。根据下文“the exact reason for the _____ stranding has been unknown”可知,雌性企鹅搁浅数量偏多的确切原因尚不清楚,由此可知, 大约 75%的搁浅企鹅是雌性的现象是令人困惑的。故选 B 项。
13 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,科学家们说,他们已经找出了性别失衡背后的原因:雌性比雄性更向北迁移。 A. combination 联合; B. frustration 沮丧; C. conflict 矛盾; D. imbalance 失衡。根据上文“about 75% of those that get stuck are female”可知,大约 75%的搁 浅企鹅是雌性, 由此可知, 搁浅企鹅的性别失衡, 雌性较多, 科学家们已经找出了性别失衡 背后的原因。故选 D 项。
14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:麦哲伦企鹅于 2 月份在巴塔哥尼亚完成繁殖,在接下来的 冬季,它们向北迁徙, 最远到达巴西, 寻找凤尾鱼。 A. following (时间上) 接着的;B. previous 以前的;C. starting 开始的;D. finished 完成的。根据上文“Magelanic penguins finish breeding in Patagonia in February”可知,文章按照时间顺序描述麦哲伦企鹅的生活轨迹,由此可知, 麦哲伦企鹅于 2 月份完成繁殖,在接下来的冬季,它们向北迁徙。故选 A 项。
15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但每年都有数千只被搁浅,其中许多只被人类用军用飞机空 运到安全地带。 A. dismissed 消除; B. withdrawn 撤离; C. airlifted 空运; D. extended 扩展。 根据空格后“military aircraft”可知,人类用军用飞机把被搁浅的企鹅空运到了安全地带。故 选 C 项。
16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:日本和阿根廷的研究人员在《当代生物学》杂志上发表报告 称, 2017 年,他们将跟踪装置安装在 8 只雄性和 6 只雌性企鹅身上,并跟踪这些企鹅在离 开阿根廷 Cabo dos Bahfa 的繁殖地并于 4 月开始向北迁徙后的去向。 A. attached 把…… 附 (在 ……上) ;B. equipped 配备;C. lifted 举起;D. injected 注射。根据空格后“tracking device to eight male and six female penguins”可知, 研究人员将跟踪装置安装在企鹅身上, 跟踪企鹅 的去向, “attach…to…”意为“把…… 附在……上”。故选 A 项。
17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然已经得出了一些结论,但由于缺乏关于繁殖季节以外雌 性动物行为的信息,雌性动物更容易搁浅的确切原因尚不清楚。 A. evaluations 估计; B. assumptions 假设; C. descriptions 描述; D. conclusions 结论。根据下文“The results from the study offer a clearer picture.”中的“results”可知,研究已经取得了一些结果,由此可知,虽然 已经得出了一些结论,但确切原因尚不清楚。故选 D 项。
18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然已经得出了一些结论,但由于缺乏关于繁殖季节以外 雌性动物行为的信息,雌性动物更容易搁浅的确切原因尚不清楚。 A. deep-rooted 根深蒂固 的;B. ice-covered 冰雪覆盖的;C. storm-stricken 遭受暴风雨的;D. female-biased 偏雌性的。 根据上文“about 75% of those that get stuck are female”可知, 大约 75%的搁浅企鹅是雌性, 由 此可知, 研究调查的是搁浅企鹅雌性偏多的原因, 但雌性动物更容易搁浅的确切原因尚不清 楚。故选 D 项。
19.考查从属连词词义辨析。句意:虽然作者指出只有少数企鹅被追踪到,但所有雌性企鹅 通常都向北迁徙。 A. Because 因为;B. While 虽然;C. After 在…… 以后;D. When 当…… 时。 根据句中“only a small number of penguins were tracked”和“all the female’s generally traveled further north”可知,句子为让步状语从句,虽然只有少数企鹅被追踪到,但所有雌性企鹅通常都向北迁徙,应用“While”引导从句,意为“虽然”。故选 B 项。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:研究还发现,雄性通常比雌性潜水更深:约 59 米,而雌性 约 35 米。 A. legally 合法地; B. physically 身体上; C. typically 通常; D. simply 仅仅。根据 句中“about 59 metres compared with about 35 metres”可知,句中介绍的是研究发现的通常情 况,由此可知,雄性通常比雌性潜水更深。故选 C 项。
21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作者提供了一些原因,说明为什么雄性和雌性可能会前往不 同的区域——包括为了避免争夺食物——和为什么它们会潜到不同的深度——雌性较小的 身体可能会限制它们能到达的深度。 A. searching 搜索; B. competing 竞争; C. asking 询问;
D. defending 防御。根据句中“why males and females may head to different areas”可知, 这里介 绍的是雄性和雌性可能会前往不同区域的原因, 由此可知, 它们为了避免争夺食物, 所以前 往不同的区域。故选 B 项。
22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:作者提供了一些原因,说明为什么雄性和雌性可能会前往不 同的区域——包括为了避免争夺食物——和为什么它们会潜到不同的深度——雌性较小的 身体可能会限制它们能到达的深度。 A. widths 宽度;B. levels 水平;C. depths 深度;D. rates 速度。根据句中“the females’ smaller bodies may restrict the depths they can reach”可知,雌性 较小的身体可能会限制它们能到达的深度, 由此可知, 句中介绍的是为什么它们会潜到不同 的深度。故选 C 项。
23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们还表明,不同的性别可能会寻找不同温度的水域,而 较轻的雌性更喜欢更温暖和较浅的环境。 A. lighter 更轻的;B. heavier 更重的;C. rougher 更 粗糙的;D. smoother 更光滑的。根据上文“he females’ smaller bodies may restrict the depths they can reach”可知,雌性企鹅体型较小,体重更轻,由此可知,较轻的雌性更喜欢更温暖和较 浅的环境。故选 A 项。
24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然研究人员仍在试图理解企鹅为何会搁浅,但山本和他 的同事认为, 那些最终在更北的地方的企鹅可能在游泳或捕捉分散的猎物时消耗了更多的能 量,使它们筋疲力尽。 A. fixed 固定的; B. scared 害怕的; C. deposited 沉积的; D. scattered 分散的。根据句中“used more energy”可知, 雌性企鹅消耗了更多的能量, 应该是为了捕捉分 散的猎物。故选 D 项。
25 .考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:山本说: “例如,据报道,海滩上冲刷的麦哲伦企鹅胃 里有塑料残留物。 ”他补充说,性别比例的偏差可能会导致企鹅数量的下降。 A. After all 毕 竟; B. In addition 此外; C. However 然而; D. For example 例如。根据上文“Climate change, pollution in the area or injury from fishing equipment could also play a role.”可知,上文告诉我们 环境污染也可能导致企鹅搁浅死亡, 由此可知, 句中是举例说明, 搁浅死去的麦哲伦企鹅胃 里有塑料残留物。故选 D 项。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然这一发现可能无助于防止搁浅,但山本表示,这可能有助于物种的保护。 A. perseverance 毅力; B. conversation 谈话; C. conservation 保护; D. reservation 预约。根据上文“Climate change, pollution in the area or injury from fishing equipment could also play a role.”可知,研究发现告诉我们一些危害企鹅生存的原因,由此可知,然这 一发现可能有助于物种的保护。故选 C 项。
27 .Known 28 .organisations 29 .more awkward 30 .an 31 .and 32 .To prevent 33 .immediately 34 .be removed 35 .that 36 .It
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是中国急需采取行动来保护淡水物种。 27.考查非谓语动词。句意:鲟鱼被称为“活化石”,是一种非常珍贵的物种。句中谓语是 is ,空格处用非谓语动词, be known as 意为“被称为”,因此空格处用过去分词表被动, 位于 句首,首字母大写,故填 Known 。 28.考查名词的复数。句意:然而,据世界自然保护联盟(IUCN) ——最大的非营利环保 组织之一——称,世界上现存的 26 种鲟鱼都面临灭绝的危险。 one of 后用名词的复数, organise 的名词是 organisation,复数是 organisations,故填 organisations 。 29.考查比较级。句意:他们在过去三代的衰落比之前想象的更加尴尬。由 than 可知,空 格处用比较级, awkward 的比较级是 more awkward。故填 more awkward 。 30 .考查冠词。句意:他补充说: “这为保护专家提供了一个机会,提高公众对保护长江流 域淡水物种的紧迫性的意识,并教育公众拯救该地区的其他物种,使其免于灭
绝。 ”opportunity 是可数名词,表泛指,前面用不定冠词, opportunity 是元音音素开头,不 定冠词用 an ,故填 an。
31 .考查连词。句意:他补充说: “这为保护专家提供了一个机会,提高公众对保护长江流 域淡水物种的紧迫性的意识,并教育公众拯救该地区的其他物种,使其免于灭绝。 ”“raise public awareness”和“educate the public”之间是并列关系,因此空格处用 and 表并列,故填 and。
32.考查不定式。句意:为了防止中国淡水物种的进一步流失,人们必须立即采取行动。根 据语境可知,空格处用不定式表目的,位于句首的单词首字母大写,故填 Toprevent。
33.考查副词。句意:为了防止中国淡水物种的进一步流失,人们必须立即采取行动。空格 处用副词 immediately 修饰动词 act ,immediately 意为“立即”,故填 immediately。
34 .考查被动语态。句意:此外,必须采取最系统的保护措施,减缓某些物种灭绝的速度, 以消除对它们的生命和栖息地的长期威胁。威胁是被消除, 句子用被动语态, 空前有情态动 词 must,因此空格处是 be done,故填 be removed。
35 .考查定语从句。句意:此外,必须采取最系统的保护措施,减缓某些物种灭绝的速度, 以消除对它们的生命和栖息地的长期威胁。分析可知, 空格处引导的是定语从句, 从句中缺 少主语, 先行词 protection measures 是物, 且被最高级 the most systematic 修饰, 因此空格处 只能用关系代词 that,不能用 which,故填 that。36.考查代词。句意:这不是某些部门可以做到的。空格处用 it 指代前面的所讲的事情, 位于句首,首字母大写,故填 It。
Part3 话题写作练
The giant panda, one of the surviving ancient animals, is regarded as a national treasure of China. It is loved by people worldwide.
The home of the giant panda is in the distant mountains, where it feeds on the tender bamboo leaves. With more and more forests destroyed and most of the bamboo cut down, it is becoming more and more difficult for giant pandas to find food for themselves. To protect the species from extinction, China has set up some nature reserves. China has also carried out a series of panda research and breeding programmes in cooperation with other countries. But more money is needed to these programmes.
It is our eager hope that people who care about the conservation of rare animals will lend us a hand to help save giant pandas, so that they can live with us forever.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于开放性作文。要求考生以中国中学生李华的名义为一家英语网站 写一篇文章,呼吁世界各地的中学生加入到拯救大熊猫的行列中来。
【详解】 1.词汇积累
生存的,活下来的: surviving→existing
被认为: be regarded as →be considered as
保护: conservation→protection
实施: carry out→ conduct
原句: With more and more forests destroyed and most of the bamboo cut down, it is becoming more and more difficult for giant pandas to find food for themselves.
拓展句: As more and more forests have been destroyed and most of the bamboo has been cut down, it is becoming more and more difficult for giant pandas to find food for themselves.
【点睛】【高分句型 1】The home of the giant panda is in the distant mountains, where it feeds on the tender bamboo leaves. (运用了 where 引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型 2】It is our eager hope that people who care about the conservation of rare animals will lend us a hand to help save giant pandas, so that they can live with us forever. (运用了 who 引导限制性定语从句以及 so that 引导目的状语从句。)
Following the rapid increase of the world population, more lands were required to feed those extra mouths and land to build on for them to live in. On top of that, more resource and energy were also needed to keep the world's industries going. Therefore a lot of natural habitat of wild life had been destroyed for the above reasons. If urgent measures are not being taken, then these wild life will be extinct like those dinosaurs and dodos. Many western civilized countries had set various of wild life protection zones. Even China are doing something to keep the pandas from disappearing from the Earth's surface. India and Bangladesh are paying a lot of attention to their tigers too. But if people want to keep their other companies on Earth then there are still a lot of works have to be done.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以 Howto protect wild animals 为题写一篇作文。 【详解】 1.词汇积累
外加的、额外的: extra→additional
因此: Therefore→Hence
各种各样的: various→multifarious
许多: a lot of→a great deal of
原句: Following the rapid increase of the world population, more lands were required to feed those extra mouths and land to build on for them to live in.
拓展句: With the rapid increase of the world population, more lands were required to feed those extra mouths and land to build on for them to live in.
【点睛】 [高分句型 1] Following the rapid increase of the world population, more lands were required to feed those extra mouths and land to build on for them to live in. (运用了现在分词作 状语)
[ 高分句型 2] If urgent measures are not being taken, then these wild life will extinct like those dinosaurs and dodos. (运用了 If 引导的条件状语从句)
His father said that if no one called about the cat after a week, Jonathon could keep her. Jonathon made some signs that read “Cat Found” and hung them around his neighborhood. He could not help crossing his fingers, though. On one hand, he knew it was right to give the cat back to its owner; on the other hand, he did like the cat very much and wanted to adopt it. Jonathon fed and brushed her every day, and he and the cat became inseparable. The week crawled by and no one called to claim the cat.
“Okay,” Jonathon’s father finally said, “I think you’ve waited long enough.” “You mean I can keep the cat ” Jonathon was wild with joy. His father gave a nod and said, “Why don’t you name the cat That will make her a member of the family.” Thinking it over and over again, Jonathondecided to call the cat Snowy because she was as white as snow. Although Snowy and Smoky were different in many ways, they had one thing in common: love and company.
【分析】本文以长毛猫为线索展开,讲述了 Jonathon 在人行道上捡到了一只长毛猫,并把 它带回家, 原以为是只黑猫, 后来才发现其实她是白色的。 Jonathon 的爸爸建议寻找猫的主 人。
【详解】 1.段落续写:
①由第一段首句内容“他的父亲说, 如果一周后没有人打电话来问这只猫的事, 乔纳森可以 养它。”可知,第一段可描写乔纳森虽然很不舍,但是还是做了一些寻猫启示。
②由第二段首句内容“‘好吧’,乔纳森的父亲最后说,‘我想你等得够久了。’”可知, 第二段可描写经过父亲的同意,乔纳森收养了这只猫,并给它取了名字。 2.续写线索:寻找主人——无人领养——父亲同意领养——给猫取名字
①归还: give...back/return
②喜欢: like/be fond of 情绪类
①喜悦: joy/happiness
②爱: love/affection
【点睛】[高分句型 1] His father said that if no one called about the cat after a week, Jonathon could keep her. (由 if 引导的条件状语从句)
[高分句型 2] on the other hand, he did like the cat very much and wanted to adopt it. (用 did 强 调谓语)
[高分句型 3] Thinking it over and over again, Jonathon decided to call the cat Snowy because she was as white as snow. (现在分词作状语)