人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures单元提升训练(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures单元提升训练(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 104.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-09 14:54:06



培优层级 1——基础多维巩固
1.Scientists aren’t completely sure,and they have diverse (idea).
2.When I went on a youth camp, I was recognized by children I’d never met. The pumpkin also became a (minority)celebrity.
3.It offers a wide (vary) of courses for students, scholars, and professionals.
4.Please let me know what time (suit) you best.
5.This sheet (contain) a list of problems a patient might like to raise with the doctor. 6.He admitted (take) my book by mistake in the library yesterday.
7.I was only two when the incident (occur).
8.Within one year she could speak English (fluent) and with almost no accent.
9. (traditional), the company’s main markets have been Britain and the US.
10.The summer house was a simple wooden (construct).
11. Well, it’s from London Week, which (claim) to be the only newspaper for visitors to London.
1.他不但说英语很流利, 而且写英文写得很好。
Not only fluently but also he writes English well.
Everybody came in the room, .
3.阅读非常重要, 这一点我们从小时候就已经知道了。
Reading is very important, since we were very young.
4.七人被困在星期五发生的大火里, 其中四人当场受了重伤。
Seven people were caught in the big fire that broke out on Friday, were badly injured at the scene.
5.他说炎热的天气让他很难再留在莫斯科, 他生病了, 对炎热的天气感到厌倦。
He says the heat made in Moscow and he was sick and tired ofit.
the methods have good applied value in teaching.
This is the place and brought up.
This company focuses on solving small problems quickly, .
Father is always my close friend; I口m willing to tell him .
The book can move you to tears.
San Francisco is a great city,which was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that 1. (occur) in 1906.There are so many beautiful old buildings—many 2. (sit) on top ofbig hills,offering great views of the city,the ocean,and the Golden Gate Bridge.Mission District is one of the oldest parts of the city,3. used to be a poor area,but now is a centre of art,music,and food.In fact,an art movement called the “Mission School” started here. It 4. (influence) by graffiti art and comic art.
In 1848,America got California 5. Mexico,and gold was discovered near San Francisco in the same year. The dream of 6. (seek) their fortune quickly attracted people from all over the world,so San Francisco quickly became a big city. In fact,few achieved their dream of 7. (become) rich.8. (earn) a living,some opened 9. shops and restaurants. Some foundjobs on farms,and others went to build the railway.
It is those immigrants from different countries and cultures 10. built America.
答 案 :维 度 1: 1. ideas 2.minor 3.variety 4.suits 5.contains 6.taking/having taken 7.occurred
8.fluently 9.Traditionally
10.construction 11.claims
维度 2: 1.does he speak English 2.singing and laughing
3.which we have already known 4.four ofwhom(=ofwhom four) 5.it hard for him to stay 6.It口s confirmed
7.where the famous writer was born 8.using new technology
9.what I think about 10.based on a true story
维度 3: 1.occurred 2. sitting 3.which 4.is influenced
5.from 6.seeking 7.becoming 8.To earn 9.up 10.that
培优层级 2 —— 多维训练提能
From chocolate toothpaste in the Philippines to salt and vinegar potato chips in the UK, products popular in one place often receive a cool reception elsewhere. It ofcourse poses a challenge to food companies seeking to export their brands.
The snack-food company Frito-Lay addresses the issue by discovering the best-loved flavours in each oftheir markets. So while cheese, spicy chilli and barbecue are popular flavours in the USA, Turkey goes for yogurt. The French prefer olive and Japan likes sushi flavours. But all ofthem are sold under the globally familiar Doritos brand. Frito-Lay’s understanding oflocal tastes around the world-and the successful adaptation oftheir product-has made Doritos one ofthe world’s most popular snack foods.
Everyone everywhere loves ice cream, it seems. The Anglo-Dutch food giant Unilever sells it in over 40 countries. The company used to sell their ice cream under a lot ofdifferent brands, which created the sense that the companies were local. In 1998, the company launched the‘Heartbrand’logo (标志) to increase international brand awareness, but kept the familiar local names for the ice cream products. This helped avoid the problem ofsome names not sounding good in other languages. So in Bulgaria and Greece, you buy Algida, but in China, Malaysia,
Singapore and the UK, it’s Wall’s.
There are some products that will always remain at home, such as the durian (榴莲), known as the ‘the king of fruits’ in its homeland of Southeast Asia. The fruit’s most notable feature is its strong smell, described by some as that of rotten onions and by others as old gym socks, though it is said to taste delicious by its fans. Though some durians are grown outside of Southeast Asia, the only place the fruit enjoys any wide popularity at all is in Southeast Asia and even there, some people can’t stand it! So don’t expect to see durians in your local supermarket any time soon.
1 .What does the underlined word “It” in paragraph I refer to
A .The snack culture.
B .The cold welcome.
C .The food preference.
D .The global popularity.
2 .Why is Frito-Lay so successful
A .They provide chips of high quality.
B .They make snacks to suit local tastes.
C .They unite markets of different countries.
D .They use advertising to build new brands.
3 .What is Unilever’s ice cream called in Singapore
A .Anglo-Dutch. B .Algida. C .Heartbrand. D .Wall’s.
4 .What is the last paragraph mainly about
A .Durians’ sales dilemma.
B .Durians’ nutritional value.
C .Durians’ smell problems.
D .Durians’ attractive features.
Four Great Restaurants in Bologna, Italy
If you’re looking for a restaurant in Bologna, don’t miss out on our picks of the best places to eat in the city.
Sfoglia Rina
Tradition and innovation are all on the menu at Sfoglia Rina, along-standing family restaurant near Bologna’s
famous Two Towers. Rina was started as a fresh pasta (意大利面食) shop back in the 1960s, and the pasta is all
still handmade. Ingredients are carefully and sustainably sourced, and pasta-making classes are periodically offered for kids and adults.
Via Castiglione, 5/b, 40124 Bologna
Aperitivo is typically a pre-dinner snack and drink, but at Zerocinquantino, you may make it a meal as many people in Bologna do. Baskets of local bread are served with the region’s famous meat and cheeses, and a long list of wines is available in glasses and bottles. The service is fast, and the atmosphere is young and modem.
Via Pescherie Vecchie, 3/E, 40124 Bologna
Trattoria Da Vito
It’s a legendary gathering place for Bologna*s artists and educated people. The inside hasn’t been updated since Vito left the building long before; the menu hasn’t changed. Meals are traditional and extremely cheap, with nothing priced over ? 10.
Via Mario Musolesi, 9a, 40138 Bologna
Drogheria della Rosa
With tables spreading out under Bologna’s medieval porticos (中世纪门廊), Drogheria della Rosa is a favorite for the best atmosphere in Bologna. Fortunately, that atmosphere is matched by excellent food and service, both provided by the chef and owner Emanuele Addone, who personally visits each table. The menu is a mix of traditional Bolognese food and dishes from around Italy, so you’re sure to find something you like as long as you have enough money.
Via Cartoleria, 10b, 40124 Bologna
5 .What can we know about Sfoglia Rina
A .It is famous for its snacks and drinks.
B .It has a history of about sixty years.
C .It becomes a must for educated people.
D .It is the best-preserved Italian restaurant.
6 .Which of the following places provides some authentic but inexpensive Italian meals
A .Via Castiglione, 5/b, 40124 Bologna
B .Via Cartoleria, 10b, 40124 Bologna
C .Via Mario Musolesi, 9a, 40138 Bologna
D .Via Pescherie Vecchie, 3/E, 40124 Bologna
7 .What can customers do at Drogheria della Rosa
A .Communicate with the chef.
B .Take some dish-making classes.
C .Talk about art with famous artists.
D .Appreciate modem decorating styles.
Imagine the most English-English person you can think of. Now I’m fairly certain that no matter what picture you just thought up, that person comes complete with a stiff upper lip and a cup of tea in their hand, because that’s what the English do. They carry on and they drink tea. Tea is so utterly English, such a rooted part of the culture, that it’s also rooted in how everyone else around the world perceives that culture.
And while it’s fairly common knowledge that Westerners have China to thank for the original cultivation of tea drinking, it’s far less known that it was the Portuguese who inspired its popularity in England in particular, one Portuguese woman.
Travel back in time to 1662, when Catherine of Braganza (daughter of Portugal’s King John IV) won the hand
of England’s newly restored monarch, King Charles II, with the help of a very large dowry (嫁妆) that included money, spices, treasures and the highly profitable ports of Tangiers and Bombay. This made her one very important lady: the Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland.
When she relocated up north to join King Charles, she is said to have packed loose-leaf tea as part of her personal belongings; it would also have likely been part of her dowry. A fun legend has it that the boxes were marked Iransporte de Ervas Aromaticas (Transport of Aromatic Herbs) later shortened to T. E. A.
That last bit probably isn’t true (experts believe the word “tea” came from a Chinese character), but what is for sure is that tea was already popular among the upper class of Portugal due to the country’s direct trade line to China via Macau.
8 .What do people think of tea drinking in Britain
A .Typical. B .Fashionable. C .Incredible. D .Unusual.
9 .Who promoted the fashion of tea drinking in England
A .Common Westerners.
B .The Chinese people.
C .Portugal’s King John IV.
D .The Queen of King Charles II.
10 .What can we learn from the last two paragraphs
A .Tea was part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza.
B .The word ‘tea’ came from Portuguese marks on the boxes.
C .Tea became popular in Portugal earlier than it did in England.
D .The direct trade line between China and England developed because of tea.
11 .Which is the most suitable title for the text
A .The story behind British tea drinking.
B .The legend of tea drinking in Portugal.
C .The origin of Westerners’ tea drinking.
D .The history of tea trade between China and Britain.
In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horses, and carts got stuck. An old joke that was popular at the time went something like this: A man is stuck up to his waist in a muddy Chicago street. Asked if he needs help, he replies, “No, thanks. I’ve got a good horse under me.”
The city planner decided to build-an underground drainage (排水) system, but there simply wasn’t enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level. The only two choices were to lower the Chicago River or raise the city.
An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt. This raised the level of the city’s streets by as much as 12 feet.
This of course created a new problem: dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago. Building owners were faced with a choice: either change the first floors of their buildings into basements (地下室), and the second stories into main floors, or hoist the entire buildings to meet the new street level. Small wood-frame (结构) buildings could be lifted fairly easily. But what about large, heavy structures like the Tremont Hotel, which was a six-story brick building
That’s where George Pullman came in. He had developed some house-moving skills successfully. To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel, Pullman would place thousands ofjackscrews (千斤顶) beneath the building’s foundation (地基). One man was assigned to operate each section of about 10 jackscrews. At Pullman’s signal each man turned his jackscrew the same amount at the same time, thus raising the building slowly and evenly. Surprisingly, the Tremont Hotel stay open during the entire operation, and many of its guests didn’t even notice
anything was happening.
Some people like to say that every problem has a solution. But in Chicago’s early history, every engineering solution seemed to create a new problem. Now that Chicago’s waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River, the city’s next step was to clean the polluted river.
12 .The city planners were convinced by Ellis Chesbrough to ______.
A .get rid of the street dirt B .lower the Chicago River
C .fight against heavy floods D .build the pipes above ground
13 .The underlined word “hoist” in Paragraph 4 means “______” .
A .lift B .change C .repair D .reflect
14 .What can we conclude about the moving operation of the Tremont Hotel
A .It interrupted the business of the hotel.
B .It went on well as intended.
C .It involved Pullman turning ten jackscrews.
D .It separated the building from its foundation.
15 .The passage is mainly about the early Chicago’s ______.
A .popular life styles and their influences
B .environmental disasters and their causes
C .engineering problems and their solutions
D .successful businessmen and their achievements
Why Experiencing a New Culture Is Good for You
Often the best way to really explore a new place and culture is by spending abundant time there. A quick vacation may give you a glimpse(警) into your destination. ____ 16____. These opportunities provide a support network as you adjust to new surroundings.
Dealing with culture shock
Culture shock is a response to your new surroundings when abroad that can leave you confused, anxious and feeling lonely. It generally includes frustration at how even the simplest things can be different in the new culture. The thing is though, culture shock can be seen as a problem but also as an opportunity. ____ 17____.
____ 18____
Perhaps the most obvious lesson learned with travel is the importance of language. Even just learning the basics of the local language can make getting about and making new friends easier. Trying to overcome the language barrier also teaches you about non-verbal communication. Since you can’t rely on what is being said, you learn to adapt, to people’s tone and body language. This makes you a better communicator.
Finding inspiration
____ 19____. In each of these creative fields you may come across new approaches or elements that you bring home with you; maybe it’s a certain combination of ingredients that you add to your cooking or a new style you adopt for your own home’s design.
Meeting new people
Meeting people and making friends while overseas is both a necessity and one of the most enjoyable aspects of the experience. ____20____, which enables you to meet people that you never would have known otherwise. You may be exposed to people from different walks of life, find a similar spirit, or both at the same time.
A .Learning language skills
B .Developing body language
C .So you’re less likely to further experience a new culture
D .Travelling to new cultures is a great way to expand your social circle
E .Experiencing the local culture can expose you to local art, cuisine, architecture, etc.
F .Only by adjusting to and accepting new surroundings can you understand and appreciate it
G .But experiences like student or work exchange programs allow you to immerse(沉浸) in a new culture
I grew up in a community of South Indian immigrants. Every auntie I know has a kitchen drawer containing a carefully ___21___ collection of yogurt dabbas. Dabba is an Indian word for “box”, but it refers to all manner of ___22___ too.
The reused dabbas ___23___ storing leftovers, religious offerings and pot-luck contributions. When I went away to university, my mom used to ___24___ food and send it to me with strict ___25___ to wash the dabbas and bring them home.
But just ___26___ every auntie cherished her dabbas, every uncle hated them. Whenever my father ___27___
about them, my mom would shoot him a look that would surely have killed a ___28___ man.
Now, I found my way to Halifax, where I’m a physician and have a family of my own. Like my mother, I’m also a(n) ___29___ owner of an expensive dabba collection, which I ____30____ with great enthusiasm. No matter how many glass, microwave-and oven-safe containers I have, no matter how beautiful and ____31____ they may be, I cannot stop collecting yogurt containers.
When I married my husband, an American from Boston, handling cultural differences is surely a(n) ____32____. The other night, I heard him ____33____ in the kitchen, and the next morning, I found my dabbas in the recycling bin. I narrowed my eyes a little as I ____34____ them out, washed them up and replaced them in their drawer. I was practicing my mother’s death ____35____.
21 .A .hidden B .preserved C .folded D .evaluated
22 .A .containers B .drawers C .plates D .goods
23 .A .contribute to B .succeed in C .end up D .put off
24 .A .consume B .enjoy C .cook D .digest
25 .A .disciplines B .limits C .measures D .instructions
26 .A .as B .because C .before D .after
27 .A .brought B .complained C .wondered D .forgot
28 .A .better B .crueler C .weaker D .luckier
29 .A .private B .legal C .anxious D .proud
30 .A .display B .allocate C .donate D .guard
31 .A .functional B .transparent C .fragile D .standard
32 .A .debate B .voyage C .operation D .adventure
33 .A .bargaining B .yelling C .commanding D .weeping
34 .A .elbowed B .fished C .handed D .booted
35 .A .scream B .blow C .stare D .religion
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Traditional Chinese tea-making techniques were ____36____ (official) recognized by UNESCO on November 29, when the techniques and social practices ____37____ (add) to the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. With 43 items (项目) on the list, China keeps its No. 1 position in the field.
With the application started in March 2021, the list of world intangible cultural heritage has recognized the knowledge, skills, and practices ____38____ is about the management of tea gardens, picking of tea leaves, hand-made processing, and the drinking and ____39____ (share) of tea.
The result has been widely praised ____40____ the Chinese people and experts because it is ____41____ important step for conservation and promotion of traditional tea culture.
“Chinese tea culture ____42____ (become) widely known by people in many ____43____ (country) around the world years ago through the ancient Silk Road. The ____44____ (success) application of Chinese tea-making can further help improve ____45____ (it) international influence,” Zheng Changling, general secretary of the China Folk Culture Innovation and Development Center, told the Global Times.
46.假定你是李华,下周你市将开办中国国画展,请给你校国际留学生 John 写一封邮件,邀请他一同前往 参观。内容包括:
1.词数 80 左右;
Dear John,
Looking forward to your early reply
Yours, Li Hua
47 .阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The school picnic day was on Sunday, and on Saturday morning I decided to ask Mum some questions. As soon as Mum took the last bite of her toast, I decided I couldn’t wait for her any longer and asked, “Mum, where is Italy ”
My mum pushed up her glasses and looked at me with her head to one side. Then she said, “Italy is an
European country which is very far away from here, my love. Why do you want to know that ” I shrugged (耸肩), “That’s where Mike, the new boy in our class is from.”
She nodded and invited me to go to fetch the geography book. The book was big and Mum always kept the very big books on the bottom shelf of our bookcase. I watched as Mum flipped to the index and then to a page near the middle. “Here we go,” she said, turning the map around to show me. I let my finger meet hers where it said the word “Italy” in capital letters. According to the introduction to the country on the page, Mum helped me know more about the country.
“You know, Mum, Mike’s parents are extremely busy working in the downtown. He seldom eats regularly let alone (更不用说) have his native foods. I really want him to be very happy for his first picnic with us…” I paused and observed Mum, worried that Mum would think that it was silly and maybe a waste of money buying food only to give it away. But she didn’t. Instead, she said, “I think that’s a brilliant idea! Go and get ready, and we’ll head out on a big shopping.”
1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
I got ready so quickly that morning that I thought I must have beaten a world record.
We gathered on the grass on Sunday morning and I saw the Italian boy immediately.
1 .C 2 .B 3 .D 4 .A
1.词句猜测题。根据第一段的“From chocolate toothpaste in the Philippines to salt and vinegar potato chips in the UK, products popular in one place often receive a cool reception elsewhere.(从菲律宾的巧克力牙膏到英国的盐 醋薯片, 在一个地方受欢迎的产品在其他地方往往会受到冷遇。 )”可知, 不同地方的人对食物的口味有不同 的偏好。由此猜词, It 指代的是人们对食物的偏爱, 即“食物偏好”。正是这种偏好对寻求出口品牌的食品公 司构成了挑战。故选 C。
2.细节理解题。根据第二段的“The snack-food company Frito-Lay addresses the issue by discovering the best-loved flavours in each of their markets.(零食公司 Frito-Lay 通过在每个市场发现最受欢迎的口味来解决这 个问题。 )”和“Frito-Lay’s understanding of local tastes around the world-and the successful adaptation of their product-has made Doritos one of the world’s most popular snack foods.(Frito-Lay 对世界各地当地口味的理解, 以及对他们产品的成功调整,使 Doritos 成为世界上最受欢迎的零食之一。 )”可知, Frito-Lay 如此成功是因 为他们制作适合当地口味的小吃。故选 B。
3.细节理解题。根据第三段的“Everyone everywhere loves ice cream, it seems. The Anglo-Dutch food giant Unilever sells it in over 40 countries.(似乎世界各地的人都喜欢冰淇淋。英荷食品巨头联合利华在 40 多个国家 销售它。 )”和“So in Bulgaria and Greece, you buy Algida, but in China, Malaysia, Singapore and the UK, it’s Wall’s.(所以在保加利亚和希腊,你买的是 Algida,但在中国、马来西亚、新加坡和英国,你买的是 Wall’s 。)”可知,联合利华的冰淇淋在新加坡叫Wall’s,故选 D。
4.主旨大意题。根据最后一段的“Though some durians are grown outside of Southeast Asia, the only place the fruit enjoys any wide popularity at all is in Southeast Asia and even there, some people can’t stand it! So don’t expect to see durians in your local supermarket any time soon.(虽然有些榴莲也生长在东南亚以外的地区, 但这种水果唯 一受欢迎的地方就是东南亚, 即使在那里, 一些人也无法忍受!所以别指望近期能在当地超市看到榴莲。 )” 可知,最后一段主要讲的是榴莲的销售困境。故选 A。
5 .B 6 .C 7 .A
5.细节理解题。根据“Sfoglia Rina”部分的“Rina was started as a fresh pasta (意大利面食) shop back in the 1960s (Rina 最开始在 20 世纪 60 年代,是一家鲜意大利面馆)”可知,这家面馆至今已经有大约60 年的历史了。
故选 B 项。
6.细节理解题。根据“Trattoria Da Vito”部分的“Meals are traditional and extremely cheap(餐食保持了传统而 且极其便宜)”和下文的“Via Mario Musolesi, 9a, 40138 Bologna”可知,在 Via Mario Musolesi, 9a, 40138 Bologna 既能吃到保留了传统价格又极其便宜的饭。故选 C 项。
7.细节理解题。根据“Drogheria della Rosa”部分的“Fortunately, that atmosphere is matched by excellent food and service, both provided by the chef and owner Emanuele Addone, who personally visits each table.(幸运的是, 这种 气氛与美食和服务匹配, 两者均由厨师兼老板 Emanuele Addone 提供, 他亲自到每个餐桌去)”可知, 在这个 餐馆,顾客可以与厨师交流。故选 A 项。
8 .A 9 .D 10 .C 11 .A
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了英国饮茶文化背后的起源故事。 8.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Now I’m fairly certain that no matter what picture you just thought up, that person comes complete with a stiff upper lip and a cup of tea in their hand, because that’s what the English do.(现 在我很确定,不管你刚刚想到的是什么画面,那个人都是紧绷着上嘴唇,手里拿着一杯茶,因为英国人就
是这样做的)”可知,人们认为英国人喝茶很典型。故选 A。
9.细节理解题。根据第二段“And while it’s fairly common knowledge that Westerners have China to thank for the original cultivation of tea drinking, it’s far less known that it was the Portuguese who inspired its popularity in England in particular, one Portuguese woman.(众所周知,西方人要感谢中国是饮茶的起源,但鲜为人知的是, 是葡萄牙人,尤其是一位葡萄牙妇女,激发了饮茶在英国的流行)”和第三段第一句“Travelback in time to 1662, when Catherine of Braganza (daughter of Portugal’s King John IV) won the hand of England’s newly restored monarch, King Charles II, with the help of a very large dowry (嫁妆) that included money, spices, treasures and the highly profitable ports of Tangiers and Bombay.(追溯到 1662 年,布拉干萨的凯瑟琳(葡萄牙 国王约翰四世的女儿) 在一大笔嫁妆的帮助下赢得了英国新复辟君主查理二世的手,嫁妆包括金钱、香料、 珍宝以及利润丰厚的坦吉尔和孟买港口)”可知,英国国王查理二世的王后促进了英国的饮茶风尚。故选 D 。 10.推理判断题。根据倒第二段第一句“When she relocated up north to join King Charles, she is said to have packed loose-leaf tea as part of her personal belongings; it would also have likely been part of her dowry.(当她搬 到北方加入查尔斯国王时,据说她把散叶茶作为私人物品的一部分;这很可能也是她嫁妆的一部分)”和最后 一段中的“but what is for sure is that tea was already popular among the upper class of Portugal due to the country’s direct trade line to China via Macau(但可以肯定的是, 由于葡萄牙通过澳门与中国的直接贸易关系, 茶叶在葡 萄牙上层阶级中已经很受欢迎)”可知,茶在葡萄牙比在英国流行得早。故选 C。
11.主旨大意题。根据第二段“And while it’s fairly common knowledge that Westerners have China to thank for the original cultivation of tea drinking, it’s far less known that it was the Portuguese who inspired its popularity in England in particular, one Portuguese woman.(众所周知,西方人要感谢中国是饮茶的起源,但鲜为人知的是, 是葡萄牙人, 尤其是一位葡萄牙妇女, 激发了饮茶在英国的流行)”,第三段第一句中的“Travelback in time to 1662(追溯到 1662 年)”和第四段“When she relocated up north to join King Charles, she is said to have packed loose-leaf tea as part of her personal belongings; it would also have likely been part of her dowry. A fun legend has it that the boxes were marked Iransporte de Ervas Aromaticas (Transport of Aromatic Herbs) later shortened to T. E. A.(当她搬到北方加入查尔斯国王时,据说她把散叶茶作为私人物品的一部分;这很可能也是她嫁妆的一部 分。一个有趣的传说是,这些盒子被标记为 Iransporte de Ervas Aromaticas (芳香草药运输),后来被简称为 T.E.A)”可知,文章主要是讲英国茶饮背后的故事。故选 A。
12 .D 13 .A 14 .B 15 .C
12.细节理解题。根据第三段“An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt. (一位名叫埃利斯·切斯布罗夫的工程师说服了市政 府,他们别无选择,只能在地面上建造管道,然后用泥土覆盖)”可知, Ellis Chesbrough 说服城市规划者在 地上建造排水管道。故选 D 项。
13.词句猜测题。根据第四段“Building owners were faced with a choice: either change the first floors of their buildings into basements (地下室), and the second stories into main floors, or hoist the entire buildings to meet the new street level. Small wood-frame (结构) buildings could be lifted fairly easily. But what about large, heavy structures like the Tremont Hotel, which was a six-story brick building (建筑物的主人面临着一个选择:要么将 其建筑的第一层改为地下室, 第二层改为主要楼层, 或 hoist 整个建筑以达到新的街道水平。小型木质结构 建筑可以很容易被抬起来。但像特雷蒙特酒店这样的六层砖房, 又大又重的建筑呢? )”可知, 建筑物的主人 可以选择将整个建筑抬高,以达到新的街道水平,推测划线词表示“抬高”,与 lift 同义。故选 A 项。
14.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“At Pullman’s signal each man turned his jackscrew the same amount at the same time, thus raising the building slowly and evenly. Surprisingly, the Tremont Hotel stay open during the entire operation, and many of its guests didn’t even notice anything was happening.(在普尔曼的信号下,每个人同时转 动起重螺杆相同的量,从而缓慢而均匀地升起建筑物。令人惊讶的是,特雷蒙特酒店在整个行动过程中都 保持营业,许多客人甚至没有注意到发生了什么)”可知,特雷蒙特酒店的移动计划进行得很顺利。故选 B 项。
15.主旨大意题。根据第一段“In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horses, and carts got stuck.(在其早期历史中, 芝加哥经常发生洪水, 尤其是在春 季, 使街道变得泥泞不堪, 以至于人、马和车都被困住)”以及最后一段“But in Chicago’s early history, every engineering solution seemed to create a new problem. Now that Chicago’s waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River, the city’s next step was to clean the polluted river.(但在芝加哥的早期历史中,每一个工程解 决方案似乎都会产生新的问题。现在,芝加哥的废水已经有效地排入芝加哥河,该市的下一步是清理污染 的河流)”可知,本文主要介绍了芝加哥早期的工程问题及其解决办法。故选 C 项。
16 .G 17 .F 18 .A 19 .E 20 .D
16.上文“Often the best way to really explore a new place and culture is by spending abundant time there. A quick vacation may give you a glimpse(警) into your destination. (通常,真正探索一个新的地方和文化的最好方法是 在那里度过大量的时间。短暂度假可以让你对目的地有个初步了解。 )”提出探索一个新的地方和文化的最好 方法是在那里度过大量的时间, 短暂度假只能让你对目的地有个初步了解, G 项“Butexperiences like student or work exchange programs allow you to immerse(沉浸) in a new culture(但是像学生或工作交换项目这样的经 历可以让你沉浸在一种新的文化中。)”给出两种能让人沉浸在一种新的文化中的方式:学生或工作交换项目, 与上文中“Aquick vacation”构成转折关系,上下文语意连贯。故选 G。
17.上文“Culture shock is a response to your new surroundings when abroad that can leave you confused, anxious and feeling lonely. It generally includes frustration at how even the simplest things can be different in the new culture. The thing is though, culture shock can be seen as a problem but also as an opportunity. (文化冲击是你在 国外对新环境的一种反应,它会让你困惑、焦虑和感到孤独。它通常包括对新文化中即使是最简单的事情 也会有所不同的挫败感。问题是, 文化冲击既可以被视为一个问题, 也可以被视为一个机会。 )”介绍了什么 是文化冲击,结合段首标题“Dealing with culture shock(应对文化冲击)”可知本段最终要说明如果应对文化冲 击, F 项“Only by adjusting to and accepting new surroundings can you understand and appreciate it (只有适应和 接受新的环境,你才能理解和欣赏它。 )”给出应对文化冲击的办法“by adjusting to and accepting new surroundings”,照应主题。故选 F。
18.这里为本段小标题。根据下文“Perhaps the most obvious lesson learned with travel is the importance of
language. Even just learning the basics of the local language can make getting about and making new friends easier. Trying to overcome the language barrier also teaches you about non-verbal communication. Since you can’t rely on what is being said, you learn to adapt, to people’s tone and body language. This makes you a better communicator.
(也许从旅行中学到的最明显的教训就是语言的重要性。即使只是学习当地语言的基本知识也能让你更容易 走动和结交新朋友。努力克服语言障碍还能教会你非语言交流。因为你不能依赖别人说的话,你要学会适 应别人的语气和肢体语言。这会让你成为一个更好的沟通者。 )”可知, 本段主要介绍语言对体验新文化的重
要性。所以 A 项“Learning language skills (学习语言技能)”是最佳主题句。故选 A。
19.根据后文“In each of these creative fields you may come across new approaches or elements that you bring home with you; maybe it’s a certain combination of ingredients that you add to your cooking or a new style you adopt for your own home’s design. (在这些创造性的领域中,你可能会遇到新的方法或元素,你带回家;也许是你在烹 饪中添加的某种食材组合, 或者是你为自己的家庭设计采用的一种新风格。 )”可知, 本段介绍通过当地的艺 术、美食、建筑等方面来体验新的文化。所以 E 项“Experiencing the local culture can expose you to local art, cuisine, architecture, etc. (体验当地文化可以让你接触到当地的艺术、美食、建筑等。 )”符合上下文语境。故 选 E。
20.根据前句“Meeting people and making friends while overseas is both a necessity and one of the most enjoyable aspects of the experience. (在海外结识朋友是必要的, 也是最令人愉快的经历之一。 )”和后半句“which enables you to meet people that you never would have known otherwise. (它能让你认识一些你以前永远不会认识的 人。 )”可知, 通过社交, 结交朋友是体验新文化的好方法。所以 D 项“Travellingto new cultures is a great way to expand your social circle (到新的文化中旅行是扩大你的社交圈的好方法, )”符合上下文语境。故选 D。
21.B 22.A 23 .C 24 .C 25.D 26.A 27.B 28 .C 29.D 30.D 31.A 32.D 33.B
34 .B 35 .C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在一个南印度移民社区长大,她认识的每个阿姨都有精心收 藏的酸奶达巴。达巴在印度是“盒子”的意思, 但它也指各种各样的容器。作者长大后, 也像母亲一样, 收藏 各种达巴收藏品,尤其是收集酸奶达巴,并以极大的热情守护它们。
21 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我认识的每个阿姨都有一个厨房抽屉,里面放着精心保存的酸奶达巴。
A. hidden 隐秘的; B. preserved 保存的; C. folded 折叠的; D. evaluated 估价的。根据下文“Butjust 6 every auntie cherished her dabbas, every uncle hated them.”可知,每个阿姨都珍爱自己的达巴。由此可知,此 处指每个阿姨都有一个精心保存的酸奶达巴。故选 B。
22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:达巴在印度是“盒子”的意思,但它也指各种各样的容器。 A. containers 容器;
B. drawers 抽屉; C. plates 盘子; D. goods 商品。根据上文“Dabba is an Indian word for “box””可知,达巴也 指各种各样的容器。故选 A。
23.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这些重复使用的达巴最终被用来储存剩菜、宗教祭品和家常菜。 A. contribute to 有助于;B. succeed in 成功;C. end up 最终;D. put off 推迟。根据空后“storing leftovers, religious offerings and pot-luck contributions”及语境可知,此处指这些重复使用的达巴最终被用来储存剩菜、宗教祭品和家常 菜。故选 C 。 24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我离开家去上大学时,我妈妈经常做饭寄给我,并严格要求我把达巴洗 干净带回家。 A. consume 消费; B. enjoy 享受; C. cook 烹饪; D. digest 消化。根据空后“food and send it to me”可知,此处指母亲经常做饭寄给我。故选 C 。 25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我离开家去上大学时,我妈妈经常做饭寄给我,并严格要求我把达巴洗 干净带回家。 A. disciplines 纪律;B. limits 限制;C. measures 措施;D. instructions 指令。根据空后“wash the dabbas and bring them home”可知,此处指母亲给我下达的指令。故选 D 。 26 .考查连接词词义辨析。句意:但就像每个阿姨都珍爱自己的达巴一样,每个叔叔都讨厌它们。 A. as 像……一样;B. because 因为;C. before 在……之前;D. after 在……之后。根据空后“every auntie cherished her dabbas, every uncle hated them”可知, 后面是主句, 前面是方式状语从句, 表示“就像每个阿姨都珍爱自己的 达巴一样,每个叔叔都讨厌它们”。故选 A 。 27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每当我父亲抱怨它们的时候,我母亲就会狠狠地瞪他一眼,如果是一个体 质较弱的人,那眼神肯定会杀死他。 A. brought 带来; B. complained 抱怨; C. wondered 想知道; D. forgot 忘记。根据上文“every uncle hated them”及下文“my mom would shoot him a look that would surely have killed a 8 man.”可知,此处指我父亲抱怨这些达巴。故选 B 。 28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每当我父亲抱怨他们的时候,我母亲就会狠狠地瞪他一眼,如果是一个 体质较弱的人,那眼神肯定会杀死他。 A. better 更好的; B. crueler 更残酷的; C. weaker 较弱的; D. luckier 更幸运的。根据上文“my mom would shoot him a look that would surely have killed”可知, 眼神能杀死一个人, 那他一定是体质较弱的人。故选 C 。 29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:和我母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有昂贵的达巴收藏品,我以极大的热情守 护着它们。 A. private 私人的; B. legal 合法的; C. anxious 焦虑的; D. proud 自豪的。根据上文“Like my mother”和下文“owner of an expensive dabba collection”可知, 我也是一名自豪的拥有昂贵的达巴收藏品的人。 故选 D 。 30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:和我母亲一样,我也自豪地拥有昂贵的达巴收藏品,我以极大的热情守护 着它们。 A. display 显示;B. allocate 分配;C. donate 捐赠;D. guard 守护。根据下文“I found my dabbas in the recycling bin. I narrowed my eyes a little as I 14 them out, washed them up and replaced them in their drawer.”可知,我以极大的热情守护着我的达巴收藏品。故选 D。
31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:无论我有多少玻璃、微波炉和烤箱之类的安全容器,无论它们多么漂亮 和实用,我都无法停止收集酸奶容器。 A. functional 实用的; B. transparent 透明的; C. fragile 易碎的; D. standard 标准的。此处与and 前的 beautiful 相对应,应指这些容器的实用性。故选 A。
32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我嫁给我的丈夫,一个来自波士顿的美国人时,处理文化差异无疑是一 场冒险。 A. debate 辩论; B. voyage 行程; C. operation 行动; D. adventure 冒险。根据上文“Like my mother, I’m also a(n) 9 owner of an expensive dabba collection, which I 10 with great enthusiasm.”及 下文“The other night, I heard him 13 in the kitchen, and the next morning, I found my dabbas in the recycling bin.”可知,丈夫把我珍藏的达巴扔进了垃圾桶。由此可知,处理文化差异无疑是一场冒险。故选
33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:。有天晚上,我听到他在厨房里大喊大叫,第二天早上,我在垃圾桶里找到 了我的达巴。 A. bargaining 讨价还价;B. yelling 大喊大叫;C. commanding 指挥;D. weeping 哭泣。根据语 境可知, 丈夫自己在厨房里, 不存在讨价还价和指挥, 更不至于哭泣, 大喊大叫符合语境及常理。故选 B。
34 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:我眯起眼睛,把它们取出来,洗干净,放回抽屉里。 A. elbowed 用肘推挤;
B. fished(从…… 中)取出; C. handed 递给; D. booted 启动。根据上文“I found my dabbas in the recycling bin.” 可知,此处指我把达巴从垃圾桶里取了出来。故选 B。
35 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在练习我母亲的死亡凝视。 A. scream 尖叫;B. blow 强风;C. stare 凝视;
D. religion 宗教。根据上文“Whenever my father 7 about them, my mom would shoot him a look that would surely have killed a 8 man.”可知,此处指我在练习我母亲的死亡凝视。。故选 C。
36 .officially 37 .were
added 38 .which##that 39 .sharing 40 .by 41 .an 42 .became 43 .countries 44 .successful 45 .its
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国茶文化在 2022 年 11 月 29 日申请世界非物质文化遗产成 功的相关信息和影响。
36 .考查副词。句意:11 月 29 日,中国传统制茶技术被联合国教科文组织正式承认,该技术和社会实践被 列入非物质文化遗产名录。空格处修饰动词 recognized,应用副词 officially,意为“正式地”,故填 officially。
37 .考查动词语态。句意:11 月 29 日,中国传统制茶技术被联合国教科文组织正式承认,该技术和社会实 践被列入非物质文化遗产名录。制茶技术是被列入非物质文化遗产名录, 句子用被动语态, 由“on November 29”可知,句子时态用一般过去时,因此空格处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语“thetechniques and social
practices”是复数,因此空格处是 were added。故填 were added。
38.考查定语从句。句意:世界非物质文化遗产名录已于 2021 年 3 月开始申报,认可了关于茶园管理、茶 叶采摘、手工加工、饮茶和分享的知识、技能和实践。空格处引导的是限制性定语从句, 从句中缺少主语, 先行词 list 是物,因此空格处是关系代词 which 或 that。故填 which 或that 。 39.考查非谓语动词。句意:世界非物质文化遗产名录已于 2021 年 3 月开始申报,认可了关于茶园管理、 茶叶采摘、手工加工、饮茶和分享的知识、技能和实践。由“picking of tea leaves, hand-made processing, and the drinking and”可知,空格处用动名词作宾语。故填 sharing 。 40.考查介词。句意:这一成果受到了中国民众和专家的广泛赞誉,因为这是保护和推广传统茶文化的重 要一步。根据语境可知, 句子表示“这一成果受到了中国民众和专家的广泛赞誉”,空格处意为“被”,用介词 by,故填 by 。 41.考查冠词。句意:这一成果受到了中国民众和专家的广泛赞誉,因为这是保护和推广传统茶文化的重 要一步。 step 是泛指,前面加不定冠词, important 是元音音素开头,不定冠词用 an 。故填 an 。 42.考查动词时态。句意:多年前,中国茶文化通过古丝绸之路被世界上许多国家的人们所熟知。由“years ago”可知,句子时态用一般过去时,空格处用过去式。故填became。
43 .考查名词复数。句意:多年前,中国茶文化通过古丝绸之路被世界上许多国家的人们所熟知。 many 后 加名词的复数。故填 countries 。 44 .考查形容词。句意:中国制茶的成功应用有助于进一步提高其国际影响力。空格处用形容词作定语, 修饰名词 application,应用形容词 successful,意为“成功的”。故填 successful。
45.考查物主代词。句意:中国制茶的成功应用有助于进一步提高其国际影响力。句子表示“中国制茶的成 功应用有助于进一步提高其国际影响力”,空格处意为“它的”,用形容词性物主代词 its 修饰“international influence”。故填 its。
46 .Dear John,
How are you doing Knowing that you are curious about the traditional Chinese painting, I’m writing with the greatest pleasure to invite you to attend an exhibition together with me.
As scheduled, the exhibition will be held in our city museum next Saturday, lasting for a month. In this exhibition, we’ll have chances to enjoy some masterpieces from famous Chinese painters of the 20th century. Additionally, there are lectures on some basic drawing skills, with which you are able to paint a simple Chinese painting on your own. I’m wondering if it’s convenient for you to meet at the gate of the museum at 9:00 a.m next
Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours, Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华, 下周你市将开办中国国画展, 请给你校国际留学生 John 写一封邮件,邀请他一同前往参观。
【详解】 1.词汇积累
快乐: pleasure→joy
参加: attend→participate in
举行: hold→host
欣赏: enjoy→admire
原句: As scheduled, the exhibition will be held in our city museum next Saturday, lasting for a month.
拓展句: As scheduled, the exhibition will be held in our city museum next Saturday, which will last for a month.
【点睛】 [高分句型 1] Knowing that you are curious about the traditional Chinese painting, I’m writing with the greatest pleasure to invite you to attend an exhibition together with me. (运用了 that 引导宾语从句)
[高分句型 2] I’m wondering if it’s convenient for you to meet at the gate of the museum at 9:00 a.m next Saturday (运用了if 引导宾语从句)
47.I got ready so quickly that morning that I thought I must have beaten a world record. In five minutes I had my trousers and T-shirt pulled on, and hurriedly emptied my piggy bank. With all the money I saved carefully put in my pocket, I rushed to meet my smiling Mum at the front gate. We went to stands of fresh fruits and vegetables, selecting some for making pizza. Proudly looking at the products, Mum and I drove back home in high spirits. I could picture the perfect pizza which my mother was expert in cooking and the new boy's amazed face. We gathered on the grass on Sunday morning and I saw the Italian boy immediately. I waved my hand to draw Mike’s attention. He looked around and finally made sure that he was my target. Shy and quiet, he approached me with a light-hearted pace. I patted the place beside me, gestured him to sit down and unpacked his native food. He hesitated at first but later focused his eyes on my sincere face and gave me a broad smile. What a beautiful day it was! We enjoyed the delicious pizza together and came to understand each other by sharing different experiences. No one would resist the sincere kindness.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者班级来了一个来自意大利的男生,作者向妈妈询问意大利的 情况,并想为这个吃饭没规律的男生准备一份意大利的食物,让他在第一次学校野餐日时能够开心一点,
妈妈赞成作者的想法,第二天一大早就去购买了食材并做成了披萨,作者和这个男生分享了披萨,也增进 了交流。
【详解】 1.段落续写: ①由第一段首句内容“那天早上我准备得如此之快,以至于我想我一定打破了世界纪录。 ”可知,第一段可 以描述作者在学校野餐日的早上与母亲一起去购物,妈妈把食材做成了意大利披萨,作者很期待男孩子惊 讶的表情。 ②由第二段首句内容“星期天早上,我们聚在草地上,我立刻看到了那个意大利男孩。 ”可知,第二段可描 写作者在野餐地点看到这位意大利男孩, 真诚地和他分享披萨, 也交流了各自的经历, 增进了彼此的了解。 2.续写线索:一大早和妈妈一起出门——用自己的零花钱购买食材——妈妈做好了披萨——野餐地点找到男 孩——分享披萨相互交流
① .匆忙: hurriedly /in a hurry
② .急奔: rush /dash
③ .看见: see /catch sight of 情绪类
① .惊讶的: amazed /surprised /astonished
② .真诚的: sincere /genuine
【点睛】 [高分句型 1]. We went to stands of fresh fruits and vegetables, selecting some for making pizza. (现在 分词作状语,动名词作宾语)
[高分句型 2]. I waved my hand to draw Mike’s attention. (动词不定式作状语)