人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and Speaking 分层训练(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and Speaking 分层训练(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 44.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-12 15:30:43



Unit 1
●Ⅰ 单词拼写
Period 1 Listening & speaking
1.The club offered its c to Dr Brown on his appointment as president. 2.They flew there in order that they might be in time to attend the opening c . 3.Scientists claimed yesterday to have solved the r of the birth of the universe. 4.The mother d her daughter up like a princess.
5.Specially-made (灯笼) are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. 6.They reached the camp after a three-day (行进).
7.She was the only woman of the three whose face was free of (化妆品).
8.The kimono(和服) is part of the national (服装) of Japan.
●Ⅱ 单句填空
1.During the National Day parade of 2019, many kinds of teams (march) in the street in front of
Tian'anmen Square.
2.I had hoped to send Peter a gift to congratulate him his marriage, but I couldn't manage it.
3.In his spare time, he loved to play with puzzles and maths (riddle).
4.He is going to dress up Santa Claus and help spread Christmas cheer.
5.Out of the crowded bus stepped a tall man (dress) in a black suit, waving to a woman. 6.We get together to offer our (congratulate) on your winning first prize in the competition. 7.The dancers were wearing (tradition) Hungarian costume.
8.This was a very impressive (perform) by the young player, who scored 14 points within the first ten minutes.
●Ⅲ 短语填空
1.I (穿上盛装,装扮) for the birthday party and was embarrassed to find all the other guests in shorts and T-shirts.
2.Bob thought he couldn't go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went (毕竟,终究).
3.We should (关注, 留意) our diets because they will affect our health.
4.He (参加) a lot of community activities and he knew what needed to be done. 5.Let me you your winning first place in the 100-metre dash. (向 …… 祝贺……)
●Ⅳ 补全句子
1.I think we should go and see Granny. , , and we haven't seen her for ages.
我想我们应该去看外婆。毕竟,她只住在 10 英里外,而且我们已经很久没有去看她了。
2.I sent him a short message, in passing the test. (congratulation)
3. are a group of students in school uniforms. (march)
4.The young father, the Monkey King, is trying to amuse his little baby. 那位年轻的父亲装扮成了孙悟空,正在努力逗他的小宝宝开心。
5. get to the office building, considering the possible traffic jam.(It takes/took/will take sb+一段时间+to do sth.)
—— 多维训练提能
Ⅰ . 阅读理解
The Sahara Festival is a three day African celebration of the very recent past,
which takes place every year either in November or December.It contains a military
display and competitions.The military display comes first.It is very popular with
tourists and local people and especially government leaders.
During the opening ceremony, the government leaders first make speeches.They welcome everybody to the display and hope that everyone will enjoy themselves.Then there is a display of soldiers who march very smartly in front of the place where the government leaders sit.Then horsemen from several different countries show off their beautiful clothes and their good riding skills.One after another ,dancers from all over the Sahara take their turns to show off their wonderful traditional clothes and dances.They are accompanied by men playing drums and beating strong rhythms.
The highlight of the opening ceremony is the races which take place in the evening.It is the grand finale of the day.Men ride their horses very fast.Some ride with their legs in the air, others ride in pairs on different horses.It is so fast and so wonderful!
1 .What can we know about the Sahara Festival
A .It has a very long history in North Africa.
B .It is not celebrated on the same dates each year.
C .It is attended mainly by people in the Sahara.
D .It is celebrated only by travelers from different countries.
2 .The underlined word “finale ” in the third paragraph most probably means the________of the opening day.
A .first part B .last part
C .middle D .whole
3 .What does this passage mainly tell readers about the Sahara Festival
A .What happens on the opening day of it.
B .How people celebrate it.
C .What takes place at the closing ceremony of it.
D .How animals race on the first and the last days of it.
Ever since he was nine years old, Daniel Arundel has been helping his Elizabeth in the kitchen.At home he learnt to bake ( 烘烤) cakes,while on helped at the sandwich shop his mum ran.
“I've always loved making things for people to eat,”says Daniel who
mother Saturdays he
selling his cakes while at secondary school.“Every Sunday I would sell cakes I'd baked at home with Mum at a market.My cakes went down a storm.”
His plan to open a bakery in his hometown of Oldham,Greater Manchester so impressed his teachers that they encouraged him to submit (提交) his idea to a national competition for business people.Although he didn't win , Daniel got an award of £ 1 ,000 to help his project.
Arundel Bakery opened on an industrial site in Oldham surrounded by offices full of people looking for somewhere for their lunch.So he opened a sandwich shop at the front too.He also helps the community by making fresh ,hot meals for lunch clubs for the homeless.
Last year Daniel came second in another competition to recognise business talent (天赋) .Organised by the Edge Foundation, an education charity, it encourages career routes to young people not choosing university.
“The last few years have been crazy.I'm so busy that I don't have much of a social life at the moment , ” admits Daniel.“I want to expand our range of gluten free (不含麸质的), dairy-free cakes for those who have food intolerances (过敏) like me”.
“I know I'm still very young and I'm learning all the time.But I love what I'm doing and want to take every chance that comes to make my bakery a success. ”
4 .How did Daniel usually spend his Sundays at secondary school
A .He learnt how to cook.
B .He made cakes at home.
C .He sold food at the market.
D .He helped at his mum's shop.
5 .What did Daniel's teachers do when they learnt about his business plan
A .They raised money for him.
B .They offered to work part time for him.
C .They encouraged him to major in business.
D .They advised him to take part in a competition.
6 .Why did Daniel open a sandwich shop
A .To give customers more choices.
B .To meet the need of office workers.
C .To offer help to the local lunch clubs.
D .To make full use of the space he had bought.
7 .What does Daniel plan to do in the future
A .Find time for a social life.
B .Continue his studies in university.
C .Ask for support from the Edge Foundation.
D .Make special food for people similar to him.
This little girl may only be 4 years old ,but she has already proven herself to be a real-life Wonder Woman.
Isla Glaser was at her home in Somerset ,New Jersey with her family earlier this month when her mother Haley suddenly fell unconscious (昏迷).
1 .________ , Isla called 911 and reported the situation to the Franklin Township Police Department.
2 .________ ,the young girl waited until emergency medical technicians (急救医务人员) arrived, and then used a chair to reach up and unlock the front door.
According to News 12 New Jersey , Isla then kept the family's three 80 pound dogs under control , 3.________ .On top of that ,she kept her 2 year old sister and twin 1 year old brothers quiet by feeding them milk.
Isla's mother ended up being hospitalized for four days—and it is quite likely that she may not have survived, 4.________.
Isla was later honored by the police department with a certificate (证书) of heroism, an official police badge(徽章) ,and a tour of the station.
“ I know adults that cannot deal with that kind of event with that much bravery and coolness , ”Lt.Philip Rizzo of the Franklin Township Police Department said.“For that ,5.________ . ”
A .unless she could make a call
B .if it had not been for her daughter
C .this young lady needs to be praised
D .as medical officials attended to her mother
E .After coolly providing her address to the police
F .Since her mother failed to move or open her eyes
G .Although she wasn't strong enough to move her mother
Ⅰ . 1.congratulations 2.ceremony 3.riddle 4.dressed
5.lanterns 6.march 7.make-up 8.costume
Ⅱ . 1.marched 2.on 3.riddles 4.as 5.dressed
6.congratulations 7.traditional 8.performance
Ⅲ . 1.dressed up 2.after all 3.pay attention to 4.took part in 5.congratulate; on
Ⅳ . 1.After all, she only lives ten miles away 2.offering/sending congratulations to him on his success 3.Marching along the street 4.dressed up as/dressing himself up as 5.It will take her about two hours to
【解题导语】 本文介绍了撒哈拉节开幕日的活动。
1.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“which takes place every year either in November or December”可 知,撒哈拉节(活动)在每年的 11 月或 12 月举行,即每年都不是在同一天举行的,故 B 项正确。
2.B 解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词前面的介绍和该段中的 in the evening 可知,接近傍晚,开幕式的活 动即将结束。由此可知画线词意为“最后部分”,故 B 项正确。
3. A 解析:主旨大意题。根据文章内容,特别是第二段的第一句和第三段的第一句可知,本文介绍了撒哈拉节开幕日的活动,故 A 项正确。
【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。从小热爱烹饪的男孩将自己的兴趣当作了事业。
4. C 解析: 细节理解题。由第二段中的“says Daniel who started selling his cakes while at secondary school.‘Every Sunday I would sell cakes I'd baked at home with Mum at a market. ’”可知, 中学时, 丹尼尔每 个周日都会到市场上售卖他在家做的糕点。
5.D 解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的“His plan to open a bakery in his hometown of Oldham ,Greater Manchester so impressed his teachers that they encouraged him to submit (提交) his idea to a national competition for business people. ”可知,老师们得知他的计划后,鼓励他带上自己的想法参加一项为商人举办的国家级 竞赛。
6.B 解析:细节理解题。由第四段中的“Arundel Bakery opened on an industrial site in Oldham surrounded by offices full of people looking for somewhere for their lunch.So he opened a sandwich shop at the front too.”可 知,丹尼尔的烘焙坊周围有很多公司职员,因此他开了一个三明治店满足他们的午餐所需。
7.D 解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“I want to expand our range of gluten-free (不含麸质的), dairy free cakes for those who have food intolerances (过敏) like me. ”可知,他打算拓展产品种类,制作新品糕点, 以适合像他一样对特定食物过敏的人食用。
【解题导语】 本文是一篇新闻报道。妈妈在家中突发疾病, 4 岁的女儿勇敢沉着, 寻求救助, 还不忘
1.F 解析:由上文中的“her mother Haley suddenly fell unconscious (昏迷)”以及下文中的“Isla called 911 and reported the situation”可知, 伊斯拉打电话求助是因为妈妈突然昏迷, 而 failed to move or open her eyes 正 是昏迷的表现。
2 .E 解析:E 项中的 providing her address 与下文中的 waited until emergency medical technicians (急救 医务人员)arrived 之间是顺承关系。伊斯拉冷静地提供了自己的住址后,等待救援人员的到来。
3 .D 解析:伊斯拉控制住家里的狗以及安抚弟弟妹妹,都是为了让急救医生能安心救助自己的母亲。 故选 D。
4 .B 解析:由上文内容可知,如果不是女儿伊斯拉及时报警求助,哈利可能有生命危险。故选 B。
5 .C 解析:由菲利普 · 里索所说的前一句话可知,他在这里是向大家说明伊斯拉获奖的理由;再由设 空前的 For that 可知,伊斯拉理应被表彰。