Welcome unit单元分层练(学生版+教师版)新人教版必修第一册


名称 Welcome unit单元分层练(学生版+教师版)新人教版必修第一册
格式 zip
文件大小 597.6KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-12 18:18:05


Welcome unit单元分层练
1.C    (好奇心) drove him to take chances. Fortunately, he didn't get into trouble.
2.Tourists should pay attention to their b   (行为) while travelling.
3.Being offered the chance to speak at the g   (毕业) ceremony made the teenager excited.
4.Last year, Kygo went on a(n)     (全世界的) tour during which he was travelling from January to November.
5.Is it with its u   (独特的) culture and beautiful scenery that the West Lake impresses visitors all over the world
6.The grandson happily took a     (咬)of the chicken his grandfather had selected for him, which he felt delicious.
7.Walking is ________to your body shape.
A.beneficially B.of benefit C.benefit D.benefited
8.—Help me out in the kitchen and I ________ you to a cup of coffee.
—Sounds good.
A.will treat B.treat C.am treating D.have treated
9.Students are encouraged to take control of their own learning, ________ just depending on the teacher.
A.rather than B.regardless of C.due to D.in terms of
10.For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake ______ a monkey.
A.in the shape of B.beyond the reach of
C.at the mercy of D.on the side of
11.And the________ we delay it, the more tired we feel.
A.more longer B.longest C.long D.longer
be identical to, approve of, be appropriate to,
break down, by comparison, make inferences
12.This education system     the needs of the students.
13.The second half of the game was boring     with the first.
14.She had been waiting for Simon to     the barrier between them.
15.His father did not     his son's choice.
16.What can you     from the given data
17.The tests     those carried out last year, so I feel very surprised.
18.学生们应该使用一些阅读策略去强化他们对于这篇文章的理解。(strategy; enhance)
19. Children           (对……好奇的) animals and how they live.
20. Steve has been working hard and              (期待) spending his vacation lying on the beach doing nothing.
21. Teenagers' different needs and        (学习风格) created many problems.
22.学生们无法在吵闹声中集中注意力学习。 (concentrate on)
Make the Most of What You Have Got
For Nick Vujicic, life was going to be difficult from the day he was born. When Nick arrived into this world, he 23. everyone. He was not like the other babies and it was 24. obvious to his parents and to the doctors in the hospital.
There was no 25. or answers for his condition. Nick was born without any limbs, that is, he was born without any arms or legs. But despite being physically 26. , he was mentally 27. and the rest of his body was working fine.
28. he had loving parents, Nick would find school hard as he would often be looked down upon by the other children and at the age of 10, he considered 29. his life by drowning(淹死)himself in bathtub(浴缸). These dark thoughts were 30. by his negative attitude to being disabled and at the time, he thought that he would never be able to do 31. by himself, that he would never have a job and that he would always have to 32. on his parents for help.
However, with his own efforts, things totally change when he becomes an adult. Nick is now a successful public speaker and is famous for his encouraging 33. which focus on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life worldwide. He 34. so many people with the story of his life, how he has 35. so many difficulties and most importantly how he is happy every day.
Despite having no arms or legs, Nick lives 36. , even finding ways to do almost something 37. like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming. He has to work harder than a full bodied person and he achieves his goals.
At the first impression, you may look at Nick and feel 38. . You may feel sad that this man has no arms or legs and you might feel his 39. and upset that he could find everyday situations difficult. But we should 40. Nick, as he is extremely positive and he gets on with life. He 41. every day and makes the best of what he has: a positive attitude, a creative mind and a powerful 42. . He also has a very kind and very beautiful wife and they are truly happy and in love.
23.A.shocked B.pleased C.encouraged D.accepted
24.A.nervously B.painfully C.hopefully D.carefully
25.A.surprise B.worry C.explanation D.apology
26.A.active B.sick C.disabled D.healthy
27.A.disturbed B.challenged C.calm D.normal
28.A.Since B.If C.Although D.Unless
29.A.changing B.ending C.risking D.sharing
30.A.expressed B.collected C.given D.driven
31.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
32.A.call B.depend C.cheat D.look
33.A.lessons B.poems C.speeches D.posters
34.A.checks B.touches C.puzzles D.judges
35.A.fought for B.lived with C.come across D.got over
36.A.independently B.comfortably C.hopelessly D.lonely
37.A.impossible B.dangerous C.calm D.regretful
38.A.pain B.wisdom C.stress D.pity
39.A.anger B.selfishness C.courage D.confidence
40.A.encourage B.admire C.comfort D.correct
41.A.cries B.shouts C.smiles D.focus
42.A.voice B.body C.family D.position
Ali and his younger sister, Zahra, lived
with their parents in a poor neighborhood. Their mother was very sick and their
father was struggling to find a job, and they had only a little money with
which to buy food. As they had not paid the rent for several months, the
landlord was breathing down their necks (盯着他们)
day, Ali took Zahra's shoes to a shoe repairman to be fixed, but he lost them
on the way home. It wasn't until he got home that he realized he had lost the
shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and disappointed, so he
begged his sister to keep it secret. Zahra agreed and the two decided to share
Ali's running shoes. Zahra's school hours were in the morning, so she
would wear them first. After school, she would rush back and give them to Ali. He
could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although he ran as
fast as he could, Ali often arrived late and was warned by the school.
heard about a long distance race that was held for the boys in the city.
When he leaned that the third prize was a new pair of shoes, he decided
to take part. He ran home excitedly and promised his sister that he
would win her the new shoes.
day of race arrived. Ali had a strong start, but halfway through the race he
began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted
he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. Dreaming of the new
shoes he would win for his sister gave him strength,and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined
to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided
with Ali from behind and he crashed to the ground.
Paragraph 1
Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing
with pleasure, Ali walked home quickly.
【解析】【分析】句意:得到在毕业典礼上发言的机会使这个少年兴奋不已。分析句子且根据中英文提示可知,空处涉及固定短语“graduationceremony”,表示“毕业典礼”,此处应填名词 graduation作定语,表示“毕业”。故填graduation。
【解析】【分析】句意:孙子高兴地咬了一口爷爷为他挑选的鸡肉,他觉得很好吃。take a bite of,固定短语,意“咬一口……”,故填bite。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语take a bite of。
【解析】【分析】句意:散步对你的身体有好处。结合句意“对……有好处”可用be beneficial to…=be of benefit to…。“be of + 抽象名词”结构中, 其意义就相当于 “be + 与该抽象名词同词根的形容词”。故选B。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语be of benefit to。
【解析】【分析】句意:——要是你在厨房里帮我忙的话,我将请你喝咖啡。——听起来不错。根据句意可知,句子用的是固定句型:祈使句+and+简单句,and后面句子用一般将来时,因此空格处是will treat,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:鼓励学生掌控自己的学习,而不是只依赖老师。A. rather than “而不是”; B. regardless of “不管,不顾”;C. due to “由于”; D. in terms of “就……而言”。根据上半句鼓励学生掌握自己的学习,可知,后半句应该是而不是依赖老师。故选A。
【点评】考查固定短语,区分 rather than; regardless of; due to和 in terms of的含义。
【解析】【分析】句意:我五岁生日的时候,妈妈给我烤了一个猴子形状的蛋糕。A. in the shape of“呈……形状”;B. beyond the reach of“超出……的能力之外”;C. at the mercy of “受……的支配”;D. on the side of“拥护……,站在……的一边”。蛋糕是猴子“形状”的。故选A。
【点评】考查介词短语辨析,区分 in the shape of; beyond the reach of; at the mercy of和 on the side of的含义。
【解析】【分析】句意:并且我们拖得越久,就越累。A. more longer错误, long的比较级是longer;B. longest “最长的”;C. long “长的”;D.longer“更长的”。the+形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级表示“越.....,越......”,故选D。
【答案】12.is appropriate to
13.by comparison
14.break down
15.approve of
16.make inferences
17.are identical to
【解析】【分析】be identical to
approve of
be appropriate to
break down
by comparison
make inferences
12.句意: 这种教育制度适合学生的需要。根据句意:这种教育制度……学生的需要。 可知空白处需要谓语意思为:"适合" 故答案为is appropriate to。
13.句意:与上半场相比,下半场比赛很无聊。根据固定搭配:by comparison with与......相比,可知空白处需要介词短语, 故答案为by comparison。
14.句意:她一直在等待西蒙打破他们之间的隔阂。根据句意:她一直在等待西蒙……他们之间的隔阂。 可知空白处需要动词短语"打破,分解" 故答案为break down。
15.句意:他父亲不赞成他儿子的选择。根据句意:他父亲不……他儿子的选择。可知空白处需要动词短语"赞成,支持" 故答案为approve of。
16.句意: 从给定的数据中你能得出什么推论 根据句意:从给定的数据中你能…… 可知空白处需要动词短语"得出结论,得出推论" 故答案为make inferences。
17.句意:这次测试和去年进行的测试完全一样,所以我感到非常惊讶。 根据句意:这次测试和去年进行的测试……,所以我感到非常惊讶。 可知空白处需要短语 "完全一样",主语为复数,谓语也要用复数,故答案为are identical to。
18.【答案】Students use some reading strategy to enhance their understanding of the passage.
【解析】【分析】“ 学生们应该使用一些阅读策略 ”是简单句,结合语境应用一般现在时,译为: Students use some reading strategy;“去强化他们对于这篇文章的理解”是不定式作目的状语,译为: to enhance their understanding of the passage ,故答案为: Students use some reading strategy to enhance their understanding of the passage.
【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们对动物及其生活方式很好奇。" 对……好奇的 "应用动词短语be curious about ,此处是谓语动词,陈述的是一般事实,应用一般现在时,故填are ;curious; about 。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时以及固定短语be curious about。
【解析】【分析】句意: Steve 一直在努力工作,他期待着躺在海滩上无所事事地度过假期。" 期待 "应用look forward to,此处是谓语动词,结合句意应用现在进行时,故填is looking forward to 。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及现在进行时,以及固定短语look forward to。
【解析】【分析】句意:青少年不同的需求和学习方式造成了许多问题。" 学习风格 "应用learning
styles,与 different needs 并列,作主语,故填learning ;styles 。
22.【答案】The students can't concentrate on their study with all the noise.
【解析】【分析】根据题目要求,应用动词短语 concentrate on “集中精力于......”,此处是谓语动词,与can't连用,宾语“ 学习 ”用 their study 表达;“ 在吵闹声中 ”应用介词短语 with all the noise ,作状语,故答案为: The students can't concentrate on their study with all the noise.
【点评】考查汉译英,以及固定短语concentrate on 。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Nick Vujicic,从生下来就是残疾,天生没有四肢。他虽然身体残疾,但智力正常。他考虑过结束自己的生命,但最后他克服了所有的困难,能够独立地生存下来,并成为一位成功的公众演说家。
23.句意:当尼克来到这个世界时,他震惊了所有人。A. shocked"震惊";B. pleased"高兴";C. encouraged"鼓励";D. accepted"接受"。根据下文"He was not like the other babies"以及"Nick was born without any limbs, that is, he was born without any arms or legs."可知,和其他婴儿不同,Nick生来没有四肢,他的残疾令人震惊。故选A。
24.句意:他和其他婴儿不同,这一点对他的父母和医院的医生来说是显而易见的。A. nervously"紧张地";B. painfully"非常地,令人痛苦地";C. hopefully"有希望地";D. carefully"小心地"。根据下文"Nick was born without any limbs, that is, he was born without any arms or legs."可知,Nick的残疾身体和其他婴儿不同,这是非常明显的。故选B。
25.句意:对他的情况没有任何解释或答案。A. surprise"惊讶";B. worry"担忧";C. explanation"解释";D. apology"道歉"。根据空后"or answers for his condition"可知,对他这种情况没有答案,所以无法解释。故选C。
26.句意:但尽管身体残疾,他智力正常,身体其他部位工作正常。A. active"积极的";B. sick"生病的";C. disabled"残疾的";D. healthy"健康的'。根据上文"Nick was born without any limbs, that is, he was born without any arms or legs."可知,Nick身体是残疾的。故选C。
27.句意:但尽管身体残疾,他智力正常,身体其他部位工作正常。A. disturbed"不安的";B. challenged"挑战的";C. calm"镇静的";D. normal"正常的"。根据上文But转折和空后"the rest of his body was working fine."可推断,Nick他的智力是正常的。故选D。
28.句意:尽管他有慈爱的父母,Nick却发现上学很难,因为他经常被其他孩子看不起,在10岁的时候,他考虑在浴缸里淹死自己来结束他的生命。A. Since"自从,因为";B. If"如果";C. Although"虽然,尽管";D. Unless"除非"。空后"he had loving parents"和"Nick would find school hard as he would often be looked down upon by the other children…"之间存在转折关系,应用转折连词Although。故选C。
29.句意:尽管他有慈爱的父母,Nick却发现上学很难,因为他经常被其他孩子看不起,在10岁的时候,他考虑在浴缸里淹死自己来结束他的生命。A. changing"改变";B. ending"结束";C. risking"冒险";D. sharing"分享"。根据空后"by drowning(淹死)himself in bathtub(浴缸)"可知,他考虑结束自己的生命。故选B。
30.句意:这些阴暗的想法是由他对残疾的消极态度所驱使的,当时,他认为自己永远做不到任何事情,永远没有工作,永远只能依靠父母的帮助。A. expressed"表达";B. collected"收集";C. given"给";D. driven"驱使"。根据空后"his negative attitude to being disabled"可知,是对残疾的消极态度促使他产生了自杀念头,故选D。
31.句意:这些阴暗的想法是由他对残疾的消极态度所驱使的,当时,他认为自己永远做不到任何事情,永远没有工作,永远只能依靠父母的帮助。A. something"某事(物)";B. nothing"什么也没有";C. everything"一切";D. anything"(用于否定句、疑问句或条件句)任何事物"。根据空前"his negative attitude to being disabled"可知,他消极的态度认为自己什么也不能做,anything用于否定句中。故选D。
32.句意:这些阴暗的想法是由他对残疾的消极态度所驱使的,当时,他认为自己永远做不到任何事情,永远没有工作,永远只能依靠父母的帮助。A. call"召唤";B. depend"依靠";C. cheat"欺骗";D. look"看"。根据空前"he thought that he would never be able to do 9 by himself, that he would never have a job"以及上文可知,Nick认为自己什么也干不了,只能依靠父母。故选B。
33.句意:Nick现在是一位成功的公众演说家,他以鼓舞人心的演讲闻名于世,这些演讲关注残疾人士的生活、希望以及在世界范围内寻找生活的意义。A. lessons"功课";B. poems"诗歌";C. speeches"演讲";D. posters"海报"。根据上文"Nick is now a successful public speaker"可知,这里指他的鼓舞人心的演讲。故选C。
34.句意:他用他的生活故事感动了那么多人,他是如何克服那么多困难的,最重要的是他是如何快乐每一天的。A. checks"检查";B. touches"感动,触动";C. puzzles"迷惑";D. judges"判断"。根据空前"encouraging,meaning in life"以及空后"how he has 13 so many difficulties and most importantly how he is happy every day."可知,Nick的演讲感动了许多人。故选B。
35.句意:他用他的生活故事感动了那么多人,他是如何克服那么多困难的,最重要的是他是如何快乐每一天的。A. fought for"为……战斗";B. lived with"忍受";C. come across"偶遇";D. got over"克服"。根据下文"Despite having no arms or legs, Nick lives 14 , even finding ways to do almost something 15 like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming."可知,Nick所讲的内容有他如何克服困难。故选D。
36.句意:尽管没有胳膊和腿,Nick还是独立生活,甚至想办法做一些几乎不可能的事情,比如自己刷牙和游泳。A. independently"独立地";B. comfortably"舒适地";C. hopelessly"没有希望地";D. lonely"孤独地"。根据空后"even finding ways to do almost something 15 like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming."可知,Nick能够独立生活。故选A。
37.句意:尽管没有胳膊和腿,Nick还是独立生活,甚至想办法做一些几乎不可能的事情,比如自己刷牙和游泳。A. impossible"不可能的";B. dangerous"危险的";C. calm"镇静的";D. regretful"后悔的"。根据空前"Despite having no arms or legs";以及空后"like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming"可知,Nick没有四肢,像自己刷牙、游泳这样的活动,是几乎不可能做到的。故选A。
38.句意:在第一印象中,你可能会看着Nick,感到可怜。A. pain"痛苦";B. wisdom"智慧";C. stress"紧张";D. pity"可怜"。根据常识可知,因为Nick没有四肢,所以给正常人的第一印象会感觉可怜,故选D。
39.句意:你可能会因为这个人没有胳膊和腿而感到悲伤,你可能会感到他的愤怒和不安,因为他会发现每天的处境都很困难。A. anger"愤怒";B. selfishness"自私";C. courage"勇敢";D. confidence"信心"。根据空后"he could find everyday situations difficult"可知,Nick没有四肢,每天的处境,日常的生活都会很困难,正常人替他想一想,会感觉到他会因困难而愤怒上帝的不公。故选A。
40.句意:但我们应该佩服Nick,因为他非常积极,而且生活很好。他每天都微笑,充分利用自己的一切:积极的态度,富有创造力的头脑和有力的声音。A. encourage"鼓励";B. admire"佩服";C. comfort"安慰";D. correct"纠正"。根据空前"But"的语义转折和空后"he is extremely positive and he gets on with life"可知,我们应该佩服Nick。故选B。
41.句意:但我们应该佩服Nick,因为他非常积极,而且生活很好。他每天都微笑,充分利用自己的一切:积极的态度,富有创造力的头脑和有力的讲话声音。 A. cries"哭喊";B. shouts"喊叫";C. smiles"微笑";D. focus"聚焦"。根据上文"he is extremely positive and he gets on with life";以及空后"a positive attitude"可知,Nick积极的态度说明他能微笑地面对人生。故选C。
42.句意:但我们应该佩服Nick,因为他非常积极,而且生活很好。他每天都微笑,充分利用自己的一切:积极的态度,富有创造力的头脑和有力的讲话声音。A. voice"说话声";B. body"身体";C. family"家庭";D. position"职位"。根据上文"Nick is now a successful public speaker"可知,此处指Nick有力的讲话声音。故选A。
43.【答案】Paragraph 1
Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead. Refusing to give up at this point, he jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could. He dashed across the finishing line and won the fourth prize. Thinking he would let her sister down, Ali couldn't help sobbing. Just then he suddenly heard the announcement from the broadcast that he won the thirdprize as the runner who collided with Ali was disqualified for breaking the rule. Holding the shoes close to his chest during the award ceremony, Ali felt overjoyed and relieved as he eventually won the shoes for his sister.
Paragraph 2
Filled with pleasure, Ali walked home quickly. He could not wait to see his sister and share the good news. On his arrival, Ali found Zahra was waiting outside. Nervous and anxious, Zahra wondered whether her brother had brought her what she was expecting." Zahra, see what I have got for you," Ali said excitedly, taking the prize out of his bag with his trembling hands. The instant Zahra saw the shoes, her face lit up. So thrilled was she that she threw herself at Ali. "Thank you! Ali."
Tears of joy welled up in their eyes as the brother and the sister hugged tightly together.
【解析】【分析】本题是一篇续写作文。首先要认真读懂给作提供的材料,弄清整篇文章的中心是什么。根据中心,补续事情的发展和故事的结局。想象要符合原文的发展,人物和事物要与原文保持连续性和一致性。要有明确的中心,重点突出,有详有略。故事情节的向后延续发展要合乎情理。前文主要讲述的是阿里家境贫穷,一天阿里给妹妹修鞋的路上,把妹妹的鞋弄丢了,他准备通过参加学校的长跑比赛,获得三等奖的奖品——一双鞋子,给妹妹作补偿,但在终点的时候发生一点意外。在给的第一段开头中,Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead.(阿里抬头一看,看到其他男孩冲在前面),可知本段是续写比赛中阿里被撞后是如何做的,这一段是文章的关键。第二段是以Filled with delight, Ali walked home quickly.(Filled with delight, Ali walked home quickly.)开头,此句中的delight是关键词,阿里为什么高兴,是因为他达到目的了,上一段已经指出他获得了三等奖,本段重点讲述他回家后发生的事情。
【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:Refusing to give up at this point, he jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could. 运用了现在分词作原因状语; Thinking he would let her sister down, Ali couldn't help sobbing. 运用了现在分词作原因状语和宾语从句;Just then he suddenly heard the announcement from the broadcast that he won the third prize as the runner who collided with Ali was disqualified for breaking the rule. 运用了同位语从句和限制性定语从句;Holding the shoes close to his chest during the award ceremony, Ali felt overjoyed and relieved as he eventually won the shoes for his sister.运用了时间状语从句; Nervous and anxious, Zahra wondered whether her brother had brought her what she was expecting.运用了形容词作状语和宾语从句;Ali said excitedly, taking the prize out of his bag with his trembling hands. 运用了with的复合结构;The instant Zahra saw the shoes, her face lit up. 运用了时间状语从句;So thrilled was she that she threw herself at Ali. 运用了结果状语从句和倒装句; Tears of joy welled up in their eyes as the brother and the sister hugged tightly together.运用了时间状语从句。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Welcome unit单元分层练
1.C    (好奇心) drove him to take chances. Fortunately, he didn't get into trouble.
2.Tourists should pay attention to their b   (行为) while travelling.
3.Being offered the chance to speak at the g   (毕业) ceremony made the teenager excited.
4.Last year, Kygo went on a(n)     (全世界的) tour during which he was travelling from January to November.
5.Is it with its u   (独特的) culture and beautiful scenery that the West Lake impresses visitors all over the world
6.The grandson happily took a     (咬)of the chicken his grandfather had selected for him, which he felt delicious.
7.Walking is ________to your body shape.
A.beneficially B.of benefit C.benefit D.benefited
8.—Help me out in the kitchen and I ________ you to a cup of coffee.
—Sounds good.
A.will treat B.treat C.am treating D.have treated
9.Students are encouraged to take control of their own learning, ________ just depending on the teacher.
A.rather than B.regardless of C.due to D.in terms of
10.For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake ______ a monkey.
A.in the shape of B.beyond the reach of
C.at the mercy of D.on the side of
11.And the________ we delay it, the more tired we feel.
A.more longer B.longest C.long D.Longer
be identical to, approve of, be appropriate to,
break down, by comparison, make inferences
12.This education system     the needs of the students.
13.The second half of the game was boring     with the first.
14.She had been waiting for Simon to     the barrier between them.
15.His father did not     his son's choice.
16.What can you     from the given data
17.The tests     those carried out last year, so I feel very surprised.
18.学生们应该使用一些阅读策略去强化他们对于这篇文章的理解。(strategy; enhance)
19. Children           (对……好奇的) animals and how they live.
20. Steve has been working hard and              (期待) spending his vacation lying on the beach doing nothing.
21. Teenagers' different needs and        (学习风格) created many problems.
22.学生们无法在吵闹声中集中注意力学习。 (concentrate on)
Make the Most of What You Have Got
For Nick Vujicic, life was going to be difficult from the day he was born. When Nick arrived into this world, he 23. everyone. He was not like the other babies and it was 24. obvious to his parents and to the doctors in the hospital.
There was no 25. or answers for his condition. Nick was born without any limbs, that is, he was born without any arms or legs. But despite being physically 26. , he was mentally 27. and the rest of his body was working fine.
28. he had loving parents, Nick would find school hard as he would often be looked down upon by the other children and at the age of 10, he considered 29. his life by drowning(淹死)himself in bathtub(浴缸). These dark thoughts were 30. by his negative attitude to being disabled and at the time, he thought that he would never be able to do 31. by himself, that he would never have a job and that he would always have to 32. on his parents for help.
However, with his own efforts, things totally change when he becomes an adult. Nick is now a successful public speaker and is famous for his encouraging 33. which focus on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life worldwide. He 34. so many people with the story of his life, how he has 35. so many difficulties and most importantly how he is happy every day.
Despite having no arms or legs, Nick lives 36. , even finding ways to do almost something 37. like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming. He has to work harder than a full bodied person and he achieves his goals.
At the first impression, you may look at Nick and feel 38. . You may feel sad that this man has no arms or legs and you might feel his 39. and upset that he could find everyday situations difficult. But we should 40. Nick, as he is extremely positive and he gets on with life. He 41. every day and makes the best of what he has: a positive attitude, a creative mind and a powerful 42. . He also has a very kind and very beautiful wife and they are truly happy and in love.
23.A.shocked B.pleased C.encouraged D.accepted
24.A.nervously B.painfully C.hopefully D.carefully
25.A.surprise B.worry C.explanation D.apology
26.A.active B.sick C.disabled D.healthy
27.A.disturbed B.challenged C.calm D.normal
28.A.Since B.If C.Although D.Unless
29.A.changing B.ending C.risking D.sharing
30.A.expressed B.collected C.given D.driven
31.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
32.A.call B.depend C.cheat D.look
33.A.lessons B.poems C.speeches D.posters
34.A.checks B.touches C.puzzles D.judges
35.A.fought for B.lived with C.come across D.got over
36.A.independently B.comfortably C.hopelessly D.lonely
37.A.impossible B.dangerous C.calm D.regretful
38.A.pain B.wisdom C.stress D.pity
39.A.anger B.selfishness C.courage D.confidence
40.A.encourage B.admire C.comfort D.correct
41.A.cries B.shouts C.smiles D.focus
42.A.voice B.body C.family D.position
Ali and his younger sister, Zahra, lived
with their parents in a poor neighborhood. Their mother was very sick and their
father was struggling to find a job, and they had only a little money with
which to buy food. As they had not paid the rent for several months, the
landlord was breathing down their necks (盯着他们)
day, Ali took Zahra's shoes to a shoe repairman to be fixed, but he lost them
on the way home. It wasn't until he got home that he realized he had lost the
shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and disappointed, so he
begged his sister to keep it secret. Zahra agreed and the two decided to share
Ali's running shoes. Zahra's school hours were in the morning, so she
would wear them first. After school, she would rush back and give them to Ali. He
could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although he ran as
fast as he could, Ali often arrived late and was warned by the school.
heard about a long distance race that was held for the boys in the city.
When he leaned that the third prize was a new pair of shoes, he decided
to take part. He ran home excitedly and promised his sister that he
would win her the new shoes.
day of race arrived. Ali had a strong start, but halfway through the race he
began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted
he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. Dreaming of the new
shoes he would win for his sister gave him strength,and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined
to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided
with Ali from behind and he crashed to the ground.
Paragraph 1
Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing
with pleasure, Ali walked home quickly.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)