高考英语 高三一轮复习 unit 2 Bridging cultures 课件 新人教版 选择性必修2


名称 高考英语 高三一轮复习 unit 2 Bridging cultures 课件 新人教版 选择性必修2
格式 pptx
文件大小 6.2MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-13 09:13:45



人教版 选择性必修2 unit 2 Bridging cultures
单元词汇 词汇练习
语法复习 重点句子
试题点拨 每课一练
complex -- complicated -- complexity -- mixed -- confused
recall -- review -- remember -- memorize -- remind
qualification -- quality -- qualify
ambition -- ambitious -- motivation
adaptation -- adapt -- adjust -- variation -- change
comfort -- ease -- assure -- relieve -- cheer
cite -- quote -- refer -- mention
participate -- participation -- join -- enter -- anticipate
presentation -- proposition -- present -- give -- award -- introduce -- represent --
engage -- engaged -- engaging -- engagement -- attract -- employ -- involve -- fight
involve -- include -- absorb -- occupy -- affect -- concern
edition -- version -- issue -- copy
zone -- area -- district -- region -- territory
overwhelming -- overwhelmed -- overwhelm -- astonish -- startle -- overcome -- conquer -- defeat
motivate -- motivated -- volunteered -- willing -- inspire -- push -- reason
adviser -- consultant
reasonable -- practical -- realistic -- sensible
expectation -- expect -- prospect -- anticipate -- outlook
applicant -- application -- apply -- seeker -- hunter -- candidate
firm -- solid -- hard -- fixed -- strong -- secure -- strict
exposure -- expose -- exposed -- disclose -- reveal -- unprotected -- experience
insight -- understand
departure -- depart -- leave -- withdraw
setting -- scenery -- background -- surroundings -- environment
grasp -- grip -- seize -- dominate -- hold -- control -- possess -- understanding
dramatic -- sharp -- sudden -- impressive -- thrilling -- drama
expense -- cost -- fee -- price -- payment -- consumption -- charge
behave -- behavior -- act -- conduct -- misbehave
surroundings -- surrounding
mature -- ripe -- full-grown -- developed
depressed -- depress -- depression -- discourage -- weaken -- sad -- frustrated -- devalue -- reduce -- poverty
boom -- increase -- grow -- thunder -- roar
strengthen -- strength -- strong -- reinforce -- exaggerate -- recover -- mend
deny -- denial -- reject -- refute -- negative
optimistic -- optimism -- happy -- cheerful -- hopeful -- pessimistic
gain -- get -- obtain -- receive -- earn -- acquire -- profit -- benefit
perspective -- prospect -- inspect -- suspect -- aspect -- spectacle
competence -- competent -- ability -- capability -- qualified
envoy -- ambassador -- messenger -- diplomat -- agent
cooperate -- cooperation -- participate -- collaborate -- join
angle -- degree -- position -- straight
outlook -- opinion -- view -- attitude -- prospect
belt -- tape -- zone -- ribbon -- stripe -- belted
initiative -- proposal -- plan -- opportunity -- initial
sincere -- sincerity -- sincerely -- honest -- affection -- hearty
budget -- finance -- financial -- money -- expense
logical -- logic -- reasonable -- sensible
outcome -- result -- effect -- consequence -- fruit
1. a complex situation an industrial complex
2. recall sth/doing recalled their ambassadors
3. a necessary qualification for the job
4. qualify sb to do sb qualify as---
5. live in comfort find comfort in doing a comfort comfort sb
6. participate in sth take part in sth join sb in sth
7. evidence presentation give a presentation
8. speak up speak out speak of sth speak for itself
9. feel at home feel at ease
10. engage one’s attention engage sb as a worker engage with sb/sth sb engage in sth sb be engaged in doing be engaged to sb an engaging smile an engagement party
11. involve doing sth involve sb in sth sb be/get involved in/with
12. culture shock electric shock get a shock in shock
fort zone time zone earthquake zone
14. motivate sb to do encourage sb to do inspire sb to do
15. reasonable expectations/price /chance
16. live up to one’s expectations have expectations of sb in expectation of rain
17. firm rocks a firm believer firm evidence firm foundations
18. exposure to poisons/ radiation
19. expose sth expose sb to another culture be exposed to sunlight felt exposed
20. a man of insight give an insight into life
21. the departure time departure from sth
22. depart from depart for
23. the setting of the film the culture background/setting
24. Grasp all, lose all. grasp the opportunity grasp one’s meaning have a firm grasp of sth within/beyond one’s grasp have a good grasp of sth
25. the dramatic arts a dramatic change a dramatic victory
26. spare no expense life/living expenses at great expense at the expense of sth at one’s expense a big expense
27. cost an arm and a leg
28. behave like a gentleman behave yourself well/badly behaved
29. in new surroundings the surrounding scenery
30. mature peach/attitude / person mature into
31. be/feel depressed about sth depressed areas depressed price
32. depress sb depress the market depress the wages
33. a state of depression the Great Depression
34. economic boom a boom in sth boom out
35. strengthen the relationship/position /muscles /resolve
36. deny the fact deny doing deny sb sth
37. No pains, no gains. a gain in earning for personal gain weight gain gain sb sth gain sth from gain confidence
38. be competent to do
39. have competence in sth within/outside one’s competence
40. cooperate with sb in/on sth
41. a 90-degree angle from a different angle
42. optimistic outlook on life global outlook the outlook for peace
43. the Belt and Road fasten the safety belts tighten one’s belt
44. within/ beyond/over/budget a monthly/annual budget on a tight budget budget (for) sth budget hotel
45. side with sth from side to side side by side take sides
46. as far as know as far as the eye can see as far as I’m concerned as far as sb can far away far better far behind so far the most by far far and away far and wide far from sth go far go too far how far
47. in summary in short in brief in a word
48. generally speaking honestly speaking frankly speaking
49. the outcome of the debate
1. There is no difficulties for an o person if he is brave and willing to work hard.
2. His burning a was to study medicine.
3. She has no time to e in entertainment.
4. I chose to live in campus a because it was cheap.
5. If she were i in business, she would make a lot of money.
6. The interviewer failed almost all the a from the college.
7. E to another culture and its people can give exchange students great insights into the world.
8. Tuition fees and living e are much more expensive than at home.
9. One must learn how to b in new surroundings.
10. I was determined to further s our country.
keys: optimistic ambition engage accommodation involved applicants Exposure expenses behave strengthen
I had to learn how to use public transport and how to ask for things I didn’t know the English names for.
Although some foreign students live in campus accommodation, Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with the adaptation to the new culture.
The first time that she had to write an essay, her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas, but that he mainly wanted to know what she thought.
At first, Xie Lei had no idea what she should say, but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
What the advisor talked about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad was quite helpful to May.
The question is who will be the successful applicant for the summer job at the law firm.
That fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.
What matters most in learning English is enough practice.
We don’t know whose keys those are.
We asked for suggestions whoever had used the products.
That is why he never finishes anything.
The question is whether it is worth doing.
Have you got any idea where the party is to be held
The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.
It’s no longer a question now that man can land on the moon.
The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.
Why the dinosaurs disappeared suddenly still remains a puzzle.
A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.
I hate it when people talk with their mouth full of food.
I think it necessary that we drink enough water every day.
This is probably because they are often very confident.
He is not what he used to be a few years ago.
That is when I realized the importance of English.
There are signs that more people will learn English.
We haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend the holiday.
试题点拨--- 细节理解
Schreier said she feels good about the project because she likes being able to assist with conservation. “I really want to work to maintain our ecosystems and our native populations, given the pressures humans place on them through our different activities.”
1. What do we know about Andrea Schreier from the text
A. She thinks humans are greatly pressured.
B. She can now spend less time on her work.
C. She is rather devoted to the conservation.
D. She thinks her work needs improvement.
解析: C. 落实到原文 Schreier said she feels good about the project because she likes being able to assist with conservation. 她对这个项目感觉很好,因为她喜欢能够帮助保护我们的生态系统。尤其她后面所说的话:我真的很想努力维护我们的生态系统和本地种群数量。所以可以推测出C项正确。
Steve was the most amazing person in all of Minneapolis, and he was my cousin. By the age of 19, Steve was a star baseball player at the University of Minnesota. I wanted to be exactly like him. So when Steve asked me to go with him on a spring fishing trip in northern Minnesota, I was excited! ---
1. Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation. ______________
2. Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest. ______________
一、 分析原文
Steve, the most amazing, I wanted to be exactly like him. asked me to go with him on a spring fishing trip in northern Minnesota, I was excited!
We reached the Superior National Forest, to the campsite, pointed to the ranger station
a long walk, all the tricks of an experienced wilderness camper, I ate greedily
a sudden north wind picked up, increase the temperature inside the tent
I was suddenly awakened, Our tent was on fire, we were not seriously hurt
1. Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation.
What was our difficulty What were we thinking Steve’s experience and idea. Could the rangers find us
2. Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest.
Was the noise the rangers How did they find us How did we leave What was our lesson
1. Our difficulties
2. Steve’s idea of using fire to keep warm and send message.
3. We kept the fire burning higher
4. The rangers came to our rescue
5. Put out the fire and left
6. Plan better and keep calm
1. Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation. Our clothes and supplies were all gone with the fire and the wind, snow and the low temperature reminded us to leave. But in the dark and the snow, we couldn’t find our way out. Steve calmly said, “We must keep the fire burning to draw the foresters in the ranger station.” Yes, the burning fire would also keep us warm and alive. We both tried to search for more wood to add to the burning tent, hoping we could hold on until the day break. We were tired and cold, nearly losing hope.
2. Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest. Horns of a car was approaching. We were to be rescued. We excitedly greeted the ranger coming out of the car and gave a short explanation of the situation. The ranger first praised us for our calmness and wisdom before the situation, and then he advised to put out the fire before we left. We quickly buried the ashes using some snow and got on the car. The feeling of safety gave us much relief. Steve joked next time we planned our trip, we would check the weather prediction first.
Everyday Sayings
Bad news has wings.
Better an empty purse than an empty head.