人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Assessing Your Progress & Project课件(21张)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Assessing Your Progress & Project课件(21张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 30.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-16 15:12:38



Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
Assessing Your Progress & Project
Assessing Your Progress
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes
to vocabulary, such as monthly, harmful, and surgery;
2. check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes
to grammar, like the infinitive as the subject;
3. have a better understanding of what a healthy lifestyle is;
4. improve your ability of self-evaluation and reflection.
Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box.
monthly disturb harmful cigarette surgery consultant
My father used to smoke __________ far too often and was always coughing, which __________ me greatly. One day, I spoke to the health __________ at my school. He said the nicotine in tobacco is ______ and can do great damage to my father’s lungs. Then I persuaded my father to see a lung specialist. The specialist said my father should make a _______ plan to smoke less, otherwise he may need _________ in the future. I’m so glad my father agreed to make a plan to break his bad habit!
There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage. Correct them, read the passage again, and then give a title to it.
It is not easy to manage stress successfully. When you are stressed, every problem you have seems become worse. Serious stress can also lead to health issues, such as dizziness, skin conditions, and breathing problems. So that is best to find a solution as soon as possible. For minor stress, to wash your face with cold water or go for a short walk outside. To fight long-term stress, it is a great idea taken
up a new hobby. Do something you really like — to ride a skateboard, go bowling, or watch a comedy — whatever stimulates your mind and makes you feel happy. Absorbing stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else. If you can find something else to concentrate for a while, you will most certainly feel much more refreshed later on. So remember, to free yourself from stress, try and find something positive replace
it with. After all, it is far too stressful to stress all the time!
to become
to take
To absorb
to concentrate on
to replace
How to Manage Stress / Managing Stress
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.
make up one’s mind shave off feel pessimistic in response to
take control of stress out rely on straight away
1. When the old man ________________ his beard, he looked more energetic.
2. His parents tried to persuade him to stay in the local city to live a life of leisure, but he
had already ________________ to work in the countryside.
3. You cannot expect to feel better ________________ after taking the medicine.
4. He ___________________ his desire for high-fat food and managed to lower his
blood pressure.
5. She walks 20,000 steps a day ________________ her friend’s challenge.
6. He was _______________ because he had lost no weight after three months of dieting.
7. He used to ________________ me to remind him to exercise regularly.
8. The team ________________ about being able to win the championship.
shaved off
made up his mind
straight away
took control of
in response to
feeling pessimistic
rely on
(was) stressed out
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
discipline cycle dominate reward rely stimulate
Balancing one’s work and personal life can be rather difficult. Many people get into the __________ of coming home from work and watching TV or surfing the Internet. Although this may seem relaxing, it is not appropriate in the long term for personal growth. Therefore, for the sake of a healthy personal life, it is essential to be __________ and not just __________ on such passive activities. Show some passion and challenge yourself to do something different every night, if only for one hour at least. Set yourself goals, find a hobby that __________ your mind, or just get round to doing all those little things you’ve been meaning to do. Once you resist allowing work to __________ your life, your __________ will be a great sense of achievement.
Translate the sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets.
1. 滑了一整天的滑板之后,我感到疲惫不堪。(skateboard, worn out)
2. 健康顾问查看了我的血液检验结果,怀疑我感染了病毒,建议我要么再做检查,
要么立即去看医生。(health consultant, examine, virus, straight away)
3. 想要提升你的听说读写技能,你不能只靠课堂学习,还需要在课后不断学习和运
用。(enhance, rely on)
After a whole day of playing skateboard, I was worn out.
Seeing my blood test result, the health consultant suspected that I was infected with some virus and suggested I should either examine my blood again or see a doctor straight away.
In order to enhance your capacity of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, you should not rely on classroom studies alone, but should also continue learning and practising after class.
4. 由于得了流感,感到眩晕,他不得不躺在床上休息。(flu, dizzy)
5. 十年来,他专注于健康生活方式的研究,终于成了行业内的专家。(absorb)
6. 十几年前,我叔叔在医学院学习外科学。成为一名外科医生后,他每星期都做外
科手术。(surgery, surgeon)
7. 我们的团队由七个人组成。(be composed of)
Catching the flu, he had to lie in bed and rest because he was feeling dizzy.
He has been absorbed in research on healthy lifestyle for ten years and finally has become an expert.
My uncle studied surgery in a medical school more than a decade ago. He does surgery every week after becoming a surgeon.
Our team is composed of seven people.
Do you know what a healthy lifestyle is after finishing this unit
What is the most useful thing that you have learnt in this unit
How can you use what you have learnt to improve your lifestyle
What new words and expressions have you learnt in this unit
Can you use the infinitive as the subject properly in different situations
Overall, I thought this unit was cool useful just OK difficult.
Do a health survey
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. learn how to do a health survey;
2. use knowledge you have learnt to do a health survey;
3. prepare a written or oral report to give recommendations according to
your survey.
How well are your classmates looking after their physical and mental health Work in groups and make a survey. Design a multiple-choice questionnaire to collect information. Use online survey tools if possible to help you make, distribute, and analyse your questionnaires.
1. Ask questions about what to eat and drink, such as staple foods, snacks, drinks, and other substances, etc.
How often do you skip meals
□ never □ once a day □ several times a week □ others:_________
2. Ask questions about what to do with one’s body, such as sitting, exercise, sleeping, etc.
1. Ask questions about what people do in their spare time, such as reading, watching TV, using phone/Internet, playing video games, etc.
2. Ask questions about what people do to feel better when they are stressed, unhappy, or angry.
3. Ask questions about what to do with one’s mind, such as learning new things for fun, doing creative activities, etc.
Suggested answers
Each person in your group should help make the survey. Then ask classmates outside your group to take the survey.
Do a health survey
Collect and analyse the survey results by creating pie charts, bar charts, or other ways of summarising data.
Prepare a written or oral report, giving general recommendations for how to
solve the most common lifestyle problems that you have found among your
General Recommendations
We asked our classmates a series of questions about their physical and mental health. They gave many different answers, but we found some common lifestyle problems in our results.
A common problem is the time spent in front of computer screens or phones. We recommend keeping track of screen time by using a tracking app. When we are aware of the time we are spending, we are more likely to spend less time. We also recommend taking up a hobby that can be done instead of screen time. Another problem many students have is not drinking enough water. It is very important for your health, so we recommend carrying a refillable water bottle with you everywhere and filling it up at least three times a day.
A common mental health problem is that students often feel stressed, which sometimes makes them depressed. We recommend exercise, not only because it is good for your physical health, but also because it is good for your mind. Exercising outside in the fresh air or even going for a walk can help calm your mind and make you feel less anxious or depressed.
Suggested answer
Review what your have learned in this unit.
Try to design a questionnaire about your classmates’ lifestyle on your own and do a survey.