人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件共32张PP


名称 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件共32张PP
格式 pptx
文件大小 16.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-17 13:19:27



Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations
Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
Reading for Writing
Write about your festival experience
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. get information about writer’s amazing Naadam experience;
2. analyze the structure and language features of the diary;
3. write a passage about a festival or a celebration you have
4. cooperate with group mates actively through checking your
writings together.
Let brainstorm.
What do you know about the ethnic minority festivals in our country
the dai nationality
Water-Splashing Festival
the yi nationality
Torch Festival
the Mongol nationality
Naadam Festival
Read the diary entry and answer the questions.
1. What does “Naadam” mean Which events does it include
2. What Naadam Festival customs did you learn about
3. What in your opinion is the most impressive thing about the festival
4. What else would you like to know about the festival and the writer’s
Naadam means “games” in Mongolian, and it includes horse racing, wrestling, and archery.
Wrestling and horse racing.
The horse racing is the most impressive, as it involved little children.
The writer did not talk about food or music, but surely they should have been interesting parts of the festival.
Let’s learn how the writer arranges his idea.
Opening Paragraph: State the topic (e.g., where, when, and with whom you celebrated the festival, and also your main feeling).
First Body Paragraph: Describe the start of the festival and the surroundings.
Second Body Paragraph: Describe the festival activities in detail.
Third Body Paragraph: Describe the festival activities in detail.
Closing Paragraph: Give a brief summary of the
Read the sentence patterns below and use them to rewrite the opening sentence of the article.
This was my first time spending ... and it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
I’ll never forget ... because ...
I’ll always ... because ...
This was my first time spending my holiday in China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to celebrate the Naadam Festival, and it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
I’ll never forget the Naadam Festival in China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region because it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
I’ll always remember the Naadam Festival in China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region because it was an enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
Suggested Answer
Underline the sentences that describe the writer’s feelings and emotions.
... which are all so exciting to watch;
After the opening ceremony and some amazing performances,...
I was quite moved by their show of strength and grace.
I absolutely enjoyed the archery, too, but the horse races were my favourite part.
I was surprised to see that the riders were boys and girls!
I was a little worried about the children’s safety, ...
feeling really tired
... was totally worth it
I can’t wait!
Use what you have learnt to write about a festival or a celebration you have experienced recently.
Make notes of your ideas in the table and then write your draft.
The name of the festival / celebration: _______________________________
Main idea of each paragraph Details Feelings
1 The topic and my feeling
2 How I prepared for the festival / celebration
3 The festival / celebration activities
4 A summary of my festival / celebration experience
Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
Is the writing well-organised
Is there an opening sentence in the first paragraph
Does each paragraph include the necessary details
Does the writer describe his / her feelings and emotions
Does the writer use the -ing form correctly in the writing
Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors
Get your draft back and revise it.
Put up your writing in your classroom or read it to the class.
July 4, 2022
Today was my first fourth of July celebration, and I’ll always remember it because it was so wonderful. The fourth of July is Independence Day in the US — the anniversary of the day the United States became its own country in1776.
I began the day by packing my swimming suit and a towel. Then I went with my host family to a supermarket to load up on food and drinks. After that we were off to a friend’s ranch out in the country for a barbecue and pool party.
It was all so amazing! While the adults cooked food on the barbecue, we played in the pool. Then we all ate and ate until we were completely stuffed. Our friends had some old ice cream churners, so after lunch we all took turns churning homemade ice cream. Since the temperature outside was around 40 degrees, it seemed like the ice cream took forever! I would turn the handle on the churn until my arm was sore, and then someone else would take over. But it was all worth it, because when we were finished it was the most fantastic ice cream I have ever eaten! Then, someone asked me if I would like to try horseback riding. I was afraid at first, but they gave me a very gentle horse. It was so peaceful to ride the horse through the fields and forest. Finally when it grew dark, we had a thrilling fireworks display.
Now I’m back home with my host family. Though I’m tired, I think this had to be the most exciting day of my life! I can’t wait for next year!
Sample Writing
Assessing Your Progress
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes to vocabulary and phrases, such as march, brief, and congratulation;
check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes to grammar, like the uses of -ing forms as attribute and predicative;
improve your ability of self-evaluation and reflection.
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
march brief media congratulation significant
moment roast lunar represent fancy
1. The beautiful flowers on cherry branches are the most __________ sign of the arrival of
2. In December, many companies have _______ dress parties to celebrate the end of the year.
3. The female soldiers forming the biggest ____________ group in the National Day parade
attracted a lot of interest from the _______.
4. The most common color you see during the Spring Festival is red because red __________
life, wealth, and good luck in Chinese culture.
5. The newly married couple received dozens of letters of _____________ from their friends.
6. If you are the best man at a wedding, it is best to keep your speech simple and ______.
7. She will never forget the ________ when she saw all the audience clapping their hands and
cheering after her performance.
8. Falling on the 9th day of the 9th ______ month, the Chongyang Festival is also called the
Double Ninth Festival. It is a day for people in China to show respect to seniors.
9. To be frank, this __________ chicken tastes horrible.
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
march brief media congratulation significant
moment roast lunar represent fancy
Circle the correct word in each sentence.
Taking part in the celebration was a satisfying / satisfied experience for us.
Most of the people were amazing / amazed by the lion dances during the new year celebrations.
The child seemed annoying / annoyed when he found his gift broken.
The man dressing / dressed in a ghost costume looks quite frightening / frightened.
Kate was surprising / surprised by the sight of the Kongming lanterns flying / flown up into the sky.
Which festival(s) mentioned in this unit was / were new to you
Which festival did you find the most interesting Why
Do you wish to add one extra holiday in China What would you like to celebrate Why
Which part of this unit did you find the most difficult
Overall, I thought this unit was interesting useful so-so difficult.
Match each word with its definition. Then complete the sentences below with the correct forms of the suitable words.
riddle inner belief gather
respect crop origin grateful
A a feeling of admiration for somebody or something because of their good qualities
B the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true
C a plant that is grown by farmers and used as food
D inside; private and secret
E a question that is very confusing and that has a surprising answer
F to come together; to bring people or things together
G showing or expressing thanks because somebody has done something kind for you
H the point from which something starts
If you can solve the __________ on the lanterns, you will get a prize.
Thanksgiving and the Mid-Autumn Festival are harvest festivals when people _______ and celebrate what they are ________ for.
There are various opinions about the ______ of the Dragon Boat Festival, but the most popular one is related to the poet Qu Yuan.
Festivals of the dead, such as Obon, the Day of the Dead,or the Qingming Festival, allow people to pay _______ to their ancestors.
Match each word with its definition. Then complete the sentences below with the correct forms of the suitable words.
riddle inner belief gather
respect crop origin grateful
The Western festival Halloween has its ______ in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people.
With a smile of ______ on his face, Timmy went up to the stage to get his prize.
According to the report, only 10% — 15% of the land in China is good for ____________.
After seeing signs of improvement, she began to have ______ in the doctor’s skills.
We have ________ confidence in Sarah’s abilities, and we believe she will solve the problem.
We enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine in the countryside. We have picnics, read books under big trees, and listen to the birds singing ________ in the branches.
Why don’t we sit down and have a _______ discussion about your future plan
Some ________ themes of Chinese New Year paintings are folk tales and gods.
Look up the following words in the dictionary. Then complete the sentences with the correct words.
joy / joyful agriculture / agricultural faith / faithful origin / original
frank / frankly merry / merrily typical / typically absolute / absolutely
1. 婚礼宴会持续了几个小时,人们自始至终边唱边跳,沉浸在欢乐的气氛中。(wedding, joyful, atmosphere)
2. 每年,人们都会举办各种各样的活动庆祝国庆节,从升旗仪式到烟花表演。(range
from ... to ..., flag-raising ceremony, fireworks)
3. 当夜幕降临,许多孩子装扮成吓人的样子,然后去邻居家里索要糖果。(dress up)
Every year, people celebrate the National Day with a variety of activities, ranging from the flag-raising ceremony to fireworks.
When night falls, many children dress up to look scary and then go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets.
The wedding party lasted for a few hours, and everyone sang and danced throughout in a joyful atmosphere.
Translate the sentences into English, using the words and expressions in brackets.
4. 表演者从我们的视野里消失了,音乐和嘈杂声也逐渐消散。(fade away)
5. 每逢一个节日即将来临,你就能看到各种商业机构利用社交平台销售它们的产品。
(take advantage of, social media)
6. 尽管雪下得很大,他还是赶在新年前夕回到了家。(in spite of, New Year’s Eve)
Whenever a festival is coming, you will see various businesses taking advantage of the social media to sell their products.
In spite of the heavy snow, he managed to get home on New Year’s Eve.
As the performers moved out of our view, the music and noise faded away.
Translate the sentences into English, using the words and expressions in brackets.
Match the greeting cards to the occasions.
A Your parents have been married for 25 years.
B A friend wants to say “thank you” on Thanksgiving
C New Year’s Day is coming.
D It’s a friend’s birthday.
E A baby was just born.
F A couple is going to get married.
*Give a presentation about a festival in China
*Make a poster about festival food recipes
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
give a presentation about a minority festival in China;
make a poster about festival food recipes;
appreciate and evaluate others’ presentations.
In groups, choose one minority festival in China, research it, and then give a presentation to the class. Use the example outline below to help you.
Time: On the third day of the third month of the
Chinese lunar year
Place: In the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Ethnic minority group: The Zhuang people
Festival activities: Sing songs, ...
Local festival food: five-coloured sticky rice,
duck in lemon sauce, ...
Facts about the Zhuang People’s Folk Song Festival
In groups, collect some festival food recipes. If possible, learn to cook the food at home and then make a poster with pictures for the class. Use the example below to help you.
The Laba Festival usually occurs about a month before the Chinese Spring Festival. The festival’s traditional food is Laba porridge.
Possible ingredients and steps:
15 Chinese dates
5 peeled longan fruit
3 walnuts
1/2 cup of sticky rice
1/4 cup of millet
1/4 cup of peanuts
1/4 cup of red beans
1/4 cup of mung beans
1/4 cup of raisins
Let’s see the specific steps of making Laba porridge.
Turn off the heat and then wait for 10 minutes before serving the porridge.
Wash the rice, millet, peanuts, red beans, and mung beans, and soak them in 2 cups of water overnight.
Put these ingredients and the dates into a pot. Pour in 6 cups of water, and bring the pot to a boil before simmering for one and a half hours over low heat.
Wash the raisins, walnuts, and longan fruit, and then put them into the pot with some sugar before simmering for another 30 minutes.
Choose one project and prepare for your presentation.
Revise the vocabulary and grammar of this unit based on your self-evaluation.
polish up your presentation or poster based on the teacher’s and classmates’ suggestions.