人教版(2019) 选择性必修二 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Assessing Your Progress & Project课件(共25张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修二 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Assessing Your Progress & Project课件(共25张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 31.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-17 13:28:54



Unit 2 Bridging Cultures
Assessing Your Progress & Project
Assessing Your Progress
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes to vocabulary, such as deny, strengthen, and optimistic;
2. check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes to grammar;
3. think about the content of the unit, and apply what you have learnt to your own lives;
4. improve your ability of self-evaluation and reflection.
Rewrite the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases in brackets.
1. He is still too young to know how to act and talk on such occasions. (mature, behave)
He is still not mature enough to know how to behave on such occasions.
2. I have to admit that I spent too much time on social activities. (deny, take up)
I can’t deny that social activities took up too much of my time.
3. If you care for others sincerely, they will come to trust you, and your relationship will grow stronger. (strengthen, gradually)
If you care for others sincerely, they will gradually trust you, and your relationship will strengthen.
4. She considered the current situation in a reasonable way and decided to be positive about the outcome. (logically, optimistic)
She considered the current situation logically and became optimistic about the outcome.
5. Most of the people who had applied for this position were turned down, but he stood out because he was good at working with others. (applicant, cooperate)
Most of the applicants were turned down, but he stood out because he was good at cooperating.
6. The mother worried about her daughter who was studying abroad in a totally new environment, but she felt less anxious because of the fact that people there were friendly and helpful. (surroundings, take comfort in)
The mother worried about her daughter who was studying abroad in totally new surroundings, but she took comfort in the fact that people there were friendly and helpful.
Match the phrases or clauses below to make complete sentences.
1. My suggestion for avoiding any cultural misunderstanding is ...
2. No matter which country you go to, you will end up feeling like an outsider. That ...
3. What he said about the school was ...
4. Taking a year off from school to travel abroad is ...
5. What I saw when I arrived was ...
6. That he was forgetting his mother tongue ...
7. Why the school denied his application is ...
8. Perhaps the most obvious challenge of studying abroad is ...
9. I’m afraid ...
10. It remains to be seen ...
A. beyond description.
B. perfectly true.
C. that you have to overcome the language barrier.
D. still unknown.
E. that I don’t know how to acknowledge all the sources in my research paper correctly.
F. that you should observe what others do and how they do it.
G. what’s generally called a gap year.
H. is probably why many people do not want to live abroad.
I. whether my research paper will be well received.
J. worried him a bit.
What have you learnt in this unit about the benefits of cultural exchange
What do you think are some of the differences between studying in your own country and studying abroad
If there are overseas students visiting your school, can you use what you have learnt to communicate with them
Overall, I thought this unit was good useful so-so difficult.
Change the following verbs to nouns. What suffixes did you add Can you think of other suffixes for nouns
present expect cooperate
___________ ___________ _______________
motivate qualify participate
___________ ___________ _______________
apply adapt acknowledge
___________ ___________ _______________
involve require encourage
___________ ___________ _______________
depart expose
___________ ___________
Change the following verbs to nouns. What suffixes did you add Can you think of other suffixes for nouns
The suffixes added were -ion, -ment, and -ure.
Other suffixes for changing verbs to nouns include -ee (interviewee), -er (interviewer), -or (actor), -ance (acceptance), -ence (competence), -age (marriage), -ing (building), etc.
Replace the underlined parts with suitable phrases you have learnt in this unit. For each sentence, which way of expressing the idea do you prefer
1. The staff in the hotel did their best to provide the guests with good service. Everyone staying there felt comfortable and relaxed.
2. My friend bought medical insurance before she went to study abroad. She knows that it is really expensive to see a doctor in a foreign country.
3. In the school I am studying at now, the teachers encourage students to express their opinions openly and make sure their voices are heard.
felt at home
costs an arm and a leg
speak up
Replace the underlined parts with suitable phrases you have learnt in this unit. For each sentence, which way of expressing the idea do you prefer
4. Don’t think that I was unfair. I only supported whoever was right.
5. These days he doesn’t have much spare time because he is busy with preparing for the final exams.
sided with
is engaged/involved in
To me, the revised sentences sound more vivid and concise, so I prefer the second way.
Translate the following sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
Motivated by his uncle’s encouragement, he promised to do his best to live up to his family’s expectations when studying overseas.
1. 受到叔叔的鼓励,他答应在国外努力学习,不辜负家人的期望。 (motivated, expectation)
2. 据我所知,这家公司开销远超预算,所以决定修改方案,提升综合竞争力。(As far as I know, firm, expense, budget)
As far as I know, the firm’s expenses would be much higher than what their budget allowed, so they decided to revise their plan in order to be more competitive overall.
Before her departure, she was depressed when she recalled all the happy times she had spent with her friends and realised that she might not see them for a long time.
3. 临别之际,她回想起与朋友一起度过的美好时光,意识到可能很长时间见不到他们了,因此十分惆怅。(departure, recall, depressed)
Translate the following sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
Generally speaking, a greater exposure to the rest of the world will help you to see things from different angles.
4. 一般来说,多接触世界其他地区的事物能够帮助你从不同角度看问题。(generally speaking, exposure, angle)
5. 上大学不仅意味着抓住继续深造的机会,还意味着加深对周围世界的感悟。(grasp, insight)
Attending university isn’t just about grasping the opportunity to further your studies, but is also about gaining greater insight into the world around you.
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box. Did the writer think it was a good idea to study abroad Why
gain cooperation strength angle surround depress behave competent dramatic
Studying abroad in Amman, Jordan, was a life changing experience for me. Every day was an adventure because life there was ____________ different from that at home. As you know, Jordan is in the Middle East. There were so many challenges and cultural norms I had to adapt to, and I needed to learn how to __________ in new __________ and ____________ with people from different cultural backgrounds. Fortunately, everyone I met there was understanding and welcoming. I applied through International Studies Abroad (ISA), and they were incredibly helpful and made the process less ____________ and overwhelming. Studying abroad let me see things from new ____________ and learn more about cultures around me. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to pursue further studies abroad and to ____________ an understanding of different cultures, too. I believe studying abroad can help you ___________ your abilities in cross-cultural communication and improve your general ____________.
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box. Did the writer think it was a good idea to study abroad Why
Yes. Because studying abroad helps students see things from new angles and learn more about cultures around the world. It can also help people gain abilities in cross-cultural communication and improve their general competence.
Tell visiting students about your school
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. activate and engage all the skills and knowledge you have learnt in this unit through designing a booklet to introduce your school;
2. improve your ability of evaluation and cooperation during making your booklet.
Suppose a group of exchange students are coming from Australia to study in your school for a year. Work in groups and help your headmaster to design a booklet about your school.
Brainstorm what the visiting students might need to know about your school.
Location of school
History of school
School motto
School rules
Special events
Compulsory courses and elective courses
Divide up the work among your group members so that one or two students are responsible for each topic. Make a page for each topic and include photos or pictures. If possible, include a map of your school to show how to get around.
Decide on a good order for the information and then put the pages together.
Improve the design of the booklet if necessary.
Make an attractive cover page for your booklet by including a few descriptive sentences and a good picture or two.
Wonderful Donghua High!
“Where the grass is indeed greener!”
Location of School
Donghua High is a unique experimental high school established in Beijing, China in 1921.
History of School
It was started in 1921 as an all-girls school for orphaned children. The school helped produce many well known people in science and arts. It is now open to all students of all abilities.
School Motto
The school motto is “Where the grass is indeed greener!” and this comes from the phrase “The grass is always greener on the other side.” While this phrase refers to the idea that we always think what we don’t have is better than what we do have, we instead use it in a positive light to highlight the things we do have and how good they are. Therefore, our grass is indeed greener!
Suggested Answer
School Rules
The only rule in this school is that there are no rules! This does not mean that students can behave in ways that are wrong or unruly. Rather, students are expected to take responsibility for their own education and lives. All decisions at the school are made democratically, with students and teachers having an equal vote. Teachers are seen more of as aides to help students educate themselves.
Special Events
We host several events throughout the year. Our most popular event is the whole school art competition, where we ask all our students to submit one piece of artwork using any medium they like. Winners are chosen by the students and we usually have some fantastic prizes to give away. We also have a School Volunteer Day, where we encourage students, under adult supervision, to go out into the local community and help out. This is our way of giving back to the community.
Suggested Answer
Compulsory and Elective Courses
There are no formal classes at our school. Instead, students do what they like, and study when and what they like. We believe this helps students to develop the ability to take control of their lives at an early age and learn to be independent and self-reliant. They have options to study science, computers, and all kinds of liberal arts such as contemporary dance and traditional ink painting styles, such as shan shui.
Our school has many clubs available to students, and we encourage extra-curricular activities. We have art clubs, sports clubs and even an open-air cinema club. You will no doubt find what you are looking for in our club selection.
Come visit us and see the experiment! See the dream in action! You will be impressed!
Suggested Answer
Revise the words and grammar of this unit based on your self-evaluation.
According to the teacher’s and classmates’ evaluation, polish up your booklet.