Unit 5 What does he do?Part A Let’s learn导学案(无答案)


名称 Unit 5 What does he do?Part A Let’s learn导学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-20 15:24:24



课题:Unit 5 What does he do A. Let’s learn 课型:单词课 课时:第一课时
1.听懂、会说、正确读写单词:factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer
2.能够运用主要句型询问某人的职业并作答“What does your father/mother do He's/She's a/an…”Is your father a postman No, he isn’t.
3. 能对理想的职业提醒提问并作答“What are you going to be I am going to be a/an…”
学习重难点: 听懂、会说、正确读写单词:factory worker,postman ,businessman, police officer能够运用主要句型询问某人的职业并作答“What does your father/mother do He's/She's a…”Is your father a postman No,he isn’t.
教 学 过 程
1. 冠词a和an 的用法:a 和an 都表示一个(条,只…). 在以辅音开头的名词前用a,例如a pen, a computer; 在以元音开头的名词前用an,例如 an apple, an orange, an ice-cream, an egg等等。
2. 单词what的简介:what 是一个特殊疑问词,常用来对事情事物进行询问,例如:What are you going to do on the weekend I’m going to visit my grandparents.在本节的学习中,what 还有另外一种用法,主要对职业进行提问。
3. 动词变职业名词的方法:有的动词末尾加e或 er,就变成了相应的名词。加er如teach—teacher;clean—cleaner;加r的有write—writer; dance—dancer。
2.自主学习短语: factory ,worker, postman,businessman,post office
3. 写意思
factory worker postman businessman post office
Is your father a postman No, he isn’t.
What does he do He’s a businessman.
三、家长加油站 :完成情况:( 优、良、差 )家长签名:______________
四、活动合作探究部分(Group work)
2、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk
T: How are you Ss: I’m fine,thank. And you
T: I’m fine, too.
T: What do you usually do on the weekend Ss: I often read books.
Step 1: Check(回顾复习旧知识)
复习动名词:dance, do, write, swim, shop, put, watch。
Step 2: Presentation (呈现目标,自主学习)
2、听力大冲关。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。)
Step 3: Co-operation (合作交流,群学)
3、Learn with teacher.
.(1) 教师拿着一张工厂工人的照片,问:What does she do 引导学生回答:She is a factory worker. 教师板书并教读词组factory worker,注意单词factory和worker的发音,可采用拆音拼音法教读:fac-tory,work-er。教师示范朗读,引导学生观察教师的口型,并注意模仿,教师由慢到快教读。待学生发音较准确后,可采用如下方式练习:
factory, factory, F一A一C一T一O一R 一Y, factory
worker, worker, W一O一R一K一E一R, worker
factory worker, factory worker
(2.) 教师拿出一张邮递员的照片,问:What does he do 引导学生回答:He is a postman. 教师板书并教读单词postman.可用拆分法教读单词post-man。男女生运用所学句型交替进行问答练习,如:
Girls: What do you do Boys: I am a postman.
Boys: What do you do Girls: I am a postman.
(3). 教师请一位学生表演商人,问学生:What does he do 学生回答:He is a businessman. 教师板书并教读单词businessman。
(4). 教师出示警察的照片,问:What does she do 引导学生回答:She is a police officer. 教师板书并教读词组police officer。
(5). 教师问一位学生:Is your father a postman 引导学生回答:No, he isn’t.教师继续问:Is your father a police officer 学生回答:No, he isn’t.教师再问:What does he do 学生回答:He is a/an...
(7)教师带领学生回顾A Let’s talk 中Oliver 父亲的职业。教师提问:Oliver and Zhang Peng are talking about their parent’s jobs. What does Oliver’s father do What does his mother do Do you remember 要求学生在Let’s learn 所配插图中找到对应的图片。
Step 4: Show(大小展示)
3. 小组内讨论交流展示,可采用齐读、轮读、开火车的方式读。
Step 5: Consolidation(达标检测,师生小结)
一、冠词a/an 填空:
(1)I’m singer.(2)He is actor.(3)My mother is actress.
(4)She is artist.(5) He is writer.
(1) He is a writer. _______ ______ he _____
(2)She is an teacher. _____ ______ she _____
(3)My father is a actor. _____ _____ your father _____
三. 对划线部分提问:
(1) He is a writer .
_____ ______ he _____
(2)She is a factory worker .
_____ ______ she _____
(3)My father is a postman .
_____ _____ your father _____
五、Summary (学有所获)
1、抄写单词各一行。 2、背课文给家长听,并让家长签名。3、完成课时作业本。
七、自我评价。(优、良、差 )
Unit 5 What does he do
A Let’s learn
What does your father do He is a ….
What does your mother do She is
factory ,(复数) factories worker, work + er
postman,(复数) postmen businessman,(复数) businessmen
police officer ( policeman policewoman)