4A Module1 Getting to know you
Unit 3 How do you feel
学习内容 学 教学要求
语音 1.1.3字母组合st的读音规则 A 知晓字母组合st的读音规则
词汇 2.1核心词汇sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired C 背记、理解与运用核心词汇: sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired
词法 3.3形容词 A 知晓形容词在句子中的用法
句法 4.2.2.特殊疑问句—How do you feel —I’m/ We’re ...的回答 C 用特殊疑问句提问,并作出回答
语篇 5.1.1基本信息:对话中的基本信息 B 了解记叙文的基本结构,能让表达清晰而又有逻辑
教学重点: 感受类的核心词汇sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired的背诵、理解和运用 特殊疑问句How do you feel —I’m/ We’re ...的提问与回答
教学难点: 形容词在句子中的用法 特殊疑问句How do you feel —I’m/ We’re ...的提问与回答
1、能够正确朗读字母包含‘-st-”的单词toast,postman,lamp post 等。
在Summer holiday的语境中理解并学习本单元核心词汇:sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired等。
3、在Summer holiday的语境中能初步运用How do you feel I’m .../ Are you hungry Yes, we are.来询问对方的感觉和心情。
4、在Summer holiday的语境中能够尝试运用核心内容描写在沙滩上的活动及感受。
通过Summer holiday语境中的学习,联系学生都喜欢的暑假激发学生的学习兴趣,体验在沙滩玩耍活动的体会,并能在相互交流中关心他人的体会和感受。
在暑假玩耍的语境中,学生能用语句How do you feel I’m .../ Are you hungry Yes, we are.等询问他人的感受,并能用所学的形容词正确描述自己及他人的感受,要求语音正确、内容较完整、表达较流利,并能够简单描写自己体会到的感受。
内容 知识要点 教材栏目 学生基础 活动选择
语音 字母组合st 1.1.3常见字母组合的读音规则 Learn the sound 新知 倾听、模仿、朗读……
词汇 感受类词汇sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 2.1核心词汇 Look and learn 略知 模仿、朗读、造句、拼读、抄写……
词法 形容词sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 3.3形容词 Look and learn;Look and say; Play a game; Say and act Listen and enjoy 略知 倾听、模仿、朗读……
句法 句型How do you feel —I’m/ We’re ...特殊疑问句 Look and say; Say and act; Play a game; 略知 倾听、模仿、朗读、表演、描述……
语篇 理解语篇含义的同时,提高听说和交际能力 5.1.1基本信息 Look and say; Look and learn; Say and act 新知 倾听、朗读、阅读、问答、表演……
课时 教学目标 教学内容 话题 教学方法 教学重难点 评价方式
第一课时 1、在Kitty 一家在沙滩上度假的语境中,理解并学习本单元核心词汇:sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 等。 2、在Kitty 一家在沙滩上度假的语境中,能运用: How do you feel I’m…. Are you … Yes, I’m… / No, I’m … 等句型来对他人进行关心询问。 涉及的栏目: Look and say Look and learn Listen and enjoy Summer holiday -on the beach1 用儿歌、问答、对话、师生互动、合作学习等形式。 在Kitty 一家在沙滩上度假的语境中,感知理解核心词汇,感知理解核心句型How do you feel I’m .../ Are you hungry Yes, we are.来对事物的感受进行问答,做到语音语调基本正确,表达较为流畅。 即时评价 小组评价 自主评价
第二课时 1、在乌鸦取水的故事语境中,理解并学习本单元核心词汇:sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 等。 2、在乌鸦取水的故事语境中,能运用: How do you feel I’m…. Are you … Yes, I’m…. / No, I’m …. How does…feel He / She is…. 等句型来对他人进行关心询问。 涉及的栏目: Look and say Look and learn Read a story Summer holiday -on the beach2 用儿歌、问答、对话、师生互动、合作学习等形式。 在乌鸦取水的故事语境中, 学生能用sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired等核心词汇准确地表达自身的感受。能够较为熟练地使用How句型进行简单的对话。在故事的引导下,能够运用How does…feel 进行简单问答,做到语音语调基本正确,表达较为流畅。 即时评价 小组评价 自主评价
第三课时 1、在Sam去Peter家做客的语境中,理解并学习本单元核心词汇:sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 等。 2、在Sam去Peter家做客的语境中能运用: Are you … Yes, I’m…. / No, I’m …. How does…feel He / She is…. Here’s some … for you. 等句型来对他人进行关心询问。 涉及的栏目: Look and say Look and learn Read a story Learn the sound Summer holiday -a good day 用儿歌、问答、对话、师生互动、合作学习等形式。 在Sam去Peter家做客的语境中,, 学生能用sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired等核心词汇并能够结合事物准确地表达描写自己的感受,做到语音语调基本正确,表达较为流畅。 即时评价 小组评价 自主评价
第四课时 1、在Kitty和Ben下午活动的语境中,理解并学习本单元核心词汇:sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 等。 2、在Kitty和Ben下午活动的语境中能运用: Are you … Yes, I’m…. / No, I’m …. How does…feel He / She is…. Here’s some … for you. 等句型来对他人进行关心询问并能提炼基本信息介绍Kitty和Ben下午的活动。 涉及的栏目: Look and say Look and learn Listen and enjoy Summer holiday-Kitty and Ben’s afternoon 用儿歌、问答、对话、师生互动、合作学习等形式。 在Kitty和Ben下午活动的语境中,学生能用sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired等核心词汇,准确地对他人的感受进行描述,做到语音语调基本正确,表达较为流畅。 即时评价 小组评价 自主评价
第五课时 1、在Max和Duke公园游玩后的语境中熟练运用核心语句进行表达。 2.理解拓展阅读语篇的含义,提炼语篇基本信息,提高阅读能力,提高听说和交际能力。 阅读素材一篇 Summer holiday-Their feelings 用儿歌、问答、对话、师生互动、合作学习等形式。 在Max和Duke公园游玩后的语境中, 学生能用sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired并能够结合事物准确地表达描写他人的感受,做到语音语调基本正确,表达较为流畅。 即时评价 小组评价 自主评价
Period1 Summer holiday -on the beach1
It’s summer. It’s sunny and hot. Kitty’s family goes to the beach for the summer holiday. They’re happy. Look! Kitty can swim very well. But she swims for a long time. She is tired. Ben is not tired. But he is sad, because the water washes his sandcastles away. Kitty and Ben have a rest under the umbrella. They are tired. And they are hungry. Mum has some biscuits for them. They eat the biscuits. Now they are not hungry. They are full. Ben is thirsty. Mum has some water for him. He drinks some water. And he is not thirsty. He is happy now.
1. How do you feel I’m….
2. Are you … Yes, I’m… / No, I’m …
It’s summer. It’s sunny and hot. Kitty’s family goes to the beach for the summer holiday. They’re _____. Look! Kitty can swim very well. But she swims for a long time. She is ______. Ben is not ______. But he is ___, because the water washes his sandcastles away. Kitty and Ben have a rest under the umbrella. They are _____. And they are ______. Mum has some biscuits for them. They eat the biscuits. Now they are not _____. They are ___. Ben is ______. Mum has some water for him. He drinks some water. And he is not ______. He is _____now.
教学过程 教学内容 教学方法 教学目的 评价方法
Pre-task preparations 1.Warming-up: About summer holiday 1.1Talk about summer holiday 通过跟同学之间的交流引入今天的话题summer holiday, 通过介绍了解Kitty 一家去哪里过假期引出beach,激发学生的学习兴趣。 即时评价(对语音训练的反馈)
While-task procedures Kitty’s family is happy on the beach. Review the word: happy Learn the new sentences: How do you feel I’m…. 1.1Listen to the dialogue 1.2Ask and answer 1.3Look and read 通过已学单词体会Kitty一家为什么会happy?通过感同身受学习How do you feel I’m …. 即时评价(对听读、朗读训练的反馈) 师生互评(对阅读策略运用的反馈) 自主评价(对自主思考的反馈)
Know Kitty and Ben’s feelings. Learn the new words: tired, sad, Review the sentences: Are you… Yes, I’m…. / No, I’m…. 2.1 Look and read 2.2Ask and answer 2.3Say and act 通过在沙滩上的活动,主题人物的情绪变化引出单词教学,在所创设的情境中,学生通过说一说,演一演,对于整个情节的发展有了更深一步的了解,进一步巩固了所学的单词和句型。
Know Kitty and Ben’s feelings. Review the words: thirsty, hungry Learn the sentences: How do you feel I’m…Are you… Yes, I’m…. / No, I’m…. 3.1Watch the flash 3.2Ask and answer 3.3Say and act
Post-task activities 1. Review the new words and sentences. 1.1 Listen and number 1.2 Say and act 1.3Group work 通过辅助文本中每段对话的说说练练,以小组形式进行对话练习,进一步巩固课堂所学。 小组评价(对截取文本信息策略的反馈) 师生互评(对陈述性文本结果的互评)
2.Review the main meanings of the text. 2.1Fill in the blanks 2.2Read the text 2.3Try to say by yourselves 通过对主体文本再一次的练习巩固,帮助学生提炼文本主要内容,提高学生的语言运用能力。
Assignment 1. Listen to P13 and read the words :sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 2. Copy the words 3. Finish Task A & B on Workbook P19
Board design 4A M1U3 P1 Summer holiday -on the beach1 How do you feel I’m…. sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired Are you … Yes, I’m… / No, I’m …
Period2 Summer holiday -on the beach2
I’m a crow. It is hot and dry today. I’m thirsty and tired.
There is a bottle. It has some water in it!
I’m so thirsty, but I can’t drink it. The bottle is too long and thin.
Here are some pebbles. I have an idea!
One, two, three,…Great! Now I can drink the water! I’m so happy.
1. How do you feel I’m….
2. Are you … Yes, I’m…. / No, I’m ….
3. How does…feel He / She is….
It is a ___ day today. There is a _____in the forest. The crow flies and flies. He is ______ and ____.Then he sees a ______. There is some ______in it. The crow wants to _____the water, but the bottle is too _____and____. The crow cannot drink the water. He can _____some ________. He puts the pebbles into the bottle .One, two, three, … There are many pebbles in the bottle now ,and the crow ____ drink the water. How _______ the crow is!
教学过程 教学内容 教学方法 教学目的 评价方法
Pre-task preparations 1.Warming-up: About summer holiday of Kitty’s family 1.1Listen and enjoy 1.2Ask and answer 通过对上一课时文本的再现,在对学生进行问答的过程中复习上一课时的教学内容。 即时评价(对前一课时作业的反馈)
While-task procedures Where’s the crow Learn the new word: crow Review the words: hot, dry, thirsty, tired 1.1Listen and enjoy 1.2Ask and answer 通过对故事的听,使学生能够简单熟悉故事内容。通过先出示问题,让学生带着问题去听。 师生互评 (核心词汇和句型的熟练度反馈) 自主评价 (自主检测文本信息关键内容截取的自主学习能力反馈)
2. Know the story of the thirsty crow Learn the new words: bottle, pebble, idea Learn the new sentence: I have an idea. 2.1 Watch the video 2. 2Listen and read 2.3Ask and answer 通过各种活动分情节学习故事内容,通过让学生演一演和自己说一说加深巩固学生对于故事的理解和记忆。
Post-task activities 1. Review the whole story 1.1Do the match 1.2Look and read 通过多种形式的练习加深学生对故事的理解,培养学生获取信息能力。 师生互评 (陈述性文本信息结果校正性反馈) 小组评价 (对扫读、朗读策略运用的反馈)
2. Retell the story 2.1Fill in the blanks 2.2Try to summarize the story 通过故事的讲解与听读的训练,使学生进一步理解故事的意思,并通过关键词的填空,进一步巩固故事内容。
Assignment 1. Listen and read the new words: sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired 2. Copy and recite the new words 3. Choose one part of the story and try to act it out.
Board design 4A M1U3 P2 Summer holiday -on the beach2 A thirsty crow How do you feel I’m…. thirsty, tired sad, happy, hungry, full, a bottle some pebbles an idea
Period3 Summer holiday –a good day
Ben, Kitty and Sam go to Peter’s home in the afternoon. Sam is thirsty. He drinks Ginger’s water .The water is nice and Sam is happy, but Ginger is not happy. She is thirsty too. Peter gives Ginger some water and now Ginger is happy, but she does not like Sam. They don’t like each other.
1. Are you … Yes, I’m…. / No, I’m ….
2. How does…feel He / She is….
3. Here’s some … for you.
Kitty and Ben go to Peter’s home in the afternoon. They want to play with Peter. Sam is _______. He drinks Ginger’s _______. Ginger is ______.They don’t like each other. They go back home in the evening. There is a post office near the lamp post. They see a _______ in the post office. He is eating __________. He is _____. Kitty and Ben are _____. They have a good time for the summer holiday!
教学过程 教学内容 教学方法 教学目的 评价方法
Pre-task preparations 1.Warming-up: About summer holiday of Kitty’s family 1.1Listen and enjoy 通过不断地复现已学文本内容,学生能够复现在上一课时所学的知识内容,为这一课时的教学做好铺垫。 即时评价(对前一课时作业的反馈)
While-task procedures 1.Go to Peter’s home 1.1Listen and read 1.2Ask and answer 通过Sam想跟着Kitty 和Ben去Peter家玩的情境引入今天的教学内容。 师生互评(对阅读策略运用的反馈) 自主评价(对自主思考的反馈) 小组评价(对截取文本信息策略的反馈)
2. Tell Peter the story of the thirsty crow Review the words and sentences 2.1Ask and answer 2. 2Fill and read 通过Kitty 给Peter讲述在沙滩上所看到的有趣的故事,对于上一课时的内容进行简单的回顾。
3.Sam and Ginger Learn the new word: each other Learn the sentence: Here’s some…for you. Review the words: happy, thirsty 3.1Watch and answer 3.2Work in pairs 3.3Role play 3.4Say and act 在理解对话内容的基础上,模仿语音语调,并进行角色表演,看图理解课文意思,引入生词: each other并学习。
Post-task activities 1. Read the words: toast, postman, lamp post Learn the sounds: /st/ 1.1Listen and repeat 1.2True and false 在Kitty 和Ben回家的路上,看到了一个邮局,展开对发音的学习,训练学生的辨音能力,再后进行发音举例,巩固发音。 小组评价 师生互评 (陈述性文本信息结果校正性反馈)
2.Retell the whole day 2.1Fill and read 2.2Try to say 呈现整篇课文情节,引导学生回顾整个故事,能够形成语言输出。
Assignment 1.Listen and read the story on P14 2.Finish workbook P15 3.Say and act out the story with your friends
Board design 4A M1U3 P3 Summer holiday –a good day How do you feel I’m…. sad, happy, hungry, full, thirsty, tired How does…feel He / She is…. Are you … Yes, I’m… / No, I’m …
Period 4 Summer holiday-Kitty and Ben’s afternoon
Scene 1
It's a Sunday afternoon. Kitty has a new skateboard. Ben wants to ride his bicycle. So they go to the park.
Kitty: I'm happy. I have a new skateboard.
Ben: I'm sad. Look at my bicycle!
Scene 2
It's four o'clock in the afternoon. They go back home.
Kitty and Ben: We're back.
Mum: How do you feel
Kitty and Ben: We're tired.
Scene 3
Kitty and Ben are sitting on the sofa.
Mum: Are you hungry
Kitty and Ben: Yes, we are.
Mum: Have some biscuits.
Kitty and Ben: Thanks, Mum.
Scene 4
It's five o'clock in the afternoon. They enjoy the biscuits. Kitty is full now.
Mum: Are you thirsty, Ben
Ben: Yes, I'm thirsty.
Mum: Have some water then.
Ben: Thank you, Mum.
It's a Sunday afternoon. Kitty has a… skateboard. She is… Ben can’t ride his…He is…
It's four o'clock in the afternoon. They are…Kitty and Ben are…and…
Kitty and Ben are sitting on the sofa. They are…They eat…
It's five o'clock in the afternoon. Kitty is…now. Ben is…He wants to drink some water.
They have a good time
教学过程 教学内容 教学方法 教学目的 评价方法
Pre-task preparation 1. Warming up 1.1Review the words. 1.2Watch a video. 复习巩固第一课时核心词汇,加强拼读。 整体感知一下简单故事情节。 即时评价(对前一课时作业的反馈)
While-task procedure 1. Scene 1& Scene 2 1.1 Listen and enjoy. 1.2 Answer the questions. 1.3 Listen and complete. 1.4 Learn: How do you feel 1.5 Ask and answer. 1.6 Say a chant. 1.7 Make a chant. 1.8 Rewrite the sentence. 1.9 Play a guessing game. 1.10 Listen and circle. 通过Kitty、Ben和妈妈的对话引出How do you feel 的学习,并复习相同意义的How are you 并加强练习。 师生互评 (核心词汇和句型的熟练度反馈) 小组评价 (对扫读、朗读策略运用的反馈)
2. Scene 3& Scene 4 2.1 Listen and complete. 2.2 Think and learn. 2.3 Say a chant. 2.4 Think and say. 进一步学习,并理解have在不同语境中的含义,加以操练。
Post-task activity 1.More practice 1. 1Watch the video again. 1.2Act it out. 1.3Fill in the blanks 1.4 Look, read and complete 整体感知文本,并进行表演。 通过练习巩固知识。 合作评价 (对听读、扫读、朗读策略运用的反馈) 师生互评 (自主学习能力反馈、协作学习过程中做的贡献度的帮助性反馈)
Assignment 1. Listen to the text book on P12 2. Finish Part E on workbook P16
Board-design 4A M1U3 P4 Summer holiday –Kitty and Ben’s afternoon It's a Sunday afternoon. Kitty Ben happy sad four o'clock tired and hungry five o'clock full thirsty
Period 5 Summer holiday-Their feelings
Scene 1:
Hello. My name's Max. I'm a dog. I can run fast. This is my friend. His name is Duke. He can run fast and swim well. He is too fat and big. So he is always hungry. We like playing with balls together. We are so happy.
Scene 2:
Max: The park is so nice. I'm so happy. How do you feel, Duke Are you happy
Duke: No, I'm not happy. I'm so hungry. I want some biscuits and some water.
Max: Let's go back home.
Duke: Oh, no! But we can't find our home.
Scene 3:
Max and Duke: We are back.
Jojo: You look so tired. Are you OK
Max: Yes. Today we go to a new park. It's very nice. There are many dogs in the park. They like playing with us. We run and play ball games there. Today is a wonderful day. I'm very happy.
Jojo: Are you OK, Duke
Duke: No, no, no. I'm not happy today. It’s too hot. The park is not near our home. We run too far. We don't have any food or water. I'm very hungry. And I'm thirsty too. We can't find the way home. I'm afraid and tired.
Max and Duke are in the…The park is…They can’t find their…
Max is…But Duke is…
He is …and …
And he is…
教学过程 教学内容 教学方法 教学目的 评价方法
Pre-task preparations 1.Warming up 1.1 Do a quick response. 1.2 Read the rhyme. 1.3 Ask and answer. 1.4 Think and say. 利用快速反应等或活动进一步复习单元核心。 即时评价(对扫读、听读策略运用结果的反馈
While-task procedures 1.Scene 1: About words 1.1Enjoy the video. 1.2 Listen to the introduction. 1.3 Ask and answer 1.4 Listen and number. 1.5 Read in roles. 通过Max的自我介绍引入情境,巩固核心词汇,通过练习再次复习与强化重点单词的记忆与运用。 即时评价(对听读策略运用结果的反馈) 同伴评价(对分角色表演、陈述故事信息结果的互评)
2.Scene 2: About patterns 2.1 Enjoy the video. 2.2 Listen to the dialogue. 2.3 Answer and say. 2.4 Ask and answer. 2.5Listen and choose. 2.6Rewrite the sentences orally. 2.7Read in roles. 2.8Think and get the way home. 通过Max和Duke的对话再次巩固单元核心句型。 在各种适切的练习中复习与巩固单元核心句型 在脑力风暴中承上启下。 即时评价(对阅读图片信息结果的反馈)
3.Scene 3: About the passage 3.1 Enjoy the video. 3.2Listen to Part1 of the dialogue. 3.3Listen again and judge. 3.4Read in roles. 3.5Listening to Part 2 of the dialogue. 3.6Listen again and choose. 3.7Read in roles. 通过Max和Duke对一天经历的不同阐述,完现本单元单词和句式的综合理解、运用与分享。 师生互评 (陈述性文本信息结果反馈)
Post-task activities 1.More practice 1.1 Review the whole story. 1.2 Enjoy some pictures. 1.3Think and say. 在复现情境、再次整体感知的基础上,联系实情进行语用输出,感受环境、活动与心情的关系。 即时评价(对阅读图片信息结果的反馈) 同伴评价(对分角色表演、陈述故事信息结果的互评)
Assignment 1.Listen and read the text book from P12-P16. 2.Show the photo of yourself then ask and answer. -Where are you
-I’m in /at …
-What can you do
-I can…
-How do you feel
-I’m …(happy…) 3.Finish some written exercises.