人教版(2019)必修 第一册 welcome unit (第1课时)教案(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册 welcome unit (第1课时)教案(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 26.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-20 18:38:04



Welcome Unit 第一课时 教学设计
课题 Welcome Unit 第一课时
教学目标 Learn and master the key words and phrases. Train the students’ ability to pronunciation and listening. Enable the students know more about vowels. 4.Encourage students to learn more about introductions and greetings.
教学重点 Master the usage of key words and phrases. 2.Improve the students’ listening and speaking ability.
教学难点 Let students pay attention to the pronunciation of vowels. 2.Make the students know about how to communicate on the first meet.
教学准备 familiarize current topic games to raise students’ interests; preparation of some selective answers in case of non response.
教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Teacher greets the whole class as usual. Step 2 Preview check Teacher asks students the meaning of words, phrases and knowledge points learnt last lesson. Lead-in Step 3 Saying Teacher shows the pictures to lead the topic. A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. —Laozi Do you think so What’s your first step Do you think the first step is very important Video: Lost On The First Day Of High School What did the girl experience on the first day What was her feeling How do you feel on the first day of school Why so Step 4 New words Teacher explains the meaning of the new words, and asks students to translate the meaning of the whole sentence. exchange exchange programme exchange students lecture sex female-male nation nationality campus They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical. designer He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Douglas. informal Step 5 Let’s play Teacher choses students to answer the questions. She lives on __________ (= within the main university area). One evening the company arranged a __________ dinner after the play. We may be able to _________ a course to suit your particular needs. Have you come to _________ at the school It was a story that touched the _________ heart. He used to ________ me about getting too much sun. keys: campus 2. formal 3. design 4. register 5. nation’s 6. lecture Step 6 Pair work Discuss the questions in groups. Match the pictures with the sentences. A My name is Amy. I'd like to have a student ID card, please. B Hi, I'm Max Jackson. I'm an exchange student from the UK. C Hello, everyone! Welcome to our school! Describe what the people in the pictures are doing. Step 7 Listening practice Teacher shows the questions. Then teacher plays the listening material and asks students to answer. Amy is getting her student ID card. Listen to Conversation 1 and complete the table. Keys: 170143 Amy Jones the USA 1/One amyj16@.cn Max meets Amy in the dining hall. Listen to Conversation 2 and tick Max's favorite subject and Amy's favorite subject. Keys: maths chemistry Amy is talking to Ms Li, a school adviser, about which courses to choose. Listen to Conversation 3 and answer the questions. What does Amy want to be in the future A An engineer. B A designer. C A writer. What course will Amy probably choose A English. B IT. C Art. Keys: B C Step 8 People speak in a more polite way in formal situations. Introductions My name is ... I'm ... This is ... Have you met ... Do you know ... May I introduce ... I'd like you to meet ... I don't believe you know ... Greetings Hi/Hello! Good morning! What's up How's it going How are things going How are you How are you doing Nice/Glad to meet you. Responses Hi/Hey! Morning! Not much. Great! I'm fine, and you Very well, thank you. How about you Nice/Glad to meet you, too. Break the ice “Break the ice” is a common English expression. It means “to get comfortable with someone.” After the first greeting, the best way to break the ice is to ask for very basic information. This gives you a reason for starting the conversation. Here are some examples: How are you Where are you from What are you doing here or What brings you here Are you having a good time Prepare some basic answers about yourself now, so that you can introduce yourself with confidence and perfect English in the moment. Keep your answers short and simple so you have less time to make mistakes—and less time to lose someone’s attention! E.g. Where are you from What do you do What are you doing here How was your trip Are you having a good time What do you think of the weather Even when questions are specific, you can have a general response prepared. Say something generally positive, then add in more detail. Adding the detail keeps the conversation interesting. Then you can ask a question. Step 9 Discussion Teacher shows the topic and gives students examples to discuss. Work in groups. Choose one of the situations and make a conversation. Try to use the introductions and greetings below. A boy meets a girl during a break. An exchange student is talking to a teacher on campus. A boy and a girl are at the airport to meet a visiting group of teachers and students from England. Role play your conversations or things happened on the first day of school! Step 10 Pronunciation Listen and repeat. Notice the pronunciation of the vowels (A, E, I, O, U). Then add a word to each group. /ei/ /x/ grade es cape map cam pus /i:/ /e/ these Chi nese met forget /ai/ /I/ write a live quiz listen /au/ ID/ hope a lone frog coffee /ju:/ ht/ use future up dis cuss Step 11 Pronunciation tips video: VOWEL SOUNDS Step 12 Language points Teacher explains the language points and makes some exercise. exchange n. 交换;交流 vt. 交换;交流;交易;兑换 I’m an exchange student from the Uk. exchange student 互派留学生 exchange programmes 交流项目 exchange teachers 互派教师 exchange message 交换信息 an exchange of glances 交换眼神 an exchange of information 交换信息 in exchange for 用…交换 exchange blows 互殴,打起来 God offers to exchange what He has for what we have. 上帝愿意用他所拥有的来交换我们所拥有的。 Exchange programs let students live and study in a different country. 交换生项目可让学生到不同的国家生活以及学习。 lecture n. 讲座;讲课;教训 vi. (开)讲座;讲课 vt. 训斥 attend a lecture 听关于…的讲座;上课 lecture hall 讲堂;讲演厅 lecture notes 讲稿 lecture on 就…作报告 lecture theater 阶梯教室 Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _______ yet.[ ] A. hasn’t been decided B. haven’t decided C. isn’t being decided D. aren’t decided keys: A – Really Who will give_____ lecture What is it about --- Professor Chen, _____ president of Beijing University. About pollution. A the, a B the, ∕ C a, the D a, ∕ keys: B --- Jack, what about the lecture --- It is the most inspiring lecture that I _________ since I came to this university. A.attended B.have attended C.am attending D.had attended key:B register vt. & vi. 登记;注册 registration n. 登记;注册;挂号 household register 户口薄 registration card 登记卡 Newly-arrived guests must ________ at the hotel’s reception desk. A. register B. exchange C. expose D. apply keys: A nation n. 国家;民族;国民 nationality n. 国籍;民族 developing nation 发展中国家 revitalize our nation 振兴我们的国家 dual nationality 双重国籍 minority nationality 少数民族 Surprisingly, ____two thirds of the nation voted for his coming to power at a time when the two countries were at war. A.not more than B.not less than C.no less than D.no more than key: C Understanding the cultural habits of another nation,especially ________containing as many different cultures as America,is a difficult thing. A.the one B.one C.it D.either key: B 考查替代词。句意:理解另一个国家的文化习俗,尤其是像美国那样包含多种不同文化的国家的文化习俗,是一件困难的事情。one表示承接前面已经出现过的同种类的可数名词;承接同一个东西时用it。 design n. 设计;设计方案 designer n. 设计者 aesthetic design 美学设计;美术设计 appealing design 造型美丽;造型优美 artistic design 艺术设计;美工设计 by design 故意地 design for 设计来做… latest design 最新的款式 Our company is searching for a designer, especially ______ with creativity(创造力). A.the one B.that C.one D.those key: C The speech this world-famous designer ____ at this year’s Paris Fashion Show inspired everyone present.[ ] A. directed B. starred C. supported D. delivered key: D campus n. 校园;校区 campus culture 校园文化 campus life 校园生活 campus school 示范学校;实验学校 on campus 在校内 ______ in the school campus in spring, we will always notice a colorful display of flowers. A.Walk B.Having walked C.Being walking D.Walking key: D He hurried to the school only _______ the campus was empty ___ it was Sunday! find; because B.found; because of C.to find; because of D.to find; because key: D only + 不定式,放在句中表示出乎意料的结果,because of 因为,是介词短语,后跟名词,because 因为,连词,后跟从句。句意:他匆忙的到了学校,结果发现校园是空的,因为是星期日。所以选D。 Step 13 Exercise Teacher asks students to fill the gap together. __________ give something and get something __________ give educational speech to somebody __________ make record of something __________ male or female gender __________ people in land under single government __________ invent something __________ college or university site __________ official keys: exchange lecture register sex nation design campus formal Step 14 Summary Teacher leads students to have a summary of this lesson. Language points exchange, lecture, registration, register, sex, female, male, nationality, nation, design, campus, formal Others: The first day of school How to make introductions and greetings Break the ice Vowel sounds Step 15Homework Write an essay about “the first day of school”.
板书设计 Welcome Unit Period 1 Listening and speaking Language points exchange, lecture, registration, register, sex, female, male, nationality, nation, design, campus, formal Others: The first day of school How to make introductions and greetings Break the ice Vowel sounds
课后作业 Homework Write an essay about “the first day of school”.