人教版(2019)必修 第一册 welcome unit (第4课时)同步练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册 welcome unit (第4课时)同步练习(含答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 1.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-21 12:09:22



Welcome unit第4课时同步练习
Step One: Speaking
1.What clubs have you ever joined
2.We have different hobbies in our daily life. What do you think students do in these clubs Match the pictures with the names of the clubs.
Ballet club: 2
Nature Club: 4
Volunteer Club: 3
Debate Club: 1
Step Two: reading
A year back I received a full scholarship (奖学金) to attend the University of San Francisco. All of my hard work paid off. My mom had spent a lot on my attending a private high school, so I made sure to push myself: I volunteered, took part in various clubs, and graduated with honors. I was so excited to start a new part of my life.
Soon enough, the big day came, but it wasn't like what I had thought. The first two weeks were the most difficult days of my entire life. Every night I would cry myself to sleep. I was missing my family, my home and everything in my hometown so much and I didn't know how to deal with my broken heart.
To_distract_myself,_I threw myself into my studies. I also found a ton of jobs. In any free time, I started forcing myself to go to the gym. I wanted to keep every part of my day busy so I wouldn't think about how lonely I felt. Soon after, I began to control my eating, considering it another solution to my homesickness(想家). But soon there was something wrong with me.
Finally, I went to see a doctor. When the doctor told me I had no choice but to take time away from school, I started to fear. How could I stop School was what I was best at. “I'm not so bad,” I thought in my head. But the result was that I was taken to hospital again a month later and my mother came heartbrokenly. I had to take a semester off from school, and go to the treatment center near my home.
If there are girls who are suffering similarly, I hope you know that there is hope and that you should have a positive attitude towards life. Though you may feel alone, there are so many people who can understand your struggle. That's why I want to share my story.
1.What can we know about the author in high school
A.She studied very hard.
B.She disliked volunteering.
C.Her parents controlled much of her life.
D.Her family made her feel under pressure.
2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 most probably mean
A.To prove my ability.
B.To improve my studies.
C.To earn money by myself.
D.To draw my attention away from homesickness.
3.What is the author's purpose in writing this passage
A.To look back on her past life.
B.To increase her own confidence.
C.To express appreciation to her mother.
D.To encourage other girls like her to be positive.
“I feel unlikable, lonely and hopeless,” said Lisa, a bright teenager from a loving home. “It seems that nobody wants to become my friend. What's wrong with me?”
Like Lisa, many of us experience loneliness. The truth is that all people, no matter what their age or character — even the most outgoing, wealthy and popular — experience loneliness at least sometimes. It's healthy and natural to want to be around people who care. After all, we've all heard “No man is an island.” That's true. We all need others in our lives.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, explains that if we want friends, we must be friendly and reach out to others. But it has risk. Because we are often afraid of rejection (拒绝), many of us are unwilling to reach out to others. We take a safer way and wait for others to make friends with us. But if we want friends, we've got to get beyond this.
If making friends is your goal as well, you need to consider taking some measures (措施).
Be willing to take the initiative (主动权). If you see someone whom you would like to know, don't wait for her to make the first move. Get close to her and begin a conversation. Let her know in a non aggressive (无攻击性的) way that you are interested in being friends with her.
Reach out to those who are lonely. When you see someone at school sitting alone, go over and talk to her. And don't let popularity decide whom you reach out to. You'll often be surprised at the beautiful qualities behind a shy appearance.
Ask questions. Start your first conversation by asking this possible friend what she likes to do or asking about her family. Be sure to ask questions that cannot be replied with “yes” or “no”. For example, don't ask “Do you have a dog?” Instead, say “So, tell me about your pets.” Avoiding asking “yes” or “no” questions makes your possible friend not end your communication with a one word answer.
4.Why does the author begin the text with Lisa's worry
A.To set a sad tone.
B.To share Lisa's pain.
C.To introduce the topic.
D.To teach readers a lesson.
5.What can be a risk caused by reaching out to others according to the passage
A.Being refused by others.
B.Putting ourselves in danger.
C.Being treated in a rude way.
D.Losing interest in communicating.
6.What can we know from Paragraph 5
A.Shy people are hard to talk to.
B.Popular people are often easy going.
C.Just waiting for chances will waste our time.
D.A proper manner is important in making friends.
7.Why does the author suggest not asking “yes” or “no” questions
A.It is considered unfriendly.
B.It will leave a bad first impression.
C.It shows the poor quality of the speaker.
D.It isn't good for keeping a conversation going.
It was the last day of school. The teacher walked around the class and __1__ each student a piece of paper except me. It was everybody's __2__ for the year. I knew that I __3__ the class because I couldn't read. I was __4__ of being asked to come up in front of the class and read.
Suddenly the __5__ bell rang. My seat was next to the door so I just ran out of class across the playground until the fence (栅栏) of our school. I sat on the grass with my head in my knees and burst out __6__. A couple of minutes later I heard the crinkle (沙沙声) of a lunch bag and then __7__. I saw a girl in my class __8__ out my lunch. She set it down next to me then and didn't say a word. She __9__ sat with me till the bell rang. On the way back she put her arm around me. “You might not __10__ so well but I think you are a(n) __11__ painter in the class,” she said __12__. “My mom always tells me if I do the best I can, I will be better,” she added.
The rest of the day I was lost in thought __13__ I had drawn a picture of a black horse __14__ to reach some grass on the other side of a fence. When the last bell rang, I went to her __15__ where she was talking with her __16__ and put the picture down. I could hear the girls talking about the __17__ as I walked away. That __18__ a lot to me because it reminded (提醒) me that I was __19__ something. At the same time, I also __20__ that I wasn't doing the best I could.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文,主题语境是学习。考试没有通过,作者感到非常难过,在同学的安慰和启发下,作者认识到自己的问题,决心尽自己最大的努力把事情做好。
1.A.chose B.returned
C.gave D.made
2.A.grades B.wishes
C.promises D.schedules
3.A.liked B.took
C.failed D.organized
4.A.certain B.afraid
C.free D.careful
5.A.warning B.door
C.bicycle D.lunch
6.A.crying B.laughing
C.shouting D.singing
7.A.gave up B.set out
C.went on D.looked up
8.A.pushing B.moving
C.throwing D.holding
9.A.ever B.just
C.also D.still
10.A.run B.speak
C.read D.dance
11.A.lucky B.excellent
C.quiet D.active
12.A.fluently B.nervously
C.sincerely D.quickly
13.A.but B.and
C.so D.or
14.A.refusing B.fearing
C.learning D.trying
15.A.shop B.home
C.office D.desk
16.A.teachers B.parents
C.friends D.students
17.A.homework B.picture
C.problem D.accident
18.A.showed B.meant
C.taught D.offered
19.A.good at B.mad at
C.ready for D.grateful for
20.A.realized B.explained
C.agreed D.forgot
【语篇解读】 导语:本文是一篇记叙文。作者进入大学后非常想家,努力克服但效果甚微,最后导致身体不好不得不退学休养。
答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第一段的“A year back I received a full scholarship to attend the University of San Francisco. All of my hard work paid off.”可知,作者在高中时期学习很努力。
答案与解析:D 句意理解题。根据画线部分后的“I threw myself into my studies. I also found a ton of jobs...”可知,作者投入学习,并且找了很多工作,空闲时间还去健身,这些都是为了使自己忙起来,从而转移自己想家的注意力。
答案与解析:D 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段内容尤其是“If there are girls who are suffering similarly, I hope you know that there is hope and that you should have a positive attitude towards life.”可知,作者写这篇文章主要是为了鼓励跟她有着相似经历的女孩子积极面对生活。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了朋友的重要性以及如何结交朋友。
答案与解析:C 写作意图题。根据文章内容可知,作者用Lisa缺少朋友的忧虑开篇是为了引出本文的话题:友谊。
答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Because we are often afraid of rejection, many of us are unwilling to reach out to others.”可知,主动出击的风险是可能被他人拒绝。
答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第五段的“Let her know in a non aggressive manner that you are interested in being friends with her.”可知,交朋友时方式方法很重要。
答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Avoiding asking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions makes your possible friend not end your communication with a one word answer.”可知,问对方能用yes或no回答的问题不利于展开对话。
1.答案与解析:C 根据上文“It was the last day of school,walked around the class”及下文内容可知,老师给了除了作者以外的每人一张纸。
2.答案与解析:A 根据上文“It was the last day of school”和下文“for the year”可知,这张纸上是每个学生的成绩。
3.答案与解析:C 由下文“because I couldn't read”可知,作者考试不及格。
4. 答案与解析:B 由上文“because I couldn't read”可知,作者害怕被叫到前面去在全班同学面前阅读。
5.答案与解析:D 由下文“a lunch bag”可知,午餐的铃声响了。
6.答案与解析:A 根据上文“I sat on the grass with my head in my knees”及作者没有通过考试可知,作者突然伤心地大哭起来。
7.答案与解析:D 由上文“I sat on the grass with my head in my knees”及下文的“I saw a girl”可知,作者抬起头看到一个女孩。
8.答案与解析:D 由上文作者没有吃午餐就跑出教室及下文女孩对作者的鼓励可知,女孩拿出作者的午餐。
9.答案与解析:B 根据上文“She set it down next to me then and didn't say a word”可知,女孩放下午餐,没有说任何话,只是和作者一直待到上课铃声响起。
10.答案与解析:C 由上文“because I couldn't read”可知,作者阅读不好。
11.答案与解析:B 根据下文“I had drawn a picture of a black horse”可知,女孩认为作者是一位非常优秀的画家。
12.答案与解析:C 由下文女孩的话对作者的影响可知,女孩安慰作者时的态度是非常诚恳的。
13.答案与解析:A 根据语境可知,此处表转折,作者陷入深思,然而却画了一幅画。
14.答案与解析:D 上文中提到作者跑向栅栏,再结合女孩提到的她妈妈常对她说的话可知,画中的马竭尽全力到栅栏那边寻找绿草。
15.答案与解析:D 由上文“When the last bell rang”可知,作者走到女孩的座位旁。
16.答案与解析:C 由下文“I could hear the girls talking about”可知,女孩在和好朋友们交谈。
17.答案与解析:B 根据上文的“put the picture down”可知,女孩们在谈论作者放下的那幅画。
18.答案与解析:B 由下文可知,这幅画让作者感悟颇多,所以对作者来说意义深远。
19.答案与解析:A 根据上文女孩认为作者画画很棒及reminded可知,作者也有擅长的东西。
20.答案与解析:A 根据上文女孩妈妈告诉女孩的话和下文“I wasn't doing the best I could”可知,作者意识到自己还没有做到最好。